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尊敬的刘延东国务委员,各位来宾,同志们:在全同人民依然沉浸在庆祝新中同60华诞喜庆之际的金秋时节.在中科院即将迎来建院60周年纪念日的时刻,我们在这里举行纪念会,回顾总结中科院60年发展的光辉历程,展望未来发展的美好图景。在此,我谨代表中科院向党中央国务院、向胡锦涛总书记表示衷心的感谢.向出席纪念会并发表重要讲话的刘延东国务委员表示衷心的感谢,  相似文献   

中国院士制度是在中国科学院学部委员制度的基础上转化而来。院士制度从建立伊始就存在两种制度对接错位,致使院士规模较大,学术权威性不足等问题,而学部职能转变形成的权力结构失衡和科技体制缺陷使学部委员原有的职权转化为院士的隐性权力。  相似文献   

The 5th International Conference on Optofluidics (Optofluidics 2015) was held in Taipei, Taiwan, July 26–29, 2015. The aim of this conference was to provide a forum to promote scientific exchange and to foster closer networks and collaborative ties between leading international researchers in optics and micro/nanofluidics across various disciplines. The scope of Optofluidics 2015 was deliberately broad and interdisciplinary, encompassing the latest advances and the most innovative developments in micro/nanoscale science and technology. Topics ranged from fundamental research to its applications in chemistry, physics, biology, materials, and medicine.Approximately 300 delegates participated in Optofluidics 2015 from across the globe, including Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, UK, and USA. In total, 242 presentations were arranged, including 10 plenary speeches, 27 keynote speeches, 65 invited talks, 33 contributed talks, and 107 poster presentations. This collection of twelve papers on this special topic spans both the fundamentals and the frontier applications of this interdisciplinary research field.Optical measurements of particle or flow and fluidic manipulation for optical applications were presented. Lin and Su1 reported a novel method to measure the depth position of rapidly moving objects inside a microfluidic channel based on the chromatic aberration effect; the depth positions of label-free particles of diameter as small as 2 μm and erythrocytes of concentration 2 × 103 cells/μl and velocity 2.78 mm/s were detected within a range ±25 μm in a simple and inexpensive manner. Sun and Huang2 demonstrated the use of a microscopic circular polariscope to measure the flow-induced birefringence in a microfluidic device that represents the kinematics of fluid motion optically; CTAB:NaSal, CPyCl:NaSal, and CPyCl:NaSal:NaCl solutions were used to investigate the strain rate and the results were compared with the μPIV diagnosis. He et al.3 studied the fundamentals, especially the thinning and opening of the oil film within each pixel of an electrowetting display; to achieve repeatable oil movement and the resulting pixel performance, a new method to fill each pixel with a controllable oil volume using an oil-droplet emulsion created with a microfluidic device was demonstrated.This special topic includes papers also on particle manipulation. Weng et al.4 evaluated the size-dependent crossing frequency of dielectrophoretically driven particles; numerical simulation using a Maxwell stress tensor and a finite element method was reported to assess the size effect. In addition to electric manipulation, magnetic driving of the particles was demonstrated. Ido et al.5 examined microswimmers of magnetic particle chains in an oscillating magnetic field experimentally and analyzed numerically with a lattice Boltzmann method, an immersed boundary method, and a discrete particle method based on simplified Stokesian dynamics. Huang et al.6 described a technique to manipulate magnetic beads and achieved a great washing efficiency with zero bead loss using an appropriate electrode design and channel height of a digital microfluidic immunoassay; a model immunoassay of human soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor I (sTNF-RI) was performed to offer an improved limit of detection (3.14 pg/ml) with a small number of magnetic beads (25 beads), decreased reagent volumes (200 nl), and decreased duration of analysis (<1 h). Chiu et al.7 reported particle separation using cross-flow filtration enhanced with hydrodynamic focusing; label-free separation of particles of diameters 2.7 and 10.6 μm at a sample throughput 10 μl/min was performed; separation of spiked human prostate cancer cell lines (PC3) cells in whole blood was also demonstrated.Chemical sensors and biosensors are covered in this special topic. Cheng et al.8 measured the chemical compounds in third-hand smoke on varied clothing fibres with an analytical balance, or nicotine and 3-ethenylpyridine (3-EP) with a surface-acoustic-wave sensor composed of coated oxidized hollow mesoporous carbon nanospheres. Pu et al.9 described a continuous glucose monitoring microsystem consisting of a three-electrode electrochemical sensor in which the working electrode (WE) was covered with a single layer of graphene and gold nanoparticles to improve the sensor performance; the results of glucose measurement were linear below concentration 162 mg/dl with a detection limit 1.44 mg/dl. Li et al.10 implemented a microfluidic device measuring the glucose concentration with integrated fibre-optic surface plasmon resonance sensor and electrode pairs for volume quantification.Implantable devices and microneedles for drug delivery and liquid transport are addressed in this special topic. Zhang et al.11 reported a flexible polyimide device seated under rabbit eyelids to deliver drug by iontophoresis; varied currents to release manganese ions (Mn2+) as tracers were investigated; the thermal effect on application of a current was studied. Lee et al.12 presented a disposable Parylene microneedle array of large aspect ratio that vibrated with a piezoelectric actuator to mimic the vibrating motion of a mosquito''s proboscis and to decrease the insertion force by 40%. Song et al.13 demonstrated microinjection into a model organism, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) on an automated device capable of loading, immobilization, injection, and sorting; with 200 worms studied, injection speed 6.6 worm/min, injection success rate 77.5%, and sorting success rate 100% were obtained.We express our gratitude for the financial support from Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), Bureau of Foreign Trade (Taiwan), National Taiwan University and Research Center for Applied Sciences of Academia Sinica, and for administrative support from Instrument Technology Research Center in making Optofluidics 2015 a successful conference. Our acknowledgements include Leslie Yeo, Frederick Kontur, Christine Urso, and all staff from Biomicrofluidics for their kind assistance during the preparation, and, most importantly, all authors who have contributed their work for this special topic.  相似文献   

本刊讯中国科学院2006年高技术产业化工作会议于12月7日在京举行。中科院院长路甬祥为大会发来了贺信,中科院常务副院长白春礼等院领导发表重要讲话。路甬祥在贺信中强调,产业化和院地合作是中科院新时期办院方针中规定的三大基地职责之一,也是中科院服务国家和地方经济社会发展的必然要求,是实现科技创新社会价值的重要方面和途径。必须充分重视,并在工作实践中不断有新的思路、新的举措,创造新的体制和新的业绩。要根据我院各片创新特点的不同,分别与龙头企业,主要产业发展区域,或资源生态环境问题突出的区域或行业开展重点合作,形成社会…  相似文献   

中国科学院:值此中国科学院建院60周年之际,我谨向为我国科学技术发展做出突出贡献的全体院士和科技工作者,致以热烈的祝贺和诚挚的问候!  相似文献   

在中国科学院学部成立50周年之际,“走中国特色自主创新之路”院士座谈会6月3日上午在人民大会堂隆重举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛亲切会见与会代表,并做了重要讲话。胡锦涛强调,当今世界,科学技术正成为经济社会发展的决定性力量,科技自主创新能力正成为国家竞争力的核心。我们一定要坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面落实科学发展观,大力实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,把提高自主创新能力摆在全部科技工作的突出位置,在实践中走出一条中国特色自主创新之路。中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温…  相似文献   

Berlin witnesses a grand reunion between Chinese and German scientists to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the rewarding cooperation between the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Max Planck Society (MPS) in Germany. A series of celebrations were held on Nov. 8 and 9, 2004 to mark this historic moment,not only renewing old friendships but also seeking new approaches to higher quality of collaboration.  相似文献   

2004年5月24日,中国科学院与德国马普学会在北京举行科学合作30周年庆祝大会,有50余人组成的德国科学家访华团与众多中国科学家一起,纪念中德科技合作30周年。中国  相似文献   

中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所(以下简称政策与管理所)成立于1985年6月25日,至今已经走过了整整20个年头,20年前的幼苗现已茁壮成材,已成为我院乃至我国软科学研究领域的重要支撑力量。政策与管理所是中国科学院唯一以自然科学和社会科学交叉为特点的软科学研究所,主要从事国家科技发展战略、科技政策与管理科学的理论、方法及应用问题研究,为国家各级管理部门、各级地方政府和中国科学院的宏观决策,为行业、区域以及企业的改革发展提供高水平的咨询服务。一奠基——科学交叉蓄势待发长达10年之久的“文革”浩劫结束,迎来了科学的春天…  相似文献   

文章分析了行指委研究与评价机构的职能定位,提出行指委研究与评价机构的主要职责为"研究"、"评价"与"服务"。认为这类机构要依托行指委及其成员单位,充分发挥积极性和主动性,准确研判职业教育发展的新要求,明确工作任务,加强内部建设,明确工作机制,实现创新发展。  相似文献   

The Internet offers new opportunities for anonymous and pseudonymous communications. Users can, for example, engage in political advocacy, receive counseling, and perform commercial transactions without disclosing their identities. The cloak of anonymity can also facilitate socially unacceptable or criminal activities because of the difficulty in holding anonymous users accountable. This article reports the results of a conference on anonymous communication organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Among the findings were that online anonymous communication is morally neutral; that it should be considered a strong human and constitutional right; that online communities should be allowed to set their own policies on the use of anonymous communication; and that individuals should be informed about the extent to which their identity is disclosed online. The article discusses how anonymous communications can be shaped by the law, education, and public awareness, and highlights the importance of involving all affected interests in policy development.  相似文献   

一漫漫水保路上世纪50年代初期,为适应新中国根治黄河的需要,由我国著名科学家竺可桢提议,中国科学院在陕西杨陵成立了她在西北地区的第一个科研机构——中国科学院西北农业生物研究所。研究所1954年筹建,1956年正式成立;1958年更名为“中国科学院西北水土保持生物土壤研究所”  相似文献   

20世纪60年代初期,中科院根据国家“三线”建设的需要和地学研究力量的区域配置,决定在成都建立山地灾害与环境的专门研究机构,即尔后定名的中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所。在40年的漫长道路上,尤其是中科院体制改革和知识创新工程的逐步实施,为我所注入了活力,增添了动力,呈现出勃勃生机和强劲的发展势头。2002年4月整体进入中科院知识创新工程试点序列,2006年初又步入创新三期的行列。地处西南一隅的成都山地所,已成为在国内外有较高知名度和学术影响的科研机构。一重点突出的学科优势我所经过学科凝练,明确瞄准国际山地科学发展前…  相似文献   

结合对“十二五”期间我国经济增长特点及其对环境影响的分析,提出了“十二五”期间生态建设和环境保护的思路和主要目标,并建议采取以下对策以确保目标完成:统筹经济发展与环境保护的关系;优化制度建设,强化政策导向;加大执法监察力度,完善政策协调体制;优化环境保护相关行政资源配置;提高环境保护水平和环境管理效能;进行农村环境重点整治。  相似文献   

中国科学院第九次院士大会期间,经各学部分别选举,并报中国科学院学部主席团批准,各学部第九届常务委员会成员及其正、副主任名单如下:(以姓氏笔画为序)数学物理学部常务委员会(17人)马志明王乃彦方成苏肇冰李家明杨乐闵乃本张涵信陈佳洱陈建生林群周恒赵忠贤郝柏林胡仁宇姜伯驹霍裕平主任:赵忠贤副主任:杨乐陈建生周恒胡仁宇化学部常务委员会(17人)万惠霖王夔王佛松邓景发刘元方朱道本何鸣元沈家骢陆熙炎俞汝勤胡英赵玉芬(女)徐晓白(女)袁权郭景坤梁敬魁黄志镗主任:王佛松副主任:王夔刘元方何鸣元黄志镗生物学部常务…  相似文献   

中国科学院新时期三大发展战略的关键是科技创新人才战略,近年来推行的一系列人才计划,为院知识创新工程建设做出了重要的贡献。在资源环境领域,尽管中国科学院人才在国内优势明显,但由于资源环境区域性研究的特点,近年来引进人才工作难度较大,限制了人才结构的调整和资源环境领域的可持续发展。为加快资源环境领域人才的引进与队伍结构的优化调整,制度创新具有非常重要的战略意义。本文针对人才建设的制度创新提出一些建议以供探讨。  相似文献   

1981年5月召开的第四次学部委员大会,是中国科学院实行领导体制改革的一次重要会议。这次大会审议通过《中国科学院试行章程》,依据章程民主选举产生中国科学院及其学部的领导机构成员,实现了学部委员大会由咨询机构到决策机构的重大转变,使中国科学院建立学部委员大会和主席团决策的集体领导制与领导机构民主选举制、领导职务任期制。这是中国科学院领导体制的一次历史转折,标志着新中国科技体制改革的进步,在全国具有率先示范的意义。然而,主要由于学部委员间的分歧很大,这次大会未能实现建立与学部委员并行不悖的院士制度的预期目标。  相似文献   

本文通过比较研究中药和西药监管体制机制的客观差异,分析了中国现有的以西药为主导的药品监管体制机制存在的现实问题。重点研究了中药监管体制和机制创新的内容和指导思想,提出医学多样性理念是促进药品监管体制和机制创新的前提。论述了中药发展应该坚持地缘性、延续性、人本论、国宝论四个基本规律,并以此理论为基础提出了中药监管体制和机制创新的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国科学院研究所科技评价探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭荣志  党跃武 《现代情报》2012,32(9):155-159
为了对中国科学院的研究所进行更加合理有效的科技评价,本文在探讨了论文等出版物及影响因子、检索系统收录情况和被引频次、获奖成果、专利和软件著作权、项目数和经费、将帅人才这些科学院知识创新工程研究所评价体系基础评价指标元素的基础上,提出了完善指标体系、重视科技成果的应用和社会效益、基于学科专业建立评价模型、分专业领域和学科进行评价、研究指标相关性和把握评价周期等对策建议。使之更适合中国科学院的创新评价需求并达到评价导向和支撑科学院战略管理与绩效管理的需求。  相似文献   

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