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INTRODUCTION Liquid crystal light valves (LCLV) are devices whose function is to convert an input image pos-sessing specific wavelength, intensity and coher-ence to an output image in which some or all of these parameters are varied (Efron et al., 1985). Therefore, they can be used as image amplifiers for large screen projection display, image wavelength converters and incoherent-to-coherent image converters for optical data processing and correlation. The appli-cation potentialities ar…  相似文献   

基于图像分解的分层图像修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a layered image inpainting scheme based on image decomposition.The damaged image is first decomposed into three layers:cartoon,edge,and texture.The cartoon and edge layers are repaired using an adaptive offset operator that can fill-in damaged image blocks while preserving sharpness of edges.The missing information in the texture layer is generated with a texture synthesis method.By using discrete cosine transform(DCT)in image decomposition and trading between resolution and computation complexity in texture synthesis,the processing time is kept at a reasonable level.  相似文献   

Compared with traditional charge coupled device(CCD) imagers, CMOS image sensor (CIS) usingphotodiode to detectphoto signal has the advantages ofhigh photo-sensitivity, reduced blooming, highspeed, integrating signal processing circuit on chip,and lowpower and system cost[1,2]. But fixed patternnoise (FPN) caused by the mismatch in pixels or col-umns circuit severely limits image quality (1 mV—30mV)[3]. FPN is spatial and does not change betweenframes, so it is difficult to be eliminate…  相似文献   

Removing the remaining ridges in fingerprint segmentation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUCTION Fingerprint identification typically goes through feature extraction and feature matching (Zhu et al., 2005b), with fingerprint segmentation being one of the steps for fingerprint feature extraction. A finger-print image usually has to be segmented to remove regions of no interest before some other steps such as enhancement and minutiae detection so that the image processing will consume less CPU time. A fingerprint image generally consists of different regions: non- ridge …  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Image registration plays an important role in the fusion of remote sensing, video panorama, medical image processing, etc. (Li et al., 1995; 2004; Brown, 1992; Belongie et al., 2001; Rui et al., 2001). More different than video panorama, the registration of multi-sensor image needs to align the multi-sensor images of the same scene from different sources (Rignot et al., 1991). Multi-sensor image registration is widely used in the fusion of panchromatic images with infrared i…  相似文献   

A statistical information-based clustering approach in distance space   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Clustering, as a powerful data mining technique for discovering interesting data distributions and patterns in the nderlying database, is used in many fields, such as statistical data analysis, pattern recognition, image processing, and other usiness applications. Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) (Ester et al., 1996) is a good erformance clustering method for dealing with spatial data although it leaves many problems to be solved. For example, BSCA…  相似文献   

Digital Signal Processing Based Real Time Vehicular Detection System   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Traffic monitoring is of major importance for enforcing traffic management policies. To accomplish this task, the detection of vehicle can be achieved by exploiting image analysis techniques. In this paper, a solution is presented to obtain various traffic parameters through vehicular video detection system( VVDS). VVDS exploits the algorithm based on virtual loops to detect moving vehicle in real time. This algorithm uses the background differencing method, and vehicles can be detected through luminance difference of pixels between background image and current image. Furthermore a novel technology named as spatio-temporal image sequences analysis is applied to background differencing to improve detection accuracy. Then a hardware implementation of a digital signal processing (DSP) based board is described in detail and the board can simultaneously process fourchannel video from different cameras. The benefit of usage of DSP is that images of a roadway can be processed at frame rate due to DSP‘s high performance. In the end, VVDS is tested on realworld scenes and experiment results show that the system is both fast and robust to the surveillance of transportation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) has develop- ed a workflow for turning printed books into digital books. The process starts with selection of books to be digitized, which is done mainly by BA’s Library Service Department. Books metadata is entered into the Digital Lab database. Metadata entry is followed by three core phases: scanning phase, in which the digital copy is generated; processing phase, in which image enhancement is performed; and OCR phase, in which text i…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION As one of the most interesting applications of image analysis and processing, facial expressions tracking has received great attention in the last few years. It can be explained by some reasons, such as increasing interest to human-computer-interaction (HCI), video conferencing systems, entertaining ap- plications, and automatic 3D face modelling. Ex- pression tracking is the process of retrieving facial expression information (i.e. location or relationship of facial feature…  相似文献   

90年代计算机技术一个重要的发展方向是多媒体技术,它改变了传统计算机只单纯处理数字和信息的不足,使计算机能够综合处理声、文、图像等多媒体信息,并以形象、丰富和方便的交互性,极大地改善了人机界面,改变了使用计算机的方式,从而为计算机进入人类生活和生产各个领域打开了大门,扩大了计算机的应用范围。1多媒体技术多媒体技术(Multimedia),是融通讯技术、传播技术和计算机为一体,能够交互处理、传递、存储文字、图像、音视频等多媒体信息的综合技术。用多媒体技术组成的系统称为多媒体系统。多媒体系统的能力在于它能将不同…  相似文献   

姜训涛 《青海教育》2003,(10):54-54
多媒体技术是指能够将文字(Text)、图像(Image)、声音(Audio)、动画和视频(Video)等媒体信息(特别是传统计算机无法处理的音频和视频或视音频信号),经过计算机内的软、硬件设备处理后,以单独或合成的形态表现出来的一门新技术。  相似文献   

A new fusion approach based on distance of evidences   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
INTRODUCTION Interest in data fusion has markedly increased over the last decade, especially for military applica-tions; and is also widely used in other fields, such as image processing and analysis and classification or target tracking (Goodman et al., 1997; Linas and Waltz, 1990; Hall and Linas, 2001). Based on the framework of evidence theory, data fusion relies on the use of combination rules allowing the belief functions for the different propositions to be com-bined. Dempster’s …  相似文献   

《计算机应用基础》是高等教育自学考试非计算机专业的公共基础课程。内容主要有计算机的基础知识、基本概念和基本操作技能,Office 97套装软件——字处理软件(Word)、电子表格处理软件(Excel)、演示文稿处理软件(PowerPoint)的使用,以及计算机网络的基础知识和互联网的重要应用。  相似文献   

1 计算机基础知识(1)了解计算机发展历史、应用领域、工作原理、硬件结构、软件系统、微机系统多媒体知识和安全常识。(2)理解计算机中数和字符的表示方式,了解汉字输入方法、信息处理的内容和方法。(3)了解磁盘操作系统(DOS)的发展历史、DOS 的构成、基本功能和汉字处理功能。(4)掌握文件和路径的概念。(5)掌握 DOS 的启动方式、磁盘和磁盘驱动器的使用方法、常用 DOS 命令的使用方法和通配符的使用  相似文献   

京阳 《中国考试》2004,(2):53-56
高等教育自学考试是标准参照性考试,《计算机应用基础》课程是非计算机专业一门必修的公共基础课程。这门课程的主要内容有计算机基础知识、操作系统软件(Windows98和MS-DOS)、字处理软件(Word97)、表处理软件(Excel97)、演示文稿软件(PowerPoint97)及计算机网络基础知  相似文献   

计算机多媒体综合利用计算机硬件设备和软件资源及各种先进信息技术 (光存储技术、音频和视频信息处理技术、数字图像技术和数据压缩技术等 )来进行信息处理和信息传递。视觉与听觉等多种媒体的结合,使得计算机多媒体很容易满足英语教学中的种种需要。传统英语教学手段很难处理的问题,比如场景布置、对话演示、语言功能讲解等,均可以通过计算机多媒体图像、动画甚至电影片段配以有声文字全方位、生动活泼地表现出来。同时,多媒体具有交互作用 (Interaction),对复杂的信息可以进行双向处理,教师、学生和计算机三者之间可以进行交互式…  相似文献   

SQL Server 2005的image型数据不能通过INSERT和UPDATE等语句进行插入和更新,这给处理image型数据带来十分不便。讨论了在Visual Basic中处理SQL Server 2005的image型数据的一般方法,即利用ADO数据对象的Fields集合的AppendChunk方法和GetChunk方法及ADO Data控件进行数据的填充和读取。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a highly automatic approach for 3D photorealistic face reconstruction from a single frontal image. The key point of our work is the implementation of adaptive manifold learning approach. Beforehand, an active appearance model (AAM) is trained for automatic feature extraction and adaptive locally linear embedding (ALLE) algorithm is utilized to reduce the dimensionality of the 3D database. Then, given an input frontal face image, the corresponding weights between 3D samples and the image are synthesized adaptively according to the AAM selected facial features. Finally, geometry reconstruction is achieved by linear weighted combination of adaptively selected samples. Radial basis function (RBF) is adopted to map facial texture from the frontal image to the reconstructed face geometry. The texture of invisible regions between the face and the ears is interpolated by sampling from the frontal image. This approach has several advantages: (1) Only a single frontal face image is needed for highly automatic face reconstruction; (2) Compared with former works, our reconstruction approach provides higher accuracy; (3) Constraint based RBF texture mapping provides natural appearance for reconstructed face.  相似文献   

1 计算机基础知识 (1)了解计算机发展历史、应用领域、工作原理、硬件结构、软件系统、微机系统多媒体知识和安全常识。 (2)理解计算机中数和字符的表示方式,了解汉字输入方法、信息处理的内容和方法。 (3)了解磁盘操作系统(DOS)的发展历史、DOS的构成、基本功能和汉字处理功能。 (4)掌握文件和路径的概念。 (5)掌握DOS的启动方式、磁盘和磁盘驱动器的使用方法、常用DOS命令的使用方法和通配符的使用方法。  相似文献   

1 计算机基础知识(1)了解计算机发展历史、应用领域、工作原理、硬件结构、软件系统、微机系统多媒体知识和安全常识。(2)理解计算机中数和字符的表示方式,了解汉字输入方法、信息处理的内容和方法。(3)了解磁盘操作系统(DOS)的发展历史、DOS 的构成、基本功能和汉字处理功能。(4)掌握文件和路径的概念。(5)掌握 DOS 的启动方式、磁盘和磁盘驱动器的使用方法、常用 DOS 命令的使用方法和通配符的使用方法。(6)了解 WINDOWS 的发展历史、WINDOWS 3.X  相似文献   

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