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在上海宋庆龄故居陈列馆,宋庆龄给邓广殷的遗嘱,被刻成了牌匾,静静地陈列着。 在这份曾密存于瑞士银行的遗嘱中,宋庆龄将自己北京和上海两处住宅中的全部藏书作为回报,赠送给邓广殷。而在宋庆龄的全部私人财产中,  相似文献   

宋庆龄一直以坚忍、智慧的形象享誉国内外。14岁,她携妹妹宋美龄离开亲人赴美留学时不曾哭泣;陈炯明叛乱时,子弹两次掠过她的鬓角,她没有哭泣;孙中山逝世后,她也没有哭泣。可这样一位坚强的女性,却曾有过四次不为人知的哭泣。  相似文献   

宋庆龄在抗日战争时期所开展的慈善救济活动,一方面对于中国的持久抗战提供了一定的物资保障,扩大了中国抗日战争的国际影响;另一方面对战争造成的中国广大难民起到了积极的救援作用,对战时中国社会的稳定和整合,对战时中国经济的改善和发展,对战时中国抗战的坚持和胜利起到了重要的作用.  相似文献   

第一次国共合作,成就了大革命轰轰烈烈的局面。但蒋介石1927年发动了“4·12”反革命政变,大肆屠杀共产党人和革命群众,断送了大好革命形势和国共两党的合作关系。此后,国共两党“围剿”与“反围剿”的战火不断。“9·18”事变后,中华民族面临亡国灭种的危险,国共再度合作的时机逐渐形成,宋庆龄在这一历史际遇中,发挥了其无可替代的作用……  相似文献   

第一次国共合作,成就了大革命轰轰烈烈的局面.但蒋介石1927年发动了"4·12"反革命政变,大肆屠杀共产党人和革命群众,断送了大好革命形势和国共两党的合作关系.  相似文献   

电子政务建设已成为政府管理创新的重要基础,也是推动政府职能转变的重要途径。随着"十一五"规划即将完成,"十二五"时期即将临近,深入了解和分析上海电子政务发展现状和问题,把握以公众服务为中心的电子政务发展方向,为政府职能转变提供信息化的支撑,是当前电子政务发展与建设需要引起关注的问题。  相似文献   

亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机降落在佛罗里达肯尼迪航天中心33号跑道上。当地时间早上8时48分11秒,主轮着陆。8时48分21秒,前轮着陆。8时49分18秒,机轮停止转动。至此,亚特兰蒂斯号完成了计划中的最后一次飞行任务.结束了25年的太空飞行生涯。  相似文献   

夏雨 《湖北档案》2010,(4):39-40
"一碗饭运动"原是美国医药援华会等团体于1939年首倡的。它每年举行一次,在美国人民和华侨中募集捐款,以购买医药和医疗设备,支援中国抗战。不久,"一碗饭运动"扩展到英国、加拿大、南美等许多国家。从1937年7月抗战爆发到1941年12月7日日本进攻香港之前,香港暂时免遭战火,  相似文献   

每当“第一次”发生时,我们会觉得人生多么灿烂、充满希望与未来。 婴儿呱呱坠地后,第一次叫爸妈,第一次学走路;上学后,第一次打架,第一次获奖;长大后,第一次交异性朋友,第一次上班赚钱……  相似文献   

图书漂流活动对公众阅读行为的影响思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨祖逵 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(5):63-64,50
图书漂流活动作为一种新兴的读书形式,以其新颖的图书流通方式,自由的读者交流途径,将对公众的阅读行为产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):179-196
Almost 15 years after it started, civic journalism is waning. Some say that its practices have been integrated into the routines of news making without the label attached. Others say that it is simply dying. This study seeks to define the legacy of civic journalism by investigating the news practices in Savannah Morning News, a newspaper in Georgia, USA. Ethnographic observation and interviews found that the ideas of civic journalism were instituted in the newspaper through its presentation and the routines of discovering community news. However, it was less obvious in the discovery and gathering of news about larger events and issues. The role of the news organization in convening the public for problem solving has continued, but the role of championing particular solutions was not observed.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

我参与北京警察博物馆筹备的时候,经手征集了为数不少的兼具文物价值的档案原件,唯对雷蕾捐献的电视剧《便衣警察》音乐手稿记忆深刻。记得那是2000年春天的一天,雷蕾和丈夫易茗带着手稿来到我们筹备办公室。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the relationships between public interestin, knowledge of, and attitudes towards science and technologyand the level of industrialization in 12 countries of the EuropeanCommunity. Using the 1989 Eurobarometer survey no 31 (N=11,678),we constructed four scales measuring interest, knowledge, generalattitudes to science, and support for EC funded science foreach of the 12 EC countries. We found that overall factual scientificknowledge correlates moderately positively with interest andattitudes to science. For example the Netherlands and GreatBritain have relatively high levels of knowledge, interest,and support for science in general. Spain and Greece have relativelylow levels of knowledge, interest, and support for science ingeneral. However, the simple correlation hides more complexrelationships. First, the variance within and across countriesof knowledge, attitudes and interest increases with nationallevels of knowledge. This indicates greater degrees of polarizationof both support and interest. Second, the data indicates a post-industrialismeffect: knowledge, interest in, and attitudes to science showa curvilinear relationship with levels of industrialization.The decline of interest in science and the less positive attitudesin highly developed countries requires further exploration.Third, we found, that the consistency of the knowledge and theattitude measures declines as the national level of knowledgeincreases. We suggest that this reflects a knowledge-ignoranceparadox and knowledge specialization among informed populations.Support for EC level science follows a different pattern. Wefound that France, Italy, and Spain show high levels of supportfor EC level science. This is not the case in Great Britainand Germany. The pattern suggests that attitudes towards ECscience are formed on the basis of national level scientificstrength: if the national science base is strong, EC scienceinitiatives find less support and vice versa. These findingsrepresent a first step towards a comparative assessment of publicunderstanding of science in EC countries.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The author briefly describes arguments used in the quality versus demand debate, discusses how a number of public librarians have compromised between the two in their selection practices, and shows how battle lines are being redrawn with the rise of public libraries which claim to be exclusively demand‐oriented.

The bulk of the paper, however, reviews research done during the last quarter‐century in public libraries to determine whether any evidence has been found to support claims that demand‐oriented public libraries are filled with materials of dubious quality. While a great deal has been written on the quality versus demand issue, the author notes that much of it is rhetoric only; the research itself is scanty, in part due to the complexities of defining and measuring quality. However, three factors are identified which have been assumed to affect collection quality: the financial resources the library devotes to book purchases, the educational background of individual selectors, and the degree of contact such selectors have with the public. The author reviews studies relating to these factors and concludes that to date, there is no evidence to corroborate the belief that the quality of books in demand‐oriented libraries is less than that of their quality‐oriented counterparts. Suggestions for future research needed are included.  相似文献   

军歌,如进军的战鼓,似冲锋的号角,酣畅淋漓地表达一支军队的阳刚之气和坚定信念。我军在初创时期,红军总部和各军团首长就很重视发挥革命斗争歌曲的作用。1929年毛泽东在《古田会议决议》中规定:由“各政治部负责征集并编制表现各种群众情绪的革命歌谣,军政治部编制委员会负督促及调查之责。”回首我军80年征程,一个个激情燃烧的红色岁月出现在眼前,一首首铿锵有力、雄劲豪迈的军歌在耳边回荡。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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