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The degree to which the concreteness of prose material presented in an auditory fashion would interact with learners' lateral preference under different right hemispheric presentation conditions was investigated with 96 normal adults. Forty-eight subjects with consistent right preference patterns and a like number of bilateral individuals were either instructed to image, given a visual-spatial interference task, or given no instructions before listening to passages which differed in abstractness. As predicted across conditions, learners recalled a significantly greater number of ideas when the passage was concrete. Importantly, the abstractness was found to interact with subjects' inferred cerebral dominance. Whereas instructions to image and visual interference had little significant effect on mixed dominant subjects, for more consistently lateralized subjects imagery instructions increased and right-hemispheric interference decreased concrete recall. The results were interpreted in terms of visual and verbal encoding concomitant with cerebral lateralization.  相似文献   

When utterances contain conflicting emotion cues, 6-year-olds judge emotion from content, even when instructed to judge emotion from paralanguage (Morton & Trehub, 2001). Two experiments examined the nature of this bias. In Experiment 1, priming paralanguage reversed 6-year-olds' normal bias to content. In Experiment 2, 6-year-olds were instructed to listen to paralanguage under various conditions. Children were more likely to follow instructions delivered with feedback than instructions delivered alone. Children who described conflicts between content and paralanguage were more likely to follow instructions than children who did not describe these conflicts. Results suggest that 6-year-olds can judge emotion from paralanguage in the presence of competing content but often remain focused on content because of the way they represent the instructions.  相似文献   

The link between emotion regulation and academic achievement is well documented. Less is known about specific emotion regulation strategies that promote learning. Six‐ to 13‐year‐olds (N = 126) viewed a sad film and were instructed to reappraise the importance, reappraise the outcome, or ruminate about the sad events; another group received no regulation instructions. Children viewed an educational film, and memory for this was later assessed. As predicted, reappraisal strategies more effectively attenuated children’s self‐reported emotional processing. Reappraisal enhanced memory for educational details relative to no instructions. Rumination did not lead to differences in memory from the other instructions. Memory benefits of effective instructions were pronounced for children with poorer emotion regulation skill, suggesting the utility of reappraisal in learning contexts.  相似文献   

This article reports on two experiments where undergraduates read five documents on a scientific topic and afterwards answered comprehension questions and wrote either summaries or argument essays on the topic. In the first experiment, students who were instructed to work with the documents for the purpose of summarizing their contents displayed better comprehension and integration of document contents than did students instructed to construct arguments from the documents. In the second experiment, focusing on whether the effects of task instructions on multiple-documents comprehension and integration could be moderated by students’ prior knowledge, it was found that only students with high prior knowledge were able to take advantage of instructions to construct arguments while reading, whereas low-knowledge readers seemed to be more hindered than helped by such task instructions. Theoretical as well as educational implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Random presentations of keylights and food retarded acquisition and suppressed asymptotic rates of keypecking in autoshaping. Sequences of 10 sessions of random training alternated with 10 sessions of autoshaping resulted in poor performance (in terms of both the acquisition and asymptotic indices) relative to a group that received sequences of CS-only (rather than random) training alternating with autoshaping. When the birds that previously were trained with the random sequence were exposed to CS-alone extinction, retardation of acquisition was alleviated but the asymptotic suppression was not (Experiment 1). Pigeons with a history of autoshaping without prior random training showed no asymptotic suppression when exposed to the random procedure. These birds, when switched between two-session sequences of random training alternating with two-session sequences of autoshaping, were able to (1) surpass pigeons that received CS-only rather than random treatment in terms of asymptotic levels of responding in autoshaping, and (2) showed improvement in extinction performance with repeated random/autoshaping sequences (Experiment 2). Detailed observations of pigeons in random training showed that stereotypic activity behaviors were acquired, and these generally persisted in autoshaping; the degree of change in these behaviors was related to asymptotic rates of keypecking in autoshaping (Experiment 3). The same kinds of behaviors were observed when pigeons initially were autoshaped, and these persisted in subsequent random and fixed-interval 10-sec training. We suggest that the suppression effect is reflected in activity, conditioned in random training, which persists in autoshaping (especially if the activity is compatible with the kinds of behaviors elicited by the autoshaping contingency itself), and that the effect may be a deficit due to performance factors rather than to associative learning.  相似文献   

This paper plays with education through the analogy of karaoke to tease out the instructions of a situated educational practice. Here, Cremin's conceptualization of education as a deliberate, systematic and sustained effort is employed as a starting point to enable an understanding of educational practice between members elicited by karaoke. Using Garfinkel's ethnomethodological framework, the paper investigates modes of education through karaoke practice as part of the ‘live’ narrative, that of instructing and being instructed with the ‘curriculum’ of the event at hand.  相似文献   

The influence of maternal preseparation behavior on children's separation behavior was investigated. 72 (36 female, 36 male) 15-18-month-olds met with same-gender age-mates for an 8-min play and 4-min separation session. During the play period, mothers were instructed to interact extensively or minimally with their children, or were given no instructions except to interact normally. The noninstructed group was later divided into an extensive and a minimal group. During the separation period, the effect of previous amount of maternal interaction varied according to mothers' instructions and the gender of the children. Children with mothers who were instructed to interact minimally displayed distress sooner and played less with their age-mates than children with noninstructed minimally interacting mothers. Males with minimally interacting mothers spent more time unoccupied and less time playing alone than did females. The findings demonstrate the varying influence that different instructions to mothers may have on children's separation behavior.  相似文献   

Two studies investigating the influence of a humorous atmosphere on students' creativity scores are presented. In the first study 78 adolescents were shown humorous film clips and given a task requiring them to write captions for cartoons. A creativity test was subsequently administered to these students and to a control group. In the second study, Form A of the Torrance creativity test (TCT) with standard instructions was given to 130 adolescents. These were then divided into two groups, one experimental and one control. The experimental group was instructed to complete Form B of the TCT with humorous responses, while the control group was instructed to proceed as before. Results of both experiments showed that a humorous atmosphere significantly increases creativity scores. Several explanations for the findings were proposed and the practical applicability of the results in education were stressed.  相似文献   

This study focused on how to train older adults to perform computer procedures. Young-old (aged 60 74 years) and old-old (aged 75 years and older) adults were instructed on how to use ELDERCOMM , an electronic bulletin board system using one of two types of text-based instructions. The first set of directions consisted of illustrated, step-by-step instructions (simple condition). The second set of directions included the same step-by-step instructions as in the first set, but explanatory information about how the bulletin board system worked was added before the  相似文献   

The following study aims to explore whether a video- and problem-based learning (PBL) environment can be improved using cognitive tools. Our hypothesis is that direct instructions in a PBL setting enhance pre-service teachers’ learning outcomes in classroom management. To answer this research question, we implemented a pre-post-design within which we assigned 237 master students to two learning environments: Classic problem-based learning (PBL), where students acquired central theoretical concepts and empirical findings on dealing with disruptions in groups (n = 113) or instructed problem-based learning (I-PBL), where students received extensive theoretical instructions (n = 124) during the first two seminar sessions. In the framework of a longitudinal self-report assessment we found that (1) teacher self-efficacy in the subscales “student engagement”, “instruction” and “classroom management competencies” increased in students of both groups. The highest increase was found in classroom management competencies. (2) In the evaluation with an objective measure students participating in the I?PBL group showed greater knowledge than students in the PBL group (multiple-choice test), and (3) regarding motivational processes students in the PBL group reported a higher degree of identification than students in the I?PBL group.  相似文献   

Studies in laboratory animals have shown that the extinction of a conditioned stimulus, A, is regulated by the associative history of a second stimulus, X, when the two are extinguished in simultaneous compound: An inhibitory X protects A from extinction (Rescorla Learning & Behavior, 31, 124–132, 2003), whereas an excitatory X facilitates, and under some circumstances deepens, the extinction of A (Rescorla Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 26, 251–260, 2000, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 32, 135–144, 2006). In the present study, we used the allergist task to examine whether the extinction of causal judgments in people is similarly regulated by the causal status of co-present stimuli. Experiment 1 showed that a cue trained as a conditioned inhibitor protected a target cue from extinction: The target extinguished in compound with the inhibitor was rated as being more causal of the outcome than was a target extinguished in compound with a control cue lacking inhibitory properties. In contrast, the remaining experiments showed that the extinction of a target cue was regulated by the presence, but not the causal status, of a partner cue: Target cues extinguished in compound were protected from extinction, and no evidence showed that an already extinguished partner conferred more protection (Exp. 2), or that an excitatory partner conferred any less protection (Exps. 2 and 3), or that an excitatory partner deepened the extinction of its already extinguished target. These findings are inconsistent with elemental models that rely on a common error term to explain associative changes in extinction. They are largely, but not completely, consistent with the configural model proposed by Pearce (Psychological Review, 94, 61–73, 1987), which predicts an ordering of levels of protection that was not observed.  相似文献   

This investigation focuses on text recall in eight‐ and nine‐year old children. The main focus was on whether two different sets of instructions had a differential influence: one set instructed students to focus on an orally presented text verbatim, and the other instructed students to focus on its content. A differential influence on verbatim and content recall might indicate separate storage of verbatim and gist information, and could provide evidence for two subprocesses of text processing – that is, for construction and integration. The instructions were administered either before or after hearing the text, and recall was tested again one week later. The results showed differential instruction effects on verbatim and content recall. These effects depended on the time of instruction. Verbatim instruction had an enhancing effect on verbatim recall, both when instructions were given before and when given after text presentation. Content instruction given after text presentation had a suppressing effect on verbatim recall, but involved no advantage for content recall. Content recall was not suppressed by verbatim instruction at any time of instruction. Thus, the processing of content seems to be less situated than the processing of verbatim information.  相似文献   

The purpose of this mixed methods study was to investigate how relevance instructions influence readers’ personal reading intentions, reading goals, text processing, and memory for text. Undergraduates (n = 52) were randomly assigned to one of three pre-reading relevance instruction conditions that asked them to read from a perspective or to read for understanding. Experimental results showed that information was read slower and remembered better when it was relevant. However, some readers spent more time reading irrelevant information, whereas others spent less time reading this information. Post-reading interviews were analyzed to explain these reading time differences. The interview data indicated that relevance instructions influenced readers’ goals and the strategies they used to meet those goals. The data sets were complementary: the quantitative data indicated differences in reading time and recall, and the qualitative data allowed us to explain why these differences occurred. These data revealed three distinct reader profiles within and across conditions, and demonstrate how relevance instructions affect reader goals, processing, and comprehension.  相似文献   

The purpose of this mixed methods study was to investigate whether task instructions that asked adolescents to evaluate the merit of both sides of a controversial issue would affect their topic beliefs and topic belief justifications after they read belief-consistent and belief-inconsistent information. In the quantitative phase, we conducted an experiment in which high school students (n = 45) were randomly assigned to one of four conditions and received their respective pre-reading task instructions. Quantitative analyses showed that task instructions affected topic beliefs and belief justifications. However, inspection of topic belief scores within each condition indicated that some individuals’ beliefs became weaker, whereas others’ became stronger. In the qualitative phase, we conducted interviews to explain why this occurred. The interview data revealed two distinct reader profiles: belief-reflection and belief-protection. The data sets were complementary: the quantitative data indicated group differences in topic beliefs and belief justifications, and the qualitative data allowed us to explain differences within and across groups.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether an instructional intervention can increase students’ self-regulated use of retrieval practice in a higher education classroom environment. A lab-experiment by Ariel and Karpicke (2017) revealed that strategy instructions improved students’ self-regulated use of retrieval practice and subsequent test performance. Our goal was to determine whether these effects generalize to a classroom environment using key concepts from marketing communication. We compared two groups on their self-regulated use of retrieval practice using an online environment. An experimental group (n = 58) received strategy instructions on retrieval practice and a control group (n = 58) received neutral instructions. Instructions were provided during sessions 1 and 2; no instructions were provided in a third, transfer session, measuring self-regulated use of retrieval practice. In sessions 1 and 2, no significant differences between groups were found. In the transfer session, the experimental group tested themselves more (Hypothesis 1) and displayed a larger number of (correct) retrieval attempts per key concept (Hypothesis 2) than the control group. No correlations were found with performance (Hypothesis 3). With our experiment, we took a first step in supporting students in their self-regulated use of retrieval practice in a classroom environment with complex materials.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to estimate the amount of variability in the proportions of students in a school district, scoring within each of three achievement levels that could be attributed to factors other than random sampling error. The approach taken is based on a general conceptual framework that collectively incorporates five sources of variability: instructional intervention, random sampling error, measurement error, equating error, and systematic error. Statewide school-level assessment data for reading and mathematics in grades four and eight from four consecutive years were used to examine annual grade-group change. The intent was to assess the impact of random sampling error in grade-group change estimates when either single-year proportions or 2-year average proportions are used to report school improvement with achievement levels. Observed variability in change was compared with theoretically-derived estimates of change due to random sampling error to determine the relative influence of sampling error and the aggregate of the other four sources of variability. Results indicate that the error variance of estimates of change at the school level is large enough to interfere with interpretations of annual change estimates. Recommendations are offered for establishing annual improvement goals and for reporting results with achievement levels-all in the context of adequate yearly progress (AYP)-while taking error estimates into account.  相似文献   

Potential contributors to sustained levels of variability in the topography of the rat’s barpress were investigated in two experiments. Behavior was classified into discretely defined components, and changes in components and their sequential organization were analyzed. Experiment 1 showed that topographic variability in the rat is modulated by shifts in reinforcement schedules. Variability decreased between either dipper training or extinction and continuous reinforcement (CRF), and increased between CRF and extinction. Once the press was acquired, variability did not change if the schedule (CRF) did not change. Experiment 2 showed that, regardless of subsequent changes in topographic requirements, rats initially shaped to press under more stringent criteria sustained higher levels of variability during CRF, but not during extinction, than rats shaped with less stringent criteria. The results suggest that subjects learn not only what to do during reinforcement but also how differently or variably to do it.  相似文献   

Three groups of rats underwent 24 days of training and 12 days of extinction (three trials per day) in a runway under conditions of increasing (I), decreasing (D), and random (R) sequences of reward magnitudes (0, 45, and 500 mg). The I Ss ran faster over the daily trials, the D Ss slowed down, and the R Ss ran at approximately equal speeds on each trial. The patterned running observed in training persisted in extinction, with the R Ss running fastest and the I Ss next. The results were discussed in terms of Capaldi’s sequential theory and Amsel’s frustration theory.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to understand the characteristics of blood pressure(BP)variability in subjects with diabetic nephropathy(DN),and identify the probable predictors affecting BP variability.Fifty-one chronic kidney disease(CKD)-hypertensive patients without diabetes(NDN group)and sixty type 2 diabetic patients with overt DN(DN group)were enrolled in this study.The values of short-term BP variability were obtained from 24 h ambulatory BP monitoring(ABPM).Variance analysis or nonparametric analysis revealed that 24-h systolic BP variability and nighttime systolic BP variability of the DN group were significantly higher than those of the NDN group[(12.23±3.66)vs.(10.74±3.83)mmHg,P<0.05;(11.23±4.82)vs.(9.48±3.69)mmHg,P<0.05].Then the patients of the DN group were divided into two groups according to glycated hemoglobin(HbA1c)level:Group A(HbA1c<7%)and Group B(HbA1c≥7%),and the t-test showed that patients in Group B had larger 24-h diastolic,daytime diastolic,and nighttime systolic/diastolic BP variability compared with Group A.In the DN group,partial correlation analysis revealed that HbA1c exhibited a strong association with 24-h diastolic,daytime diastolic,nighttime systolic and diastolic BP variability(P<0.001,P<0.001,P<0.05,and P<0.001,respectively).Taken together,larger short-term BP variability was detected in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients with overt nephropathy and renal insufficiency.It may imply that the optimal BP variability level could benefit from a better glycaemic control.  相似文献   

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