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司法介入职业足球裁判"黑哨"的两个焦点问题   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
陈博 《体育学刊》2003,10(6):33-36
从法律法规角度出发,结合职业足球联赛的具体情况,分析探讨了中国足协、裁判身份的法律性质及裁判与中国足协的关系。结果表明:职业足球裁判在代表中国足协履行裁判工作职责期间属于国家工作人员;职业足球裁判“黑哨”行为不属于商业贿赂,对其以公司、企业人员受贿罪论处不恰当;我国相关法律在竞技体育领域中存在空白和漏洞,应进一步加强立法工作。  相似文献   

体坛打假扫黑呼唤司法介入   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了我国体育界近年来的假球和黑哨现象,指出体坛打假扫黑,必须要有司法介入。然而我国法律制度还不够健全,司法介入体坛困难重重。建议刑法增加体育类犯罪,以完善体育法制。  相似文献   

足坛"黑哨"刑法定性探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归纳我国刑法学界对足坛"黑哨"刑法定性的3种代表性意见,即无罪论;公司、企业人员受贿罪说;受贿罪说。对"黑哨"进行刑法分析,认为:基于中国足协的特殊地位,由其指派的裁判员属于国家工作人员,从"黑哨"的行为特征看,完全符合受贿罪的构成要件,应当由司法机关介入对其犯罪行为进行刑法规制,充分发挥刑法的惩治、威慑作用,以便有效地治理"黑哨"现象。  相似文献   

针对目前我国足坛出现的“黑哨”事件,从刑法学角度进行了思考。①刑法对受贿罪的有关规定;②裁判在联赛执法时的身份;③裁判执法时属于何种行为;④裁判收取贿金是否构成犯罪。  相似文献   

司法介入足球“黑哨”的刑法分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
“黑哨”的本质是权钱交易,符合受贿罪的行为特征,理应受到刑事处罚,足球裁判在中国足协这个社会团体工作,足球裁判权是合同上的权力,不是国家权力,这是由奥林匹克运动试图独立于法律的传统与体育的内在要求所决定的,得到了包括我国在内的多数国家法律的尊重。所以足球裁判既是不国家工作人员,又不是公司,企业人员,因此,依我国现行刑法,足球裁判不能构成受贿罪与公司、企业人员受贿罪。这是刑法的漏洞,不能通过法律解释得到解决。及时修正刑法,扩大受贿罪的主体范围,是当务之急。  相似文献   

体育纠纷司法介入之思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
体育纠纷的司法介入,它确切指司法机关为体育纠纷当事人提供司法救济,包括司法机关对体育民事、行政和刑事案件的处理。体育纠纷司法介入的思路:一方面,要为体育纠纷的司法救济提供权利基础;另一方面,要为司法救济提供程序基础和具体制度设计及机构设置。司法介入体育纠纷在我国具有现实需要和实际的可行性,应当通过立法和具体的制度设计及机构设置推动体育纠纷司法解决机制在我国的建立和完善。  相似文献   

关于"黑哨"成因的经济理性思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
李仪  吴海乐 《体育学刊》2002,9(5):26-27
从经济学视角对“黑哨”产生的原因进行探讨,揭示了权力是“黑哨”现象产生的充要条件,供需市场的存在是“黑哨”现象滋生和蔓延的土壤,而成本、收益、查处的可能性以及处罚力度等因素则是裁判员作为理性经济人最终决定是否实施“黑哨”行为的决策因素。  相似文献   

郑淑文 《体育博览》2011,(7X):27-27
"黑哨"一般指裁判员收受贿赂或受人指使在足球比赛中通过有意的误判、错判、漏判等个人行为来主导比赛结果的一种违法行为。足球黑哨等腐败现象严重制约着我国足球事业的发展,引起社会各界的广泛关注。本文从其释义、产生的背景、危害等方面做出研析,并对其进行经济和法律方面的审视,总结国内外的处置规定,对"黑哨"问题给出最佳的建议,以期给足球运动创造一个公平、公正的发展空间。  相似文献   

试论足球职业联赛的司法介入   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对足球职业联赛中的违法行为及其危害性进行分析,论述了司法介入足球职业联赛的必要必,司法机关在调查和处理联赛中的违法犯罪行为上的优越性。通过对我国现行的有关法律进行分析,论述了司法介入足球职业联赛的法律依据和介入程序问题。  相似文献   

"黑哨"产生的原因及综合治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对“黑哨”问题产生的原因进行分析,结果发现:黑哨问题是社会问题、管理问题、心理问题等诸多因素综合产生的结果。  相似文献   

关于"假球黑哨"成因的文化思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
中国职业足球联赛中存在“假球黑哨”之成因不在于某一个人或某一部门,而原原本本在于我们每一个。对人的研究必须从对人类文化的研究着手,而文化是一民族生活的种种方面,也因此。本文从文化的精神、社会和物质生活三个方面对“假球黑哨”的成因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

从法律角度分析了我国职业足球裁判员在执法过程中收受贿赂的“违法”现象以及司法介入职业足球的法律依据和介入程序问题.表明我国现有法律包括世界多数国家对于竞技体育传统规制鞭长莫及,关键在于足球裁判身份特殊性,既非国家公务人员,又非公司、企业人员,只隶属国家足协的合同聘任工作人员,将受贿行为归属于商业贿赂有些欠妥,依我国现行法律,足球裁判员尚不能构成商业贿赂罪.当前相关法律不健全和滞后造成司法介入的困难,有必要加强法律修正,完善受贿罪的主体范围,司法介入才顺理成章.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、逻辑推理等方法,对我国足球"假赌黑"发展历程及成因进行了研究,并据此提出针对性建议。  相似文献   


This study examines entries into the penalty area as a performance indicator that distinguishes between winning, drawing and losing soccer teams. It assesses whether entries into the penalty area are influenced by match status, a player's dismissal and the respective quality of the competing teams. Two observers analysed the relation between defensive and offensive strategies and their scoring consequences for all 64 matches played in the 2006 World Cup. Kappa values ranged between 0.93 and 0.98 for intra-reliability and between 0.88 and 0.98 for inter-reliability. It was found that winning teams received significantly fewer entries into their own penalty area (mean=41.42, s=11.86) than drawing (mean=50.07, s=14.75) and losing teams (mean=47.23, s=12.14). Teams that received more entries into their own penalty area than the opposing team were significantly more likely to concede a goal (P <0.001). Teams losing by one (mean=0.41, s=0.21), two (mean=0.42, s=0.26) or more than two goals (mean=0.34, s=0.13) received significantly fewer entries into the penalty area per minute than teams winning by one (mean=0.55, s=0.27) or two goals (mean=0.59, s=0.39). Teams with fewer players on the pitch received significantly more entries into the penalty area per minute than teams with more (mean=0.22, s=0.07) or the same number (mean=0.14, s=0.05) of players. Based on these results, it is suggested that teams should enter the opposing team's penalty area but should not allow their opponents to do the same. These results also highlight the significance of the dismissal of a player.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、调查法、统计法、比较分析法,对世界高水平女子足球运动防守技术运用的现状进行了深入的分析和研究,为我国女子足球抢球技术的训练提供科学的依据。  相似文献   


In research on the importance of the possession of the ball in soccer, little attention has been paid to its determinants. Using data from 170 matches of the 2003 – 2004 Spanish Soccer League, we explain why differences in the possession of the ball among teams are so great. In particular, four variables are examined: evolving match status (i.e. whether the team is winning, losing or drawing), venue (i.e. playing at home or away), and the identities of the team and the opponent in each match. Results of linear regression analysis show that these four variables are statistically significant and together explain most of the variance in possession. In short, home teams have more possession than away teams, teams have more possession when they are losing matches than when winning or drawing, and the identity of the opponent matters – the worse the opponent, the greater the possession of the ball. Combinations of these variables could be used to develop a model that predicts possession in soccer.  相似文献   

本文从对第14届世界杯足球赛50场比赛射门情况的统计、分析中,论述现代足球比赛中技战术特点,找出中国队与世界强队之间的差距,并就如何提高我国足球运动水平提出建议。  相似文献   


Traditional approaches to the quantification of team sports have proved to be limited in their ability to identify complex structural regularities that, despite being unobservable, nonetheless underlie the development of the sporting contest between opposing teams. This paper describes a method for detecting the dynamics of play in professional soccer through the analysis of temporal patterns (T-patterns). The observation instrument used was SOF-5, which is especially designed for studying the dynamics of the game in soccer. The recording consisted of within-session monitoring using the MATCH VISION STUDIO 3.0 software, while the THEME software was used to detect and analyse T-patterns. These T-patterns revealed regularities in the playing style of the observed team, FC Barcelona. The structures detected included a ball possession pattern, whereby the ball was first kept in the central zone before being played forward, through several moves, into the zones closest to the opposing team's goal in order to disrupt the latter's equilibrium. The results obtained show that it is possible to identify stable temporal structures that provide information about concurrent interaction contexts with respect to lateral position and zone. As such, the proposed methodology appears to be useful in detecting complex structures within the game of soccer, structures which may help coaches to design attacking and defensive strategies.  相似文献   


The broader measures of offensive effectiveness, such as scoring opportunities and shots at goal, are commonly used as an alternative to goals scored due to the naturally low probability of scoring (about 1%) in soccer match-play. These measures may enable soccer practitioners to objectively see behind single match results, which are often influenced by chance. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between broader measures (scoring opportunities and score box possessions) and the ultimate measure (goals scored) of offensive effectiveness. We analysed data from videotapes of 163 of 182 (90%) matches played in the Norwegian men's professional league during the 2004 season. Multiple logistic regression analyses showed very similar results when comparing the effectiveness of different offensive tactics, regardless of which outcome was used. For example, counterattacks were more effective than elaborate attacks in producing goals (odds ratio OR=2.07, 95% confidence interval: 1.40 to 3.05), scoring opportunities (OR=2.30, 95% confidence interval: 1.28 to 4.15), and score box possessions (OR=2.12, 95% confidence interval: 1.39 to 3.25). The receiver-operating characteristic function statistical procedure was used to examine the association between each of the three measures of offensive effectiveness: scoring opportunities, score box possessions, and goals scored. No significant difference was observed between the area under the curve (AUC) for the broader measures (scoring opportunities and score box possessions) and the ultimate measure (goals scored) of offensive effectiveness. The 95% confidence interval of the AUC for both scoring opportunities (0.74–0.84) and score box possessions (0.68–0.76) includes the AUC for goals scored (0.74). Thus, the results are very similar regardless of which outcome measure for offensive effectiveness is used. This indicates that scoring opportunities and score box possessions (shooting opportunities) can be used as a proxy for goals scored when comparing the effectiveness of different playing tactics in soccer. Compared with goals scored, using scoring opportunities or score box possessions requires smaller match samples for meaningful analyses, and may therefore be more feasible alternatives.  相似文献   

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