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This study examined teaching assistants' perceptions of various instructional issues and explored whether their perceptions were affected by nationality, gender, and academic discipline. The study generated significant, positive results. Logistic regression with dummy coding revealed significant predictors of teaching assistants' instructional roles, teaching style, instructional methods, communication strategies, and potential problems. Discussion of the results, implications, and recommendations for future research are included.where she coordinates the campus-wide TA training and development program  相似文献   

为了保障本科教学质量,提高研究生特别是博士生的培养质量,斯坦福大学建立了教学助理制度。研究生担任教学助理,一方面协助教授教学,另一方面为本科生提供咨询和指导,服务学生。通过分析斯坦福大学教学助理的管理和培养,研究其教学助理制度的特色,为我国教学助理的发展和完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Resident assistants (RAs) can serve as important suicide prevention gatekeepers. The purpose of the study was to determine if training improved RAs’ crisis communications skills and suicide‐related knowledge and to determine if the knowledge elements predicted crisis communications skills. New RAs showed significant improvement in all areas from pretest to posttest, whereas returning RAs showed no significant increase in any of the areas. None of the knowledge areas predicted communications skills for either group.  相似文献   

研究生助教工作在我国高校已经普及,但多限于对研究生助教的资助,没有纳入高校教师发展体系。基于我国17个国家级教学发展示范中心网站提供的助教培训信息,发现当下助教培训存在时间仓促、定位不清、内容不连续、工具性倾向明显等问题,可能影响本科生教学质量的提高,也是对潜在师资的极大浪费。认为应将研究生助教视作高校教师职业生涯的发端,依托教学发展中心有计划地进行教学培训;尽早建立研究生对高校、高校工作、高校教师的感性认识;协同助教和主讲教师经历教学过程,提升发现问题、开发解决问题的能力;完善教育教学相关的知识结构,建立起以研促教的教学理念,提升教学水平。  相似文献   

Institutions need effective and efficient methods of professional development for preparing graduate students to teach. These skills are important both for their immediate roles as teaching assistants (TAs) and for their eventual roles in the professoriate. An iterative process model from instructional design can function as a cognitive organizational framework for the development of teaching expertise. It facilitates expertise by supporting TAs in connecting new and existing knowledge about teaching and learning in meaningful ways that reflect the cognitive processes of expert teachers. Thus, it can support both the current and future development of teaching expertise and facilitate the application of knowledge in the form of teaching strategies. Patricia L. Hardré earned her Ph.D. in Education at the University of Iowa. She specializes in Instructional Design and Technology with emphases on cognition and instruction, human motivation, and educational assessment. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Oklahoma. Her current research pursuits include K-12 teacher education, TA training and development, high school students' motivation to learn and persist in school, and the effects of computer-based administration of research instruments.  相似文献   

An undergraduate teaching assistant (UTA) training course was developed using existing best practices and Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives as a framework. Course goals included developing assistants’ content knowledge, procedural knowledge, and metacognition regarding teaching. Across three semesters, UTAs’ (N?=?68) pre- and post-test responses showed significant increases in their teaching-related knowledge, confidence in their skills, consideration of a teaching-related career, and perceived benefits of being a UTA. The course provides an efficient method by which assistants learn to support students and faculty in a range of undergraduate courses, serving as a potential model for other teaching assistantship programs.  相似文献   

Inasmuch as undergraduate residence hall assistants are being called upon more frequently to counsel students in social-personal problems and little training specific to this function has been given in the past, there is a need to develop an effective but brief training program leading to increased counseling effectiveness. Six hours of specialized training which focused on counselor accurate empathy enabled eight randomly chosen undergraduate resident assistants to increase their levels of accurate empathy significantly higher than a matched control group which received no training. In addition, the experimental Ss also demonstrated somewhat higher levels of counselor warmth.  相似文献   

归纳分析目前高校教师教育技术培训中存在的问题,在云计算辅助教学迅速发展的背景下,介绍Google协作平台的功能,并以云南大学教师教育技术培训专题网站为例,阐述云计算在高校教师教育技术培训中的应用.提供高校教师教育技术培训的一种新思路,为云计算在教学中的应用提供一定的借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

化学研究生担任助教,是大学化学实验教学工作的重要组成部分。原有的以教师为主、研究生助教为辅的基础化学实验教学体系存在诸多不足,本文结合自身实验教学工作体会,对提高研究生助教教学质量的方法进行探索,目的是为高校实验教学的改革创新和研究生的成才培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Local Authorities (LAs) in Britain traditionally employ Visual Impairment (VI) teams as integrative statutory Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (SENI) provision. Teaching Assistants (TAs) work alongside Qualified Teachers (QTs) in VI teams to support children and young people (CYP) with VI. The VI TA has a broad role in covering early years, primary, secondary and special school settings and their key duties can include implementing visual targets, providing sensory support, delivering touch typing lessons, to name a few. Based on systemic and work‐based learning theories, this article explores the learning stories of seven VI TAs who volunteered to participate in professional development focus group discussions between September 2014 and November 2015. The seven participants all work in the VI team of one LA in Cambridgeshire. The focus of the fortnightly focus group discussions were to explore the impact which eye conditions had on the education and learning of CYP. Participants were encouraged to engage in reflective writing about their new knowledge and how this may have changed their VI practice. Findings from qualitative data generated for analysis and interpretation demonstrated that most participants did improve their knowledge and understanding of specific eye conditions. Some participants benefited and changed their practice based on their newly acquired knowledge whereas some were not aware of any impact on their practice. Themes also highlighted constructive comments on how future professional learning for TAs can be improved. There are currently no mandatory training requirements for specialist VI TAs.  相似文献   

高校辅导员队伍建设探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辅导员是高等学校大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,加强高校辅导员队伍建设是做好大学生思想政治工作的重要保证,辅导员队伍建设的好坏直接关系到人才培养的质量和学校的发展。本文在对高校辅导员队伍现状进行分析的基础上,提出了加强辅导员队伍建设的建议。  相似文献   

伦敦大学学院的教学助理既是教授的助理,又是未来大学教师的后备军,还是学生的服务者。他们不仅缓解了教授的教学负担,还为大学注入了新鲜血液,服务学生,保障教学质量。伦敦大学学院制定了严格的教学助理选聘条件,对教学助理实施全程培训与客观评价。这种卓有成效的教学质量保障机制,确保了伦敦大学学院高质量的本科生教育。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,大学青年教师已经历了老、中、青三代,三代青年教师在不同历史时期,有着怎样的助教境遇?扫描三代青年教师走过的助教历程,发现第一代青年教师刻骨铭心的助教,到了第二代就变得顺其自然,到第三代就多了几分随意,并行将逝去。然而,助教的灵魂不应逝去,值得人们深思。  相似文献   

培养大学生的信任能力是高校拓展训练教学的重要内容。基于信任能力训练的拓展训练教学需要在具有挑战性的高峰体验项目中完成,如何在保证安全的情况下获得优质的教学效果是拓展训练教学需要解决的重要课题。文章在实践教学研究的基础上总结出一套适合高校大学生信任能力训练的拓展训练教学模式,从了解、能力、责任、风格、承诺等5大围度进行训练,选择信任背摔项目作为信任能力训练的主要教学内容,从教学安全操作、学生获取高峰体验和信任能力培养效果等方面进行分析,对于大学生综合素质的提升具有重要意义。  相似文献   

一、引言   开发大学物理网络教学系统的目的是为了在校园网上实现本校的远程物理教学、教师在线答疑、学生在线测试等教学活动。网络教学系统设计的关键问题是如何利用网络教学的这一特殊表现形式来促进教师和学生之间的交流。网络教学需要教师和系统维护人员的共同努力,在系统初始数据库的基础上,根据自己的需要,不断灵活地加入新的内容,使得这个系统充满了活力。而老师和学生之间的交流,更加充分体现这个系统为教学服务的特色。   二、数据管理的设计依据   鉴于系统实现的特殊性,数据的管理与设计依据以下几个因素:   …  相似文献   

校本培训理念与高校师资教学培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育改革的深入发展不仅要求高校教师具有较高学历 ,掌握广博、坚实的专业知识 ,更要求教师成为“讲课的学问家”。强调以学校、教师为主体 ,以解决具体教学问题为基本理念的校本培训模式 ,对丰富高校教师教学培训形式 ,从根本上提高教师教学水平和高校教学质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

郭珊珊 《海外英语》2012,(11):67-68
文化意识的培养对于提高大学生英语的学习能力和实际生活中的运用能力有着至关重要的作用。如何制定大学英语教学文化意识培养的策略已经成为了众多高校的首要研究课题之一。该文以大量理论研究文献入手,对大学英语教学中培养文化意识的作用以及如何开展进行了深入的研究。  相似文献   

Science education reform documents identify nature of science (NOS) as a critical component of scientific literacy and call for universities, colleges, and K-12 schools to explicitly integrate NOS learning into science curricula. In response to these calls, this study investigated the classroom practices of nine graduate assistants (GAs) who taught expository and inquiry laboratories that implemented an explicit and reflective (ER) pedagogy to teach NOS. The purpose of this qualitative study was to better understand the experiences that enabled or inhibited GA implementation of an ER strategy in a college setting. The findings revealed that achieving quality implementation in this setting was very difficult. Factors such as GAs' ability to foster meaningful classroom discussions, laboratory logistics (e.g. lack of time and supplies), and the value undergraduates and GAs saw in learning about NOS were identified by GAs and observed by the researchers as barriers to the technique maximizing its potential. Thus, for meaningful infusion of NOS into science curricula, pedagogical support for GAs to manage meaningful classroom discussions in support of NOS or other complex topics is recommended for an ER approach to NOS learning to be successful in college settings.  相似文献   

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