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Individuals seeking academic employment opportunities often do so by exploring hiring announcements that are advertised online through Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, American Society of Criminology, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. Because limited educational resources and budget constraints can impact hiring decisions that are made at institutions of higher learning over time, it is important for candidates to consider exactly what employers are looking for in prospective professionals and to see how they measure up to the demands brought on by academic job searches. Using quantitative content analyses of recent job postings on popular academic job search websites, this study explores recent trends in the hiring of criminology and criminal justice professionals, paying particular attention to exactly which positions are being sought after by colleges and universities and how the presence of online technology has changed hiring trends within our field.  相似文献   

With the announcement of the 1972Higher Education Guidelines, colleges and universities were mandated to expand recruitment activities beyond the usual network approach. The intent of theGuidelines was to broaden the search process with the ultimate goal of placing more candidates from underrepresented populations. The purpose of this study was to determine if any change occurred in hiring practices and, particularly, if any change occurred in the hiring of candidates from underrepresented populations for select academic administrative positions in four-year colleges and universities as advertised in theChronicle of Higher Education during the period from 1972 to 1976. It was found that changes in recruitment had taken place but that changes in hiring appeared not to have occurred.  相似文献   

Diversifying the faculty in community colleges, especially with faculty of color, continues to be problematic as we move through the first decade of the 21st Century. National statistics show that overwhelmingly the faculty continues to be Caucasian, even at a time when more and more students are coming from diverse ethnic backgrounds. This seemingly intractable problem is particularly acute in California, where the majority of community college students are students of color, but not the faculty. A faculty diversity program that has been in existence for 17 years has made important progress in changing the situation in southern California. This comprehensive program recruits, trains, and places interns in 10 community colleges in cooperation with a regional university. The results of the program demonstrate that substantial numbers of faculty of color are being prepared by the program and that they are getting hired in community colleges as adjunct and full-time faculty. Community colleges can be and should be proactive in identifying, developing, and hiring faculty of color. They shouldn't wait for other societal institutions to do the job for them. By working cooperatively with other local colleges, community based organizations that involve communities of color, and nearby universities, they have the opportunity to make significant inroads into diversifying their faculty. This program can and should be replicated in other parts of the country as a way to nurture the next generation of community college faculty leaders.  相似文献   

传统的高校教师的职业角色覆盖教学、科研和社会服务三大领域。若将高校作为一个学术职业系统,并沿用评价的研究范式,通过能力、同质或异质性、稳定性、集中性、一致性和动荡性六个分析维度作为比较基准,根据7所高校调研实测数据完成对现行高校学术职业从业者职业角色扮演现状的评价。研究发现,不同类型的高校对教师扮演的三大职业角色有所侧重;教书育人角色是高校教师公认的高稳定性角色,科学研究角色扮演角色呈现递增的趋势,社会服务角色存在相对稳定性。  相似文献   

As universities and colleges have changed, so has the role of faculty. Greater accountability is expected for faculty time and effort. This paper considers faculty roles by the institution preparing new faculty, the institution hiring new faculty, and the new faculty member themselves. All institutions are seeking faculty who are triple threats: integrate discovery, learning, and engagement; increase and maintain knowledge and technology; and involve students in their professional lives. Institutions preparing new faculty must develop models that stress not only quality research, but address the balance of faculty roles. Hiring institutions must select new faculty so that interest and balance match institutional goals. New faculty must understand what they want from academic life and seek appropriate institutions.  相似文献   

While many selective and moderately selective schools have attempted to increase the numbers of low-income students and students of color in their student body, few have successfully done so. In this qualitative case study, I examine the efforts of an elite, private, liberal arts school, Amherst College, as it increased the socioeconomic diversity of its student body, and I highlight the College's comparative success in this endeavor. Using Bourdieu's social reproduction theory as an analytic frame, I argue that Amherst's success is a result of its historic commitment to diversity and equality as well as its contemporary initiatives and the combination of multiple efforts that transcend simple rhetoric. These initiatives include widening the applicant pool by intensifying recruitment efforts and broadening definitions of merit, hiring a dynamic president as the voice and leader of the diversity movement, and garnering widespread institutional support. This article also includes a survey of the status of low-income students and students of color in the nation's colleges and universities over time and a brief history of diversity trends in higher education since World War II.  相似文献   

针对目前我国高校管理具体实践中学术权力被忽视、被弱化的情况,本文从学术权力行使的必然性和必要性出发,描述当前我国高校学术权力弱化的表现,并全面剖析了学术权力弱化的原因,最后提出高校学术权力实施保障的对策建议:一是摆正政府对高校管理的关系,提高高校办学自主权;二是正确处理高校内部学术权力与行政权力的关系;三是建立健全学术保障机制,加强学术管理;四是营造良好的学术氛围,保障高校知识权威的地位。  相似文献   

Race shapes many aspects of students’ high school experiences that are relevant to the college admissions process. We examine the racially-specific effects of high school course of study on college selectivity. Using NELS 1988–1994, we test how race and track interactively predict the prestige of the first post-secondary institution attended. We find support for a “redemptive equity model” of college prestige for Latinos, who attend more selective colleges than White students, net of background and academic variables. Asian American students also attend more selective institutions than White students. Results for African-American students are more complicated, in that the colleges they attend are not significantly different from those of Whites, on average. When we exclude students who attend historically Black colleges and universities, however, African-American students attend significantly more prestigious universities than Whites, net of other factors. We also find racially-specific effects of high school course of study, with Latinos, Asian Americans, and African-Americans appearing to benefit more from taking more rigorous academic courses than Whites.  相似文献   

Institutions of higher learning have been places where men have ruled supreme, but in the past 20 years women have come into the sphere of academia with strong academic backgrounds and an energetic desire to establish a place for themselves equal to their male counterparts in the profession. Women administrators, teachers, lecturers, research scholars, and counselors are moving into career positions and are sharing with distinction the responsibilities and duties of education. To maintain this academic impetus, women educators in junior colleges, in community colleges, and in universities must continue to strive for the highest goals. In a world of change and of much discord, educators will be called on to contribute knowledge and solutions that will lead to a more peaceful universe. Women educators must have a role in world affairs as well as in the educational institutions of the world.  相似文献   

高校建设应以师生为本,将育人当做重要责任,无论什么时候,师生均是学校主角及学校工作的着力点。时代呼唤高校“建绿色校园育绿色文明”,高校应转变办学理念,实施基于绿色环境培育、教育、熏陶人这一特色办学思路。当前,具体进行“绿色校园”特色建设时还存在目标不够明确、组织领导不够健全、运行管理机制不够完善、绿色校园的学术氛围不够浓厚等问题。对此,在进行高校“绿色校园”特色建设时应予以重点关注与解决。  相似文献   

大学生就业难,是当今社会一个严峻的现实,而新疆少数民族大学毕业生的就业难,则更是不争的事实,其深层原因在于:社会转型的影响;我区高校专业设置及培养模式与社会需求不相适应;高校为少数民族大学生求职提供的信息咨询服务等就业指导体系不够健全;用人单位考核人才向“复合型”方向发展。另外,少数民族大学毕业生自身方面还存在许多原因。因此解决就业难问题,从根本上讲,必须通过政府、学校、用人单位、及大学生自身等各方面的努力才能得到逐步解决。  相似文献   

The emerging female advantage in education has received considerable attention in the popular media and recent research. We examine a persistent exception to this trend: women’s underrepresentation in America’s most competitive colleges and universities. Using nationally generalizable data spanning four decades, we evaluate evidence for three possible explanations. First, we analyze whether men’s academic profiles more closely match the admissions preferences of elite institutions. Next, we consider organizational preferences for male applicants. Finally, we test whether women self-select out of elite institutions through their application choices. Using Blinder–Oaxaca non-linear decomposition techniques and multinomial logistic regression, we find that men’s advantage in standardized test scores best explains the enrollment gap. Our analyses thus suggest that the gender enrollment gap in elite colleges and universities is a matter of access, not student choice. We discuss the implications of these results for educational equity and college admissions.  相似文献   

教师的知识生产具有社会性,高校艺术类青年教师不仅承担着知识的传承与知识传播,还是知识生产的参与者,研究高校艺术类青年教师的知识生产与个人职业成长,发现艺术学科的知识生产规律。 研究发现高校艺术类青年教师普遍重视艺术创作,对高校的科研评价方式并不认同,青年教师的艺术创作呈现功利性与效率性特点。 艺术类青年教师应正确认识实践性知识生产与学术研究的关系,通过学术研究和总结艺术创作规律,指导个人艺术创作,实现实践性知识生产与学术研究的互补。  相似文献   

This article highlights the multifaceted character of the Swedish higher education sector and investigates senior academic management positions from a gender perspective using theories about an academic prestige economy and academic capitalism. The focus is on an aspect often overseen in research on Swedish academia: the distinction between universities and university colleges. The analysis draws on interviews with 22 women in senior management positions in Swedish higher education and a quantitative mapping of the Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions in universities and university colleges between 1990 and 2015. The results illustrate that the academic prestige economy is interwoven with both gender and academic capitalism and produce different working conditions and requirements for senior managers at universities and university colleges.  相似文献   

编辑出版是文化生产和传播的基础环节,肩负起构建和谐出版,促进和谐文化建设的历史重任。作为21世纪学报的主人,编辑的精神面貌和学术水准将直接关系学报的未来。为此,从编辑的学者化定位与学报的办刊水平、学报的类发展困境与学报的可持续发展等方面,阐述了编辑的学者化定位与21世纪高校学报可持续发展具有密切的关联性。  相似文献   

如果把我国所有公立大学看作是学术权力和行政权力所形成的椭圆形集合,那么不同类型、不同层次的大学就处在椭圆的不同的点上,大学内部的运行则出现或偏向于学术权力或偏向于行政权力现象。由于我国公立大学还受到来自市场、社会、政府和党的政治力量的影响,那么要进行大学制度的建设就要用第三部门的理念来指导大学制度改革,进一步扩大公立大学的办学自主权,提升大学自身市场化筹措办学资金的能力等几方面进行。  相似文献   

我国高校劳动合同制人员管理现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国高校规模的迅猛发展,近年来高校劳动合同制人员数量激增,并已成为高校教职工队伍的重要组成部分。本文在对劳动合同制人员界定的基础上,对劳动合同制人员产生的原因、特点及目前管理存在的问题进行分析,为今后高校相关政策规定的制定提供借鉴。  相似文献   

提高学报编辑的素质是学报事业可持续发展的需要   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提高高校学报编辑的素质是适应数字化时代发展的要求。是学报事业可持续发展的需要。良好的职业道德素质、合理的知识结构、较强的编辑技能和信息素质是高校学报编辑必备的基本素质。加强高校学报编辑的继续教育、自我教育、职业道德教育是提升编辑素质的基奉途径。  相似文献   

高等学校是培养具有创造性的高素质的人才的摇篮。高等学校培养创造性人才首先应该有一批具有创造性素质的教师队伍,使教师由知识传授型转变为知识创新型,其次高等学校还需要为创造性人才的培养构建一套行之有效的培养措施。  相似文献   

大学内部组织机构是实现大学职能的重要载体,大学作为一所学术性机构,其基层学术组织是大学组织有效运行的重要基础。当前,地方普通本科院校基层学术组织在发展中的地位和作用被忽视,权力和责任有限,存在发展方向模糊和发展实力不强等问题。在当前地方普通本科院校持续不断向应用型转型发展的形势下,应重视基层学术组织的地位和作用,加强基层学术组织的管理,探索基层学术组织的发展内容与方式,从而增强地方普通本科院校向应用型院校转型发展的效果。  相似文献   

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