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本文梳理了工程和工程领导力在各个历史时期的形态、特征,在此基础上对工程领导力进行领导学分析,得出工程领导力在发展层次上从一元走向多元,其属性也逐渐由物质性演化为情境性的结论。这对于深刻理解工程领导力内涵、明确工程领导教育的培养目标和发展方向有重要意义。  相似文献   

培养具备领导力的工程师已经成为企业、国家发展的共同要求,也是解决全球性问题的关键。工程教育改革和领导力教育发展为工程领导力理论、工程领导力开发理论、工程领导力教育实践奠定了基础。本文对国内外文献中有影响力的国际工程领导力教育项目及其实施情况进行分析和汇总,从项目类型、项目主题、项目内容、项目组织与管理等方面阐述了项目方面的情况,从自我认知、知识获取、实践应用、反思内化四个环节阐述了工程教育项目的实施过程,并结合我国工程领导力教育的基础和需求,阐述了国际工程领导力教育对我国的启示。  相似文献   

培养具备领导力的工程师已经成为企业、国家发展的共同要求,也是解决全球性问题的关键。工程教育改革和领导力教育发展为工程领导力理论、工程领导力开发理论、工程领导力教育实践奠定了基础。本文对国内外文献中有影响力的国际工程领导力教育项目及其实施情况进行分析和汇总,从项目类型、项目主题、项目内容、项目组织与管理等方面阐述了项目方面的情况,从自我认知、知识获取、实践应用、反思内化四个环节阐述了工程教育项目的实施过程。并结合我国工程领导力教育的基础和需求,阐述了国际工程领导力教育对我国的启示。  相似文献   

培养工程领军人才:麻省理工学院的工程领导力教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麻省理工学院的工程领导力教育以领导理念为指引,以领导能力分解为前提,以综合项目为实施载体,以工业联系与资源为保障,着力培养21世纪的工程领军人才。围绕麻省理工学院高等工程教育创新的实践,分析其工程领军人才培养中工程领导力的理念与目标、能力分解指标体系、课程与教学计划,以及工业联系与资源保障。通过论述与评析,以期为我国高等工程教育的改革和国家中长期教育发展规划纲要中要求的卓越工程师培养目标的实现,提供一些来自发达国家的经验。  相似文献   

本文通过编制本科阶段工程领导教育调查问卷,对国内5所高校工程教育实验班的本科学生进行调查,了解我国研究型大学工程教育实验班学生在工程领导力培养目标方面的达成情况以及学生在实验班学习的收获和遇到的困难等问题。  相似文献   

美国工程领导力教育的理念与实践为培养21世纪未来工程领军人才树立了典范.从理念与实践方面介绍美国工程领导力教育的现状与未来,分析工程领导力教育理念如何转化为具体的能力并通过课程、项目或活动得以实施.  相似文献   

本文回顾了1980~2010年美国教育领导力评价研究路向。研究显示,20世纪80年代早期美国兴起了以"校长教学管理评定量表"(PIMRS)为代表的教育领导力测评浪潮;到了90年代初,变革型领导成为美国教育领导力评价的另一风潮;而进入21世纪以来,以学生学习为中心而创建的"范德比尔特教育领导力评估"(VAL-ED)成为新的潮流。注重科学性、多样性和时代性已成为美国教育领导力评价的主要趋向。  相似文献   

校长领导力是教育界近年来的一个热门话题,本文通过对领导力定义的界定及其划分,阐述了当前领导力影响的误区,进而提出提升领导力的对策:做到个体与群体的统一,采用多种领导方法,提出愿景,提高领导自身素质。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,各省市推进的“中小学名师培养工程”成为区域高质量教师资源供给的重要途径。角色理论视野下,名师肩负立德树人行为示范的角色使命,亦是教师共同体专业引领的角色担当及高质量教育教学辐射的角色指向。名师领导力是影响名师角色功能实现及名师培养工程社会效益提升的关键因素,其提升路径是:响应名师领导力优势聚集的专业、情感和资源需求,助力名师领导角色获得;构建名师领导力培养的课程、实践和评价体系,实现名师领导角色赋能;创设名师领导力提升的互动情境,优化名师培养“土壤”、平台以及机制,提供名师领导角色支撑。  相似文献   

随着领导理论的发展,领导力越来越成为关注的焦点。近年来,教育领导学的出现和兴起,教育领导力也将成为教育领导学研究的核心领域之一。通过文献分析发现,教育领导力研究多停留在校长领导力的研究层面。然而,教育领导力研究远非如此疆域。在领导学、政治学、历史学、人类学和教育管理学等多学科视野下,教育领导力研究是由体系、领域和范式三个子系统组成,他们以特定的排列组合方式内聚和耦合成庞大的研究系统。  相似文献   

Recently, many educational institutions across the globe have implemented engineering leadership programmes either as a part of a formal engineering curriculum or where leadership development is embedded into separate in-house programmes. This shows the clear intent of these educational institutions to prepare their engineering students for solving real-world problems, recognising that both technical and leadership skills are valuable for tomorrow's engineers. Leadership programmes in engineering education have been implemented in various formats with varying degrees of success. It has already been identified in research studies that 80–90% of engineering leadership programmes offered explicitly across the globe were based in the United States of America. However, in Europe and Australia, there is a noticeable lack of engineering leadership programmes, particularly in undergraduate curricula. The programmes that are offered across Australia and Europe have distinct design and delivery styles but there are certain key features that are common to most of the programmes, including professional partnerships, mentoring, engineering design and project-based approaches.  相似文献   

This continuous research within Nordic engineering institutions targets the contexts and possibilities for leadership among engineering education program directors. The IFP-model, developed based on analysis of interviews with program leaders in these institutions, visualizes the program director’s informal and formal power. The model is presented as a tool for starting a shared discussion on the complexities of the leadership of engineering program development. The authors liken program development to hunting in teams. Each individual expert in the program is needed, and all experts will need to work and collaborate for the same target. This calls for strategic and long-term thinking of engineering education development. Institutions should support the development of both formal structures as well as informal leadership skills among their program directors, but never fall for the temptation to see the program director as the only actor on the stage.  相似文献   

This synthesis paper explores current leadership training in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in Bulgaria. The analysis begins with discussion of global factors influencing the implementation of leadership training in STEM education in general and then presents information about the current status of leadership training in Bulgaria with emphases on the country's economics, politics and geographical location as specific factors influencing leadership education. A short background of Bulgaria is presented with regard to population, gross domestic product, educational system, engineering force and possible need for leaders in industry in Bulgaria and the European Union. The paper provides an overall view about the current status of leadership training in all Bulgarian universities offering STEM education and concentrates specifically on two major universities by examining their currently offered programmes. As part of the discussion, similar training elements in other European countries and the USA are presented.  相似文献   

Despite the changing global and industrial conditions requiring new approaches to leadership, management training as part of higher engineering education still remains understudied. The subsequent gap in engineering education calls for research on today's leader requirements and pedagogy supporting the inclusion of management competence in higher engineering education. Previous organisation and management studies have, on a general level, established the importance of managerial qualities for industrial performance, but the nature and make-up of these qualifications has not been adequately analysed. To fill the related research gap, the present work embarked on a quantitative empirical effort to identify predictors of successful leadership in engineering. In particular, this study investigated relationships between perceived leader performance and three dimensions of managerial capability: (1) mathematical–logical intelligence, (2) personality, and (3) socio-emotional intelligence. This work complemented previous research by resorting to both self-reports and other-reports: the results acquired from the managerial sample were compared to subordinate perceptions as measured through an emotive intelligence other-report and a general managerial competence multi-source appraisal. The sample comprised 80 superiors and 354 subordinates operating in seven organisations in engineering industries.

The results from the quantitative measurements signalled the strongest correlation for socio-emotional intelligence and certain personality dimensions with successful leadership. Mathematical–logical intelligence demonstrated no correlation with subordinate perceptions of good leadership. These findings lay the foundation for the incorporation of socio-emotive skills into higher engineering education.  相似文献   

论加强党对构建和谐校园的领导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建和谐社会是一个系统工程,和谐校园的建设是构建和谐社会的一个重要组成部分。结合高校的实际,从分析和谐校园概念入手,阐述了构建和谐校园的重要意义,着重对和谐校园建设中党的领导进行了深入的探讨,并提出了加强党对和谐校园领导的对策与措施。  相似文献   

Emotion is a growing focus for contemporary thinking about leadership in public policy and corporate arenas. In British education systems, three imperatives are evident: the idea that transformation is essential; leadership succession in crisis; and, more recently, that leaders must be able to run organisations that address the emotional well-being of staff and students. Viewed as a key outcome of schooling, its importance is mirrored in school leadership, especially professional development. This article considers whether this represents a step-change in leadership development praxis or is, instead, an invasive form of emotional engineering redolent of long-established orthodoxies of control and domination. If so, it is argued, leadership development as the advocacy of emotional acumen presents moral technology as a new form for intervening in leaders' emotional selves, thereby distracting them from addressing fundamental aspects of education for which they are primarily responsible.  相似文献   

This study provides a new conceptualization of educational leadership with a multilevel and integrative approach. It examines the impact of multilevel leadership (MLL) on the effectiveness of technical educational institutes through the mediating effects of organizational communication, bases of power and organizational culture. Data were collected from 153 heads of engineering and management institutes across India along with 306 subordinates working in coordination with the heads of the institutes. The subordinates assessed leadership and organizational communication and the leader assessed the remaining constructs. An inventory is developed and validated to assess MLL. The MLL directly predicts organizational effectiveness (OE). Organizational communication, use of personal power and organizational culture mediate the effects of leadership on OE. Multilevel leaders can promote organizational communication, use of personal power and organizational culture for higher effectiveness of technical educational institutions.  相似文献   


This case study is an examination of the emergence of leadership in students’ group interaction in a school-based makerspace. The data comprised video records of 20 primary school students’ group work within this context, encompassing student-driven creative engagement in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) learning activities. Interaction analysis was applied to analyze the students’ leadership moves and to depict how students’ leadership was related to their collaboration. The analysis resulted in a typology of students’ leadership moves in a makerspace context, namely, coordination of joint work, exploring new ideas, seeking out resources,

and offering guidance and supporting others, adding to the existing literature on student leadership and collaboration in novel learning environments. The study also illustrates how the students’ leadership moves in group interactions can lead to dominating and/or shared leadership, with consequences for students’ collaboration. The study points to the importance of more research and development of pedagogical practices that support students’ symmetric participation and opportunities to lead collaborative work and to promote advanced collaboration in school-based makerspaces.


Women are sparsely represented in leadership in academic science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM). Cultural stereotypes about men, women, and leaders influence the attitudes, judgments, and decisions that others make about women and the choices women make for themselves. Multilevel interventions are needed to counteract the impact of these pervasive and easily activated stereotypes, which conspire in multiple ways to constrain women's entry, persistence, and advancement in academic STEMM. We describe an individual-level educational intervention. Using the transtheoretical model of behavioral change as a framework, we assessed the success of a semester course on increasing women's leadership self-efficacy for the first three cohorts of course participants (n = 30). Pre/post questionnaires showed gains in leadership self-efficacy, personal mastery, and self-esteem, and decreases in perceived constraints. Qualitative text analysis of weekly journals indicated increasing leadership self-efficacy as course participants applied course information and integrated strategies to mitigate the impact of societal stereotypes into their own leadership practices. Follow-up queries of the first two cohorts supported the enduring value of course participation. We conclude that providing strategies to recognize and mitigate the impact of gender stereotypes is effective in increasing leadership self-efficacy in women at early stages of academic STEMM careers.  相似文献   

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