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收容教养决定是一种具体行政行为并具有可诉性。但由于对收容教养缺乏系统、具体的法律、法规规定,人民法院在对收容教养决定进行司法审查时往往感到依据不足。结合现行法律规定,从职权主体、事实、法律适用、程序四个方面对收容教养决定进行司法审查不失为一种较好的方法。  相似文献   

关于对未成年人犯罪实施收容教养决定的司法审查问题,由于我国现行法律法规对此缺乏系统、具体的规定,因此人民法院在对收容教养决定进行司法审查时就时常感到法律依据不足。对这一司法实践予以探讨,以使其在现有条件下更具有可操作性。这一问题的最终完满解决,还需新的立法出台。  相似文献   

初二《思想政治》(人教版,2003年6月第3版)第六课的“司法保护”一目中提及“我国司法机关对违法犯罪未成年人进行教育改造的方式有收容教养、劳动教养和劳动改造三种”说法,许多教师在教学中发现,学生对收容教养、劳动教养和劳动改造的理解有一定的难度,产生了诸如“收容教养、劳动教养和劳动  相似文献   

中日未成年人违法犯罪司法保护制度比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未成年人属于特殊的法律主体,在处理未成年人违法犯罪问题时须依据司法保护制度进行。中日两国都有未成年人违法犯罪的司法保护制度。中国的司法保护制度有两项重要内容:一是收容教养制度;二是不起诉制度。以上两项制度对未成年人的司法保护均起了积极作用。日本的未成年人司法保护也有两项重要内容:一是实验观察制度,它有两种形式:(一)在宅实验观察,(二)委托辅导实验观察;二是少年司法审判前的保护程序。从主体界定和实施效果上说,中国的收容教养制度略显严格,日本的实验观察制度则较为宽和;中国的不起诉制度略显疏阔,日本的司法审判前保护程序则较为细密。这与两国司法制度形成的历史条件和传统有关。  相似文献   

论我国反补贴案件的司法审查制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对反补贴措施进行司法审查是WTO反补贴程序法的一项基本内容。根据我国加入WTO的承诺,先后颁布的《中华人民共和国反补贴条例》和《关于审理反补贴行政案件应用法律若干问题的规定》对司法审查作了明确规定,初步构建了我国反补贴司法审查的法律制度。司法审查是反补贴措施法治化的标志,我国反补贴司法审查制度具有创新之处。  相似文献   

高校学业评价权是一种以学术权力为主、行政权力为辅的权力。学业评价权体现了教育目的性的特殊部分社会性特质,学生与学校之间是一种修正的特别权力关系。学业评价行为产生间接的法律效果。学业评价行为具有较强的专业性,因此司法应进行有限审查,不审查专业问题,对法律问题进行程序审查。在司法介入时机上,可以通过审查具体行政行为起到间接审查学业评价行为的作用。  相似文献   

司法审查制度是WTO法律框架下的重要机制。本文通过研究WTO《反倾销协议》对司法审查制度的规定,以我国现行行政诉讼法、反倾销条例及反倾销案件司法解释关于司法审查的规定为基础,对我国反倾销司法审查制度提出立法方面的建议,以期完善我国反倾销司法审查制度。  相似文献   

法律制度正当性的阐释大体上可以分为形式主义和实用主义两条路径。法律实用主义可以很好地解释对羁押必要性进行审查的内在法理。本质在于,由中立司法官对羁押必要性加以审查,严格限制羁押适用,在实现普遍正义的同时,亦能关注个案公正。《刑事诉讼法》对逮捕后继续羁押必要性的审查作了规定,但内容较为概括和原则,应当对羁押必要性审查的启动方式、审查主体、审查程序和方法、审查后的处理与救济等作出细化规定,以便司法实践中具体应用。  相似文献   

以《行政诉讼法》和《行政诉讼法解释》的规定为依据,对具体行政行为合法性审查原则的内涵进行了深层次的解读和总结,阐述了具体行政行为合法性审查的对象、强度、依据、标准、方式和结果;对该原则的相关理论和法律规定进行了质疑并总结:第一,"特定对象"、"单方行为"不应该成为界定具体行政行为的标准;第二,对显失公正的行政处罚的司法审查属于合法性审查,而不是合法性审查的例外;第三,具体行为合法性审查原则并不排斥人民法院对规章和其他规范性文件的制定等抽象行为有一定的审查权;第四,具体行政行为合法性审查原则与《行政诉讼法》第38条、《行政复议法》第7条、第28条的冲突无法解决。  相似文献   

应WTO反倾销协议的原则和要求,最高人民法院制定了审理反倾销行政案件的规定,尝试建立我国的反倾销司法审查制度。基于反倾销调查程序涉及复杂的经济数据(事实)问题,我国相关的司法审查制度中欠缺对倾销和损害构成的认定与评判司法审查技术层面上的具体规定。我国应借鉴欧共体、美国等国家和地区反倾销审查的司法经验,规范和完善我国反倾销审查程序,以使我国反倾销行政案件的审理程序和实体规定符合WTO反倾销审查的原则和要求。  相似文献   

Offenders in custody are often disadvantaged in terms of education. Research shows that providing and improving education in custody can help reduce the possibility of recidivism and high crime rates in young offenders. Among various factors that can impact on youth’s ability to engage effectively with education in custody, prevalence rates of neurodisabilities such as learning disabilities and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) remain high. Young offenders with neurodisabilities may present with various developmental, cognitive, intellectual, social functioning, language and communication deficits, that may impact on learner-teacher relationships and learning acquisition. For the purpose of this paper, we focused on learning disabilities and TBI given high prevalence rates for these neurodisabilities reported in the literature. We also report on general intellectual functioning given the association with specific learning disabilities. Despite contextual vulnerabilities, there is a dearth of literature on neurodisabilities and its associated impact on education for young offenders in South Africa.Our study sample included young offenders (n = 25) and controls (n = 56), aged 14–21 years. Measures of alcohol (AUDIT), substance use (MAP), learning disabilities and TBIs (CHAT), general intellectual functioning (WASI-II), and depression (BDI-II) were included for offenders and controls. Results show significant differences in TBI, alcohol use, substance use, and reported possible learning disabilities, with higher scores and rates for these factors, indicating poorer outcomes, in the young offender as compared to the control group. The young offender group also had significantly lower and therefore poorer verbal IQ (VIQ) scores than the control group. The results for VIQ were upheld even when the significant difference in age (young offenders were on average 5 years older) was controlled for.Results of this nature can potentially be used to inform rehabilitative efforts in our local youth centres for offenders in the hope of screening for various developmental and acquired neuro-disabilities so that rehabilitation strategies may be even more targeted for those with special education needs in of an already vulnerable population. Such results may also inform the schooling structures within such centres by providing profiles needs of offenders in custody based on screenings of neurodisabilities.  相似文献   


This paper identifies the need for careers guidance agencies to work together with secure units for young offenders and young offenders’ institutions, in order to provide a holistic and rehabilitative experience for young offenders. The process of involvement should be to encourage the young people to engage in positive ways with a world from which they may have felt alienated; to prepare for transitions; to recognize and achieve ambitions, and improve self‐image whilst still in detention. This paper seeks to promote the concept and practice of programmes of treatment for young offenders, and to outline the part that careers education and guidance can play in that whole process.  相似文献   

本文针对目前推进房改过程中凸显的青年教工住房问题,结合清华大学青年教工住房现状分析了基本原因,提出应坚定不移地推进住房分配货币化改革,同时,在房改过渡期政府和学校应有所作为,配套政策措施,促进职工转变住房观念,平稳过渡,改善住房条件。  相似文献   

The 2005–2008 Australian National Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy identifies young people as a key target group in need of sexual health education, screening and management. For young people who are in contact with the New South Wales (NSW) juvenile justice system, a dire need for remedial sexual health education exists. NSW young offenders indicate initiation of sexual activity at a younger age than their peers, higher numbers of sexual partners, infrequent condom use and higher rates of sexually transmitted infections. They also report family instability, poor accessing of health services, and low school attendance: all factors that result in poor sexual knowledge and health outcomes. An examination into the cognitive profile of these young offenders indicates remedial education for this group may require a dual approach in order to redress their specific circumstances and needs. The first approach should target young offenders who simply missed out on stages of sexual health information in the school curriculum. The second approach requires a tailored teaching methodology more appropriate for a group with atypical cognitive profiles. Both approaches need to engage an educative model that acknowledges that these disadvantaged young people are already sexual active; and that many did not have the benefit of an informed or consensual decision making processes. More importantly, the tailoring of a sexual health education program to these young people needs to resonate with teaching to a cognitively distinctive population who have experienced higher than usual rates of alcohol and other drugs abuse, and higher than usual episodes of physical and emotional abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

The current study examined child maltreatment re-offending in United States Air Force (USAF) families. In a clinical database containing 24,999 child maltreatment incidents perpetrated by 15,042 offenders between the years 1997 and 2013, 13% of offenders maltreated a child on more than one date (i.e., they re-offended). We explored several offender demographic characteristics associated with who re-offended and found that civilians re-offended at a similar rate as active duty members, males re-offended at a similar rate as females, and younger offenders were more likely to re-offend than older offenders. We also explored incident characteristics associated with who re-offended: Re-offending was more likely if the initial maltreatment was neglect or emotional abuse and re-offenders were likely to perpetrate subsequent maltreatment that was the same type and severity as their initial incident. The current data indicate that young offenders and offenders of neglect and emotional maltreatment are the greatest risk of re-offending. These offender and incident characteristics could be used by the USAF to guide their efforts to reduce re-offending.  相似文献   

亲属免证权本应为"亲亲相隐"传统观念在刑事立法中的体现,但现行刑事立法,不仅在程序法中没有确立此原则,而且实体法中个别罪名之设置更为其之确立带来诸多阻碍。亲属免证权对亲情伦理的维护具有重要意义,它的确立必须从程序法与实体法两个方面推进,二者缺一不可。  相似文献   

收容遣送制度在最初的设计上,是一种救济制度,后来偏离了收容遣送福利性、救济性的本来目的。改革开放以后,由于大量的农民开始进城务工,流动人口剧增,为解决城市市容和治安问题,中央和地方政府出台了有关收容遣送的行政法规和行政规章,就内容上来说,其中有关限制人身自由的内容,与我国现行宪法以及有关法律相抵触,影响了国家法律的统一性和严肃性。在实践中,收容遣送的自由裁量权很大,严肃性大大下降,很多方面缺乏公正性。演变成了一项限制公民基本宪法权利的制度。  相似文献   

在房改过程中,依照有关法律政策规定,公民个人享有购买公有住房的权利及享有多种优惠利益,工龄折扣为其中之一。而对已故配偶的工龄折扣所涉法律问题,看法不一。依照法律政策,购房人享有房改购房权、工龄折扣权、已故配偶工龄折扣权。房改房购买权决定所购房屋的归属;工龄折扣决定工龄利益的归属。  相似文献   

以房养老在我国当前养老社会保障制度不完善的情况下,是值得提倡的养老模式。它可以提高老人的生活质量,减轻子女的养老负担;减少财产纠纷,促进地产业良性循环;推动我国养老体制的新一轮改革。但目前在我国实施以房养老存在着认识上、观念上、适用范围、法律制度和养老机制方面的阻力。这就需要采取一些对策,如加大宣传、建立配套措施、实施住房反抵押贷款的证券化、先试点后推广、大力发展养老设施等。  相似文献   

未成年犯罪记录封存制度作为刑事诉讼法新设的一项制度,是未成年刑事诉讼程序的重要组成部分。制度之必要性建构在考量未成年犯罪案件特殊性及保护未成年罪犯隐私权基础上。其功能性价值在于保护未成年罪犯免遭社会非规范性评价并促进未成年犯罪者有效融入社会,预防其再犯,降低社会风险。  相似文献   

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