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Aust and Huber (2001) demonstrated that in apeople-present/people-absentdiscrimination task, pigeons actually attended to properties of the target (i.e., the human figure). The aim of the present effort was to specify what sort of information contained in the target was used for classification, as well as to investigate whether and in what way the target-defining features interacted. Six pigeons were trained in a go/no-go procedure to discriminate between color photographs characterized by the presence or absence of people. They were then presented with various types of test stimuli that contained some category-relevant features but lacked others. The results showed that properties related to target size and internal structure played an important role and that human silhouettes were insufficient for eliciting a people-present response. Furthermore, some properties of the human figure (e.g., hands/arms) made good predictors of the people-present category, whereas others (e.g., feet/legs or skin color) did not. Responses to test stimuli that belonged to the people-absent category but nevertheless contained some features normally typical for humans (e.g., nonhuman primates) provided evidence that various category-relevant features contributed to classification in an additive way. Taken together, the results suggest that the pigeons made use of a polymorphous class rule involving collections of differently weighted target features.  相似文献   

In two experiments involving present/absent sample matching, we tested whether the visual stimuli or differential sample behavior served as the basis for comparison choice. In both experiments, one group (FR/DRO) was required to peck the present sample and to refrain from pecking the absent sample (as typically occurs with fixed duration present/absent samples), and the other group (FR/FR) was required to peck both samples. In Experiment 1, the samples were a black dot on a white field (present) and the white field alone (absent). In Experiment 2, the samples were a yellow hue (present) and a dark response key (absent). In both experiments, divergent retention functions were found only for the FR/DRO group. These results suggest that, in nonhedonic present/absent sample matching, it is the behavior directed toward the present sample, rather than the visual stimulus itself, that serves as the basis for comparison choice.  相似文献   

Recent studies of treatment procedures for hyperactivity, with special focus on methylphenidate treatment, are reviewed from the perspective of three central questions: What is the effect of the treatment? What is the cost of the treatment? Why does the treatment work? The problems in answering the questions satisfactorily are presented.  相似文献   

South Africa's post-Apartheid Grades 1–9 curriculum, Curriculum 2005, has been introduced with many good intentions and an abundance of perceived educationally correct rhetoric. It requires that teachers make a `paradigm shift' from their old teaching practices to new ones. In order to understand better the processes which might be involved in such a transition, a small study was conducted of the way in which Grade 4 teachers performed the assessment of English reading. The results of the study pose fundamental questions about the manner in which Curriculum 2005 has been conceived and introduced.  相似文献   

Udell, Dorey, and Wynne (in press) have reported an experiment in which wolves, shelter dogs, and pet dogs all showed a significant preference for begging from a person who faced them (seer) over a person whose back was turned to them (blind experimenter). On tests with the blind person’s eyes covered with a bucket, a book, or a camera, pet dogs showed more preference for the seer than did wolves and shelter dogs. We agree with the authors’ position that most of these findings are best explained by preexperimental learning experienced by the subjects. We argue, however, that the perspective-taking task is not a good test of the domestication theory or of the theory of mind in dogs. The problem we see is that use of the perspective-taking task, combined with preexperimental learning in all the subjects, strongly biases the outcome in favor of a behavioral learning interpretation. Tasks less influenced by preexperimental training would provide less confounded tests of domestication and theory of mind.  相似文献   


This article contemplates the unique responsibilities of teacher educators toward immigrant students and teachers in a changing immigration landscape. The article highlights scholarship in critical care pedagogy and culturally sustaining pedagogies and identifies three “action areas” where teacher educators can apply these theories. The authors also recommend practices that can be adopted to create more caring and culturally sustaining spaces for immigrant teachers and students.  相似文献   

This article explores perspectives on the current contribution of integrated schools to society in Northern Ireland and asks whether there is a mismatch between what some expect from the schools and what they may be able to provide. It suggests that integrated education may for some be a magic panacea, whilst those leading the sector see the benefits of integrated education as emerging over a much longer and more realistic timeframe. Based on a series of interviews with principals and with other leaders, this article explores how integrated schools balance the practice and evaluation of integration with other conflicting priorities. It questions the extent to which the schools show variation and argues that greater coherence within the integrated sector might be helpful in the current climate.  相似文献   

A diverse range of social structures, for instance teacher teams, professional communities and teacher learning communities, are established to advance collaboration among teachers. In Norway, Interdisciplinary Teacher Teams (ITTs) have become a common way of organising teachers in schools, recommended in a national curriculum reform in 1997. This study explores the internal structure, social meaning and potential resources for learning and development inherent in the planning and coordination of work in ITT meetings. Most studies of teacher teams as well as teacher learning communities are based on teachers’ experiences, expressed in interviews or surveys. The focus of this study is not on what teachers say about teams, but on what teachers say in teams. While most studies have addressed within‐department, subject‐specific teams, this study focuses on interdisciplinary teams. Team‐talk in two ITTs in two different lower secondary schools in Norway has been videotaped and analysed. Four patterns of interaction have been identified – preserving individualism: renegotiating individual autonomy and personal responsibility; coordination: assuring the social organisation of work; cooperation: creating a shared object or enterprise; and sharing: clarifying pedagogical motives. The study illustrates patterns in team‐talk, conceptualises the processes of decision‐making that take place in these ITTs and identifies resources for learning and development inherent in certain forms of interaction. The study contributes to the research literature by both focusing on the details of the interaction in team meetings and analysing the dynamics of the group interaction in the perspective of the situatedness and the object‐orientation of team‐talk.  相似文献   

This article is about ‘making’ in education. Often associated with software programming (as in ‘digital making’), making can also involve creating or modifying physical technological artefacts. In this paper, making is examined as a phenomenon that occurs at the intersection of culture, the economy, technology and education. The focus is not on the effects on cognitive gains or motivations, but on locating making in a social, historical and economic context. Making is also described as a form of ‘material connotation’, where connotation refers to the process through which the technical structure of artefacts is altered by culture and society. In the second part of the paper, the theoretical discussion is complemented by a case study in which making is described as a networked phenomenon where technology companies, consultants, volunteers, schools, and students were all implicated in turning a nebulous set of practices and discourses into an educational reality.  相似文献   

This article deals with how, in a politically correct world, everyone can establish a culture of respect. As good performance professionals who work with a diverse population, we need to take on the role of leaders and hold people accountable for their behavior and actions. Techniques are given to establish and maintain a respectful culture and how to deal with those environments that are not.  相似文献   

We highlight ways to support interest-driven creation of digital media in Scratch, a visual-based programming language and community, within a high school programming workshop. We describe a collaborative approach, the programmers’ collective, that builds on social models found in do-it-yourself and open source communities, but with scaffolding structures that support students’ learning. We analyze the work of a class of high school student collectives engaged in programming music videos as part of a collaborative challenge in the online Scratch community. Our multi-level analysis focused on students’ learning specific programming concepts, effects of collaborative and task design on learning, and their personal reflections on collaboration and media creation. We address how these overlapping collaborative experiences point to the value of “nested collectives,” or multiple levels of designed-for collaboration. We also highlight a needed shift from a focus on computation to computational participation, highlighting the innately social aspects of media creation.  相似文献   


The past is not in the classroom to observe and study. Thus, creating a lively and understandable image of a past period or situation is an achievement to be learned. A variety of tasks can be used to stimulate students to create an image of the past. In this experimental study, 151 grade 9 students (14–16 years old) participated by completing a drawing task or a writing task on the Roman Forum in Ancient Rome. Their products were compared. Additionally, the students’ perceptions of the tasks were explored by means of a questionnaire and an interview. The findings show that the written products contained more information elements than the drawings. However, in terms of the historical plausibility of the product, the drawn products and written products were comparable. Students who made a drawing reported higher situational interest than students who wrote a text.


This study takes a close look at the whole cycle of the 9-yr compulsory education in two communities in north China. It reveals that although there are nearly 100% enrolment and completion rates at the primary level, dropouts constitute a serious problem at the secondary level, thus rendering the 9-yr compulsory schooling an unfinished cycle. Through interviewing 30 dropouts’ families and using rational choice theory as a theoretical framework, the study concludes that the current landscape of rural schooling in the area studied is a result of local people’s rational choices rather than that of the compulsory educational law.  相似文献   

In a preschool setting, the naturally occurring aggressive behavior of sixtyfour 4-year-old children was observed and recorded. Individual differences in gender, behavioral style, social competence, reciprocal friendship, and social clique membership were examined to understand how these variables might be related to children's aggressive behavior. Variations in children's aggressive behavior were found to be associated with behavior style and social competence with peers. Children within social cliques were relatively similar in the frequency of their observed aggressive behavior. The results suggest that efforts to decrease children's aggression might target groups of children rather than individuals.  相似文献   

In this paper I take the position that global warming is the most serious threat to the well-being, including the psychological health, of all peoples in all parts of the world. It is of particular significance to indigenous peoples: for example, those from small island states, those who inhabit low-lying deltas, and those who do not have access to economic resources that might afford protection or escape. It becomes a moral issue in that our actions today stand to impact negatively on others in the immediate and foreseeable future. Taking a critical discursive view, the paper asks, is there a connection between counselling and climate change, and do counsellors have a role to play in addressing this challenge? The paper concludes that counsellors do, at the very least, have a mandate to consider the implications of global warming and that there are professional, ethical and theoretical possibilities for useful interventions. The paper, therefore, aims to stimulate further debate, discussion and appropriate action.  相似文献   

In this paper we draw on concepts from policy sociology to analyse the new equity deal for schools in Queensland, Australia. We examine this ‘new deal’ through an analysis of the language of ‘inclusion’ and ‘educational risk’ in key policy documents associated with a major reform of public education in Queensland. In addition, we analyse the interview talk of key policy actors involved in policy framing, carriage and monitoring. We note that globalism has increased rather than reduced social inequity. At the same time, good quality accessible education can play a crucial role in challenging the inequalities produced by global informationalism. In Queensland, Australia, equity is still on the agenda, but in radically new neo‐liberal economic ways. The focus is individualistic—each individual needs to be tracked because they are potentially ‘at‐risk’ of ‘school failure’. Identification of ‘at‐risk’ students has been devolved to the level of the school and district, and intervention strategies have to be devised at the local level. Stories of success are then to be shared/networked with other schools. We suggest that while ‘target group equity’ strategies were limited in terms of addressing issues of social exclusion and inequity, the new deal on equity, a market‐individualistic approach is an inadequate alternative.
In tough times you stick together. … This was Labor’s ‘inclusive’ society: a social democracy sustained by the wealth‐generating power of free markets and economic integration with the world economy, and made strong by a practical ethic of social cooperation and fair distribution. (Watson, 2002 Watson, D. 2002. Recollections of a bleeding heart. A portrait of Paul Keating PM, Sydney: Random House.  [Google Scholar], p. 316)  相似文献   

Multimedia effects in learning receive much attention in research. In contrast, effects of different picture types in testing materials are hardly studied. The present computer-based experiment with n = 404 students investigates the effects of adding a representational picture (RP) or a decorative picture (DP) to text-based educational test items on students' performance, metacognition, test-taking motivation and item processing in the domains of science and mathematics. The data show that RPs enhanced students' performance, perception of ease and test-taking pleasure in both scientific and mathematics items. Furthermore, RPs increased time on task (TOT) in mathematics, but not in scientific items. DPs had no significant effect on students’ performance, test-taking pleasure or perceived ease, while DPs reduced TOT in mathematics items. Explanations for the process-related differences are discussed. The pattern of results indicates that the multimedia principle and the coherence principle from instructional psychology can be transferred to educational testing material.  相似文献   

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