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高校图书馆电子阅览室读者满意度评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子阅览室作为高校图书馆的重要服务窗口,受到高校学生的重视和欢迎.本文针对高校图书馆电子阅览室管理和利用中存在的问题,运用层次分析法对电子阅览室读者满意度进行评价,在实证分析的基础上提出了提高电子阅览室读者满意度的对策建议.  相似文献   

高校学生利用电子阅览室存在的问题及对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高校学生利用图书馆电子阅览室方面存在的问题与解决方法。发挥电子阅览室作用;为学校培养创新人才服务。  相似文献   

结合电子阅览室的工作实际,从读者的不同需要出发,阐述了电子阅览室如何利用现有的资源,开展形式多样的服务来提高电子阅览室的资源利用率,更为有效地开展信息服务工作,从而为高校的教学和科研工作提供有力保障.  相似文献   

高校学生阅览室是学生学习的重要场所,切实搞好高校学生阅览室的服务工作是十分必要的,这不仅关系到图书馆服务水平和品牌形象的高低,而且也关系到能否发挥图书馆知识的喷泉作用,关系到学生学习的方便和成绩的提高,所以急需对此展开研究。一、营造良好的读书环境环境是人类生活、工作、学习的重要影响因素,学生阅览室是学生学习、看书的重要场所,它不仅决定着学生学习的效率,而且也是图书馆良好氛围的组成部分,合适的面积、雅致的装饰、人文的布置,都能对学生的学习起到积极的促进作用。工作人员要认真搞好阅览室的环境卫生,时刻保持室内地…  相似文献   

随着电子阅览室的普及,电子阅览室的管理和服务成为图书馆管理的重要内容.加强电子阅览室的科学管理和提高电子阅览室的服务质量,需要通过完善管理制度、加强对读者管理、提高工作人员素质、丰富电子资源等措施加以实现.  相似文献   

伴随着电子阅览室的普及使用,强化高校电子阅览室的科学管理和优质服务,成为高校图书馆管理的重要内容。加强电子阅览室的科学管理和提高电子阅览室的服务质量,需要通过完善管理制度、强化服务理念、提高工作人员素质、丰富电子资源及利用高效技术手段等措施加以实现。  相似文献   

新升本院校系级资料室建设首先应充分认识建立系级电子阅览室的必要性和重要性,强化电子阅览室的信息服务,认真做好系级电子阅览室的服务工作。注意强化电子阅览室自身资源建设,不断提高服务水平,加强电子阅览室的管理,提高电子阅览室工作人员的素质。其次,文献资源建设要突出专业性。第三,系级资料室文献保障应明确三个问题,即文献的依附性问题、特色化馆藏建设的问题、读者需求变化的问题。  相似文献   

随着电子阅览室的普及应用,强化高校电子阅览室的科学管理和优质服务,成为高校图书馆管理的重要内容。在高校图书馆电子阅览室的管理和服务中还存在很多问题,加强科学管理和提高电子阗览室的服务质量,需要通过完善管理制度、强化服务理念、提高工作人员素质、丰富电子资源及利用高效技术手段等措施加以实现。  相似文献   

电子阅览室为远程教育学生的独立探索提供了必要的学习资源环境和条件,已成为现代远程教育的支持体系。电子阅览室的管理人员不但要注重自身思想素质和业务技能的提高,还需要了解和熟悉远程教育,才能为远程教育学生自主学习提供优质的服务。  相似文献   

数字阅览室是图书馆现代化建设的重要组成部分。作为对读者服务的重要窗口,开展多种多样的电子信息服务是做好数字阅览室工作的前提,提高工作人员的素质是数字阅览室建设的关键。  相似文献   


This study explored preservice teachers’ (PSTs) perceived competencies and weaknesses in regard to working with a diverse range of students’ families, as well as what contributes to their level of preparedness to serve different family types. A sample of 25 Elementary Education PSTs completed surveys and participated in interviews related to their family-related coursework and experiences, memories of home-school connections, and future plans to connect with students’ families. Numeric frequencies of responses showed that PSTs felt the most prepared to serve traditional (‘nuclear’) families and the least prepared to serve divorced, single and same-sex parents. A thematic analysis revealed a contrast between participants who simply desired to serve and those who felt ready to serve different family types. Participants also rejected the notion of a ‘normal’ family, while simultaneously using heteronormative language when discussing different family types. The article offers implications for teacher educators.  相似文献   

Community colleges and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) often serve the same populations; however, the historical purposes, policies, and practices of HBCUs often better prepare them to serve first-generation students. Although both HBCUs and community colleges have their origins within the same historical period, the forces that created each of these branches of higher education also created a divergence in how they operate. This article looks at the most critical of those shaping forces to identify why HBCUs and community colleges often view their mission and their students differently and, thus, perform their work differently. The increased diversity of students whom community colleges are serving provides an opportunity for community colleges to look at HBCUs' successes and determine how community colleges can learn from and adapt those successes with students of color especially. The article suggests that in their mission to serve transfer students, community colleges can learn much from HBCUs' successes with underprepared students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze the policies and practices of schools in Japan that serve large numbers of bilingual students. Using the notion of imagined communities (Anderson, 1991; Norton, 2001), I examine the relationship between the schools' visions for their students, their current policies and practices, and the students' identities. Based on the ethnographic data collected at four schools in Japan that cater to very different groups of bilingual children, I argue that schools have visions of the communities and societies in which their students will grow up to participate. Moreover, these visions condition the schools' current policies and practices and ultimately affect the identities of the students. Because the students at the four schools are expected to lead different futures, they are being prepared for different kinds of bilingualism. In this stratification process, it is the least privileged bilingual children who are socialized into the most impoverished imagined communities.  相似文献   

高校社团是非常活跃的教育力量,是锻炼大学生社会实践能力的阵地。针对城中村小学生源结构多元、生源质量偏弱、专业教师缺乏等不足,高校社团应发挥自身积极优势,从提供师资、活动资源等方面参与并服务城中村小学第二课堂活动。  相似文献   

A highly touted feature of the so-called global “revolution” in higher education is the trend to use information technology to reach a broader clientele. Although there is evidence that students may be learning the material in on-line courses as well as in traditional face-to-face universities, how well students learn content is not the only reason they persist to a degree, and student persistence is an important goal of higher education institutions. In this paper, we make the case that the life conditions for students attending virtual universities are different from those of “traditional” students in face-to-face universities, and that this difference puts a particular (largely non-pecuniary) premium on time to degree. With our data from a Catalan virtual university, the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), we are able to test this hypothesis directly by using the heterogeneous degree structure of the Catalonian/Spanish higher education system to estimate whether the number of courses required to get various degrees (the length of the degree program) is significantly related to student persistence. The study analyzes several cohorts of students (those who entered in 2000–2003) studying in the UOC and estimates the factors that influence their degree completion. We find that the completion rate is generally low, but that students taking shorter degree courses at the UOC are much more likely to complete their degrees. This suggests that, given their clientele, on-line universities operate under very different constraints from their face-to-face counterparts. Our results are important for higher educational researchers, who have mainly focused on younger populations attending face-face universities. They also can serve university administrators who launch distance education degree programs and make high stakes decisions about them with little of no information on the likely behavior of their older students, and can serve employers who are deciding whether to subsidize their employees to take advanced degrees through on-line programs of study.  相似文献   

为了深入了解聋校中学生的人格特征和培养他们的良好个性品质, 本研究对不同性别、年级和不同程度听力损失的聋生进行了人格调查和统计 分析。研究结果表明:性别、年龄、听力、智力及学习成绩是影响人格形成与 发展的重要因素,尽可能地保留残余听力和提高学业成绩有助于聋校中学生 人格的发展。  相似文献   

王亚南  刘昌 《成人教育》2013,(12):79-81
个性是表现在一个人身上的那些经常的、独特的、稳定的、本质的心理倾向和心理特征的总和,个性的差异性既表现在个体之间,又表现在不同性别之间,而学生个性的性别差异在能力、气质、性格等方面表现尤为明显。为了更好地促使男女学生的个性得到良好的发展,以便较好地适应社会与服务社会,教育者要采取有效措施,尊重学生的差异,因材施教。  相似文献   

高校政治工作中,高度重视和充分运用信息网络技术开辟思想政治工作,使广大师生在享受因特网传播信息便利、快捷的同时,增强政治敏锐性和政治鉴别力。随着高校校园网络的日益普及,网络对广大青年学生的学习、生活、认知模式、价值观念和思想观念都产生了广泛而深刻的影响。在网络时代,要做好学生的思想工作就必须大力推进思想政治教育进网络工作。  相似文献   

大学生素质教育与高校图书馆建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆在大学生素质教育中发挥着独特的作用。高校图书馆应拓宽馆藏口径,加强信息资源建设,创建良好的人文环境,为大学生实践教育服务。  相似文献   

学生社团与大学生成长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生社团在对大学生思想品质上的潜移默化、提升大学生的社会适应能力、丰富大学生业余生活以及增强大学生的群体凝聚力等方面具有不可替代的作用。学生社团在自身组织建设和有效管理上还存在许多亟待解决的问题,应该将社团工作纳入学校整体育人工作中,切实加强社团建设,以服务学生成长成才为着力点发展建设学生社团。  相似文献   

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