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美国经典小说《了不起的盖茨比》是美国20世纪20年代的作家菲兹杰拉德的代表作。在小说中,作家刻画的盖茨比因对爱情的执著使自己无法看清自己爱的人的真面目,以至成了她的替罪羊而丧命!梦漫长,梦太沉,梦未醒,命已丧!为哪般?  相似文献   

冯星 《海外英语》2012,(15):172-173
More often than not,people are inclined to think they have known a certain person enough by his or her everyday appearance,manners,speech and behaviors and therefore tend to draw their conclusions on what this person is like in nature.Nonetheless,this could be misguiding and a misconception if we don’t see how he or she reacts at the turning point of matters that concern not just him or her,but also others.Time reveals a person’s heart,so does the adversity as illustrated in the short story--Mr.Know All which tries to convey a key message to its readers:don’t make your judgment about a book by its cover until you have read it through.  相似文献   

黄遵宪的思想性格中,有强烈的趋时实用色彩,它很大程度上决定了黄遵宪对问题的看法和行事方式,也深深地影响了他的文学创作,也正因其趋时实用,故其一生中,不管在社会生活领域还是在文学创作领域,都不落后保守,也不引领潮流,而是一个随着时代的节拍前进的应时人物。任何的过分拔高或贬低,都不利于我们真正认识黄遵宪。  相似文献   

在刑事诉讼中法官进行庭外调查,不是在承担证明责任,而是在履行裁判职责。证明责任的承担和裁判职责的履行在前提、立场、动因和结果上都有较大的不同。因此,法官不是证明责任的主体,法官进行庭外调查是在履行其裁判职责。  相似文献   

Asking Questions     
To ask a question is to invite a reply. If the question is relevant to anything of human account then presumably the reply will change one's perception of himself and his world. Sometimes one anticipates a reply which will confirm a position he has already taken, that is to say, one from which he has been accustomed to launch his inquiries. But the confirmation, if it occurs, will nonetheless alter his experience - if only because it puts his position in a more presumptuous light. He must know that.
Sometimes one anticipates a reply which will disconfirm his present outlook. In that case he may assert his position with particular vigor on the occasions when it is most likely to be challenged. A person who seems to go out of his way to fail does that. Again, sometimes, one appears to ask for no particular reply, only for something he can grasp. In this case the relevance of the question may give us a clue to a construct dimension we might envision within his system. That, in turn, should give us some hint as to the kind of reply he is prepared to accept.
The tricky part of all this, both for him and for us, is that replies seldom end up being acceptable conclusions. At best they are grounds for further inquiries. The best answer to a question is two better ones.  相似文献   

晚清孙诒让是中国20世纪古字研究的开创,其金成果代表了乾嘉至晚清金研究的最高峰,同时又是历史上甲骨研究的第一人。孙诒让所《契举例》作为第一部甲骨研究作,其开创意义是公认的。但学术界在肯定其开创之功的同时,对孙氏的甲骨研究本身,则多有保留,甚至否定,说“谬误居十之八九”。这种评价是不客观的。对孙氏作的调查发现,尽管孙氏难免开创的局限,但在甲骨研究方面不仅有价值的成果比例较大,而且有很多精辟的见解至今还被甲骨学界所沿用;更有甚,孙氏的考释又有后人所不及,乃至孙氏已作正确解释而后人至今还作错误的理解。  相似文献   

孟德斯鸠虽从未到过中国,但一生关注中国。他对中国的了解和论述散见于他的许多作之中,而影响他的最早中国学则是福建莆田人嘉略。  相似文献   

鲁迅是否是一个自由主义者迄今仍是一个争论不休的问题。纠缠于鲁迅是否自由主义者身份似乎并不必要,重要的是明晰鲁迅在哪些方面和自由主义产生确凿有据的关联。鲁迅的一生特别是早期曾多次引用自由主义理论家的言论,鲁迅的"以众陵寡"论和自由主义的"多数暴政"、"多数统治"主张如出一辙,鲁迅的"任个人而排众数"的立场、鲁迅对于自由和平等的理解也在自由主义那里得到回应,鲁迅事实上对自由主义并无厌恶之感。鲁迅的独异之处在于他是"无所属"的,他不属于任何主义,但又和包括自由主义在内的多种主义发生深刻的关联。  相似文献   

唐朝诗人孟浩然似乎是一个很复杂的人,因为他言行中充满矛盾。然而,通过对他诗集的阅读和史传上有关他事迹的解读,在着重探讨了孟浩然“风流”个性的本质所在后,我们发现他是一个“真正不失其赤子之心”的任真率性的人。如此,我们就能更好地理解他的为人行事和他的诗作。  相似文献   

夫子“与点”之叹主要有三解 :其一 ,孔子“善点之言 ,欲以雩祭调和阴阳” ;其二 ,“孔子与点 ,盖与圣人之志同 ,便是尧舜气象” ;其三 ,孔子与点 ,善其独知时也。以《论语》证之 ,一说有违孔子的天道观 ,二说不符合孔子大同理想的最高追求和现实中的实际目标。只有第三种说法符合孔子进退行止的人生态度和理想追求 ,实乃孔子真意  相似文献   

《圣殿》是福克纳一部饱受争议,却思想深刻、内容严肃的作品。小说中金鱼眼一直被学术界视为十足的恶人,他贩卖私酒,以变态的方式强暴谭波儿,用暴力统治他的领地。本文在霍妮"神经症人格理论"的启示下,剖析金鱼眼的人格障碍,分析金鱼眼成为恶人的各种原因,发掘福克纳塑造金鱼眼这一人物形象的深层动机。在此基础上,明确指出:金鱼眼的种种恶行并非本性使然,其种种恶行的根源在于其不幸的童年遭遇以及家庭温暖的缺乏,福克纳通过金鱼眼这一虚构形象旨在强调家庭对于人生成长过程的重要性。  相似文献   

蛇“惊”一名小偷从宠物商店偷走了两条蛇,他着实被吓得不轻。吉姆·兰格盗了两条蟒蛇,并把它们藏在裤子底下的暗袋里。然而,兰格开车回家时.其中一条蛇从袋子里逃出来并咬了他的腿。幸运的是,蛇并没有毒,可兰格不知道,他急忙赶赴当地医院。警察随后在兰格的家中将他逮捕。显而易见,在蟒蛇被盗的两天前.他曾在同一家商店买过鬣蜥蜴,并刷信用卡付款。兰格被指控偷窃以及窝藏赃物。蟒蛇重返到它们在店里的玻璃笼子里。  相似文献   

蘅芜 《高中生》2013,(8):60-61
有人说:我们从未能真正了解一个人,我们有的只是自己的看法,而这个人本身会保持神秘,甚至连他本人也无法完全了解自己。尤其是当一个人去世之后,这就更加真实不过了,他所留在这个世上的就只剩下人们对他的看法。当父亲去世后,我彻底地领悟到了这个道理。我的父亲去世后不久,他公司的同事就打电话给我的母亲,说为了纪念父亲,他们决定以其名字命名公司的一个会议室。  相似文献   

黑泽明和他的《罗生门》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑泽明是著名的世界电影大师。他出生在日本东京的武士家庭,从小酷爱西洋绘画。在50年的导演生涯中,执导了30余部电影,它们蕴涵着深刻的道德观念与哲理,具有西部片式的艺术风格。《罗生门》为日本电影走上世界影坛起了开路先锋的作用。它宣扬人道主义精神永存,它的多视角创作方法,快速跟拍的摄影技巧,使黑泽明在威尼斯国际电影节上一举成名,从此奠定了他在世界电影史上的重要地位。  相似文献   

英国小说家威廉.戈尔丁的海洋三部曲并非真正意义上的教育小说:它的主人公没有真正学会应该学到的东西;作为故事的叙述者,他没有一套用来叙述自己故事的语言;有别于叙述者的作家要我们了解叙述者的这些不足。  相似文献   

纳博科夫的名作《洛丽塔》一度成为禁书,主人公亨伯特在自我迷失中探寻真正的自我,纳博科夫在复杂的现实身份中认可自己存在的最大乐趣。而这种自我身份的认同过程真正触及到了我们的内心,不禁让我们也陷入对自我身份的思考:我是谁?我的生活是怎样的,我要的是怎样的生活?别人会认可我吗?我到底想要怎样的我?如果我是亨伯特,我该怎么做?  相似文献   

Swami Vivekananda, whose 150th birth anniversary is being celebrated this year, used to say, “This life is short; its vanities are transient. He alone lives who lives for others”. Norman Borlaug was one such person, who lived and worked for the cause of ensuring food for all. As a scientist, he helped to breed outstanding varieties of dwarf wheat, which could help to triple the average yield. As a humanist, he placed faces before figures, and helped to highlight the fact that the persistence of hunger, in the midst of opportunities to increase food production through synergy between technology and public policy, is inexcusable. Dr Borlaug was not satisfied with scientific know-how alone. He wanted to convert scientific know-how into field level do — how. On the last day of his life, a scientist showed him a new equipment to trace soil fertility. Dr Borlaug’s last words before his death were, “Take the tracer to the farmer”. On the occasion of his birth centenary on March 25, 2014 we should all follow his advice and accelerate progress in linking the lab with land. His life and work will be eternal sources of inspiration and lead us to convert his vision of a hunger-free world into reality. Borlaug’s Approach to Increasing Wheat Yield  相似文献   

东晋时期,郭璞因为卷入上层统治集团内部斗争而被叛将王敦杀害。他虽然是因政治斗争而慷慨赴死,但是支撑他临危不惧、视死如归的精神力量却不是杀身成仁、舍生取义的儒家政治理念和道德精神,而是摆脱人间苦难,成为快乐神仙的宗教信仰和宗教理想。正是在宗教动机的支配下,郭璞不仅做出了一系列荒诞、乖谬的举动,而且面对屠刀从容自若、视死如归。郭璞的被杀,既是统治阶级内部矛盾斗争发展的必然,也是他在宗教理想鼓舞下主动追求的结果;他既是东晋上层统治集团内部斗争的牺牲品,也是神仙道教的虔诚殉道者。郭璞之死是一个生动的个案,正确认识其性质,无论是对郭璞和魏晋文学史研究,还是对道教史和文化史研究,都有一定的意义。  相似文献   

In this article the author, a certified performance technologist (CPT), explains what led him to pursue the CPT designation and what he has learned since then. His learning journey is framed by the three phases of Shu‐Ha‐Ri, a martial arts concept. He tells of how he developed a foundational proficiency with the CPT performance standards before truly understanding the principles and foundational concepts behind the practices associated with the standards. In his early days, he studied the work of performance improvement masters and practiced their techniques, both interpersonal and analytical. In the years after earning the CPT designation, he strove for true mastery in applying hybrid techniques or ones of his own invention, all grounded in the CPT principles.  相似文献   

The student... has to see on his own behalf and in his own way, the relations between means and methods employed and results achieved. Nobody else can see for him, and he can't see just by being “told,” although the right kind of telling may guide his seeing and thus help him see what he needs to see. ‐John Dewey  相似文献   

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