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This paper first briefly reviews the worldwide development of the size of the university sector, its research merits and authorities’ use of incentive systems for its academic staff. Then, the paper develops a static model of a researcher’s behaviour, aiming to discuss how different salary reward schemes and teaching obligations influence his or her research merits. Moreover, special focus is placed on discussing the importance of the researcher’s skills and of working in solid academic environments for quality research. The main findings are as follows: First, research achievements will improve irrespective of the relative impact quantity and quality of research have on researchers’ salaries. Second, small changes in fixed salary and teaching duties will not influence the amount of time academics spend on research and, as such, their research merits. Third, because research productivity, i.e. the number of pages written and research quality increase with the researcher’s skills and effort, both these figures signal a researcher’s potential when adjusting for his or her age and the kind of research carried out. Finally, because researchers’ utility depends on factors beyond salary and leisure time, employers have a number of instruments to use in order to attract skilled researchers in a globalised market.  相似文献   

Research and teaching at a research university   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper examines tensions between the research and teachingcomponents of the faculty role. It does so by reporting resultsfrom a case study of committed undergraduate teachers at aresearch university. Having agreed that research was the dominantelement in the university's academic reward system, samplemembers were cross-classified along two dimensions: First, theirown adaptation to the reward structure, as indicated by theirfive-year records of involvement in funded research; second,individuals' stated attitudes and beliefs toward the teaching andresearch roles. Although the 11 active researchers (ARs) withinthe sample reported somewhat more positive attitudes towardsresearch than did the 18 less-active researchers (LAs), we foundconsiderable overlap across, and variation within, the twosubsamples. Particularly noteworthy were the presence of a strongallegiance to the historic teaching mission of publicuniversities among both groups and, among the LAs, anoppositional cadre of politically adept senior faculty who hadachieved some success in preserving or expanding the place ofundergraduate teaching in the reward systems of their departmentsand colleges. The paper concludes by considering the case studyfindings in light of both recent theoretical work on intrinsicmotivation and the future of the teaching role.  相似文献   

This paper is an examination of one component of research training programs, the research assistantship. Data are presented from a national study of the topic. Results of a survey with 3,963 respondents showed that genuine research assistantship experience is positively related to subsequent research involvement and productivity. More intensive data collection from the 50 most productive researchers and 50 nonproductive respondents resulted in identification of 35 variables that discriminate between the two groups (4 structural, 19 experiential, 4 supervisor-assistant interactions, and 8 perceptual). Clusters of variables resulting from factor analysis are presented and nondiscriminating variables are discussed. Recommendations are offered for designers and directors of programs in colleges and universities for use in training educational research personnel.  相似文献   

The paper discusses research leadership in public universities under change and the role of entrepreneurial strategies in research. Research leadership function today in situations where the New Public Management movement one the one hand have introduced management by accountability and control in the university while on the other hand open boundaries to other knowledge organizations, arenas and networks, and creation of resources are becoming more important than ever. Hence, an entrepreneurial strategy is more important than traditional managerial skills in order to produce new knowledge centres. By analysing two cases on the construction of new research groups, we will introduce new perspectives on research leadership, where dilemmas, uncertainty and complex relations to other managerial systems in the universities are in the forefront. The paper presents an important contribution to the understanding of a special form of creating new knowledge production in the university by means of organizational entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Research supervision: the research management matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We briefly make a case for re-conceptualising research project supervision/advising as the consideration of three inter-related areas: the learning and teaching process; developing the student; and producing the research project/outcome as a social practice. We use this as our theoretical base for an heuristic tool, ‘the research management matrix’ and this is the major focus of this paper. The matrix facilitates the work of supervision. In the matrix we privilege the research questions. The research management matrix can be easily used to focus on key research features and the relationships amongst them. The timing of different parts of research is introduced so that practical goals are identified. This facilitates project and research student learning management and timely completions. For these reasons the research management matrix is a useful tool for supervisors/advisors  相似文献   

在从书院到学堂的转型过程中,传统的师生关系发生了明显的变化.导致变化的社会历史原因繁多而复杂,但中国近代学校制度的建立和发展,无疑是其中的一个重要因素.一方面,近代学校制度改变了传统社会中学校与社区共同体的密切联系,使学校相对全面地游离于社区共同体之外,从而也改变了教师和学生的结合与互动方式;另一方面,移植外来模式而建立起来的近代学校.毕竟生长在中国的社会、文化土壤之中,在西化的形式中,容纳了各种不同且常常相互冲突的社会力量、文化因素,从而使近代师生关系呈现出混乱、失序的状态.从这个角度来看,近代学校的师生关系,不过是变化了的制度形式及其与社会关系的一个缩影.  相似文献   

由于艺术专业录取时侧重专业水平的选拔,对于英语成绩要求不高,因而艺术专业学生平时学习注重专业课,轻视文化课,他们英语基础薄弱,缺乏英语学习动机根据教学实际调查,发现艺术专业英语教学存在的问题,如教材缺乏个性化特点,教学方法呆板、英语课堂气氛沉闷,现有教学条件陈旧落后,无法满足教学需求,教师普遍缺乏艺术专业素养等;提出只有根据艺术专业学生的特点,因材施教,改善教学环境,改变教学方法,丰富课外活动,才能全面提高艺术专业英语教学的质量。  相似文献   

教学和科研是高校的两大主要职能,目前大学教学和科研之间存在一定的矛盾,客观看待和正确处理教学和科研之间的关系成为目前高教界关注的热点问题。从教学和科研关系的发展开始分析,从实证角度系统分析了造成两者正相关、零相关和负相关3种结论的因素,并从两者之间的相互促进作用入手,分析了如何建立两者之间良好互动的关系。  相似文献   

On the basic of exploring the relationship of industry engineering and operational research technique, the thesis analyzes the location and utility of the operational research education in the whole industry engineering subject education. It brings forward the system design about operational research and relative class among industry engineering subject and the imagine of concrete class design for industry engineering operational research class, it puts forwards the view of optimizing operational research teaching, and it also makes some exoloration and research on ooerational research education of industry engineering, subject  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of the British Educational Research Association (BERA) in promoting the improvement of UK research over the past 27 years. The views of some BERA representatives, as expressed at Conferences, in occasional publications and particularly in the pages of Research Intelligence, suggest a certain complacency. These representatives have devoted considerable effort to defending the existing quality of research, arguing for greater funding, and explaining how it is that educational research is so much more difficult than in any other field of endeavour. Some effort has been devoted to making more people aware of the value of existing research, but relatively little attention appears to be devoted to rallying the field to improve. This paper suggests that this relative emphasis should be adjusted, and presents a few examples of ways in which the BERA of the future, if it is to survive in strength, as it should, might address these deficiencies. In my opinion, BERA as the sole professional organization of UK educational researchers should be leading our way rather more on this, and not merely acting as our apologist.  相似文献   

随着国家优惠政策的出台,各高校和科研院所购买的大型科研仪器设备无论种类和数量都有大幅度的提升。该文分析并介绍了我国高校和科研院所拥有的大型科研仪器设备集约化管理情况,以及存在的问题,阐述了大型科研仪器设备集约化管理的意义,并提出加强大型科研仪器设备集约化管理的政策措施,以期更好地为教学和科研服务。  相似文献   

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