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面对多元价值冲突的困境——伯林论题的再考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以塞亚.伯林主张价值多元论的观点同时也坚持自由主义的立场,但这两者之间的关系并不是自明的,政治哲学界对此一直存在着争议。通过考察伯林多元性论题的内在困境,分析当代自由主义思想家对多元价值冲突问题的回应,我们提出在“反基础主义”的视野中来应对价值冲突的可能性与必要性。  相似文献   

Confucianism, long regarded as the key philosophy on personal character-building and interpersonal relations in Chinese society, used to be pivotal to citizenship education in Taiwan, but that has changed in the last 20 years. In the wake of democratization in the late 1980s, growing liberalism and pluralism in Taiwanese society prompted the authorities to widen the scope of the school curriculum to include a diversity of cultures and thus the influence of this ancient Chinese philosophy began to fade away. The new citizenship curriculum, introduced in 2010, is no longer structured around Confucian moral guidance, but has instead embraced pluralism. Confucianism, from the perspective of those Taiwanese citizenship curriculum designers who were interviewed, hinders the formation of civil society due to its overly strong emphasis on familial kinship and “sovereign-subject” paternalism. Engulfed by Confucian moral principles, the critical and reflective competence of the individual often fails to develop. The new citizenship programme therefore attempts to counter the emphasis on fostering “obedient citizens” under monolithic Confucian doctrines and envisions a resilient civil society open to pluralistic voices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Religious education (RE) has often found itself at the centre of debates about education's role in promoting social cohesion in contemporary multi-religious societies. The paper considers RE's relationship to religious plurality within the broader context of politics of curriculum and debates on pluralism. Drawing upon the recent works on the history of religion and using the teaching of the histories and cultures of Muslims in RE as a case study, it argues that RE has yet to fulfill its potential in this regard. The paper examines reasons for this and recommends alternative approaches to content which may help RE rise to the challenges posed above.  相似文献   

This article explores a pluralist understanding of learning for sustainability in educational theory and relates it to outdoor education practice. In brief, this kind of learning can be described as a deep engagement with an individual’s multiple identities and the personal location in diverse geo-physical and socio-cultural surroundings. I identify the intersection of learning for sustainability and pluralism in three themes: learning as transformation, learning as participation and learning about identities and spaces. The reflections on what kind of learning outdoor education could seek to promote potentially help the field to clarify its role as a sustainable education approach. A programme designed to be responsive to both sustainability and pluralism would enable learners to explore the multifacetedness of a location and provide space for them to share and exchange individual experiences, perceptions and worldviews.  相似文献   

后现代主义课程观视野下职教课程开发新理念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
后现代主义是当代教育教学理论发展的重要哲学基础。后现代主义课程观具有动态性、开放性、内在自发性以及多元性等特征,它促进了我国职业教育课程新理念的形成,在职业教育课程开发理念上呈现出课程目标取向的多元化、课程模式的多元整合开放灵活化、课程开发主体的合作化以及课程结构的生态化等方面的转变。  相似文献   

冯.哈耶克是当代著名的自由主义代表人物,他把自由主义思想与对教育的观察相结合,对教育与国家的关系、教育机会均等以及教育中的自由与知识进步等提出了创新性的见解。通过对自由与平等及其限度的分析,期望哈耶克的教育视野为当前我国教育改革与发展提供参照性的启示。  相似文献   


This article argues that deliberative theory provides an important contribution in the debate about the legitimacy of an Islamic influence within the British education system. The contribution is a timely one, in light of the tendency to view issues involving Islam and Muslims through the distorting prism of Islamophobia. The contribution of deliberative theory is developed and explained through a constructive comparison with two positions within debates about the legitimacy of religion and the accommodation of minority claims within education: ethical liberalism and ethical pluralism.  相似文献   

当代西方自由主义的发展趋向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代自由主义在西方政治观念和社会政治生活中始终保持着重大影响。经历了2 0世纪前期和中期的发展 ,以及末期与社群主义、保守主义等思想的激烈论争 ,自由主义日愈显明它在 2 1世纪的发展趋向 :维护以个人主义为基础的个人自由 ;倡导积极、平等的个人自由 ;多元主义倾向 ;关注政府与市场的关系及其对个人自由的影响。  相似文献   

自由主义是当代西方资本主义国家的主流意识形态。伴随着经济全球化的纵深发展,自由主义思潮也不断向全球扩张,给世界带来了广泛而深远的冲击。实践证明,新自由主义的理论观点和政策主张,不仅给广大发展中国家带来了沉重的经济负担、政治灾难和信仰危机,也使西方发达国家自身陷入了重重危机之中。  相似文献   

对于公民资格的概念涵义,围绕公民资格的主体、资格的内容和公民生活的政治体有多种不同的理解。公民资格议题成为当代西方政治哲学的主流话语,具有深刻的历史背景,也是其理论自身的魅力和逻辑演进的结果。公民资格理论研究的主要论题在论辩的两个阶段不同,从而形成自由主义、社群主义和多元主义、后现代公民资格理论等不同流派。  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the contemporary educational discourse on critical thinking as one of the primary aims of education, its modernist defence and its postmodernist criticism, so as to explore a new way of conceptualizing critical thinking for moral education. What is at stake in this task is finding a plausible answer to the question of how the teaching of critical thinking in moral education can contribute to leading young people to avoid moral relativism while at the same time to develop a coherent way of responding to cultural pluralism. The paper takes Bernard Williams's concept of ‘ethical reflection’ as a possible candidate and explores this concept as a means of accommodating these concerns.  相似文献   

Susan Sutherland Isaacs (1885–1948) was arguably the most influential child psychologist and educator of her British generation. Her work was studied by eminent contemporary academics, psychologists, philosophers and politicians. Her influence was international. She reached across the world to a generation of teacher educators who passed on her ideas to succeeding generations of primary teachers throughout the latter half of the twentieth century. She was a thoughtful and immensely erudite woman whose deep understanding of children’s thinking has been admired and discussed for nearly one hundred years. Her advice, under the pseudonym Ursula Wise, was much sought after by parents and nannies in the advice columns of the British magazine Nursery World. Susan Isaacs synthesised the work of earlier European and American educators into a particularly English package, suited to the practical bent of the English educator. Her work pre‐figures that of Piaget (whose early work she reviewed) and Vygotsky (whose work was translated from the Russian after her death). And always, at the heart of her work, lay the belief that deep observation was the key to understanding the complex and unique realities of individual children.  相似文献   

桑宁霞 《教育研究》2006,27(4):61-64,95
鲁迅的教育理念以大众教育和社会教育为基础,以实现个性、群体的自立、自信为逻辑起点,以科学教育和人文教育为途径,以开放、多元、灵活为手段,以民主、平等、尊重为实施前提。这对当代实施素质教育具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

在伯林眼中,理性主义一元论是西方文化源远流长的主流意识形态,是受到非主流意识形态不断批判和消解的意识形态;这种一元论不仅在概念上是错误的,而且也不尊重普通的经验事实。伯林通过分析理性主义一元论可能给人类带来的威胁,指出了在多元的现实世界里推崇一元论的危险性,从而也表明了他自己的观点:在政治与道德实践中,不能再沿袭一元论的思维模式,而应转向对多元论的诉求。伯林的多元主义的思考方式,已经成为当代政治思维的出发点。这也为我们今天反思既往的政治实践,转变政治思维方式提供了一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

王宝林 《唐山学院学报》2010,23(1):42-44,45
以罗尔斯为代表的新自由主义者与以哈耶克和诺齐克为代表的保守自由主义者,是当代自由主义为西方资本主义根本制度进行辩护的中坚力量。其中,罗尔斯的"正义"论所折射出的为平等的自由辩护所构建的合法性理论,诺齐克的"最弱意义国家"所体现的为自由权利至上辩护所构建的合法性理论,都深刻地代表和反映了当代西方社会政治、经济关系的深刻变化,同时又表现出了对传统自由主义合法性理论的深深眷恋。  相似文献   

畲族舞蹈是丰富灿烂的畲族文化的一个重要部分,认真审视它的传承、应用和发展,对创造和构建符合当代审美意识的新世纪畲族文化体系有着深远意义.畲族舞蹈工作者应该重视以下四个方面的工作:对传统畲族舞蹈的保护与开发;对现代畲族舞蹈的创新与发展;对群众性畲族舞蹈的普及与推广;对畲族舞蹈家的培养与关注.  相似文献   

古代教育一般指学校教育,有官学和私学之分。畲族官学之开办有其特殊性,是封建政权出于教化畲民,维护统一政权之目的设立的,畲民长期处于被动受教育地位。在畲汉交界地区的畲族官学,推动了汉文化在畲区的传播,培养出一批畲族知识分子,促进畲族社会文化的进步。但其对处于深谷之中的畲民影响有限,畲族官学仍是非常落后的。  相似文献   

当代世界公民教育的理念考察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了把握当代世界公民教育的理念,首先应该在民族主义和民主主义的紧张关系中把握公民教育的基本价值趋向,其次要把握在全球化背景下民族主义的新动向及其对公民教育的影响,最后要透过民主主义中自由主义(新自由主义)与共和主义(社群主义)的论争来把握公民教育理念的新走向。  相似文献   

钟璞  刘美生 《湘南学院学报》2006,27(6):35-37,50
中国传统的道家文化是在“道法自然”的“无为”哲学中追求自由的,是一种非理性的无欲之精神自由;而西方自由主义是在与其生产关系适应过程中追求自由的,是一种理性的占有之物质(包括制度)自由。对道家文化之自由与西方自由主义之自由作一比较研究,可以更深刻地理解中西文化差异,也可以更全面地批判和借鉴西方自由主义思想。  相似文献   

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