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感Let,5 Play with numbers! 1德1 1 mG th6 snSW6FS n0w! It,5 time to Play with numbers! 1 knowyouknowhow! F ive times six?Thirty! Thirty divided by three?飞n! T6n Plus ten?1-w enty! Thirty minus ten?西Let,5 Play with numbe份! 1-6 1 1 me the snSWerS nOW! It,5 time to Play with numbers! 1 knowyouknowhow! F ive times four?1-w enty! IWenty divided by two?飞n! T6n Plus们ve?Fiffeen! 1-w enty minus们ve? F ifteen…again!画Let,5 Play with numbers!了德1 1 mG thG snSWe侣n0w! It’s time t…  相似文献   

Once upon a time.there was a mollse in a mouse-hole.One day it sat up and listened attentively,and as it did So it heard someone bark……“Now,”thought the mouse,“that’ll be a dog,I might as well go out.I don’t think dogs eat mice.”  相似文献   

This secret has been kept in my heart for three years. I am a good girl all the time, but ... In a Chinese exam three years ago, one of my classmates next to me wanted to borrow my colour pen. I didn’t lend it to her, instead I said“:You have much money to buy something to eat, why don’t you buy a colour pen.”Hearing my words, she didn’t say any more. After the exam, I knew that she had left her colour pen at home. She didn’t do well in that exam. So she was very sad and even cried for a long time. Even tho...  相似文献   

听力部分(略)I.单项填空1.——Oh,no!it’s ten to six.—— __.That clock is an hour fast.You won't miss the 6 o’clocktrain.A.Hurry up B.Take careC.Don’t make a joke D.Take it easy2.——Mum.why do you always make me eat an apple every day?  相似文献   

One fine day in spring, a mouse came out to the lawn and enjoyed the sun. Surprisingly what he thought to be grass was actually Lion's mane.The Lion awoke from his nap and shouted."What luck? I am hungry and a mouse is in font of me! I should eat you!"Please, Lion! Don!t eat me! If you just let me go, I would not forget this."What? You will repay me?"The Lion laughed at the mouse. But as he pitied at the little mouse, he set the mouse free."Go, go!"Thank you, thank you!"  相似文献   

If you have a watch,don’t repair it!I know it 1.Once Ihad a beautiful watch.And this watch 2 perfect time.But onenight it happened that I forgot to 3 it up.Next morning 1 went toa watchmaker as I wanted my perfect watch to 4 by the exacttime.The watchmaker examined my watch and said:“The regulator(校准器)is to be pushed up 5 your watch is four minutes 6.”  相似文献   

召爱玲 《中学生英语》2004,(1):23-26,32
1.根据句意或首字母提示写出单词。(10分)1 .My father 15 a worker.He works ina2.1 ean’t find my ruler .May Ib_ yours?3 .His motherl_home at6:30 eve叮 morning·4 .Could you give me something to eat?I’m very5 .Please listen to the teaeher e in elass, or you ean’t follow.6 .Tuesday eomes before_·7 .We don’t 90 to sehool at、v~—.·8 .1’m 111,the dootor gives me some 111一一一.9 .This eoat isn’t eheap,i*’5 ve叮_.10.Englishis a useful(有用的)l_,we musttvork hard at it.n.用所给词的适当形式填…  相似文献   

Bill:We don’t have much time.Jerry:I’m hurrying as fast as I can!Bill:Well,try to hurry a little bit more,will you?I don’t want to be late.Jerry:Oh,we won’t be late.You know how these affairs are(了解情况的).They never start on time.Bill:Maybe so.But I always like to get there on time.Jerry:Oh,you’re such a fuddy-duddy(就你事多).Don’t worry.I’llget you there with time to spare.Bill:Is that a promise?Jerry:It’s a promise.Now leave me alone while I finish getting ready.  相似文献   

A man always went to the same bar at the same time every day and asked for twoglasses of beer, He would drink them and then ask for two more. One day the barman asked him: “Why do you always ask for two glasses of beer? Why don’t you order one bigglass instead?”“Because I don’t like to drink alone”, the man answered.“I drink with myfriend.” But a few days later the man came in and asked for only one beer. “Oh, has your friend died?”asked the barman.  相似文献   

I have a dream that one day I will he a most needed person-a teacher. Does it sound strange? I began to have this dream when I was only a child. I love children. I don't think it a waste of time to deal with them all the year round. On the contrary, it will make me happy.[第一段]  相似文献   

石金涛 《中学生英语》2013,(14):16-18,48
一、完形填空When I was a child,my room liked to prepare food for dinner,every now and then. And I remember one night in 1 when she made dinner after a long,hard day at work. That Monday evening so long ago,my morn 2 a plate of eggs,sausage,and extremely burnt toast(土司) in front of my dad. I remember 3 to see if dad noticed! 4 all my dad did was reach for his toast,smile at my room,and ask me how my day was 5. I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him 6 butter and jelly(果冻) on that toast and eat every  相似文献   

It's dark and rainy outside. I hate it when the weather is like this. 1 when Mom and Dad are yelling at each other about me. I hate 2 when they do that. It makes me feel so guilty, 3 it's all my fault. But, it isn't this time. This time I don't think it's anybody's fault. It's so easy to get 4 and yell when the weather is like this.  相似文献   

Two boys camp in the backyard. A: What time is it? B: I don’t know.Let’s sing loudly."They sing loudly.Moments later,a neighbor opens the window and shouts:"Be quite! Don’t you know it’s three o’clock in the morning?"  相似文献   

The number songOne,two,how do you do?一,二,你好!Three,four,how do you do?三,四,你好!Five,six,what’s your name?五,六,你叫什么名字?Seven,eight,my name is Mary.七,八,我叫玛丽。Nine,ten,nice to meet you.九,十,很高兴见到你。One,two,three,me too.一,二,三,我也一样。Four,five,six,let’s make good friends.四,五,六,让我们交朋友吧。Seven,eight,nine,ten,OK!七,八,九,十,好!One,two,three,four,let’s go to school together.一,二,三,四,我们一起上学去吧。Five,six,seven,eight,don’t be late.五,六,七,八,不要…  相似文献   

LuCy 15 1 girl.She 15 now in Beijing 2 her Parents.Lucy doesn,t 3 Chin-ese,but she 15 studyjng Chinese.She often二一Chinese to her Chinesefriends.Som以imes they don,t understand(懂)her,‘呈一she ean’t sPeak Chinese well. It,S Sunday morning.She has一二一lessons. She goes out.She 15一卫一in the street.She 15 going to the 200 to一旦-thee!ePhantS and mon比ys.But she doesn’t know how to get一卫匕.She asks a Chinesebov,but the bo丫生鱼understand he「Then she卫互a Pen and a Piece of pape…  相似文献   

<正>Under a snow-covered gooseberry bush,a blue featherlay quietly.One night,when the wind passed by,it said to the blue feather,"It is time for you to go.Come with me." "You don’t need me," said the blue feather.  相似文献   

1 .One day,a eateaugllt(抓住)amouse.She said,“Iwallt to eat you!”21 ne“Plea爹If you1llUU卜匕。。土u,don,t eat 1lleJ .1工1与letI’11bringfi血and 】工〕ey0Ufree.S01llemeat.”andthought(想了又想).“oK,’,shesaid.50 the mousese:v旅了利上俞、出e Cate咬吧1马day·Tlle catw;ls ve即happy-4 .one day,the eatWaflted to haVeatriP(旅行).She saidto tl〕e mouse,“尸leasetake eare of(照顾)my babies.”5.When the eatleft,the mousek们le〔}(杀死)an 11elbabies.6 .She was mad(疯狂的)to Seewhat had haP一pen…  相似文献   

田力 《高中生》2011,(30):62-63
A cactus stood all alone in the desert,wondering why it was stuck in the middle of nowhere. "I do nothing but stand here all day,"it sighed. "What use am I? I’m the ugliest plant in the desert.My spines are thick and prickly,my leaves are rubbery and tough,and my skin is thick and bumpy.I can’t offer shade or juicy fruit to any passing traveler.I don’t see  相似文献   

Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents.Every day they are very busy trying to earn money in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me.They don’t act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV.In their opinion,“I love you”is too luxurious for them to say.Sending?owers to each other on Valentine’s Day is even more out of the question.Finally my father has a bad temper.When he is very tired from the hard work,it is easy for him to lose hi…  相似文献   

1 TEACHER:George,go to the map and find North America. GEORGE:Here it is!TEACHER:Correct.Now,class,who discovered America?CLASS:George! 2TEACHER:Didn’t you promise to behave?STUDENT.Yes.sir.TEACHER:And didn’t I promise to punish you if you didn’t?STUDENT:Yes,sir,but since I broke my promise,I don’t expect you to keep yours. 3  相似文献   

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