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In this article I examine Dewey's ambivalent attitude toward art museums — criticizing their existence as repositories for the rich, while exploring their educational potential — by analyzing Dewey's comments on museums in various texts, by relating his ideas to museum education theories and practice of the time, and by exploring his involvement with Albert Barnes and the Barnes Foundation. Specifically, I discuss how these men influenced each other and consider possible reasons for Dewey's involvement with a "capitalist collector" such as Barnes. This examination is placed within the broader context of Dewey's philosophy of art as experience. An analysis of these issues is especially relevant at the present time, given that museums are increasingly involved in K-12 education through outreach and professional development programs, in addition to school tours.  相似文献   

适时的中庸:布鲁贝克的高等教育哲学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对布鲁贝克两种哲学观念背景的分析,发现布鲁贝克哲学观念是一种适应时势发展的中庸之道,在本质上是以实用主义补充现实主义。不管是认识论还是政治论,都是一种基于解决现实问题的社会价值取向。  相似文献   

扩展认识论的两种进路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪中国哲学家不满于在西方近代产生的仅仅局限于知识经验的狭义认识论观点,主张把形上智慧纳入认识论研究的视野,阐发了一种扩展认识论的形上进路.在20世纪西方哲学中,存在着一条重要的思想线索,它在对知识经验的分析中强调knowing-how的重要性,展示了一种扩展认识论的实践进路.扩展认识论的这两种进路之间,存在着实质性的关联,比方说,在对人类认识及其成果的表达问题上,实践进路对于形上进路就能有所补正.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Frederick Schmitt and Reza Lahroodi explore the value of curiosity for inquiry and knowledge. They defend an appetitive account of curiosity, viewing curiosity as a motivationally original desire to know that arises from having one's attention drawn to the object and that in turn sustains one's attention to it. Distinguishing curiosity from wonder, the authors explore several sources of the epistemic value of curiosity. First, curiosity is tenacious: curiosity whether a proposition is true leads to curiosity about related issues, thereby deepening our knowledge. Second, it is to some extent biased in favor of topics in which we already have a practical or epistemic interest. Third, and most important, curiosity is largely independent of our interests: it fixes our attention on objects in which we have no antecedent interest, thereby broadening our knowledge. Schmitt and Lahroodi elucidate the value of curiosity by outlining its role in levels of development — an approach indebted to John Dewey's explanation of the value of curiosity. Finally, they raise some questions about the implications of their account for educational practice.  相似文献   

儿童哲学是产生于当代美国,并具有世界性影响的一门学科课程,“探究群体”,是儿童哲学的一个核心概念和重要的实施途径。本文在阐述“探究群体”基本观点的基础上,比较分析了儿童哲学与杜威教学理论的弄同,认为儿童哲学在一定程度上发展了杜威的教学理论。  相似文献   

文章从杜威实用主义生存哲学的内在逻辑着手,解析“从做中学”思想提出的生存论、经验方法及探求逻辑的理论根源,认为它不是一种教育理论,而是一种探求学习理论。正是基于实用主义生存论哲学和“从做中学”的学习观,杜威提出了著名的“教育就是生长、就是生活、就是经验的改造或改组”的教育思想,在人类教育思想史上占有独特的地位。  相似文献   

知行观是中国传统哲学中的一个基本问题。在儒学史上,孔子最先论及了知行问题。他的知行理论涉及道德论和认识论两个方面。一直以来,人们对其道德论意义作了重点研究,并取得丰硕成果。但其中所蕴涵的认识论思想也是传统哲学中一个不可或缺的组成部分。因此,有必要在其道德论意义的基础上,探讨其认识论意义,以及它对我们现代社会的意义和价值。  相似文献   

Bill Lawson and Donald Koch's book Pragmatism and the Problem of Race offers a range of essays that explore the relation of pragmatic philosophy to race and racial injustice. The authors hope to understand and correct for the systematic ignorance regarding race that characterised the social philosophy of John Dewey. Some of the authors document Dewey's distance from racial matters, while other authors defend particular aspects of Dewey's pragmatic method; and some authors develop reconstructions of Dewey's position to enable it to be sensitive to racial matters and racial inequalities.  相似文献   

认识论是马克思主义哲学的重要组成部分,是实践经验的深刻总结,但是,其中有些论述还值得我们去挖掘,去探讨。马克思主义哲学家以外的其他西方哲学流派对待认识论,尽管方法不同,结论各异,但都是时代精神的精华和人类思想的结晶,对于深入理解马克思主义哲学都有一定的借鉴意义。罗素的《哲学问题》中关于现象与实在的精彩论述,给了我们更多的启发。  相似文献   

A personal epistemology is more than a framework for knowing and understanding reality; epistemic assumptions cultivate corresponding behaviours and actions. In other words, an individual's way of knowing predisposes a way of being. This inquiry explores the lifeworld of epistemology experienced by 14 women in Malaysia. Based on constant comparative analysis of in-depth interviews with Malaysian women from various ethnic backgrounds, the paper proposes a personal model of self-in-practice that enacts an individual's pragmatic epistemology—the experience of epistemology in everyday life. Previous research identified ways of knowing as personal models of self; this study explores how these ways of knowing are demonstrated in the everyday lifeworld, or pragmatic epistemology. For the women in this study, pragmatic epistemology manifests itself two ways: everyday decision-making and emotional disposition. Thus, the personal model of self reflects both culture and cognition, resulting in behaviours and actions framed by personal epistemology.  相似文献   

Curiosity has rightly received much attention in epistemology and educational research. Although, through the centuries, it has been regarded with a degree of ambivalence, the trend now is towards its championing as an intellectual or epistemic virtue. The present discussion juxtaposes it against a contrasting way of knowing, which I refer to as knowledge by acquaintance. The notion of acquaintance pursued here parts company with Bertrand Russell's adoption of the expression, taking up instead a more ordinary use of the term. It is suggested that both curiosity and knowledge by acquaintance can present problems. Working through an example drawn from Stephen Poliakoff's film Close My Eyes, the paper seeks to reappraise the value of knowing by acquaintance for epistemology and for educational practice and research.  相似文献   


Goals for adding philosophy to the school curriculum centre on the perceived need to improve the general quality of critical thinking found in society. School philosophy also provides a means for asking questions of value and purpose about curriculum content across and between subjects, and, furthermore, it affirms the capability of children to think philosophically. Two main routes suggested are the introduction of philosophy as a subject, and processes of facilitating philosophical discussions as a way of establishing classroom ‘communities of inquiry’. This article analyses the place of philosophy in the school curriculum, drawing on three relevant examples of school curriculum reform: social studies, philosophy of science and Kura Kaupapa Māori.  相似文献   

Dewey declares that the teacher's calling is to be 'the prophet of the true God and the usherer in of the true kingdom of God'. This apparently religious declaration seems inconsistent with Dewey's philosophical position. An examination of Dewey's writings on religious issues reveals that his religious faith is a secular belief in democratic ideals, and that his teacher's alleged religious mission is in fact a worldly one. This article claims that Dewey's religious conception is a pragmatic conception designed to answer the social needs of American society in the 1930s, and that it presents no adequate solution to the problems of our contemporary world.  相似文献   

考察斯密特以实践的中介性为基础对“模写说”进行的批判及其在客观的规律性和实践的目的性双重逻辑中对马克思认识论思想的阐释,可以发现,由于没有充分领会马克思的实践概念作为存在论视域的基本意义,斯密特对认识论的阐释并没有达到马克思思想的原则高度。事实上,马克思思想的基本意义,并不在于对近代哲学产生的认识论问题的推进和完美解决,而在于从根本上突破了近代认识论哲学的基本框架,宣布了此种哲学的解体和终结。  相似文献   

洛克的经验论是以承认客观世界的可知性为前提的,相信人能够认识外在的客观事物,最终将经验论的认识论理论化和系统化。休谟从经验主义原则出发,不承认经验之外的任何对象的可知性,是唯心主义的不可知论。而康德关于人的认识能力的哲学则主要倾向主观唯心主义和不可知论,是一种二元论。三种哲学体系是在继承和批判前人学说基础上建立起其自身独特的哲学体系,并深刻反映了社会现实,对后世哲学产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

In this study I investigated how students' mathematical activities, and thereby their mathematical understandings, change as a function of their participation in different social configurations. I examined how the interplay between 2 social configurations-local investigations at a computer simulation and whole-class discussions-contributes to how 7th-grade students learn probabilistic reasoning. I used 2 case studies to investigate (a) how different forms of participation are linked to different social configurations, and (b) how specific discourse practices and ways of reasoning propagate across the classroom and are adopted by individual students. The analyses suggest that classroom mathematical practices are developed, in part, for the social or communicative purpose of settling disputes and not purely for their rational or cognitive value to individuals. Results also provide insight into how to design and orchestrate classroom practice, particularly computer-mediated inquiry, to foster individual learning that is situated within a classroom community oriented toward the construction of a shared understanding of probability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will explore how Albert Camus has much to offer philosophers of education. Although a number of educationalists have attempted to explicate the educational implications of Camus’ literary works, these analyses have not attempted to extrapolate pedagogical guidelines towards developing an educational framework for children’s philosophical practice in the way Matthew Lipman did from John Dewey’s philosophy of education, which informed his philosophy for children curriculum and pedagogy. We focus on the phenomenology of inquiry; that is, inquiry that begins with genuinely felt doubt, pointing to a problematic to which the inquirer seeks a solution or resolution. We argue that the central purpose of education is to develop lucid individuals. To this end, we concentrate on Dewey and the pragmatist tradition, starting from Peirce, leading to Lipman’s development of Dewey’s educational guidelines into classroom practice. We show where Camus and the pragmatists are congruent in their thinking, insofar as they can inform the educative process of the community of inquiry. What we conclude is that the role of the teacher is to develop lucid individuals facilitated in a classroom that is transformed into a community of inquiry embedded in contemporary historical moments.  相似文献   

文章从历史与现实相结合的角度,重新探索了杜威实用主义哲学蕴含的民主和科学精神,阐释了杜威自由主义与个人主义存在的内在合理性,以及杜威对历史与现实的超越。这对重新认识西方哲学有一定的启示。  相似文献   

This article offers a Weberian perspective on philosophy's relationship to social science research in education. Two key areas where it can make an important contribution are discussed: methodology, and the clarification of value principles that necessarily frame inquiries. In relation to both areas, it is claimed that some researchers underestimate philosophy's contribution, while others exaggerate it. Thus, in methodological work, there are those who effectively suppress philosophical issues, producing 'methodology-as-technique'; at the same time, others generate 'methodology-as-philosophy', often denying the possibility of knowledge, the regulative ideal of truth, and the desirability of objectivity. It is argued that both these tendencies are counterproductive: neither enables research on education to flourish. In relation to the second area, it is shown that philosophy is needed to clarify the value principles that educational researchers use to frame their inquiries; but, at the same time, that it cannot provide a value framework to govern social science. The concept of equity is discussed as an example. In summary, it is argued that while philosophy plays an essential role in social and educational inquiry, there are important limits to its contribution.  相似文献   

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