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雅斯贝尔斯高等教育思想初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雅斯贝尔斯是德国名的存在主义哲学家、心理学家和高等教育家,他的高等教育思想内容广泛,涉及大学的任务、教育对象的选拔制度、教师的选用、大学和国家及社会的关系,大学的改革等等。他的思想对德国及至世界的高等教育都产生了一定影响,对我国当前的高等教育改革也有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Globalisation and the evolution of the knowledge-based economy have caused dramatic changes in the character and functions of higher education in most countries around the world. However, the impacts of globalisation on universities are not uniform even though similar business-like practices have been adopted to cope with competition in the global marketplace. The pressure for restructuring and reforming higher education is mainly derived from growing expectations and demands of different stakeholders in society. In the last decade, government bureaucracy, public service institutions and higher education institutions and universities have been significantly affected by the tidal wave of the public sector reform around the world. Apart from improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, universities are confronted with a situation in which the principles of financial accountability and responsiveness to stakeholders prevail amidst the massification stage under the condition of global economic retrenchment. In response to such pressing demands for change, policies and strategies of decentralisation, privatisation and marketisation are becoming increasingly popular measures in university governance. Reform strategies and measures like quality assurance, performance evaluation, financial audit, corporate management and market competition are adopted to reform and improve the performance of the higher education sector. This article examines the most recent higher education reforms and restructuring in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, with particular reference to the issues related to globalisation of decentralisation and marketisation in higher education.  相似文献   

传统计划经济体制下,我国公立高等学校属于从事教育活动的事业单位,具有鲜明的"国家公共性"特征。从经济方面考虑而赋予公立高等学校以自主权的改革路径,在必要的监督缺位的情况下使得公立高等学校超越了其原本所受的公共性的制约。内部自律的软弱和外部监督的缺失使得我国公立高等学校开始呈现出一种公共性的迷失状态。从教育的基本属性和功能来说,将高校定位于第三部门可能使其从公共权力领域的完全控制下解放出来。  相似文献   

《高等教育:以学生为中心》(Higher Education:Students at the Heart of the System)白皮书围绕高等教育经费、高校信息公开、教学招生改革、教育公平、管理框架等内容设计,推进英国高等教育市场化步伐,提出以学生为中心的思路。通过市场之手的运用来缓解高等教育中政府财务窘境,竞争促进流动,提供更好的学习经验,保证毕业生质量,促进高等教育机构发展。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):225-237
Chile's higher education system has moved a long way from state and professional towards market coordination. Presently, market oriented policies predominate across the system, based on a loosely regulated private provision of higher education and the use of a set of “para market” mechanisms designed to enhance competition between state supported universities. The effects of these policies on the number and differentiation of higher education institutions, on enrollment, on the evolution of professional careers and academic degree programs, and particularly on the funding of the higher education system are here analyzed. A balance is drawn, specifically with respect to the nature and quality of private institutions and their public regulation, and to the competition for funding between state supported universities.  相似文献   

伴随着高等学校任务体系的持续扩张,高等学校法律地位变革的功能导向不断强化。在大陆法系国家,高等学校通常具有基本权主体、国家机构或公法设施以及民事主体或公法意义上的法人等“多重”且“交叠”的法律地位。在英美法系国家,高等学校作为“混合型机构”的特征日益凸显。经由普通法与成文法的持续发展,形塑出高等学校作为自治机构、公共当局、非营利性机构以及贸易实体或法人等不同类型且富有“张力”的法律地位。高等学校法律地位变革中功能导向的强化,既为高等教育治理中多元利益的整合提供了可能,也客观上导致高等学校作为学术机构本质的式微,并衍生出自治权限萎缩、利益冲突状况加剧、教师权利危机凸显等诸多风险。在此背景下,如何调整学术子系统与法律系统之间的复杂关系,如何在传统与现代之间保持必要的张力,构成大学法研究的前沿议题。  相似文献   

State support for public higher education has been a primary concern for decades. Online education has been identified previously as an alternative revenue source that can offer financial relief to colleges and universities. This study uses IPEDS data and a fixed effects regression approach to examine whether public universities increase their reliance on online education in response to decreases in state appropriations. Consistent with resource dependence theory, we found a negative relationship between state appropriations and online enrollment at public 4-year institutions. Our findings indicate that public universities, particularly public doctoral institutions, appear to be responding to declines in state appropriations by engaging in revenue diversification and increasing their commitment to online education.  相似文献   

The paper explores ideological conceptions of management, especially ‘new managerialism’, with particular reference to their role in the reform of higher education. It is suggested that attempts to reform public services in general are political as well as technical, though there is no single unitary ideology of ‘new managerialism’. Whilst some argue that managers have become a class and have particular interests, this may not be so for all public services. The arguments presented are illustrated by data taken from a recent research project on the management of UK higher education. It is suggested that managers in public service organisations such as universities do not constitute a class. However, as in the case of manager‐academics, managing a contemporary public service such as higher education may involve taking on the ideologies and values of ‘new managerialism’, and for some, embracing these. So management ideologies do seem to serve the interests of manager‐academics and help cement relations of power and dominance, even in contexts like universities which were not traditionally associated with the dominance of management.  相似文献   

This essay reflects upon the themes that emerged from the “Public Relations—An Instrument for the Transformation and Development of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe” seminar, for which the articles appearing in this issue of Higher Education in Europe were originally prepared. The transitional public relations approach, which was developed and introduced to the world public relations literature by the author, is used to analyze the impact of this type of public relations on the reform of higher education in the former communist countries of Europe. The main conclusion is that, in view of the common communist heritage of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the application of public relations strategies and instruments in higher education accelerates and facilitates reform of this key area of the economy and also causes it to become more effective. The above statement is particularly valid for private universities.  相似文献   

The author offers a survey of the teaching of public relations in Bulgarian universities. For her, the democratic transformation of Bulgaria and the other countries of Central and Eastern Europe require the effective use of public relations by all social institutions. Even the institutions that teach public relations must make use of it to promote their programmes as well as their graduates. The new private higher education institutions in Bulgaria are more successful in terms of self-promotion via public relations than the older state institutions. The author proposes three common initiatives: (i) a network of chairs and professional organizations devoted to public relations; (ii) publication of a book on “Crisis Public Relations”; and (iii) the organiza tion of common professional and academic activities in public relations in Europe.  相似文献   


The advent of the single European market has generated new demands for training and consultancy, and many further and higher education institutions have been anxious to exploit the commercial opportunities that have been created. In general, however, institutions have been more successful in providing training for the public sector than they have been for the private sector. A survey of FHE reveals the kinds of single‐market training that are on offer, and suggests that the training that is available needs to be more precisely geared to the requirements of business if colleges and universities are to make further inroads into the private sector. It is argued that much training is currently ‘supply led’ rather than ‘demand led’, and that institutions need to recognise important differences between information needs, skills needs and qualifications needs in the design of their single market provision. There are, however, examples of good practice, and institutions’ perceptions of their own needs in improving their European training are also discussed. The article concludes with some practical steps that institutions might consider in order to improve their single‐market training.

‘The training performance of industry and commerce in this country must be raised to meet the greater commitment and higher standards of other European countries.’

The words belong to the then Minister for Further and Higher Education, Robert Jackson, and were spoken in 1990 at the launch of the Department of Education and Science‐funded PICKUP Europe Unit ‐‐ an initiative designed to help further and higher education (FHE) to meet the training needs of industry and business in anticipation of the changes heralded by the single European market (SEM). Helping industry and business to respond to the challenges of the enlarged European market fitted well into the PICKUP scheme, which was intended to encourage FHE institutions to make their expertise and resources available for the purposes of updating and reskilling the labour force. It reflected the Government's desire to build a stronger link between education and wealth creation, and to foster competence‐based, as well as knowledge‐based, aspects of educational provision. The 282 measures associated with completion of the single market have made it increasingly important that workers at all levels are familiar with the new Europe in which they will produce goods and services, but just how effectively are further and higher education institutions facing up to their own challenge, and providing the ‘training for Europe’ that is considered so important in ensuring that British businesses exploit the opportunities of the single market?  相似文献   

Since the introduction of full-cost fees for overseas students in 1980 there has been a marked increase in marketing activities in British universities, polytechnics and in some other institutions of higher education. A survey of 33 universities and public sector higher education institutions in 1985 showed that 90 per cent undertook some form of marketing to attract overseas students, and 70 per cent reported that they had intensified their recruitment and marketing efforts since 1980. The British Council's Education Counselling Service, established in 1984, is now extremely active in certain countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. As well as increasing their publicity, many institutions have also strengthened their support services for overseas students and have developed new courses for the overseas market, particularly short courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Although there have been some instances of institutions adopting a 'hard sell' approach, most recognise the need for 'responsible recruitment' policies, and many are now developing comprehensive strategies covering admissions, financial support, the structure and content of courses for overseas students and academic and pastoral support services, as well as marketing. Partly as a result of increased marketing activities, the number of overseas students, which fell sharply after 1980, has been rising steadily since 1983, and the number in universities is higher now than before the introduction of full-cost fees. It is estimated that spending by overseas students now exceeds £1 billion.  相似文献   

This study addresses the implications of higher education marketisation for quality in Kenya. It focuses on full fee-paying programmes, the de facto market source of revenue for Kenya’s public universities. The study argues that Kenya’s public universities were precipitately subjected to diminished public capitation, and so was their plunging into marketisation. These institutions started enrolling full fee-paying students at a time when they were strained in terms of institutional capacity. There were not enough physical facilities, and most of those available were suffering decay following many years of neglect. They did not have enough teaching staff, a problem, which the marketisation agenda has made worse. The desire to claim a bigger share in the student market has seen the introduction of many new courses in advance of capacity to offer them. The study concludes that by seeking economic self-determination through full fee-paying programmes, in advance of a well-developed institutional capacity, the subsequent pressure seems to have made the quality situation worse.  相似文献   


Markets constitute the very centre of the post-communist reforms in the countries of Central and East Europe and the former Soviet Union. The two alternative approaches available for framing the market reform conceptually are, however, both inadequate. Those in favour of revolutionary theories fail to see the strong inertia of the academe and its desire for stability. Proponents of evolutionary theories of market reforms do not recognise qualitatively new relationships in many areas. Those eager to demonstrate the success of the market reforms as well as those presenting the success of the centralised higher education in a number of areas fail to realise the lack of legal framework for market reforms and missing political decisions on which the reforms could be based on. This article discusses the role of labour markets, markets of degrees and qualifications as well as the market of educational services as related to higher education reforms. It is proposed that downsizing the State has shifted many of its previous functions to random, often external agents. This creates a meta-level market - the market of market reforms in higher education. Through this quasi market formerly unified higher education systems and even institutions are broken into segments often ignoring each other's existence and seeking individual short term goals. As a result markets' pressure on higher education has taken extremely aggressive forms limiting access to quality higher education while the systemwide enrolment is rapidly growing through theactivities of new low calibre universities and diploma mills.  相似文献   

This article investigates the movement of theological education away from diocesan controlled theological colleges in the Anglican Church of Australia into the mainstream curriculum of public universities. Particular reference is made to the establishment of Theology as an area of study at The University of Newcastle. Other models of theological education based on particular hermeneutic interests of Anglicanism are examined. Comparisons are drawn between those institutions seeking to maintain partisan control over theological education and those who cede control, in part or entirely, to the public university. Discussion of some historical material leading to the implementation of the ‘Newcastle Model’ is presented as this relates to church and public policy on Theology in higher education. The article argues that the place of theological education is in the academy or public university since it is there that Theology, like other public knowledge, best develops and maintains a critical intention.  相似文献   

高校后勤社会化改革的目标是构建具有中国特色、符合高等教育特点的新型高校后勤保障体系,而公益性是新型高校后勤保障体系的基本特征,政府、高校和高校后勤组织必须共同坚持公益性的原则,共同构筑以公益性为基础的新型高校后勤保障体系,只有这样,高校后勤社会化改革才能真正实现预期的目标。  相似文献   

高校过度行政化的管理模式使得政府与高校出现管理危机和信任危机,政府与高校以及高校内部契约不完全的委托代理制度催生了高校的行政化问题。高校去行政化必须发挥制度诱致性变迁的作用,以契约和市场精神改造政府与高校及高校内部的委托代理制度,并在此基础上构建现代大学制度。  相似文献   

美国高等教育经历了一个由私立高校一统天下到公立高校逐步兴起,再到两者并驾齐驱,并最终公立高校占主流地位的历史发展过程。美国能够最早实现高等教育大众化,靠的就是私立高校和公立高校的共同努力来实现的。在这个过程中,美国政府通过立法和财政资助等途径,不断协调公立与私立高校的关系,推进教育和谐发展。  相似文献   

Towards quality private higher education in central and eastern Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The number of private higher education institutions in post-communist Eastern Europe has risen spectacularly since 1989. In some countries, private-sector enrollments have neared one-third of total enrollment. This article traces the development of these private higher education institutions. The argument is that while their quality is currently varied, they are structurally much better suited to serve the post-communist world than are the rigid, cash-strapped public universities. However, they must first overcome certain challenges, such as a lack of prestige, that arise from their very identity as private-sector institutions.  相似文献   

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