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The DIYLab project aims to promote lifelong learning by expanding students’ digital competences, autonomy and creativity through collaborative and meaningful learning. DIYLab locates students at the centre of the learning experience, turning them into the producer of their own learning material. This three-year-old project has been implemented in primary schools, secondary schools and universities in three European countries, where students create digital products that are subsequently published through a Hub or digital centre.  相似文献   

在我国远程教育和继续教育蓬勃发展的今天,如何办好开放大学已成为全国电大工作者面临的新任务。开放大学建设要放到终身教育体系和学习型社会建设的背景下认识,要与国家终身教育和继续教育体系的建设和完善结合起来。在全面认识开放大学的基本上,提出建设天津开放大学的设想,并对开放大学建设的重难点等问题进行思考。  相似文献   

世界开放大学的办学理念以服务大众终身学习需求为基础,其教育目标是使学习者无论何时何地都能够获取知识、发展技能、提升能力。在经济体制发生深刻变革、教育技术不断更新的时代,终身学习正在逐步从理想变为现实。我们在探讨终身学习战略发展的同时,通过研究世界一些典型开放大学多年的教育实践活动,重申开放大学的历史使命,并坚持认为开放大学应继续在促进终身学习过程中发挥重要作用。无论在管理体制、运行机制上,还是在教学内容和教学方法上,开放大学都始终在探索服务大众终身学习的方式和渠道。然而,终身学习作为民族振兴的基本国策,还需在实践探索中不断完善其体系构建。开放大学在促进终身学习体系构建的实践探索中,还需不断了解和分析各类学习群体对终身学习的需求,在资源获取、技术应用和制度建立等方面还需进一步为学习者提供优质的服务,要在与普通高校、企业、行业等机构的合作中,逐步建立起终身学习的立交桥,实现学分转换、资格认证、学历教育与非学历教育的互通。开放大学要在参与构建终身学习体系的实践探索过程中形成更加成熟的思考,并付诸行动。  相似文献   

教育立交桥是道路交通立交桥在教育领域中的移用,以实现各种不同类型、不同层次的教育相互沟通和衔接。我国开放大学教育立交桥的构建可借鉴国外一些知名的开放大学的经验,通过政策、法律、法规的制定和保障,实现各类型教育、不同层次教育的相互沟通与衔接,实现学分转换,学历互认,资源共享,以满足人的多样发展的需要和促进终身学习型社会的建立。  相似文献   

欧盟2010年出台了《欧洲终身学习评价指标EILI——让终身学习切实可行》,第一次提出了终身学习的评价指标,从学会学习、学会做事、学会与人相处和学会做人等四个方面来综合评价一个国家或地区终身学习的开展情况,以便明确学习型社会的建设目标和方向。学会学习主要评价年轻人在正规教育系统中的学习;学会做事主要是评价成人在职期间,通过正规或非正规的学习渠道,获得与工作相关的知识和技能;学会与人相处主要评价社会个体的性格和态度;学会做人主要评价自我导向的学习和个人对学习的投资和投入。欧盟终身学习评价指标虽然首次提出了具体和可操作性的评价体系,并且对欧洲国家实施了评测,但该指标仍仅仅提供了大致的框架,具体的细节还有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

建立终身教育体系,构建学习型社会是未来社会的发展趋势。以远程开放教育为主体的广播电视大学通过充分发挥其系统办学的优势,为社会成员的终身学习提供了学习场所、学习资源、学习辅导等支持服务,推动学习型社会的构建。然而,随着学习型社会构建的不断深入,电大要适应新形势下学习型社会构建的要求,更好地为社会成员提供终身学习服务,使之"学有其所、学有其教、学有其效",电大系统必须进行更为深刻的变革。  相似文献   

台湾终身学习社会的营造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾终身学习社会的发展,得益于社会各教育机构与组织的贡献,这些机构与组织涵盖各级正规、非正规及社会教育机构,为民众提供了多元化的终身学习资源与服务。"贯穿正规教育体制的终身学习"、"打破学校藩篱的社区学习"、"面向海外的远程学习"反映了台湾终身学习社会的起源与发展过程。空中教育机构及社区大学是台湾终身教育的两大支柱,台湾通过"非正规终身学习成就认证制度"、"社区大学与空中大学合作"、"两岸终身学习合作"、"融入国际的终身学习社会"等途径建设起终身学习体系。  相似文献   

《Distance Education》2012,33(2):135-150
The open educational resources (OER) movement is relatively new with few higher education institutions (HEIs) publishing or using them, and even fewer using them to widen engagement or participation in HE study. Although distance teaching universities have been in the vanguard of widening opportunities for HE study, they vary in how far they are doing so. Some use this informal learning through studying OER as a bridge to formal learning; others see it as an end in itself, often as part of a wider set of lifelong learning activities. Initial experiences of some European distance teaching universities indicate that OER are fine for confident and experienced learners but most people will require other support mechanisms to achieve participation. More effort may be needed to design and present OER in ways that are suited to the learners to support their learning, including developing new ways to recognize achievements through open study.  相似文献   

论大学生终身体育意识的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校体育对培养大学生建立终身体育意识具有重大作用,章就如何在大学阶段培养学生建立终身体育意识进行了探讨。  相似文献   

远程教育参与社区教育具有其独特的优势和条件,远程教育与社区教育的融合是发展的趋势和走向.福建电大在办学理念确立、发展路径选择、网络体系构建、学习在线平台建设、多形式教育培训开展等方面对社区教育进行了实践探索,构建了基本模式.电大进一步参与社区教育要处理好政府推动与作用发挥、统筹规划与分类指导、大众教育与突出重点、资源开发与利用推广的关系.  相似文献   


This article offers a discussion, based upon empirical data, of the position of universities vis-à-vis local adult populations, arguing that universities need to think of themselves as primarily local institutions if lifelong learning is to become a reality.  相似文献   

The concept of ‘lifelong learning’ or shōgai gakushū has rapidly become one of the topmost priorities in Japan’s education policy agenda. This was considerably evident in December 2006 when the term ‘lifelong learning’ was added to Japan’s educational charter, the Fundamental Law of Education. This paper explores, as a means to develop Japan’s new lifelong learning policy, the lessons that can be learnt through an examination of the European countries’ efforts to build a knowledge economy, where lifelong learning is regarded as the key solution in overcoming several important social and economic concerns. In this paper, I first examine the current situation of lifelong learning in Japan, employing the ethnographic data that I have collected since 2001. Second, I provide a brief review of the European lifelong learning policy, which is one of the priority guidelines in the European Union. Under the Lisbon Strategy, for example, the argument on European lifelong learning theoretically centres on developing human capital in order to survive in the global knowledge economy. Lastly, referring to the European experience over the past decade, I propose to directly connect Japan’s latest policy development regarding lifelong learning with the trend of building human capital through lifelong learning in order to enhance its competitiveness in the era of globalisation.  相似文献   

Easing access to higher education (HE) for those engaging in lifelong learning has been a common policy objective across the European Union since the late 1990s. To reach this goal, the transition between vocational and academic routes must be simplified, but European countries are at different developmental stages. This article maps the development in Denmark, Finland, Germany and England using a case study approach deploying data triangulation from a national and institutional perspective. It explores the extent/commonality of structural factors for easing access for students engaging in lifelong learning. The cases are at widely different stages, but the following factors were considered essential in all countries for opening universities: the establishment of transition paths from secondary education and working life into HE and links between HE, businesses and adult education from a national perspective and the recognition of all forms of learning, the flexibilization of study formats and the design of a curriculum that suits all from an institutional perspective.  相似文献   

终身学习是构建学习型社会的重要途径,自主学习能力是实现终身学习的根本保障。文章比较了中日两国对自主学习的认识以及大学的教育模式的异同,梳理了日本大学教育有关自主学习能力培养的一些做法,指出了我国在自主学习能力培养方面可以尝试的改革方向。  相似文献   

This paper analyses one aspect of a pan-African action research project called ITMUA (Implementing the Third Mission of Universities in Africa). This particular paper draws on the data from that project to explore the National University of Lesotho’s contribution to lifelong learning in its communities. It provides background information on the ITMUA initiative and analyses interview and focus group responses to two case studies in terms of their contribution to lifelong learning. It uses, as its analytical framework, a modified version of Mbigi’s African perspective on the four De Lors’ ‘pillars’, by adding a fifth pillar, courtesy of Torres. The paper argues that community engagement is a two-way process between universities and their wider constituencies with opportunities for mutual lifelong learning. But there are also challenges of understanding and process which must be addressed if the full range of these lifelong learning pillars is to be accommodated within African contexts. The paper provides an introduction to the history of community engagement in Africa as a university mission, followed by a brief discussion of lifelong learning within African perspectives. After describing the particular context of Lesotho, the concept of community service and community engagement in contemporary African contexts introduces the action research project and the case studies. The final part of the paper presents and discusses the research findings.  相似文献   

The Belém Framework for Action underlines, among many other issues, that quality in adult learning and education must be holistic and multidimensional both as a concept and in practice, using various tools such as partnerships with higher education institutions. Bridging adult and higher education is difficult, but the lifelong learning paradigm may help European universities to meet the challenge. This paper argues that European higher education institutions should, on the one hand, educate adults to qualify them for their complex roles in society and economy either through academic programmes or in other, non-formal ways. On the other hand, higher education institutions should promote quality research on adult learning and education and develop active citizenship too. Emphasis was clearly given to the former task in the Budapest Statement in December 2008 as part of the European preparatory process for CONFINTEA VI, and the latter has been articulated by UNESCO for more than a decade. This paper suggests that a balanced position may help universities in setting themselves up as better and more effective learning organisations.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,终身学习观念已经形成,远程开放教育呈发展趋势,高校图书馆要从改变服务理念着手,提高远程开放教育读者的信息素质,整合各种资源,运用更好的读者服务模式,为远程开放教育做好支持服务。  相似文献   

作为构建终身教育体系、建设学习化社会的重要载体,社区教育在全国方兴未艾,各地电大积极行动,希望尽快介入到社区教育的开展工作之中。要达到这样的目标,就需要电大在社区教育发展中具有明确的角色意识。在此基础上,找准工作方向,采取正确的工作步骤,进而达到良好的工作效果。  相似文献   

面临“新”社会的巨大冲击,欧洲人提出了建构学习社会的对策,而终身学习机制的建立则是学习社会建构的核心问题。相关指标的确立是实施各种终身学习策略的重要工具。欧盟的终身学习质量指标涵盖了四个领域共15项指标。这些指标在开发过程、内容选择和应用能力等方面对我国建构终身学习指标体系有着重要启示。  相似文献   

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