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Increasingly, the third-level sector across the world has acknowledged a hopeless track record of promoting and retaining competent women in leadership roles. However, change, in terms of women’s contribution and participation, has been minimal at least, or gradual at the most optimistic. In this paper, a woman with more than two decades experience as a full-time academic in the field of higher education relates her sense of loss and purposelessness when attempts to reach for a higher level position were consistently unsuccessful. Using autoethnography she relates her experiences of sexism in higher education, and the ways in which sexism turns into oppression through silencing. She proposes how her experiences point to the need for change, and she indicates that training to reduce gender bias has been proven to improve feelings of workplace fit for participants who collaborate with people who have addressed their gender bias.  相似文献   

新文化运动时期,在西方女性主义理论和马克思主义女性观的启迪和影响下,中国兴起了思想史上第一次大规模的女性主义思潮,作为女性主义探讨领域之一的男女社交问题遂被公然提出。这一时期。在一些先进知识分子的大力倡扬下,男女社交在思想认识上逐渐由“男女之大防”向男女社交公开转化。并在实施过程中取得了积极的成果,但同时也存在一定的局限性。  相似文献   

本文运用女性主义的批评方法,试图分析《都柏林人》中的女性形象,井探讨乔伊斯早期的女性观。虽然《都柏林人》中的女性形象没有完全超越时代,但也并不局限于腼从依赖的男性附属品。乔伊斯对女性的态度同情多于憎恨,理解多于责难。  相似文献   

教科书话语角色分析有助于发现书中隐含的性别偏见,表现为男女在对话数量、社会期望、交际功能等方面的差异。以英国高校希腊语教科书为例,国外对教科书性别偏见的话语角色分析在样本选取、框架建构、技术运用和结果阐释等方面为我国教科书性别意识研究提供了有益启示:关注教科书中的对话内容,展开形式与功能的全面分析,结合社交情境探索男女差异,用多学科视角诠释分析结果。  相似文献   

在哈罗德·品特的三部戏剧作品《回家》、《情人》和《微痛》中,家庭中的女性人物都表现出背离妻子身份的情人形象。对身份固定性的打破,使得这些品特女性成为父权体制中的不稳定因素,从内部对传统性别秩序产生了冲击。从朱丽娅·克里斯蒂娃在符号学影响下的女性理论视角进行解读,这些品特女性利用符号态的特质动摇了封闭的父权象征语言体系,为女性乃至所有个体的存在方式揭示出更多的可能性。  相似文献   

美国妇女史研究的发展与西方女性主义思潮、各种社会运动息息相关。西方女性主义思潮的不断发展对美国妇女史研究的内容、方法的转向产生巨大影响。西方女性主义思潮经历了从幼稚到成熟、从游离于主流社会价值到融入主流文化的发展阶段,美国的妇女史研究也相应地经历了一个从无到有、从边缘到研究热点、从简单的"她史"到对整个女性群体深入研究的发展过程,成为当今新社会文化史研究的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

社会性别理论与中国妇女史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会性别理论在西方第二次女性运动浪潮中被提出来并成为西方女性主义的中心理论,这一理论的引入和运用带来了中国妇女史研究的新发展,但两者互动过程中仍存在一些问题,妇女史研究在适当引进外来理论的过程中要结合中国历史上妇女的具体经历和两性关系的实际特点。  相似文献   

湖南江永女书自作为世界上唯一的女性文字体系被发现以来,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。在全球化的背景下,围绕女书文化资源的保护与开发,突显出东西方文化、民族、政府、市场等之间的复杂关系,也表现出文化参与与受益的不平等现象,特别是针对女书创造土壤的无奈消失、掠夺性研究的出现、虚假女书的繁荣以及“文化搭台,经济唱戏”的发展模式所导致的女书资源脆弱化等等进行怎样的干预,女性主义行动者必须作出自己的思考:一是明确女书的深刻内涵,将女书作为一种丰富的民俗文化体系来传承;二是要赋权于创造了女书文化的女性,确立女性在女书文化保护与传承中的主体地位;三是让具有性别视角的女书研究者有机会参与女书文化保护项目。  相似文献   

This paper examines the strategic use of temporary employment contracts in dealing with supply uncertainty in the form of employee ability that is slow to reveal itself, for example in academia where there exist significant time lags in demonstration of research ability. A temporary contract is modeled as a real option, specifically as a combination of put option and stock, known as a protective put. The option price is modeled as relief from project work, e.g. teaching, and the exercise price is modeled as a target value, e.g. requisite number of publications. The model provides an explanation for contrasting use of temporary contracts in research and in teaching intensive institutions, and for teaching only and research only staff. The model has relevance in other employment situations where there is a time-lag between recruitment and revelation of employee ability, for example in young professional, top executive and political positions.  相似文献   

Approximately 5% of people in most countries have deafness or significant hearing loss. This significant minority is underrepresented in mainstream universities across the world. Background information about deafness, relevant technology and its drawbacks, and the use of interpreters are discussed. The barriers to equitable representation of qualified Deaf academics in university settings are reviewed. The experiences of three Deaf academics who teach in mainstream universities are discussed, and suggestions for resolution are offered. Examples are cited for teaching, research and service, the threefold duties of the successful academic. Continuing access difficulties mean that only a few deaf graduates now consider doctoral study; cost and the perception of cost, as well as negative attitudes and lack of knowledge may mean that the few successful graduates have difficulties gaining employment; successful tenure and promotion prospects may also be hindered for the same reasons. We also provide recommendations how barriers for successful Deaf academics can be removed or mitigated.  相似文献   

近年来,TVB电视剧中女性题材占据了荧幕的“半边天”,“女人戏”更成为其力推的引领潮流文化的风向标,受到女性观众的热捧。以女性主义视角解读TVB“女人戏”的文本、生产和受众,“女人戏”中女性形象的构建,反映社会对女性形象和价值的设定,这些构建在愉悦女性观众的同时,却依旧不能改变其父权的特质。新时代的“女人戏”应正确运用性别视角,促进新女性的形象表达。  相似文献   

Joel Taxel 《Interchange》1978,9(1):56-84
Conclusions This paper has sought to raise questions about the limits we have imposed on ourselves as we discuss the relationship between racism, sexism, and instructional materials. In addition to attempting to outline the historical evolution of concerns about the content of curricular materials, and the manner in which this issue is currently being debated, I have tried to demonstrate that the ground rules and definitions we have accepted have limited our ability to apprehend the real complexity of the issue (e.g., a definition of censorship which omits the notion of covert censorship). Perhaps the most important belief which I have sought to question is that the content of literary and curricular materials can be discussed in isolation from the ideologies which they consciously or unconsciously manifest. There is a relationship between these ideologies and the wider distribution of power and resources in society. To discuss challenges to racially or sexually biased instructional materials exclusively in terms of a perceived threat to intellectual freedom and in absence of a discussion of the role such materials play in the continuation and re-creation of racial and sexual discrimination in society is, as has been stated, to ignore matters which demand consideration. It is my conviction that the debate surrounding this question has, for too long, been abstracted from the concrete historical concerns of those directly involved, and has ignored the appeals to justice and fairness which adhere to the claims of those demanding redress of past grievances.Furthermore, the debate has been too often guided by assumptions (e.g., the existence of schools as an open and free marketplace for the exchange of all ideas) which simply cannot withstand close scrutiny. It is clear to me that the perspectives offered by the sociology of school knowledge offer the means to make possible a fuller disclosure of the serious issues raised by this controversy.  相似文献   

Taking the Universities Australia report, National best practice framework for Indigenous cultural competency in Australian universities (2011) as the starting point for its discussion, this paper examines the applicability of cultural competence in the design and delivery of Australian Indigenous Studies. It argues that both the conceptual underpinnings and the operationalisation of cultural competence necessitate an over-reliance on essentialised notions of Indigeneity, cast in radical opposition to non-Indigeneity, which negate multiple and diverse expressions of Indigenous identity and lived experience. Thus, this approach perpetuates the very colonialist logics Indigenous Studies should endeavour to overcome. Secondly, it argues that cultural competency's emphasis on non-Indigenous self-reflexivity, broadly consistent as it is with both scholarship and praxis in Indigenous Studies, is represented in some of the literature as uncritical deference to an always-unified Indigeneity, thereby exacerbating the original essentialising impulse evident in the cultural competence paradigm. Therefore, this paper proposes that Indigenous Studies should explore the limits of self-reflexivity, with a view to establishing a genuinely anti-colonial/decolonising praxis that incorporates the capacity to negotiate Indigenous intracultural diversity along with other markers for identity.  相似文献   

职业女性是后现代社会语境中发展成熟起来的新的女性形象,职业女性不仅开启了妇女解放历史上的新篇章,而且营造了女性主义文学中的新形象。本吝分析了当前文学对职业女性生存状态的反映以及职业女性的躯体化写作倾向,并从两性文化的角度反思了女性主义文学的发展方向。  相似文献   

The Arab-Palestinian minority in Israel, one-fifth of the country's population, has been underrepresented in Israeli institutions of higher education since the establishment of the state. This article focuses on the authors’ shared aim of promoting diversity and multiculturalism in institutions of higher education in Israel. It first introduces Arab marginalisation within Israeli society as a whole. Subsequently, it offers a critical overview of existing data and research on the challenges faced by young Arab-Palestinians in higher education institutions in Israel. Based on this indispensable analysis, which clearly shows the numerous obstacles that await Arab-Palestinians on their path to graduation, the article goes on to suggest some required changes. Presenting some useful policy transformations and courses of action, it subsequently introduces multicultural academia as a better conceptual and practical framework for achieving inclusive education.  相似文献   

在市场经济和全球化的浪潮下,打工妹这一新兴群体的生存现状和利益诉求越来越得到海内外学者的重视。笔者主要从女性主义的视角阐述了资方如何运用女性气质驯服、控制女工;以及在这一过程中打工妹对于自身女性气质的矛盾与挣扎,从而得出通过资本主义生产方式的人性化改良;消解男女两性气质、建构"社会人气质"、瓦解父权制以及逐步废除户籍制度的方法来解救中国女工的命运。  相似文献   

吴丽丽 《培训与研究》2007,24(12):16-18
《简.爱》的同名主人公简.爱与《蝴蝶梦》中的主人公吕蓓卡这两个形象,反映了崛起的女权主义从"女权"到"女性"的发展。简.爱在爱情婚姻和事业上都为争取平等权力而付出努力;而近百年后的吕蓓卡作为一个独立、个体意识非常强的女性,她充分认识到自己作为女性的特质,将男性排斥在女性世界之外,将男性作为女性的对立面来嘲弄。简爱与吕蓓卡的出现打击了几千年来男尊女卑的观念,反映了社会的发展。  相似文献   

Gender inequality in academia might be understood as an effect of the belief of a contradiction between woman and science, which make it difficult for women to appropriate the right to author and authorise acts of knowing and thinking in science. In relation to this concern, the aim of this article is to explore how a group of successful women researchers do science and uphold their position as researchers. It is based on evidence from participant observation and qualitative interviews. Theoretical understandings of femininity and cloning culture are used to analyse how the women united as a group that displays a subordinate, heterosexual femininity. Their strategies might be understood as a form of cultural cloning. By expressing a collective emphasised femininity grounded in white, heterosexual, middle-class norms, the women experienced a sameness that rendered them strong as a group and well adapted in academia.  相似文献   

女性主义批评家高举“政治标准第一”的旗帜,以性政治为批评核心,揭露各种文化形态中隐藏的男性罗格斯中心。本文试图用女性主义批评理论,从女性的立场,阅读《水浒》中的几位妖妇形象,分析隐藏在她们背后的父权制男性中心主义,揭示《水浒》作者观念中落后、腐朽的成分。  相似文献   

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