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<正>A new Jurassic non-avian theropod dinosaur from 163 million-year-old fossil deposits in northeastern China provides new information regarding the incredible richness of evolutionary experimentation that characterized the origin of flight in the Dinosauria. Published in Nature, Drs. WANG Min, Jingmai K. O'Connor, XU Xing, and ZHOU Zhonghe of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology(IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing describe and analyze the well-preserved skeleton of a new species  相似文献   

<正>Dinosaur eggs are a special type of vertebrate fossils. Despite their varied shapes, all dinosaur eggs are composed of eggshells, though the thickness of the shell may also vary. Dinosaur eggshells consist primarily of the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate). By studying  相似文献   

A group of CAS scientistsfound in 2002 Paleolithicartifacts made 800,000-500,000 years ago in Jinjiang City,Fujian Province. Scientists believethe findings outdate the knownprehistorical records in the provinceby hundreds of thousands of years.In May 2002, Yuan Baoyin, ageologist from the CAS Institute ofGeology & Geophysics, and his col-leagues brought to light some stonelumps with discernible flaking tracesfrom seaside facies of sands, blown-reddish clay and reticulated red soilon a hi…  相似文献   

<正>An apparent absence of Silurian fishes more than half-a-metre in length has been viewed as evidence that gnathostomes(jawed vertebrates)were restricted in size and diversity prior to the Devonian.A team led by Professor ZHU Min,Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology(IVPP)of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has unearthed a bony fi sh with an estimated length of about 1 meter from the Silurian Kuanti Formation in Yunnan Province of southwestern China,revealing that pre-Devonian gnathostomes could attain comparatively large sizes.The study published on June 12 in the journal of Scientifi c Reports adds  相似文献   

On and expedition to northwest China‘s Glacier 1 in the Tianshan Mountains. a research team led by Prof. Li Zhongqin from the CAS Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute found a 15-meter-long.4-meter-high ice cliff in the northwest of the source area on the glacier top.  相似文献   

冯光化  胡小坡  陈林峰 《科技通报》2006,22(1):33-35,40
本文介绍了在我国浙江黄岩市首次发现上侏罗纪西山头组(J3x)地层中的硅化木。硅化木位于黄岩城西南约12km的大魏头山的火山岩地区,具体岩性为英安质晶屑玻屑凝灰岩,硅化木顺层呈似层状、透状、镶嵌状,平卧在凝灰岩层中,它与浙江新昌发现的硅化木有着重大区别。(1)前者产出层位是陆相火山爆发相的凝灰岩,后者是河湖相沉积岩;(2)前者是晚侏罗世,后者是早白垩世,前者要比后者早5~6千万年;(3)前者成因机理相对复杂。黄岩硅化木的发现为侏罗世时期大型植物化石提供了新材料,对这一时期地层古生物、古生态研究提供了重要实物证据,为侏罗世地质研究提供了基础。  相似文献   

<正>In superconductors,fermionic electrons are paired into bosons,and condensed into the ground state.An impurity can break the electron pairs into quasiparticles with energy states inside the superconducting gap.The characteristics of such in-gap states reflect accordingly the properties of the superconducting ground state.A zeroenergy in-gap state is particularly interesting,because it can  相似文献   

唐银菲 《科教文汇》2012,(26):166-167
艺术教育作为幼儿园教学领域之一,有其独特的作用,同时在不同领域的交叉和融合过程中发挥着中介作用。3至6岁幼儿的思维活动常常是凭借事物的形状、颜色、声音和动作来进行的,他们对自己的感官所接触的物质材料充满了好奇心。幼儿的这一特点为向他们进行美术教育提供了广阔的天地。在从事幼儿美术教学指导中,我尝试着将新的美术教学目标在新的形势下的美术教学中实施,注重美术课程与幼儿生活经验的紧密关联。  相似文献   

Supported by the US National Science Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a rare and endangered fern, Isoetes hypsophila, was discovered by a Sino-US research team headed by Prof. SUN Hang from the CAS Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB) and Dr. David E. Boufford from Harvard University in a recent trip to Jiulong, Sichuan, during its botanical survey in the Hengduan Mountains in south China. Scientists say the plant is found for the first time in the region.  相似文献   

一个原始的苔类的目——藻苔目在中国的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 1961, a Japanese specimen of liverworts was named as Takakia lepidozioides by Hattori and Inoue and they treated it to establish a new order Takakiales.  1963, “Le- pidozia ceratophylla” was determined by Grolle as the second  species  of Takakia. Hitherto, they were found in Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Sikkim, Aleutian Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands separately.  1980, 1982, Wang Mei-zhi collected Takakia lepi- dozioides in the forest ground of Abies delavaya in Bomi and Zayii, Xizang. According to it's features, it is apparet that Takakialens is the most primitive one in liverworts,perhaps it could be treated as a kind of “living fossil”.  相似文献   

Mimicry and secondary defense are staples among predator–prey interactions. Among insects, the stick and leaf insects are masters of camouflage. Nonetheless, a meager understanding of their origin and early mimetic evolution persists. Here, we report the earliest mimetic and defensive strategies of a stick insect from the Middle Jurassic of China, Aclistophasma echinulatum gen. et sp. nov., exquisitely preserving abdominal extensions and femoral spines. The distribution of these characteristics mapped onto the phylogeny of Phasmatodea reveals that abdominal extensions and femoral spines developed multiple times during the evolution of stick insects, and indicates that the origin of abdominal extensions predates other modifications, while tergal extensions predate other expansions of the body, such as those of the sterna and pleura, as well as defensive femoral spines. The new fossil provides clues into early antipredator defensive strategies, allows inferences as to the potential environment and predators, and reveals the mimetic and defensive mechanisms of stick insects from 165 million years ago.  相似文献   

本文选取库车坳陷侏罗系阿合组—齐古组的碎屑岩样品,利用Stokes原理,通过同步跟进与离心分析相结合的多粒级提取的方式提取不同粒径的黏土矿物,包括〉20μm;20μm~5μm;5μm~2μm;2μm~0.2μm和〈0.2μm。不同粒径组分的黏土矿物呈现出不同的型貌特征,在20~2μm范围内的样品中,自生黏土矿物少见,大量可见碎屑来源的黏土矿物,由于经过了长期的机械搬运,难见完整的晶型。在〈2μm的样品中大量存在自生黏土矿物,大量成集合体,同时也存在碎屑蚀变成因的黏土矿物。通过XRD方法定量分析了所分离出的不同粒径黏土矿物的相对含量,黏土粒径范围内的黏土矿物相对含量呈现些规律变化。碎屑伊利石含量有随着粒级的减小而减少的趋势,而自生伊利石和伊蒙混层只在2~0.2μm及0,2μm以下粒级才出现,并且集中在0.2μm以下粒级范围内;在古气候,沉积环境和母岩特性及分布基本一致的情况下,高岭石的分布有随着岩性的变粗呈现升高的趋势,而伊利石呈负相关关系。碎屑岩中黏土矿物的形貌特征表明,黏土矿物有陆源碎屑来源与自生两种成因,应用Decoform软件对0.2μm以下黏土矿物中不同成因的伊利石进行了计算,并就存在的比例与粒径的关系进行了讨论。黏土矿物组合揭示侏罗纪沉积环境由酸性环境向微碱性环境过渡,早侏罗世和中侏罗世早期为气候潮湿时期,高岭石的含量明显高于侏罗世晚期地层,恰克马克期到齐古期高岭石含量开始出现减小的趋势。从恰克马克期开始,气候缓慢向干旱变化,高龄石含量降低,而伊利石的平均含量明显增加,反映黏土矿物组合主要受沉积环境和成岩作用共同影响。  相似文献   

每个人的童年都是与童话故事、童话书籍一同度过,童话承载了孩子们童年最纯真的情感和最美妙的梦境,也是人生最初的生动有趣的启蒙教育。童话世界为孩子们呈现了美丽多姿的社会风情、活泼可爱的动物乐园、引人入胜的离奇故事,还有超乎寻常的仙境魔法……  相似文献   

中国东部燕山造山带发育着大量的中-晚侏罗世髫髻山期(蓝旗期)中酸性钙碱性火山岩,它们具有类似于埃达克岩的地球化学特征,如SiO2(≥55.48%)、Al2O3(≥14.25%)和Na2O(≥3.11%)含量高,而MgO(<3.0%,Mg#≤0.49)含量低;微量元素Sr(≥554×10^-6)、Ba(≥819×10^-6)含量及Sr/Y比值(29~101)较高,而Yb(<1.70×10^-6)、Y(<21×10^-6)含量及Rb/Sr比值(0.01~0.19)较低;轻重稀土分馏十分明显((La/Yb)N>14.5),Eu负-正异常弱(0.79~1.01),高场强元素(如Nb、Ta)相对亏损.火山岩的Nd、Sr、Pb同位素比值变化小,具有富集地幔特征.作者认为其岩浆起源于增厚下地壳玄武质岩石的部分熔融.中-晚侏罗世髫髻山期(蓝旗期)火山岩是燕山运动的产物,其火山喷发标志着燕山地区从古亚洲洋构造体系转入到古太平洋构造体系,这对探讨燕山造山带中生代岩浆演化和区域构造演化具有重要意义.  相似文献   

柏坤  贾宝余 《中国科学院院刊》2023,38(11):1740-1748
科学普及是国家和社会普及科学技术知识、弘扬科学精神、传播科学思想、倡导科学方法的活动,是实现创新发展的重要基础性工作。文章在深入学习习近平总书记关于科技创新和科学普及重要论述的基础上,基于科学传播“对话模型”,提出科普实践的“一体两翼”理念,并结合“科创中国-院士开讲”栏目的科普实践,分析了以中国科学院、中国工程院院士为代表的专家群体在参与不同平台科普实践的成效和经验,总结了“一体两翼”理念在指导和推动科学普及中的作用,最后提出以高质量科普产品引领科普实践进而服务创新发展的思考建议。  相似文献   

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