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How does the use of computerized adaptive testing affect the performance of students from different groups? How consistent were the results of computerized adaptive and “conventional” tests? What did the students think about the test experience? What advice do the authors have for test developers and users?  相似文献   

How are entrance examinations for college used in Sweden? What is measured by these examinations? What kinds of research have been conducted? Have gender differences been found on the tests?  相似文献   

What criteria should be applied to the evaluation of performance measures? How consistent are the results from performance measures and norm-referenced achievement tests? How can we ensure fairness and credibility in performance measurement?  相似文献   

What are the practical implications of small decreases in reliability coefficients? How does increased item local dependence decrease reliability? How does the new format of more “authentic” reading tests affect reliability?  相似文献   

How detailed should we make the specifications for educational tests? What should be the role of sample or “illustrative” items? How does the nature of test specifications impact on the usefulness of that test?  相似文献   

What factors influenced the growth of educational testing in the Netherlands? How are tests used in primary and secondary education? What has been the role of the National Institute for Educational Measurement (CITO)?  相似文献   

What has been the impact of high stakes achievement testing on curriculum and testing practice? How serious is the problem of cheating on Standardized achievement tests? What steps can we take to improve the validity of test-based information for a variety of educational purposes?  相似文献   

What has been the history of educational assessment in Poland? How are the social system, school system, examination forms, measurement theory, and attitudes toward tests related to each other? How are recent efforts at democratization of political systems likely to influence educational testing in Poland?  相似文献   

Why do school districts use Standardized tests? What kinds of testing programs are most common? How much do school testing programs cost? Should publishers coordinate their test standardization efforts?  相似文献   

How might empirical j o b analysis give the appearance of science to a flawed public policy? How do “political” factors have an impact on the development of licensure tests? What are areas for future research and for improvement of prevailing practices in licensure and certification testingy?  相似文献   

How common are securitg breaches in state testing programs? What problems are most frequently encountered? Does the number of problems seem small or large, given the nature of the tests and how they are used?  相似文献   

How can the use of norm-referenced tests be changed to lead to more accurate reporting of results? What kinds of information should states and districts be using to contextualize their reports of test results?  相似文献   

What is differential bundle functioning and how is this different from differential item functioning? Can test specifications be used to identify and aid in the interpretation of differential bundle functioning? How can differential bundle functioning lead to an improved understanding of why groups perform differently on achievement tests?  相似文献   

What makes a good teacher?How should teachers talk to students?How should teachers give instructions?Who should talk in class?What are the best kinds of lesson?How important is it to follow a pre-arranged plan?  相似文献   

What are the similarities and differences among the testing practices and tests that have been described in the preceding articles? How do the situations in these countries compare to what we are experiencing in the US.?  相似文献   

Many of us are frustrated with the overuse of intelligence tests. But intelligence tests have become so entrenched in our society that it is hard to imagine how they realistically could be replaced. Schools would be without a well-established screening device, and intelligence research would be without an external measure of validity. But what if we started over and imagined thinking about intelligence without the benefit (some would say hindrance) of Binet? What would theories and tests of intelligence look like? The articles in this special issue address this topic; here, I discuss the articles. The discussion is divided into three sections. The first section deals with definitional issues: How can intelligence be operationally defined, and can a single definition capture cognitive abilities of individuals at all ages? The second section briefly summarizes and evaluates each of the seven theories: How intelligent are these theories of intelligence? The final section focuses on the implications of the theories and theory-based tests reported in this issue: How can future research and educational practices benefit from the views presented here?  相似文献   

How generalizable are the results of alternative assessments? How much psychometric evidence d o we have about these approaches? What effects do alternative assessments have on subgroup differences in performance? What are the probable consequences of using alternative assessments?  相似文献   

What components should be included in a portfolio of student work? How can the contents of portfolios be scored? How is reliability affected as the number of entries in the portfolio increases? What will it cost to obtain reliable scores?  相似文献   

本文从四个方面分析探讨“教师应当掌握怎样的技术”这一问题:运用技术的实质是什么?教师应掌握哪些技术?教师应掌握多深的技术?如何培养教师的技术能力?并阐释其对我国教师教育和信息技术教育所具有的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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