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l.oPenedMr and Mrs Smith have justa smajl restaurant.2 .A forei罗student who didn’t0 eJU1.们n la10 aUr血〔1Ce州七5a10ln customeTs,1front可theIn order P位alestauralllltknow muchPass by theEnglish happenedreStaLl1’aflt“Meals on the House for 1llreeDays.”seeondd即.It was lunehhe felt ve巧hun叨·『,ontl】lle 3 .Hewalked towa;rds therestaurant when he saw the notiee.“Ameriean Peop卜axe什allys打ange-They even eat dinners on the 11otlse!B.,t how ean 1 get up to the[opofthe house?”he sai…  相似文献   

小学英语课本内的"on the farm"与"at the farm"两个词组都与farm(农场)有关,意思较为相近,关键看与farm相关的人所从事的工作。如果他(们)在农场直接从事农业劳动,一般选用on the farm,如:My parents work on the farm.(我父母亲在农场工作。)如果他(们)在农场不是直接从事农业劳动的,而是在农场里做  相似文献   

IntroductionAnidealstoragearchitecturewouldprovidestrongsecurity,datasharingacrossplatforms(i.e.operatingsystems),highperformance,andscalabilityintermsofthenumberofdevicesandclients.Today’sarchitecturesforcesystemdesignerstodecidewhichofthesefeaturesismostimportant,aschoosinganarchitectureinvolvesatrade-off.Thethreestoragearchitecturesincommonusetodayaredirect-attachedstorage(DAS),storageareanetworks(SANs),andnetwork-attachedstorage(NAS).Thefourtharchitecture,whichisoftencalledtheobjectst…  相似文献   

Whenevermybrothers熏sis鄄terandIgettogetherweliketotalkaboutDad.Weallowe(把……归于)oursuccessinlifetohim—andtothemanhemetonenighton atrain.Ourfather熏SimonAlexanderHaley熏wabornin1892andbroughtup(养育)inasmafarmingtown.HewastheeighthchildofAleHaley-afarmerslave—andofawomancalleQueen.OneofQueen’sgreatideaswasthatmyfatherbeeducated.Backtheninasmalltownboywasconsidered(认为)“wasted”ifheremainedinschoolafterhewasbigenoughtodfarmwork.Sowhenmyfatherreachedthesixtgrade熏Queenbegan…  相似文献   

导读:红杉树是一种跟恐龙同时代的植物。在半个世纪之前,北美有数十万公顷的原始红杉树。然而,由于木材加工业的步步紧逼,在今天红杉树已成为濒危植物。24岁的朱丽叶·希尔是一个漂亮的加利福尼亚女郎。她有一颗水晶般的爱心,芙丽而又热爱大自然,人们给她起了个“蝴蝶”的绰号。为了保护世界上罕见的、珍贵的名叫“卢娜”的红杉树免遭砍伐,朱丽叶·希尔不畏艰辛,在一棵红杉树上安营扎寨,度过了738个日日夜夜。最终,她凭借自己的勇气和努力赢得了胜利,同时她的智慧与善谈也使她成了一位出色的环保活动家。(虹雨)  相似文献   

出道的第九个年买即将进入倒计时,在这一年中,金俊秀发行了自己的专辑,开了一个人的世界巡回,出演音乐剧,客串电视剧,  相似文献   

The school holidays had just started, so we decided to go boating. John, Andy, Sameer, Navin and I sailed far out at sea. The sea was calm. The sun shone on the clear blue water. We were rowing beside a lighthouse. All we did in the boat was talking, joking and enjoying the soft breeze that started to blow.  相似文献   

In the way和on the way是极为常见的两个短语,如何灵活运用在具体的语境中呢? 1.in the way 这个短语常指“在道上”,有妨碍、阻拦的意思.如: 1)She can't do her dance because the table is in the way.Can you help me move it? 桌子挡住了路,她不能跳舞了.你能帮忙移开吗? 2)You just arranged matters so that no one was in the way. 你把一切都安排好了,这样就不会有人挡道了. 3)I knew what got in the way of success,and I planned for it. 我知道通往成功的道路上会遇到什么,我也计划好了.  相似文献   

This early spring, my father and I went to visit Shantou in Guangdong Province. One afternoon, we went to visit the seabeach. The wind was warm, but strong. The wave struck the large stones which stood in the water firmly and made loud noise. The surface of stones was smooth because of the waters striking them year after year.I admired the strength of nature!  相似文献   

Research on the Network Operations of the CERNet Backbone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ResearchontheNetworkOperationsoftheCERNetBackbonePanJianping1(潘建平)GuGuanqun1,2(顾冠群)GongJian2(龚俭)(1DepartmentofComputerScienc...  相似文献   

Diversity and convergence The Internet is so deeply ingrained in our lifes and its scale is so large, its future development must be through evolution (migration); a wholesale replacement, even with something vastly better, is impractical. However, many attempts to upgrade Internet services in the past have  相似文献   

张蕊 《新高考》2013,(11):24-27
1.D。细节理解题。文章的第七段开头"Snowden described enjoying a comfortable lifestyle and a career that included a $200,000 (1.23 million yuan) annual salary, and a home in Hawaii that he shared with his girlfriend."可以知道答案选D。其他几项都是文中随意挑出的原句,背离了题干的内容。  相似文献   

July 20th 1969 was an important day.Two Americans landed on the moon.Their names wereArmstrong(阿姆斯特朗)and Aldrin(俄尔德林).They went in a spaceship.Its name was Apolloll(阿波罗十一号).  相似文献   

A farmer had ten em ployees on his farm,and none of them w as asenergetic as the farm er thought he should be. He hitupon a plan whichhe believed would cure them of their lazy habits.“Men,”he said one m orning,“I have a nice,easy job for the lazi-estm an on the farm .W ill the laziestm an step forward?”Instantly nine ofthe m en stepped forward.“Why don'tyou step to the frontw ith the rest?”the farm er inquiredofthe rem aining one.“Too m uch trouble,”cam e the reply.The Laziest Man o…  相似文献   

I think I’m a bright and lively boy with a sense of humor,so I hadardently expected the National Day to be a refreshing and active holiday aftera month’s hard study since the new term began. But to my surprise and  相似文献   

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