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Using Holland, Lachicotte, Skinner, and Cain’s (1998) theory of identity and their concept of figured worlds, this article provides an overview of how twenty-four Mexican Americans came to produce Chicana/o Activist Educator identities. The desire to raise consciousness (teach for social justice pero con ganas) and “give back to the [their] community” became a very important part of this identity. Using an ethnographic interview as well as a life history interview methodology, this article specifically focuses on the participants’ conceptual and procedural identity production in local Chicana/o activist figured worlds (usually in colleges and universities). In these local figured worlds, the participants produced a more complex process of identity production that was both conceptual and procedural. The article concludes with broad implications for urban teacher education. Luis Urrieta, Jr. is assistant professor of cultural studies and education and Fellow in the Lee Hage Jamail Regents Chair in Education at the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests are in identity, agency, and social movements in education with a focus on Chicana/o and Indígena (P’urhépecha) education, citizenship and social studies education. 1 University Station D5700, Austin, TX 78712, USA.  相似文献   

This article explores the figured world of learning at urban Oakcity High School, describing the learner identities that were available to students amid the practices, categories, discourses and interactions of this world. My aims are 2-fold and interconnected: (1) to reframe a taken-for-granted phenomenon—that students tend to do poorly at urban high schools serving low income students of color, and (2) to apply a situated perspective and the concepts of figured worlds and positional identities to the study of learning and identity at an urban high school, expanding the use of these concepts in educational research. Beth C. Rubin is an Assistant Professor in Graduate School of Education, Rutgers The State University of New Jersey 10 Seminary Place New Brunswick NJ 08901 USA  相似文献   

The research reported here contributes to understanding how student engineers on an engineering campus in the US mid-continent not only talked about the kinds of people recognized as engineers on campus, but also juxtaposes their talk about “campus engineer identities” with two students' ways of presenting themselves as engineers through engineering project teamwork to argue that campus engineer identities framed on-campus interpretations of actions, and ultimately that identity production was a complicated process through which campus engineer identities (cultural knowledge learned on campus) provided a lens of meaning through which to “recognize” (or not) performances of engineer selves as engineers. This research adds to conversations about identity in practice, especially identity production in science education, by suggesting the importance of cultural forms for belonging, especially at an obdurate site of science practice like the campus studied.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods case study examined the notebook entries of one class of 22 second graders as a way of examining how teacher identity shaped the way students experienced their science curriculum. These notebook entries were created during lessons with three different teachers over the course of one school year, using similar kit-based materials to teach science. The entries were coded for inquiry phase, percent missing or incomplete entries, and driving force (teacher-driven, student-driven, or balanced); chi-squared analyses revealed significant differences among the notebook entries created by the same students during lessons taught by each of the three teachers. Qualitative observations of each teachers' instruction around notebook use supported these quantitative differences, and suggested that the differences in curriculum as experienced by students could be attributed to differences in teacher identity, both who the teacher is and what they do in the classroom. These findings indicate that students' notebooks are useful tools for examining how teachers' identities might shape how elementary students experience science curriculum, and that they can be used to help structure more effective professional development plans for each teacher.  相似文献   

在中学作文教学中,要鼓励学生大胆想像,提出假设,并不断发现新事物、新问题。让他们有良好的联想和直觉思维能力。可采取的具体做法是:1.拓展知识面:包括训练学生听力,进行知识积累;增加课外阅读,创设交流场所;鼓励学生外出,与人进行交流。2.利用已有知识,进行创造想像:包括根据课文内容,进行创造想像;根据画面内容,进行创造想像;根据生活常识,进行创造想像。  相似文献   

Project-based curricula have the potential to engage students' interests. But how do students become interested in the goals of a project? This article documents how a group of 8th-grade students participated in an architectural design project called the Antarctica Project. The project is based on the imaginary premise that students need to design a research station in Antarctica. This premise is meant to provide a meaningful context for learning mathematics. Using ethnography and discourse analysis, the article investigates students' engagement with the imaginary premise and curricular tasks during the 7-week project. A case study consisting of scenes from main phases of the project shows how the students took on concerns and responsibilities associated with the figured world proposed by the Antarctica Project and how this shaped their approaches to mathematical tasks (Holland, Lachicotte, Skinner, & Cain, 1998). Participating in the figured world of Antarctica and evaluating situations within this world was important for how students used mathematics meaningfully to solve problems. Curricular tasks and classroom activities that facilitated students in assuming and shifting between roles relevant to multiple figured worlds (i.e., of the classroom, Antarctica, and mathematics) helped them engage in the diverse intentions of curricular activities.  相似文献   

This article explores the interaction between racial and ethnic identity, racial centrality, and giftedness and then uses an expectancy-value motivation model as a framework for understanding how the interplay among racial identity, centrality, and giftedness contributes to the motivation of African American gifted students. The analysis begins by defining racial and ethnic identity and discussing their relationship to racial centrality. Next, the interactions among racial and ethnic identity, centrality, and some socio-emotional aspects associated with giftedness are examined. An expectancy-value model then provides a framework for understanding how race centrality, racial/ethnic identity, and giftedness influence the motivational patterns of gifted African American students. Suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Although much research has focused on the public school experiences of African American students, few studies exist that explore their race-related experiences within an independent, private school context. Studies have suggested that, while private, independent schools may elevate the quality of African American students’ education, many of these students experience social isolation from their peers. Using a qualitative methodology, the current study explores the experiences of African American students attending a private, independent school. Moreover, this investigation explores how schools as well as parental contexts contribute to racial identity development. Results indicated the importance of parents, schools and other significant institutions as racial socialization agents as well as their influence on specific identity-related processes. Educational implications for findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article uses survey data on 15,800 high school students from 3 urban school districts to investigate the impact of school-level support for higher educational attainment and school racial composition on students' actual educational aspirations. We examine students' perceptions of school support for postsecondary participation and test alternative measures of school racial composition in order to account for the increasingly multiracial makeup of today's urban high schools. We include both school-level and student-level characteristics in a multilevel logistic regression model to see if perceived school support for higher educational attainment differs by school racial composition. The results provide support for the hypothesis that school racial composition and school support have an effect on students' reported educational aspirations, and that alternative specifications of school racial composition provide different interpretations of these important relationships.  相似文献   

The Urban Review - When multicultural education emerges in urban schools, it usually addresses educational inequality by focusing on cultural histories, principles, and pedagogies. The fundamental...  相似文献   

对新时期"培养观"的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就新时期对学生的“培养观”问题谈了一些粗浅的认识,以期引起大家的讨论,并推动教学改革向更深的层次发展。  相似文献   

一批受西学知识洗礼的满族留日学生,超然于现政府与革命党之上,以救亡图存自任。他们主张以国民主义取代狭隘民族主义,满汉平等、满汉蒙回藏合成一中华民族。他们将外患问题、种族问题皆归结为政治制度问题,呼吁以立宪来建立责任政府。建立责任政府的第一步则是民选的国会。他们也信奉社会进化论,重视最大多数人的最大幸福,其政治理念具有鲜明的现代性。辛亥革命时期,《大同报》诸人对专制主义的批判,对政治现代性的诉求,无疑是具有革命性意义的。  相似文献   

This study employs slope-as-mediator techniques to explore how the daily association between ethnic/racial discrimination and sleep disturbances serves as an intermediary link between ethnic/racial identity (ERI) and psychological adjustment. In a diverse sample of 264 adolescents (Mage = 14.3 years old, 70% female, 76% United States born, 25% African American, 32% Asian American, 43% Latinx), discrimination was associated with sleep disturbance. Furthermore, ERI commitment buffered the impact of discrimination on sleep, whereas ERI exploration exacerbated the impact of discrimination. Finally, the daily level association between discrimination and sleep (i.e., daily slope) mediated the association between ERI and adolescent adjustment. Substantive links between discrimination and sleep are discussed as well as broader applications of slope-as-mediator techniques.  相似文献   

This study underscored the importance of addressing the well‐being of college students of Asian descent, because these students had higher rates of depression and lower positive feelings about their ethnic group compared with students of European descent, as measured by the Affirmation subscale of the Ethnic Identity Scale. Affirmation mediated the depression difference between these groups. Within the Asian group, affirmation and depression were inversely correlated, and this relationship was mediated by acculturative stress.  相似文献   

This study investigates the same-day associations between discrimination and sleep among 350 adolescents ages 13–15 (M = 14.29, SD = 0.65; Asian = 41%, Black = 22%, Latinx = 37%). Assessing sleep duration, sleep onset latency, and wake minutes after sleep onset using wrist actigraphy, Black adolescents slept 35 min less than Asian and 36 min less than Latinx youth. Black adolescents suffered the most wake minutes after sleep onset, followed by Latinx and Asian youth. Latinx youth reported the highest levels of sleep disturbance, whereas Asian youth reported the highest levels of daytime dysfunction. Daily discrimination was associated with lower levels of same-night sleep onset latency, more sleep disturbance, more next-day daytime dysfunction, and higher next-day daytime sleepiness.  相似文献   

加强工科院校大学生艺术修养的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济的飞速发展,社会对人才的素质提出了新的要求。高校人才培养规格已由单一的专业型向综合能力素质型转变,大学生的人文素质显得日益重要。对于工科院校,大学生的综合素质亟待提高,尤其是艺术修养方面,在大力加强校园文化建设的同时,要进一步提高工科大学生艺术素质能力,增强学生的艺术品位和审美情趣,促进学生的身心健康,培养良好的个性心理,并健全知识结构。本文从加强工科院校大学生艺术修养的必要性和实施途径入手,对工科院校大学生艺术素质的提高提供对策。  相似文献   

This article examines minority teacher recruitment policies and programs of the past two decades and explores their influence on the racial/ethnic makeup of the teaching force in elementary and secondary public schools. The results show that while important progress has been made toward increasing the overall number and proportion of minority teachers in the public schools, those gains have been eclipsed by the rapid growth of the minority student population. As a result, the racial/ethnic gap between students of color and their teachers has actually increased over the years. The authors provide an overview of current minority teacher recruitment state policies and introduce the Teacher-Student Parity Index, a new metric for comparing the proportions of teachers and students from different racial/ethnic groups to gain a more textured understanding of the demographic reality of today's schools than is presently found in the literature. The authors conclude with recommendations for policy and research.  相似文献   

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