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Growing criticism of existing educational leadership preparation programs seems to focus on a lack of contextual relevancy and instructional leadership. Universities and school districts need to develop more formal, collaborative, long-term relationships focused on the nature of principal preparation, moving beyond acculturation to district norms and irrelevancy to building future leaders' capacity for continuous educational improvement. Educational administration as an applied field demands that we answer key questions regarding the development of effective practitioners.  相似文献   

转换生成语法是著名语言学家阿夫莱姆·诺姆·乔姆斯基在20世纪50年代末期提出的一系列语言学理论中的核心。它提出了许多独创性的见解,比如说人类创造语言的能力是先天、无穷的,以至于曾被称作是一场语言学的革命。但是这个理论无法解释一些现实中人们学习外语的问题,诸如为什么不同的人学习语言的能力不一样等等,因此也存在一些缺陷。  相似文献   

转化学习及其实质在发展中需要不断阐释,而教师指导下的转化学习又包含了众多伦理要素。对诸多成人转化学习中的伦理因素进行探究,有利于加深对转化学习的理解,更有利于完善成人转化学习实践。  相似文献   

A field study focused on learning capabilities within action learning sets was used to evaluate potential opportunities between action learning and transformational learning. The use of action learning as a methodology for the acquisition, sharing and transfer of information while integrating an added perspective for transformational learning within the action learning set was investigated. There could be occurrences of transformation within action learning and critical action learning sets. However, there could be the added possibility of using action learning as a potential vehicle for an enhanced or more specific focus on transformational learning. It is useful to explore this potential, especially when there is an increased awareness regarding associations between action learning and transformational learning. Within such learning environments, there could also be the increased potential for outcomes that transform an individual, group or organization. The use of transformational elements based on discussions and resulting themes that occur within action learning sessions are discussed with the aim of encouraging personal development, enhancing skills and engaging in adult learning that could lead to organizational development. Recommendations for these environments are also presented.  相似文献   

在数学教学过程中,教师通过组织有效的合作学习,鼓励学生主动质疑、深入思考,开拓创新,不仅能使学生在小组活动过程中成为数学学习的主人,而且能让学生在相互碰撞启发中达成深度学习。文章以"复式统计表"教学为例,探讨如何以有效合作学习促进深度学习的发生。  相似文献   

结构主义语法与转换生成语法在语言观、研究目标、研究方法等方面存在差异。结构主义是以行为主义为基础,以描写语言系统为目标的语法;而转换生成语法是以心智主义为基础,目的是描写人类的语言能力。  相似文献   

非正规学习成果认证促进学习者学习经历的资格认证体系的完善,是实现终身学习理念的有效途径,是搭建终身学习"立交桥"的重要环节,是建立学习型社会的制度保障。在终身学习背景下,建立非正规学习成果认证的制度保障,完善非正规学习成果认证的体系建设,设立非正规学习成果认证的机构试点,加大非正规学习成果认证的资金投入,加强非正规学习成果认证的团队建设等是实现非正规学习成果认证的有效策略。  相似文献   

英国是世界各国由中古农本封建主义文明向近代工商资本主义文明转型的先驱和典范。长期以来,各国史学界为了认识把握这次社会转型,从政治、经济、文化等不同角度进行了广泛而深入的研究,取得了丰硕的成果。研究、认识英国中世纪转型时期的城市化,对把握认识英国社会未来发展走向的脉搏具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

成人转换学习及其教学策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成人转换学习在当今社会的作用日益凸显,成人只有不断地质疑、反思和转换自己的世界观、人生观或价值观,才能获得解放和发展,才能适应现实生活世界的各种变化。为此,成人教育的教学策略需要在批判性反思、人生经验的学习、教学氛围和教师角色等方面作出相应的调整和改革,但这种调整和改革要注意防止极端化和片面化。  相似文献   

高校突发事件应对机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
突发事件的处理已成为高校管理中的重要内容,本文从分析突发事件的类型、引发因素着手,提出了解决突发事件应掌握的原则以及应对突发事件需建立的有效机制,试图为高校应对突发事件从机制层面提供参考。  相似文献   

学校领导的研究已有100余年的历史,20世纪80年代后出现了两种占主导地位的领导范式:教学领导和转型领导。前者强调自上而下的控制;后者强调自下至上的参与式改革,是一种分享式的领导范式。教学领导凭借管理与控制组织成员导向既定的目标;转型领导则通过提升组织成员的期望值来憧憬、创造未来。鉴于两者的优点与不足,未来的领导范式将是两者的有机整合。  相似文献   

This article details the administration and results of an experiment conducted to assess the impact of three video game design concepts upon learning outcomes. The principles tested include game aesthetics, player choice, and player competition. The experiment participants were asked to play a serious game over the course of a week, and the learning outcomes were measured by comparing their pretest and posttest scores. The results of a one-tailed t test indicated, with a p value of 0.043, that there was a statistically significant effect of the aesthetic presentation of the game upon the learning outcome. There was no indication of a significant effect by the player choice or player competition conditions, but the results from these experiment groups point to some potentially interesting interactions between the conditions and learning, as well as possible future lines of experimental inquiry.  相似文献   

高校健全危机管理机制探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对SARS及其它突发性事件对高校管理所造成的冲击的反思,提出高校应建立危机管理机制并对危机管理机制的构建进行了探讨,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper describes a three-campus collaborative, distributed learning program that delivers social work education to remote rural and desert communities in California via distance learning modalities. This “Pathway Program” provides accredited social work education for a career ladder beginning with advising and developing an academic plan and leading to BSW and MSW degrees. The paper offers assessment data on the Pathway Program and also suggests the potential for major changes in social work education. Questions about the nature of the university, the role of the faculty member, and the future of social work students in the twenty-first century are discussed.  相似文献   

转专业制度是充分体现以学生为本理念的具体落实途径之一。但专业选择与学习效果的关系值得研究,对学校而言保持专业多样性,发挥教师积极性,开设个性化课程是对大学生专业选择权的保障,也是将专业的选择方式本身所带来的影响降到最低的可行方式。  相似文献   

Abstract. An explanatory methods design was used to evaluate the influence of a service learning course on learning, personal, and social outcomes for service learning (n = 142) students. These students showed improvements in diversity and political awareness, community self-efficacy, and civic engagement scores from the beginning to the end of the semester. In addition, the students' academic learning, personal and interpersonal development, and community engagement were detected as the major benefits from engaging in service learning. The findings of this study suggest that service learning contributes to students' academic learning and personal and social development through social-emotional processes.  相似文献   

Learning outcomes can be considered to be a key concept in a changing education policy landscape, enhancing aspects such as benchmarking and competition. Issues relating to concepts of performance have a long history of debate within the field of education. Today, the concept of learning outcomes has become central in education policy development, which is possibly focusing on other issues than was previously the case. Drawing on documentary analysis, the Norwegian national budget has been analyzed over a 14-year period to identify how policy makers conceptualize learning outcomes. Findings indicate that policy makers have embraced the concept of learning outcomes through phases of introduction, development and redefinition. They also suggest that policy makers apply one common overall definition, but that this is used differently by changing governments. The findings support an argument that the common understanding of learning outcomes limits discussion about what constitutes valuable learning.  相似文献   

二十多年来独立学院作为发展我国高等教育事业的重要力量,为高层次人才培养和大众化进程推进做出了历史性贡献。"26号令"颁布后,独立学院发展进入了新的阶段,需要进行规范发展和转型发展。独立学院处于必须做出选择的十字路口,成为完全独立的高校、回归母体高校、被取消办学资格以及现状维持是当前主要的现实选择。独立学院办学中利益相关者既有着共同促进独立学院发展的初衷,也有着各自具体的利益考量,政府对社会利益和稳定的关注、母体高校对现有经济利益的维护、社会投资方的徘徊观望以及相对独立的独立学院的无能为力,使得独立学院的转型发展步履蹒跚,需要政府将诱致性和强制性制度手段协同使用,切实推进独立学院的转型发展。  相似文献   

Policing the Subject: Learning Outcomes, Managerialism and Research in PCET   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This discussion paper examines the links between learning outcomes, managerialism and research into teaching and learning in further/higher education. It constructs a worse case scenario which explores the dangers flowing from a managerialist appropriation of both learning outcomes and research into teaching and learning. It suggests this leads to a technicised practice which limits creative and critical engagement with the curriculum. The paper calls for the development of an engaged and dialogic practice. This worst case scenario enables a consideration of conditions that would facilitate the development of empowering practices.  相似文献   

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