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本文针对目前高校音乐专业在生源质量、培养目标、专业设置、课程体系、教学模式、校企合作等方面存在问题进行深入分析,结合当前文化创业对应用型音乐人才需求实际提出可行性的人才培养策略。  相似文献   

The following five core ideas explain how learning organizations function as wholes. The core ideas are central when school is examined as a learning organization. Personal mastery, mental models, team learning, shared visions and system thinking offer different angles to examine the organization. (1) Personal mastery. Without personal commitment, development is impossible. A community and an individual cannot be directed from outside. Growing means ultimately the ability to let other people grow. (2) Various deeply rooted mental models, ways of thinking and seeing things direct our daily behaviour. When evaluating teaching, the most essential thing is not to value the product only, but to value the mental processes. Individual and group reflection skills are needed there. (3) Shared vision. Appreciating views other than one's own is the most important key success factor of a team. All team members should commit themselves to sharing the vision. This presupposes plenty of discourse in the organization, because commitment cannot be imposed. (4) Team learning. The ability to genuinely learn and work together is a challenge. Collective reflection and regarding other people as esteemed colleagues fosters a good atmosphere, gives time and space to other people and will lead to a deeper understanding than one person alone can attain. (5) In systemic thinking the background is formed by system and theories. We are directed logically to only a minor extent. System thinking binds the other core factors together. This research has focused on personal mastery and mental models. The phenomena of individual and collective reflection and their prerequisites were investigated. The target group was a sample of teacher trainees in vocational teacher education. Familiarization with systematic reflection and adopting the usage of it led to a conscious professional approach, empowerment and aptness for life‐long learning.

Die folgenden fünf Kern‐Vorstellungen erklären, wie Lernorganisationen als Ganze funktionieren. Diese Kern‐Vorstellungen sind von zentraler Bedeutung, wenn Schule selbst als eine lernende Organisation beurteilt wird. Persönliche Erkenntnis, Denk‐Modelle, soziales Lernen, gemeinsame Vision und System‐Denken bieten verschiedene Sichtweisen, diese Lernorganisationen zu prüfen. (1) Persönliche Erkenntnis. Ohne persönliches Engagement ist Entwicklung unmöglich. Eine Gemeinschaft und ein Individuum können nicht von außen gesteuert werden. Heranwachsen bedeutet schließlich die Fähigkeit, andere Leute an sich selbst wachsen zu lassen. (2) Verschieden tief verwurzelte Denk‐Modelle, Denkweisen und Ansichten bestimmen unser tägliches Verhalten. Bei Bewerten des Unterrichtens, gilt es nicht allein das Endprodukt zu bewerten, sondern auch die Denk‐Prozesse für die Lösungswege. Es werden Fertigkeiten der individuellen Umsetzung und kollektiver Reflexion nötig sein. (3) Gemeinsame Vision. Der wichtigste Schlüssel zum Erfolg für Lernen im Team ist die Akzeptanz unterschiedlicher Ansichten als die eigenen. Alle Mitglieder der Gruppe sollten zu den unterschiedlichen Ansichten Stellung beziehen. Dies setzt eine Fülle von Sachgesprächen in der Lernorganisation voraus, sonst ist kein Engagement zu erwarten. (4) Lernen im Team. Die Fähigkeit, mit einander zu lernen und zu arbeiten, ist eine echte Herausforderung. Kollektive Reflexion, gute Zusammenarbeit unter Kollegen, Wert legen auf gute Atmosphäre, gibt Zeit und Raum zu anderen Menschen, und wird zu einem tieferen Verständnis führen, als je ein Einzelner es erlangen kann. (5) Das systemische Denken beruft sich auf System‐ und Chaos‐Theorie. Wir sind nur zu einem geringen Teil durch Logik gesteuert. Das Systemdenken verbindet die. Hauptfaktoren unseres Denkens. Diese Forschung konzentrierte sich auf persönlicher Erkenntnis und Denkmodellen. Die Phänomene individueller und kollektiver Reflexion und deren Anfangsbedingungen wurden untersucht. Die Zielgruppe waren Lehramtskandidaten in der Berufsschullehrer‐Ausbildung. Die Gewöhnung an systematische Reflexion und deren Aneignung führte zu berufsbezogener Methode, Befähigung, Bevollmächtigung und Tauglichkeit zu lebenslangem Lernen.  相似文献   

知识经济的崛起,对作为社会主义事业的图书馆产生了巨大的冲击.在新的时期,传统图书馆不会消亡,它将和数字图书馆互补共存,并且从文化素质和思想素质两个方面对馆员提出了更高的要求.  相似文献   

As we navigate through a new form of economic era where science, technology, knowledge and services will replace consumer goods as drivers of growth, and the workplace will increasingly value creative abilities, there appears a need for an educational paradigm shift. However, within an Australian context of increasing school accountability, a great deal of emphasis is placed on standards vis-à-vis improving literacy and numeracy skills for students, and measured by high-stake testing. This current Australian agenda is also part of an ongoing concern for improving the educational outcomes and life chances of boys. Through a social justice lens, this paper offers an exploration of how an innovative and creative arts curriculum has the potential to engage and enhance educational outcomes for all students, particularly for boys who are at risk of underachieving. First, this paper offers an explanation of the changing nature of workplace trajectories and the significance of the creative arts in this shifting economic era. Concurrently, as we prepare students for an unknown future, this paper examines how engagement in the creative arts has the potential to facilitate emerging understandings about learning while providing opportunities to develop learner engagement, motivation, cognitive capacities and academic achievement. Second, while avoiding essentialist accounts of gender and recuperative masculinity politics, we recognise that ‘some’ boys are underachieving in schools and that these boys are often from lower socioeconomic communities. We also recognise that many of these boys are disengaged and invest considerable energy performing masculinities that are in opposition to, and resistant to, the formal processes of schooling including participation in the creative arts. Third, we draw on findings from recent research, including a doctoral study, to discuss perceived barriers to boys' engagement with the creative arts and implications for educational practice.  相似文献   

为适应新形势下中医人才培养需求,突出医学生创新和实践能力的培养,有效提高中医院校临床实践教学质量,我们摸索、建立了以"一个目标、二条主线、三个阶段"为特色的中医临床实践教学体系(2012年立项辽宁省教育厅课题)。通过完善"四模块"岗前培训、重组实践教学内容、改革实践教学考核方法,进一步强化实践教学环节,优化原有实践教学模式,提高学生的中医临证思维和实践动手能力,在临床实践教学中取得良好效果,为临床实践教学质量的提升和可持续发展提供了保障。  相似文献   

This was a study to collect the views of Occupational Health Nurses (OHNs) working in the NHS in the West Midlands Region of the UK. It was a project to collect OHNs' perceptions about their education and training needs to meet the new public health agenda, using a focus group technique, Nominal Group Technique (NGT). There has been a series of public policy developments recently that have focused on the work/health dimension as an element of public health (Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 1998, Department of Health (DOH), 1998, National Health Service Executive (NHSE) 1998). These initiatives require the expertise and skill of occupational health professionals in the workplace to deliver care. In many organizations occupational health is not seen as a central or integral part of the organizational structure, rather a service to be used when things go dreadfully wrong. There is a clear need for management skills in this group, together with a much stronger grounding in law and the legislative framework. There is a need to take an evidence-based approach to occupational health, and to start sharing expert knowledge that can be applied to daily working in the NHS. It was identified that clarity around funding arrangements is necessary for this group of practitioners, which will be in line with all other NHS employees. Many of the participants wanted education and training opportunities, which were offered on an incremental basis, not all at specialist practitioner level.  相似文献   

We investigate the efficacy of text messaging campaigns to support students with key steps in the college search, application, selection and transition process with concurrent cluster randomized control trials. Collaborating with national non-profit organizations, we implemented text-message based outreach to students in the high school graduating class of 2016 in over 700 high schools that primarily serve low-income students. Collaborating with several Texas school districts, we implemented a school-based version of the intervention. In contrast to the national version which produced null and negative effects, the school-based intervention yielded positive and significant impacts on several college-going steps but still only yielded significant impacts on college enrollment and second-year persistence for certain subgroups.  相似文献   

A nationally representative sample of youth with disabilities who recently exited high school was studied to determine the participation of the youth in postsecondary educational programs. The results show that youth with disabilities participate in postsecondary programs at only one-quarter the rate attained by their counterparts without disabilities and at only one-third the rate attained by economically disadvantaged youth. The relationship of postsecondary education for youth with disabilities to long-term success in employment is yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Discussions of support and intervention in undergraduate university education are dominated by discussion of attrition. This study quests more broadly in arguing that support and intervention for undergraduate students may also benefit from models of engagement and success as well as conventional risk and failure. Supporting this proposition is a study that involved multifactorial approaches based in a combination of aspects of social network theory and social ecology theory. Analysis was enacted through social network analysis of archival data sets derived from a single cohort of 4065 undergraduate students at a regional Australian university. The findings suggest that models of academic success are suited to examination of the broader issues of student agency and undergraduate university education. The success networks developed are uniquely student-centred and place-based and may serve as more nuanced models for university intervention and support structures and mechanisms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore trainer questioning strategies which aimed to scaffold development and learning in teacher training feedback sessions. Research was conducted with a group of Turkish pre-service English teacher trainees at an English-medium university in Turkey. Findings include a categorisation of different question types which seemed to prompt reflection and construction of knowledge. The data also suggest that trainees need varying levels of support through different question types to better scaffold their understanding of teaching. This study concludes with a data-driven framework of questioning strategies which can be a potential guide for trainers working with pre-service English teacher trainees.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon the role of the peripatetic pre-school teacher for children who have special educational needs. It explores the key issues involved in home-based teaching; the importance of developing meaningful partnerships with parents; early intervention; and the significance of play in promoting learning for young children. The research that informs this article is concerned with the possibility of teaching science to pre-school children with special educational needs. The author, Andrea Bennington, was herself an early years special educational needs inclusion teacher when she undertook the work described here. She is now an advisory teacher for children with physical disabilities. In this example of practitioner research, key scientific concepts are discussed in the context of intervention through play carried out in the home setting. The work focuses on the responses of six children to a sequence of six 'experiments' carried out through a period of teaching. Andrea Bennington asks whether science activities can be used to promote the learning experiences of pre-school children who have special educational needs and, therefore, their inclusion in teaching and learning situations.  相似文献   

随着卷烟企业新设备、新技术、新工艺、新材料的不断涌现,卷烟企业越来越离不开大批优秀的高技能人才,而技师是卷烟工业企业高技能人才的中坚力量.近几年,河南中烟工业公司及河南省烟草技工学校一方面力抓晋升前的技师培训工作,另一方面着重对现有的技师进行科学有效的继续教育和培训,初步培养和建设了一支理论和技能素质过硬、结构合理、后备充足,适应市场经济要求的高级技术工人队伍,为河南卷烟企业的崛起与腾飞奠定了人才基础.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to further explore Special Educational Need Co-ordinators' (SENCos) knowledge of childhood acquired brain injury (ABI) and if they have received training on how to effectively support children and young people (CYP) with an ABI in school. SENCos from Nottinghamshire were asked to complete a survey face-to-face or online. Data reported by Howe and Ball (Support for Learning, 32, 1, 85–100), was also used to allow comparisons between different counties in the UK for knowledge of childhood ABI. Results indicated that SENCos from Nottinghamshire hold numerous uncertainties about childhood ABI, although less uncertainties than SENCos from the West Midlands. A majority SENCos from Nottinghamshire had not received training about childhood ABI. Additional challenges in supporting CYP with an ABI were also identified. The findings show a clear need for more training on childhood ABI across UK schools. It is also apparent that obtaining funding for CYP with an ABI can be a challenge for SENCos. However, further research is needed to determine what these barriers to funding are.  相似文献   

要真抓课堂教学质量   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
在提高教育质量中,提高教学质量特别是提高课堂教学质量应居首位;课堂教学是师生之间面对面的文化“互动”与这一文化“互动”的特点;教师在这一文化“互动”中具有的特殊作用;在目前教学工作中,必须高度重视正确采用多媒体教学手段的问题;针对如何提高教学质量,特别课堂教学质量,提出了建议。  相似文献   

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