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Two pigeons performed a matching-to-sample task in which a color, a line orientation, or both, might appear on the sample. Stimulus control by (attention to) the color and line components of a compound sample was measured when (a) either component might be relevant (i.e., appear as a comparison stimulus on that trial), and (b) when only one component was relevant. Degree of stimulus control by a given component of the compound sample was higher when only it was relevant than when either component might be relevant. Because the matching-to-sample task separated sample inspection from response choice, interpretation of the results in terms of response competition was ruled out. Because the training procedure led to shifts in stimulus control by the components of the compound sample, explanation of previous matching-to-sample results in terms of reduced perceptual clarity of compound samples was also ruled out. Thus, variations in stimulus control by components of the compound sample were interpreted as showing shifts in attention to the components of the compound sample.  相似文献   

In the past 15 years, numerous reforms and initiatives in many countries in the Asia-Pacific region have aimed to change education and promote new learning to prepare the new generation for the future. Unfortunately, despite good intentions and huge investments of resources, many of these reforms have been found to be ineffective and unsustainable—if they succeed at all. Reflecting on the trends and waves of educational reform in the Asia-Pacific region, this paper introduces an international lesson on the emerging syndrome of educational reform across the region and illustrates its negative impacts on teacher ecology and teacher management. Then, the paper outlines the implications of this lesson and of a study of the world’s best-performing educational systems, using them to develop a holistic approach to managing teachers and planning for their sustainable professional development. Finally, it highlights the paradigm shifts in teacher management, reviewing the three waves of educational reform in the last two decades, and draws further implications for formulating teacher management policies in ongoing and future educational reforms to support students’ new learning and sustainable development.  相似文献   

In three experiments the sensitivity of instrumental responding to revaluation of the instrumental outcome in the absence of experience with the revalued outcome was examined. Hungry rats were trained to make one response for food pellets and a different response for sucrose liquid. In Experiment 1, these responses were tested in extinction when the animals were either thirsty or hungry. A significant preference for the sucrose-trained response was observed in the test conducted under thirst but not in that conducted under hunger. In Experiments 2 and 3, the effect of experience with sucrose under thirst on the magnitude of this preference was explored. Following training of the instrumental responses in Experiment 2, half of the animals received presentations of sucrose while they were thirsty; the other half received sucrose while they were hungry. In Experiment 3, the same design was used but these sucrose presentations were made contingent on an instrumental response. Also in Experiment 3, the specificity of the sucrose-response preference to a shift to thirst was examined by testing under increased and decreased levels of hunger. The results of those experiments indicated that the sucrose-response preference is exhibited only under thirst and that exposure to the sucrose under thirst only marginally enhanced that preference. These findings suggest that instrumental responding may be modified by changes in the value of its outcome in the absence of experience with the revalued outcome.  相似文献   

高校教师绩效管理体系的构建   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
当前高校教师绩效考核存在的问题主要表现在:考核定位模糊并存在偏差,重考核、轻管理,重结果、轻过程,考核主体单一,专业学院(系)的管理者没有承担起绩效管理的责任,绩效考核指标不全、标准不明。高校的教师绩效考核要明确考核的目标,突出教师在考核中的主体地位,构建一体化教师绩效管理体系。  相似文献   

预算既是可以对政府的履职能力进行反映,也是对国家资源进行分配的重要手段。同时,作为政府绩效管理的重要构成部分之一就是预算绩效管理,是财政部门科学化精细化管理的重要内容。因此,对于如何加强部门预算资金绩效管理,本文就此展开了相应的分析与研究。  相似文献   

一家IT公司的人力资源部经理在一年内换了5个人。每一个新来的人力资源经理都在绩效考核上栽了跟头,每一个新上任的人力资源经理都把前任失败的绩效考核推翻重来一遍,结果仍然是失败。绩效管理者的绩效成了“众矢之的”发人深思,这个公司的问题很典型,是很多IT企业的缩影,也是一些公司人力资源管理的通病。众矢之的咸也“绩效”,败也“绩效”,公司绩效管理缘何失败?这些初来乍到的人力资源经理按照老板的意图(很可能还没有完全理解或者理解错误),  相似文献   

Pigeons’ pecks to the two elements of spatially separated compound samples were observed during matching-to-sample performance. An attentional biasing procedure was used in which the birds were tested on a subset of the information contained in the sample (either one of the two dimensions or one of the two sample key locations) for a large number of sessions. This procedure resulted in a greater proportion of sample pecks to the positively biased (tested during biasing) sample attribute. Increases in accuracy on the positively biased attribute as well as decreases in accuracy on the negatively biased (not tested during biasing) attribute were also found. However, not all of the shifts in matching accuracy could be explained by the shifts in pecking behavior.  相似文献   

This article considers three aspects of the knowledge management (KM) literature that have the potential to enhance human performance technology (HPT) research and practice. First, we believe the recent attempt by economists to describe and quantify intellectual capital can help HPT to better evaluate and defend organizational expenditures/investments for performance improvement initiatives. Second, the emerging KM literature explores the linkages between information, learning and performance, provides a common point of intersection for our fields, and can enhance our analysis and implementation of information (as opposed to training) solutions as well as inform and expand our conceptual and theoretical understanding. Third, we have observed that both KM and HPT practitioners are increasingly concerned with the learning that takes place outside the confines of traditional formal training environments. We briefly review the electronic performance support systems literature from HPT and KM, noting the similarities in epistemology, design, and interventions. Finally, we highlight the KM research agenda and suggest related opportunities for HPT research.  相似文献   

According to a recent attitude survey, work objectives, advancement, growth, job assignment, information, pay for performance, and compensation are issues in which Company XYZ's engineering department fell below the industry average. The issues are all symptoms of a larger performance management problem. This article offers solutions and recommendations focused on the introduction of an individual development planning document with an emphasis on goals tied to the corporate mission and an increase in feedback and communication.  相似文献   

队列管理机制是网络拥塞控制和网络服务质量的基础,采用NS2仿真工具基=JaQOS性能评价指标对主、被动队列的代表算法RED、DropTail进行仿真分析,得出两种算法性能差异及各自的特点,为进一步研究提供依据.  相似文献   

教师绩效管理理论来源综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师绩效管理来源于绩效管理理论和教师评价理论,对国内外教师绩效管理的理论来源进行文献梳理,分析绩效管理理论的三种主流模型,归纳教师评价理论的四种模式,阐述我国教师绩效评价理论的发展,从理论源头上探究教师绩效管理理论的构成.  相似文献   

组织绩效管理体系 布雷德拉普(Bredrup,1995)认为组织绩效管理是由三个过程组成的:计划、改进和考察,并提出了组织绩效管理模型,如图1所示。在该模型中,绩效计划所分析的主要是制定组织的愿景和战略以及对绩效进行定义等活动。对绩效改进则从过程的角度分析,也就是说绩效改进包括商业过程再造、持续性过程改进、基准化和全面质量管理等活动。绩效  相似文献   

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