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There is widespread pressure that universities should become more responsive and accountable to multiple demands in their local, national and global contexts. Academics grapple to identify appropriate organisational responses to the pressures of state steering and incentive programmes. The empirical focus of the paper is a survey of academics' community engagement activities, mapping their interaction with external partners at five South African universities. The paper addresses a basic question: Who are the academics that engage, and what are their main academic influences? We argue that engagement is more likely to ‘lure the academic soul’ when it is driven by substantive growth in a disciplinary field and enhances reputations. The analysis seeks to identify how disciplinary, institutional and positional attributes are correlated with engaged activities. ‘Luring the academic soul’ through an understanding of the influences on academics' propensity to engage can facilitate more effectively targeted incentives and policies.  相似文献   

Improving teaching in higher education is a concern for universities worldwide. This study explored academics’ developmental processes in teaching using episodic interviews and teaching portfolios. Eight academics in the context of teaching development reported changes in their teaching and change triggers. Thematic analyses revealed seven areas of change: participants most frequently reported changes in concepts about teaching, their teaching selves and teaching strategies. Triggers of change clustered into eight categories with teaching practices, teaching courses and metacognition reported most frequently. Analysing relations among areas and triggers of change indicated complex dynamics in academics' developmental processes in teaching. This suggests that teaching development should incorporate multiple change triggers to facilitate academics' development in teaching effectively.  相似文献   

In October 2010, an interdisciplinary group of female academics from a university in the Kurdistan region of Iraq initiated a collaborative research project with a UK university to investigate opportunities and challenges for female academics' research leadership in universities in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The project aimed to develop female academics' research capacities using action learning and research principles, in order to focus on issues of concern to practitioners, seek understanding, reflect on activities and enhance them through needs identification–solution–reflection cycles and collaboratively seek solutions. The research uncovered socially constructed barriers to advancement shaped by socio-cultural issues and institutional practices, found exemplars of successful female academics and strengthened participants' research leadership capacities. We conclude that the expansion of female academics' capacities should be prioritised in the Kurdistan region of Iraq to harness their contributions to nation-building and economic development, goals that are explicitly emphasised in higher education policy statements.  相似文献   

This paper reports a discriminant analysis of Australian universities using academics' perceptions of their university-level environment. A sample of 514 academics from 52 departments in 26 publicly funded universities responded to the University-Level Environment Questionnaire, which assesses academic's perceptions of seven dimensions of institutional environment (viz. Academic Freedom, Concern for Undergraduate Learning, Concern for Research and Scholarship, Empowerment, Affiliation, Mission Consensus and Work Pressure). Discriminant analysis revealed that the four university types were separated by the first discriminant function, with long-established universities separated widely from new universities. Concern for Research and Scholarship was the major discriminating variable, with Academic Freedom a minor discriminating variable. The study suggests that new universities must improve their level of research and scholarship if they are to become more like other Australian universities.  相似文献   

In the last years, the increasing pressure over higher education institutions to promote alternative non‐state funding sources has lead to an increasing importance given to research and, more specifically to applied research. The notion that women dedicate less time to research may be seen in the new context, as a prominent threat for women to reach universities top positions. In this article, which draws from an exploratory study case of two public universities in Portugal, we examine whether there are gender differences on perceptions about time dedicated to different academic activities. Findings reveal no significant gender differences in the academics' perceptions about their work.  相似文献   


This article extends the field of learning environment research by reporting the validation and use of the University-Level Environment Questionnaire (ULEQ) which assesses institutional-level psychosocial environment in universities. The ULEQ has seven scales: Academic Freedom, Concern for Undergraduate Learning, Concern for Research and Scholarship, Empowerment, Affiliation, Mission Consensus and Work Pressure. The sample consisted of 489 academics from 52 departments in 28 Australian public universities. Validation data showed that scales of the ULEQ have satisfactory internal consistency, sensitivity to different department environments and minimal overlap. Results of three analyses conducted in this study illustrated the usefulness of the ULEQ. Significant differences between three types of universities were revealed for four scales: Academic Freedom, Concern for Research and Scholarship, Empowerment and Mission Consensus. No significant differences were found for comparisons of Education, Biology and English departments. A comparison of male and female academics' perceptions of the university-level environment found that females perceived their environment more positively than males. This study demonstrated the utility of the ULEQ in learning environment research in college and university settings.  相似文献   

Uncertainty tolerance, individuals' perceptions/responses to uncertain stimuli, is increasingly recognized as critical to effective healthcare practice. While the Covid-19 pandemic generated collective uncertainty, healthcare-related uncertainty is omnipresent. Correspondingly, there is increasing focus on uncertainty tolerance as a health professional graduate “competency,” and a concomitant interest in identifying pedagogy fostering learners' uncertainty tolerance. Despite these calls, practical guidelines for educators are lacking. There is some initial evidence that anatomy education can foster medical students' uncertainty tolerance (e.g., anatomical variation and dissection novelty), however, there remains a knowledge gap regarding robust curriculum-wide uncertainty tolerance teaching strategies. Drawing upon humanities, arts and social sciences (HASS) educators' established uncertainty tolerance pedagogies, this study sought to learn from HASS academics' experiences with, and teaching practices related to, uncertainty pedagogy using a qualitative, exploratory study design. Framework analysis was undertaken using an abductive approach, wherein researchers oscillate between inductive and deductive coding (comparing to the uncertainty tolerance conceptual model). During this analysis, the authors analyzed ~386 min of data from purposively sampled HASS academics' (n = 14) discussions to address the following research questions: (1) What teaching practices do HASS academics' perceive as impacting learners' uncertainty tolerance, and (2) How do HASS academics execute these teaching practices? The results extend current understanding of the moderating effects of education on uncertainty tolerance and supports prior findings that the anatomy learning environment is ripe for supporting learner uncertainty tolerance development. This study adds to growing literature on the powerful moderating effect education has on uncertainty tolerance and proposes translation of HASS uncertainty tolerance teaching practices to enhance anatomy education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative case study research was to explore faculty‐based academics' views on what influences their behaviours and attitudes towards their development. Informed by critical realist ontology, the data collection was carried out through narrative interviews with academics in two contrasting English universities. Findings, or areas for reflection, have emerged about the constraints and enablements academics perceive in respect of their professional development. In particular, themes such as: the significance of professional status; misaligned initiatives and priorities; the influence of supportive networks; and emergent personal, individual concerns have surfaced. The conclusion is drawn that the significance of agency raises the importance of responding to the ‘voices from below’.  相似文献   

Increasingly universities are being asked to demonstrate accountability through implementation of quality improvement procedures that include student evaluation questionnaires and peer observation. However, a review of research suggests that these procedures, in themselves, do not necessarily lead to improvement. Excellence in modern universities may be more effectively promoted by focusing on facilitating academics' growth in teaching expertise, perhaps first by encouraging staff to demonstrate accountability as part of a systematic programme of teacher education. Academic or staff developers can play an important role in implementing a teacher education programme, and encouraging and supporting a culture of academic leadership.  相似文献   

This article analyses the impacts of the Portuguese quality assurance system on academic cultures, using the Cultural Theory proposed by Douglas (1970, 1982) and developed by Thompson, Ellis and Wildavsky (1990) as an explanatory framework for Portuguese academics' preference formation in relation to quality assessment. The Portuguese higher education system has been undergoing a change of paradigm by moving from traditional collegial system to a legal framework influenced by New Public Management. The former institutional context, where academic collegiality was the basis of democratic decision, promoted the egalitarian way of life, where the group dimension is stronger. However, recent legislation has promoted two different logics. On the one hand it has decreased the influence of the group dimension by favouring individualistic values and beliefs. On the other, it has reinforced the grid dimension through greater centralisation of power and separation of roles of universities and polytechnics, thus promoting the hierarchic way of life. The new legislation framework has produced changes that have strongly modified traditional governance structures and mechanisms and are likely to affect academics' perceptions of quality assurance processes and impacts as much as they influence the development of beliefs and values.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is the tenure review process in Canadian universities, a rigorous and high-stakes evaluation of junior academics that serves as a prime exemplar of ‘disciplining academics', our project's title. In-depth interviews in seven Ontario universities with 30 knowledgeable informants such as senior managers and faculty association personnel provide the data. Literature on tenure and the persistence of equity issues suggests that we might expect some concern on those grounds to be raised by participants, especially as the faculty complement slowly grows more ethnically diverse and more gender balanced. Although not usually raised without direct questions, some discourses around equity did appear in the interviews. We argue that apparently equal outcomes in the tenure review process may be obscuring differential experiences of evaluation that need further examination.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):175-192

This article examines the identities of three black academics at historically white universities in South Africa. Three portraits that highlight politics within the professoriate as constituting a site for struggle are crafted. The wish is to shift the present focus in the South African literature by addressing the variety and complexity of black academics' everyday involvement in their oppression, demonstrating how that works. The analyses are set against the background of globalisation and the transformation of higher education worldwide. It is argued that the future of tertiary education in South Africa and elsewhere is likely to be influenced by battles within the academy about issues of diversity in regard to race, class and gender. Its outcomes are far from predictable.  相似文献   

As undergraduate courses in science are widely regarded as vocational training, they are evaluated by various groups as preparation for, inter alia, professional employment. However, the criteria for evaluation are usually not agreed because the groups describe the work of scientists in substantially different terms. In this paper, the perceptions held by several specific groups are outlined. The academics' perception is of up‐to‐date, sophisticated scientific principles; the perceptions of other experienced scientists are in terms of the use of knowledge and skills to solve problems, and the attitudes consistent with being an employed professional. Undergraduate curricula are largely determined by the academics' perception because no effective means has been found for academics to understand and accept the other perceptions. Acceptance of the other perceptions may lead to substantial changes in curricula.  相似文献   

The author discusses the role of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in the ongoing effort to internationalize German higher education. This organization endeavours to bring a substantial number of international students and academics to Germany and to enable German students and academics to study, do research, and teach abroad. Germany is a strong partner in the ongoing Bologna Process. German universities have introduced Bachelor's and Master's degree-level course programmes and are restructuring their doctoral programmes. They are forming networks with foreign universities all over the world. DAAD spends more than €60 million a year in support of structural changes in German universities leading to increased internationalization.  相似文献   

基于2007年CAP和2018年APIKS的调查数据,分析了近十年来我国高校教师校内、国内和国际科研合作率以及科研合作回报效应的变化。研究发现:从2007年到2018年,高校教师校内科研合作率下降,国内、国际科研合作率大幅上升,这些变化在青年教师群体上表现得尤为典型;不同性别、高校层次和学科教师科研合作率的差异一直存在;科研合作的回报效应发生了变化,整体而言,国内合作的影响力降低,国际合作的影响力增强。今后,应进一步通过精准施策,促进各教师群体的科研合作,改革科研评价制度,提升科研合作质量。  相似文献   

Action learning techniques are well suited to the teaching of organisation behaviour students because of their flexibility, inclusiveness, openness, and respect for individuals. They are no less useful as a tool for change for vocational teachers, learning, of necessity, to become researchers. Whereas traditional universities have always had a research culture, new Australian universities, such as the one under study here, have, until recently, concentrated on consulting to industry, and teaching. Faced with strong competition for government research funds to enable its survival and growth, Swinburne University set in place a number of strategies aimed at changing the old consulting culture into a thriving research culture. One such strategy was to hold a colloquium to promote and support teachers' research efforts. A number of iterations of an action learning process took place over a period of time, with each iteration addressing a different research question. The result of academics' engagement with the process of feedback and reflection has been instructive. Unquestionably, the majority of the academics who initially engaged in the ‘learning by doing’ process were encouraged to actively address the problems that beset them, resulting in significant changes in behaviour and a dramatic increase in research output. However, without a commitment to the process that is ongoing, and critical, further interest in research and development as researchers may come to a standstill, predetermining a level of research output that may yet see the School succumb to the internal and external pressures to which it is subject.  相似文献   

The use of social media in academics' lives is well documented; however, researchers have a limited understanding about whether, why and how academics' social media use changes over time. Through interviews with 12 scholars, we identify multiple reasons that lead them to change their use of social media over time. Specifically, scholars report their social media use changing as a result of personal life events; professional transitions; concerns related to online privacy and self-protection; evolution of technology; their desire to develop and nurture relationships; awareness of the needs of others; and, the political climate. These findings reflect individual desires and broader cultural shifts, indicating that scholars’ use of social media is impacted not just by their individual preferences, but also by forces that impact upon them.  相似文献   

Jo Tait 《Open Learning》2013,28(2):153-166
The practices of part-time teachers in higher education are often different and sometimes divorced from the activities of their full-time colleagues. This is particularly true in the UK Open University where course design and production are the domain of full-time academics, and student learning is traditionally supported by part-time teachers. Higher education in the UK is increasingly responding to quality agendas that demand evidence of competence in teaching together with coherent learning and assessment strategies for students. Such demands can have positive benefits for learning across an institution, but introduce particular challenges wherever universities rely on part-time tutors to supplement full-time academics' work; they present even more difficulties where the tutors are geographically dispersed. One idea emerging from a 3-year research project in the Open University draws on theories of activity and practice to suggest that, even in a distance-learning context, staff development for part-time teachers should be embedded in conversations with the academic practices of full-time staff. Such connections would enhance the coherence of student learning in line with quality agendas.  相似文献   

This study analyses academics' commitment and job satisfaction according to full-time non-tenure-track (FTNT) and full-time tenure-track (FTT) in South Korea's changing academic environment. Data were collected from the 2018 Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society Survey. One-way analyses of variance show no statistically significant differences in professional commitment (PC) and organisational commitment (OC) between FTNT and FTT academics, but FTNT academics exhibit significantly lower job satisfaction. Hierarchical linear regression models indicate that OC positively relates to job satisfaction, but PC is not statistically significantly associated with job satisfaction. This study argues that work conditions and stable positions are important factors in job satisfaction, though committed academics are likely to remain with the profession and organisation. These findings have implications for the treatment of academics and for university hiring and promotion procedures in today's changing academic environment.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from nine focus groups in four countries, I argue for the need to develop a research agenda around the intersectionality of early career, gender and crisis. I first give a brief explanation of the background, methodology and limitations of the study. Second, I lay out some key conceptualizations and their own limitations and then trace some important theoretical intersections that will frame the discussion. Third, to bring this intersectionality to life, I employ participant examples from the focus groups. In the first section of the analysis of the participant responses, I examine how crisis affects the identities of early-career academics. In the second section of the analysis, I connect these questions of identities with early-career academics' relationship with higher education (HE) pedagogies, most likely well known by the reader as a marginalized aspect of academics' work in HE institutions. Finally, I conclude with some responses to these dilemmas.  相似文献   

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