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Curricular changes in higher vocationaleducation have rendered teachers' instructionaldesign activities increasingly important. Usinga repertory grid technique, this paper sets outto analyse current design activities of tenteacher trainers. Their actual approach iscompared with an instructional systems design(ISD) approach and related to innovativeteacher roles. Teachers' activities show animbalance in two ID phases, that is problemanalysis and evaluation. The results suggestthat they attempt to translate curricular goalsdirectly into concrete lessons and they payrelatively little attention to evaluation. Inline with this finding, they underrate the twoinnovative teacher roles of the `diagnostician'and the `evaluator'. It is argued thatimbalanced or incomplete design approaches andperceived roles may hinder innovation ineducation. Implications for the support ofteachers' design activities are discussed.  相似文献   

教学系统设计方法在国内外企业培训领域中占有主导地位。本文阐述了教学系统设计在培训领域的应用方法和过程,并对如何在培训中实施教学系统设计做了具体深入的分析。另外,本文也探讨了随着社会的发展,教学系统设计在培训领域的应用中出现的问题,并对此给出了作者的几点看法。  相似文献   

Three worlds of ID are distinguished. The Worldof Knowledge stresses the analysis of learningoutcomes in knowledge structures and theselection of instructional strategies forparticular outcomes; the World of Learningfocuses on particular learning processes andthe synthesis of strategies that support thoseprocesses; the World of Work focuses onreal-life task performance and strategies thatsupport learners while they work on authenticproblems. Contributions to this Special Issueare discussed within the three-world framework.Implications for future research are discussed,stressing the promise of mental models as atheoretical construct that may help to buildbridges between the three worlds.  相似文献   

Design research (DR) has been an emerging research paradigm in the field of educational technology as well as in education generally for two decades. Educational design research integrates design and research into a socially responsible approach to inquiry related to learning and teaching. Given its still relative novelty, design research requires further discussion regarding what it is and how it can be effectively executed. Instructional Systems Design (ISD) is one of the major activities carried out by educational technologists. Both ISD and design research deal with the enactment of design to improve educational practice. This paper describes the differences and similarities between these two activities and addresses the implications of these differences and similarities for educational technology researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

本在阐述了网络课程的教学设计理论及教学设计方法的基础上,通过对《工程力学》网络课程进行总体策划和教学设计,论述了以正确的教学思想为指导、分析学习的特征、分析教学内容、选择教学媒体等设计理念及设计方法,介绍了《工程力学》网络课程的基本情况、功能模块和设计开发具有仿真性、交互性和实践性的网络课程的方法。  相似文献   

社会的发展对高职高专学生的英语口语能力提出了越来越高的要求,英语口语教学也得到了更多的重视。但口语课程由于其自身的特点,在教学中有许多困难。本文就英语口语课程的教学设计作一些探讨,试图寻求有效方法以提高教学效果。  相似文献   

基于问题解决的处方教学设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
问题是知识结构的心脏,是教师教学的心脏,是学生学习的心脏。教学过程实质上是师生基于问题解决的互动过程,教学设计则指向于问题与问题解决过程的有效设计。前者在于教学过程中的“临床诊断”,后者在于“开处方”。教学设计可归结为基于问题解决的处方教学设计。  相似文献   

阐述了当前中等职业技术学校在改革教学方法、教学手段中使用多媒体教学的必要性,分析了在教学中设计制作和使用多媒体课件存在的一些问题,提出了解决这些问题应采取的策略。  相似文献   

林雯  栾舒惠 《高教论坛》2004,(4):134-136
本文结合《摄影技术基础》网络课程的设计和制作,探讨网络课程开发中的教学设计问题。  相似文献   

信息技术与高中语文课程整合的教学设计初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息技术与学科课程整合是目前教育界探究的热门话题之一,整合的模式和方法也有很多种。在正确理解课程整合内涵的基础上,阐述了信息技术与高中语文课程整合的内涵及其特点,并对信息技术与高中语文课程整合的教学设计方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

传统教学设计与现代教学设计之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王千 《南昌教育学院学报》2011,26(2):131-131,133
本文介绍传统教学设计和现代教学设计之间的区别,共同点和联系,基于对二者的认知,对在传统的教学设计的基础上发展的现代教学设计提出要求。更好地了解二者设计理念的差异与相同,来更好地服务于实际的教学实践中。  相似文献   

分析了教育技术公共课的现状,提出混合学习能解决当前存在的问题,可以较好地实现该课程的教学目标,并详细地从学习者分析、环境分析、教学目标分析、教学策略和资源的设计、学习评价的设计5个方面阐述了如何在该课程中进行混合学习的设计。  相似文献   

随着科学哲学和认知心理学对于“人类如何学习”问题的深入研究,人们逐步发现了传统教学设计的“目标模式”在认识论上的不足.情境认知理论认为,人的学习活动和环境是相互建构的整体,而不是相分离的实体.  相似文献   

This article reviewed recent studies of instructional design theory in Korea to explore major trends and suggest future directions. Based on the analysis of 40 articles from the Journal of Educational Technology between 1994 and 2006, this study identified six trends: little emphasis on the conceptualization of instructional design theory; dominant interest in instructional design theories for higher-order thinking skills or self-regulated learning; special interest in instructional design theories for motivation and interactivity; emergent studies on the generic topic of instructional theories; heavy emphasis on instructional design theory for computer or Web environment; and sparse developmental research. Future directions of study for instructional design theory in Korea are suggested in response to issues arising from these trends.  相似文献   

本文从问题背景下的教学内容组织、课堂教学设计、现代化教学手段的运用等方面探讨了基于问题解决的线性代数课程教学设计。分析了问题解决的教学思想应用于线性代数课程教学的积极意义。通过对提出问题、指导学生科研等教学实践的思考,总结了如何帮助学生创设问题、解决问题,提高学生问题解决能力,构建创新能力培养的新平台。  相似文献   

移情教学设计及其网络教育运用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先探讨了移情、移情设计以及e-leaming中所应用的移情教学设计,然后分析了网络教育中应用移情教学设计的必要性和其可能对网络教育产生的影响,并在此基础上总结了在网络课程建设中应用移情教学设计的具体方法步骤。  相似文献   

Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Cognitive load theory has been designed to provide guidelines intended to assist in the presentation of information in a manner that encourages learner activities that optimize intellectual performance. The theory assumes a limited capacity working memory that includes partially independent subcomponents to deal with auditory/verbal material and visual/2- or 3-dimensional information as well as an effectively unlimited long-term memory, holding schemas that vary in their degree of automation. These structures and functions of human cognitive architecture have been used to design a variety of novel instructional procedures based on the assumption that working memory load should be reduced and schema construction encouraged. This paper reviews the theory and the instructional designs generated by it.  相似文献   

当代信息加工学习理论把人类的知识分成两类 :陈述性知识和程序性知识。这两类知识在人脑中的表征和贮存方式是不一样的。因此 ,获得的方式也不同。生物学教学内容如何根据这两类知识进行教学设计 ,提高学与教的有效性 ,是现代教学设计技术的基本内容之一。  相似文献   

The paper presents empirical evidence for imitativeproblem solving and the Interpretation Theorydescribed in Robertson and Kahney (1996). According tothe theory beginners use imitation as their primary problem solving method when learning about an unfamiliar domain. Imitative problem solving can explain much of the evidence that analogical transfereven within a domain is often hard to find. The paperpresents an analysis of algebra word problems topredict in detail exactly where solvers will havedifficulty in using a worked out example to solveeither a close or distant variant of the problem type.In a 2 × between-groups design, secondary schoolstudents were given an explanation of an algebra wordproblem taken from Reed et al. (1985)or an explanation of the problem that also includedinformation about how the solution could be adapted tosolve a distant variant. They were then given eithera close or distant variant to solve. Results were inline with the predictions derived from theInterpretation Theory analysis.  相似文献   

基于建构主义学习理论的网络课程教学设计模式思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络教学是建立在计算机辅助教学(CAI)和以广播电视为媒体的远程教育基础之上,利用计算机技术和现代通信技术发展起来的一种现代教学模式.与传统课堂教学相比,不论从学习的适用对象、教育内容的表现形式、课程的组织安排和学习者的学习方式来看,网络教学都具有其不可比拟的优越性.将网络教学引进学校是提高其课程教学水平的有效手段.其中,网络课程的设计是关键.本文基于建构主义理论,就学校网络课程的设计提出了自己的认识.  相似文献   

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