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Drawing on sociocultural perspectives on educational design, this article presents a qualitative study investigating how religious texts emerge as educational objects and mediating artefacts in Norwegian textbooks of religious and moral education. The article describes how the distribution of text references in textbooks influences the formation of religious traditions as objects. It also describes how religious texts are given various roles and how textbook assignments use various means to facilitate the interpretation of religious texts in a response to the demands posed by Norwegian syllabuses of religious and moral education.  相似文献   

Since inquiry was first introduced to science education, a lot of inquiry-based tasks have appeared in textbooks for supporting an inquiry-based approach. These tasks have great potential to direct the implementation of an inquiry-based approach, as teachers rely heavily on the use of existing instructional materials in most K-12 classrooms. However, these tasks would not actually take effect unless they could accomplish the mission of assisting in the achievement of the educational goals of an inquiry-based approach, for which it is necessary to assess the design quality of inquiry-based tasks in textbooks. Content analysis is an effective way to evaluate the design quality of textbooks. This study adopted the instrument – the Inquiry-based Tasks Analysis Inventory (ITAI), which fits the purpose and has strong reliability and validity – to analyse the inquiry-based tasks in current high school biology textbooks in Mainland China. The results show that (1) some of the inquiry-based tasks separate the inquiry process from scientific content, (2) current textbooks do not present balanced dispositions to use inquiry process skills, and (3) inquiry-based tasks in current textbooks do not reflect a proper understanding about scientific inquiry. The findings call for revisions of inquiry-based tasks in textbooks and indicate the ambiguous understanding about inquiry that may be held by the textbook authors. What is more, the problems revealed by this study are very similar to those found in previous studies in other regions, which highlights the need for continuous attention to the evaluation of inquiry-based tasks in textbooks.  相似文献   

劳动教育教材的编制是落实《关于全面加强新时代大中小学劳动教育的意见》的具体行动,对于指导当前学校劳动教育实践具有重要的现实意义。德国普通中学拥有相对成熟的劳动教育教材体系,其主流劳动教材设计的主要特点表现为:遵循联邦州教学大纲,构建两级问题解决能力体系;设置多种类型的主题单元,搭建跨学科知识体系;遵循项目式教学法,提升学生实践能力;立足可持续发展教育理念,培养具有时代特征的“世界公民”。  相似文献   

概念图是组织和表示知识的图形工具,可以使用概念图软件Cmap Tools进行绘制。在基础教育研究中运用信息化教育科研方法是教育研究的发展方向。作为一种研究工具,概念图软件可以用于高中地理教科书分析研究。节点频率等5个定量分析指标可以帮助认识教科书和选用适合教学的教科书,某节点与其他节点的联系等3个方面的定性分析可以帮助认识教科书内容和修订教科书中的具体知识。  相似文献   

金融英语课程是为培养复合型英语专业人才开设的一门跨学科课程。合适的教材是达到教学目标的重要一环。本文分析了目前金融英语教材的现状,比较了基本典型的教材,提出了理想教材的标准以及运用教材的一些建议。  相似文献   

教育文本的意向性建构,指的是教育文本的生产设计应有“读者”意识,以形成文本的对话品性。它体现的是教育的人文关怀意识。这种文本的意向性建构可以从文本插图、话语方式选择以及文本知识生活化等几个方面进行。  相似文献   

Open educational resources (OER) can make educational resources widely available to all students and educators for free; however, OER are still untried in many academic programmes in higher education. This article reports a case of adoption of an open access textbook for an introductory information systems course and discusses the process and suggestions of adoption of an OER textbook based upon the authors’ own experience. The study indicates that the process of adoption of an open access textbook demands more intellectual work on the instructors’ side in comparison with the adoption of a new commercial textbook. The study suggests that discipline-based communities of practice (CoP) can ease the workload problem in the process of adopting OER textbooks. The findings are important in encouraging the OER community to shift from project-based OER textbook development to discipline-based CoP for effective OER textbook adoption.  相似文献   

随着基础教育课程改革的不断深入,作为课程改革重要载体的教科书领域出现了诸如教科书版本多样化、编写须立项核准、出版发行公开招标、选用权重心下移、评价力度加大等新情况,教科书管理也必将为适应新形势而改革自身,进一步推进管理的规范化、科学化。北京要率先实现教育现代化,建立规范的教科书管理制度势在必行。  相似文献   

数字教科书开发存在着两种思路,一是教科书的“数字化”,开发者极尽信息技术的技术优势,进行着教科书数字化的技术化努力,这一技术化的开发取向不可避免地带来了风险。二是数字化的“教科书”,始终坚守教科书意识,既实现着教科书的数字化,又规避了教科书数字化中的技术化风险。从教科书的“数字化”到数字化的“教科书”,是未来数字教科书开发的必然选择,必须做到:目中有人,确立人是数字教科书开发的出发点和追求;立足教学,坚守教学性是数字教科书的生命属性;有机融合,恰当处理好信息技术和教科书的关系。  相似文献   

人教版、苏教版、语文版初中语文实验教科书,汲取传统语文教学精华,借鉴国外母语教材先进经验,更新教育理念,突破了语文教科书旧有的编排模式。“人教版”的鲜明特色,是以生活主题组织单元,优化整合教科书各个系统,简化头绪,突出学习重点。“苏教版”的整体编排上以主题合成单元为主,名著推荐与阅读单元和专题单元穿插其间。主题合成单元在内容的编排上突出体现了语文教育的实践性,名著推荐与阅读和专题单元,是富有创造性的新设计。“语文版”在教科书结构和内容编排设计上的新思路,是按照言语技能的不同层次,重新构建语文能力训练系统。  相似文献   

The cost of college tuition and textbooks continues to rise and can function as a barrier to education for many students. This study evaluated Minnesota State Colleges and Universities students’ attitudes towards different types of learning material (e.g. commercially printed textbooks, eBooks and open educational resources (OERs)) and class type preferences (e.g. on-campus, hybrid and online). In addition, students indicated that they had ever chosen not to purchase a required textbook as well as how much they pay on average for a single textbook and approximately how much they paid for textbooks in the most recent semester. Cost was noted as a common deterrent; however, a more frequent reason provided by students for not buying a textbook was being able to adequately complete assignments without the textbook. This indicates that instructional method might be more of an issue than cost. OERs would lower these costs, but few students have been exposed to this kind of learning material and the overall impact on teaching quality is still largely unknown. The differences between two-year institutions and four-year institutions are examined and ideas to remedy the problem are noted.  相似文献   

通过介绍教育方法的几次重大革命、iPad教育特点及应用案例、iBooks教科书内容、iBooks Author软件的使用方法,浅析教育与教科书出版领域出现的新机会,展望未来教学方式,指导各高等院校、中小学等教师和相关教育工作者使用和发布新教学法和教科书。  相似文献   

通过分析教材建设与高职职业指导课程质量的内在联系,提出了职业指导教材创新的核心是树立现代教学观念,阐述了开发职业指导教材的基本原则。  相似文献   

梳理国内外数字教科书演进的基本历程及其样态演变,探究教育攸关者与数字教科书的角色博弈,对当前教育实践具有指导意义。展望数字教科书的未来路向、呼应时代的“人性彰显”根本价值诉求,是数字教科书研究应有之义。基于中国教育实践智慧创造性转化的逻辑诉求,数字教科书发展的未来路向将以教科书、教学以及教材等核心概念重构为出发点,基于“开放·发展”理解旨趣重构数字教科书,基于“学习者本位”价值旨趣构建“技术与教育双向融合”教学生态,基于“未来课程”实践旨趣创新教材观。  相似文献   

对于教科书问题,目前过多的集中在"教教科书"与"用教科书教"以及教科书理论研究层面,而在真实的课堂教学中关注教科书研究问题却少有问津。课程标准指导下的新教材,其内涵已融入新的理念。基于个案研究分析以了解在真实的历史教学活动中教科书是如何影响教师的教授和学生的学习方式,换一种视角来探讨研究新课程下教科书变革问题比起纯理论说明也许会给我们今后使用或研究教科书更多启示。  相似文献   

进入数字时代,以大数据为代表的新技术引发教材编制思路与范式的转变,教材编制呈现出前所未有的新样态。数字时代的教材编制面临着技术泛滥导致课堂规范与责任伦理弱化、技术深度介入解构系统化教材知识体系、快速更新弱化了知识的深度学习及泛化了教材目标定位、数字化资源运用易引发法律风险隐患等教育伦理问题。规避数字时代教材编制的技术伦理风险,应及时更新教材编制基本理念、从动态场域通盘考量教材编制全过程、推动技术与教材编制深度融合、健全行业制度规范与法律法规。  相似文献   

教科书是呈现美学要素的载体,是落实美育目标的媒介,深入发掘教科书美学要素和美育功能,有助于完善教科书研究体系,为教师利用教科书进行美育提供依据,从而达到学生审美发展的目标。建构教科书美学需要对研究对象、研究内容以及研究方法进行梳理,以明确其研究范式。同时,作为教科书和美学的交叉研究领域,有必要明晰二者在教科书美学中的基本样貌、地位以及联结着两大板块的内在机制,以此明确教科书美学的学科性质和发展方向。  相似文献   

藏族地区中小学理科教学改革刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藏族地区的化教育还较落后,这主要表现在学校教育方面,尤其是理科教育。其原因是教材内容不适合藏族学生的思维习惯,与藏族学生的生活有较大差异。为了改变这种现状就应从教材内容改革入手,研究学生思维、研究教学方法、研究藏族地区经济化的发展变化趋势,最终达到能够编写出一整套适应藏族学生实际的理科教材的目的,为社会发展提供良好的教育基础。  相似文献   

A new textbook in religious education is analysed, first, in comparison to earlier ones, and, second, with respect to its content and goals. The aim of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) is threefold – to educate into religion, to foster the ethnic Russian identity and to make youngsters loyal to the state. Actually, the state rather than society is one of the major values (together with the faith) both for the ROC and for the respective textbooks. The new religious courses received the support of the Russian President in 2009, after which a new educational standard was elaborated and new textbooks were completed. Six courses were accepted: four on ‘traditional religions’, one as an introduction to world religions and one on secular ethics. Each of these six courses could be chosen voluntarily by pupils and their parents. The new courses were first introduced in 24 regions in the spring semester of 2010 as a pilot project. I will analyse the textbooks and show which particular courses were most popular in various regions of Russia.  相似文献   

高等教育教材评价体系的构建是当前高校创新教育的必然诉求,也是高校教材建设的必由之路。"以学生为中心"、"以能力为中心"、"以活动为中心"是高校创新教育教材评价的新方向,应从理念创新、内容创新、组织方式创新和设计形式创新四个维度来构建高校创新教育教材的评价体系。  相似文献   

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