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侯芬 《海外英语》2012,(17):270-273
The present research aims to find out(1) What are gender differences of Meta-cognitive Strategy Use and Listening Achievement(2) What are the correlation between male and female students’meta-cognitive strategy use and their listening achievement.236 subjects,including 153 girls and 83 boys,in a medical university located in Guangxi participate in the research.The results show:(1) both male and female have significant differences in their use of meta-cognition,planning and evaluating but this is not the case in their listening achievement.Moreover,female obtains higher means in meta-cognitive strategies use and gets higher listening achievement than male;(2) male and female’s overall meta-cognition and planning significantly correlate with their listening proficiency and male’s correlations are slightly higher than female’s;(3) only male high-achievers highly correlates their listening with meta-cognition,monitoring and evaluating at a significant level and just female low-achievers significantly correlate their listening achievement with meta-cognition.  相似文献   

To promote economic and personal growth, higher education students' employability, ensuring their preparedness for the workforce, is emphasized. From the employer's perspective, judging whether a graduate is employable depends upon whether the graduate exhibits the attributes which employers value. Yet, with the growing emphasis on lifelong learning, it is important for higher education to re-consider and reframe the development and assessment of attributes of graduates in the context of lifelong learning. In this paper, these attributes will be explored in that context, and the issue of how assessment helps the development of graduate attributes is to be considered. Student engagement is proposed in this paper as the holistic, useful approach for the development of employability and lifelong learning. The holistic approach reflects the fact that what is required in a workforce is not the acquisition of knowledge, skills and dispositions per se, but the capability to make an engagement through which knowledge, skills and dispositions are connected as a whole. The lack of emphasis on students' engagement could lead to mistakenly selecting as important for the focus of assessment simply the acquisition of skills, knowledge or dispositions, rather than the holistic connection of these to their application in the workforce.  相似文献   

刘亚涛 《海外英语》2013,(22):50-51
Assessment is always considered to be an important component in the field of higher vocational education.It serves the purpose of evaluating students’achievement and supporting learning and teaching.Assessment plays a key role by relating the in structional activities to increase students’capabilities.The purpose aims to consider the notion of assessment as a prerequisite and will attempt to explore certain strengths and weaknesses of assessment associated with higher vocational education.Some different types and techniques of assessment in higher vocational education alongside their advantages and disadvantages will also be ex plored.  相似文献   

In this paper, the growth of the telecommunication sector in Pakistan and consequent development in the related professional education is studied. The widening gap between the telecommunication industry and associated education sector is identified. The higher educational programs in Pakistan have grown very rapidly to meet the needs of the explosive growth in the telecommunications' engineering sector but this growth is not in synchronization with the requirements of the industry due to non-existence of collaboration and co-operation between the two. The professional education in telecommunication in Pakistan and the higher educational degree programs are very precisely focused on producing quality graduates with refined technical and mathematical skills While the telecom sector in Pakistan is in principle a service provider and a consumer market that mainly requires engineers for operation and maintenance related activities. As such the skills imparted by the education sector are rarely utilized, which results in dissatisfaction among the telecommunications' engineers. A survey of both the telecommunication sector and the academia has been conducted along with detailed discussions to explore the reasons for this ever-increasing gap, ways and means to arrest this trend and future course of action for the academia and the telecom sector to develop. A study related to other emerging technical fields like computer science has also been made for the comparison. On the basis of this extensive exercise outlined above, measures have been suggested to bridge the gap between the education and the industrial needs of the telecom sector. By adopting these measures not only our education sector will become more beneficial to the industry, but the industry would also get the advantage of immense potential of young graduates and the academic research.  相似文献   

The leakages in secondary level education brought forward the necessity to restructure the educational system so as to address the social and individual needs and meet the requirements of Turkey; therefore, a "reformation" study became an obligation. The formal education in Turkey starts at the age of 6, when the individual is shaped within the system. Determination of the characteristics of an ideal future citizen of a country should be apprehended at all levels of education and individuals should attain these appreciated characteristics. The reformed science education programs in Turkey aim to guide the individuals to be scientifically and technologically literate. Through enabling an individual, who is in a technological media, to attain the required knowledge, skills and attitudes, the individual should have the "science and technology literacy and creative thinking" skills. Individuals should recognize the technological environment they live in as well as the dimensions and facilities of technology, and should be aware of the fact that they could make use of these opportunities. In the light of this aim, this study involves the teaching of "separating mixtures" to 9th grade students in relation with science, technology, society and environment and the examination of its possible effects on students' achievement as well as their career choices. The Chemistry Achievement Test and the Career Choice Questionnaire were administered as pre- and post-test to serve as data collection tools. The study concluded that chemistry education in relation with science, technology, society and environment would lead students to choosing different fields for their future careers by changing their perspectives towards science. A significant increase in students' chemistry achievement levels was also observed.  相似文献   

For the past few decades, many countries have been giving increasing stress on expanding their higher education system, in the belief that greater access to higher education will bring abundant rewards in the era of globalization and knowledge-based economies. Taiwan is no exception. Between 1986 and 2006, the government of Taiwan dramatically expanded the number of higher educational institutions from 28 to 147, expecting that this action would enhance educational equity and lead to greater economic prosperity. Popularization, however, does not necessarily result in equity. To be sure, the increase in the number of institutes of higher education in Taiwan has made it possible to accommodate almost all interested students. Yet, because the government has failed to make commensurate increases in public funding for higher education, the quality of university education in Taiwan has seriously deteriorated. Moreover, since many students from poor families still cannot afford the increasingly expensive cost of higher education, neither equity nor equality of opportunity has been achieved. In light of this phenomenon, this article focuses on: (1) describing the changes which Taiwan's higher education system has undergone over the past two decades; (2) examining the equity issues relating to higher education in Taiwan; and (3) putting forth some suggestions which Taiwan's policy makers can use to address the problems which have arisen as a result of the expansion of higher education.  相似文献   

Education reforms in transitionalized world arose first against neo-classical education or "humanistic education" which resembled classical education in many respects, with the most concern being in both majority and minority of students. Besides, they resembled in that their effects force the instructors teach for the tests, to make the curriculums change to standard, to push the students to become the academic entrepreneurs, etc. Necessarily, the academic of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning in Thammasat University has been adjusted. Then, this quantitative in research approach focuses on educational management guidelines. The open-ended questionnaire and structural interview are main instruments. Percentage, mean, mode, standard deviation, F-test and Pearson-correlation were used for analyzing the data. The research finding reveals that the mainstream and the alternative aspects in the educational management guidelines concern with external factors such as the entrepreneurs' satisfaction, the standardization and the students' voices. The entrepreneurs' satisfaction relates to the general qualifications, identifications and abilities of the graduates under the trend of selecting between government universities and private universities in rate of 3:1. The standardization means new curriculum structure: 25% of general basic courses, 10%-I 5% of elective courses and 60%-65% of architectural program courses. The students' voice indicates the reduction on central control and standardized testing.  相似文献   

当前大学生存在的问题与辅导员的工作对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the transformation of China's higher education from an elite one to public education, there appeared some new things and problems. In order to promote college students development, coaches in colleges should be creative in work and look for effective ways to solve problems effectively.  相似文献   

郝东泽 《海外英语》2015,(2):99-101
Learning motivation occupies an important position in non-intelligence factors,as it plays a pivotal role in university students’ successful completion of their studies and strengthening of professional knowledge base.However,the present university students generally lack motivation in higher education.This research used questionnaire method,which is a questionnaire random sample in 500 students of learning motivation from four comprehensive higher vocational colleges of Tianjin,and explores the status quo of learning motivation in higher vocational students of Tianjin.The result shows:The learning motivation level of higher vocational colleges students is above middle level;Male on the learning motivation total level is significantly higher than female;Rural students in the learning motivation on the aggregate level is significantly higher than that of urban students;Look from the different grades,sophomore students have lowest level of learning motivation;Freshmen learning motivation is at highest level.  相似文献   

Key to renewed concern on the affective domain of education (Fensham, 2007) and on school graduates' readiness for a world of work (DEST, 2008; WDA, 2006) is the student's inclination-to-reflect when engaged in a learning or problem-solving task. Reflective learning is not new to education (Dewey, 1933; Ellis, 2001). Since the inclination-to-reflect may not be obvious even among adults at work (Seibert & Daudelin, 1999), how much more can we expect from school students? This article presents part of a research on secondary school students' inclination-to-reflect when engaged in chemistry learning tasks. The instrument used is the three-part Chemistry Learning and Thinking Instrument (CLTI). The first part seeks to characterize students' inclination-to-reflect while attempting chemistry learning tasks and the other parts aim to characterize their learning-thinking preferences in the subject. This article shares the construction of the learning tasks in the first part and how students' reflective responses to these tasks are encouraged, scored and analyzed. Since assessment is said to drive teaching and learning, an alternative form of assessment, such as these CLTI items, may help students become more reflective in their learning habits and hence mare adantable tn the world of work.  相似文献   

我国高等教育机会、学业及就业的性别比较   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文通过对1998年和2003年两次全国性高校毕业生调查数据的分析,对我国高等学校学生入学机会、学业成绩和就业结果的性别差异及其变化趋势进行了比较分析,发现男女在学业成绩和就业收入等方面并没有显著差异,但在入学机会和就业率方面女性则明显低于男性,而较低的高考成绩和较少的工作机会则是造成这种差异的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of academic achievement on future salaries by looking into the grade point average (GPA)-earnings relationship for graduates of a leading Russian university. The study is based on pooled cross-sectional graduate survey data for 2014–2015. The issue of how student academic achievement impacts future labour market rewards is analysed through academic, demographic and labour market factors. We found that there is a significant positive impact of GPA on salaries of BA graduates (9–12% wage premium for an additional GPA point) and an insignificant or negative impact for MA programmes graduates. The study depicts that this negative effect can be partially explained by employment sector-specific variables. Among the main factors which positively affect earnings of graduates is work experience. Graduates who combined study and work achieve a 30% wage premium. However, there is no evidence that combining study and work affects student academic achievement, even for those who combined studies with full-time job. Despite the higher GPA of female students, male graduates’ earnings are 18% higher. Gender wage differences can be explained by gender distribution by the sector of employment: the over-representation of women in the low-paid education and science sectors and their under-representation in entrepreneurship and corporate sector.  相似文献   

该文采用问卷法,考察了381名女硕士研究生的成就动机状况。研究结果表明:1.女硕士研究生避免失败的动机高于追求成功的动机,成就动机水平较低。2.女硕士研究生的成就动机存在显著的专业差异。在追求成功动机方面,文科女硕士研究生高于理科女硕士研究生。  相似文献   

本研究围绕"谁学习——学什么——怎么学"的框架,深入探索了智障学生职业教育模式的运作规律与途经:(1)分析学生现状,了解从业方式;(2)尊重学生为先,开发教学项目;(3)调试课程设置,重组专业资源;(4)优化课程实施,创新训练策略。通过深入研究,学校的职业教育课程设置进一步完善,智障学生的生活能力、职业技能和品质、就业能力获得提高,专业型职业教育教师团队日渐形成。  相似文献   

“双证融接”是指职业教育中的学历教育(以学历证书为标志),通过专业或课程,与职业资格类型(以职业资格证书为标志)实现对应与对接,在教育培训内容上实现融接。武汉职业技术学院网络技术专业以对高职教育人才培养的系统研究为引领、以“双证融接”为基础、以能满足“双证”学习培训要求的“双证课程”为核心、以能适应“双证融接”要求的教学方式方法手段和质量评价办法为重点,构建了高职教育人才培养体系,并进行了多年的实践,取得了突出的成就。  相似文献   

普及九年义务教育要使学生"进得来、留得住、学得好",最基本要求也就是确保学生受教育的权益,我们认为学生的辍学就是学业的最大失败,如何采取有效措施,遏制学生辍学,延续"双高普九"和"两项督导",几年来,我们采取了各种措施,努力做好"控辍保学"工作。首先,加大宣传力度,提高认识,增强法制观念,贯彻、执行《义务教育法》;其次,建立高素质的教师队伍,把握实施"控辍保学"的关键;第三,执行基础课程改革,推进素质教育,促进学生全面发展;第四,关爱学困生,照顾特困生,保障学生受教育的权利。  相似文献   

全面实施"高等学校创新能力提升计划",意味着创新教育不再是重点大学的"奢侈品",地方高校亦应担负起创新人才培养的历史重任。通过《威廉姆斯创造倾向测验》发现南通大学不同学科学生的创造性人格存在着较大的差距,菁英人才学校学员的得分明显高于普通学生,但不存在年级和性别差异。作为东部沿海地区的地方高校,要以"地域上的优势"克服"层次上的劣势",积极推进"青马工程",狠抓重点学科建设,重新设计专业课程,培养德才兼备的高素质创新人才。  相似文献   

高校"思想道德修养与法律基础"课(简称"基础"课)亦是对大学生进行创新心理素质教育的重要渠道。"基础"课教师应以科学发展观为指导,优化理论教学和实践教学载体,培养和提高大学生的创新心理素质。  相似文献   

基于2015—2019年桂林理工大学硕士研究生就业数据,从毕业去向、就业结构、就业质量三方面分析了研究生的就业情况:近五年硕士研究生就业落实较好,年均初次就业率为97.3%;多数毕业生愿意留在广西就业,且广西生源更偏向本地就业,但近五年在广西就业人数占比逐年下降;教育行业就业人数占比最高,其次是科学研究和技术服务业、制...  相似文献   

During the last decade, scholars and journalists in Canada raised alarm bells about the efficacy and viability of graduate humanities programmes across the country. The Department of History at the University of Saskatchewan decided to analyse the outcomes of its graduate programmes at the Doctoral and Master's levels, from 1990 to 2015. We learned that our students complete their programmes in a timely manner, their attrition rates are lower than expected, and most are finding employment in relevant fields, including academia, administration, and public history. However, we also discovered a trend of gender inequity that warrants attention. Although the proportion of male and female graduate students entering our programmes was about equal, our female students withdrew more often and took longer to complete their degrees. In addition, our female graduates were not hired in the top academic positions at the same rate as their male counterparts.  相似文献   

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