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No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


Colleges typically group students homogeneously in classes by means of both admission requirements and course prerequisites, but when professors form cooperative learning groups within classes they generally use heterogeneous grouping. Authors compared heterogeneously and homogeneously grouped cooperative learning groups in six paired classes, taught by the same professor using matching syllabi and assignments. Overall, homogeneously grouped students (who were grouped based on achievement on the first test given in the course) significantly outperformed heterogeneously grouped students on the final examination. High- or average-achieving students particularly benefited from homogenous grouping. Low achievers did equally well in either type of group.  相似文献   

A humanistic perspective provided the basis for a problem-solving oriented teacher inservice program. The program was designed to provide opportunities that allowed elementary teachers to focus on personal experience as a way of achieving self-understanding and a way of reconstructing their personal meanings about problem solving and problem-solving instruction. Impact of the program was studied through interviews with the six participants and observations of their teaching. The results indicated that the program had a positive effect on the participants' beliefs about and teaching of problem solving. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本主要考虑如何利用对数线性化方法解社会计划问题。以及如何利用M工具包得到其数值解.主要介绍献[2]、[3]中最新的求解方法。  相似文献   

Early math experiences can be challenging for young children. Although it seems that planning a lesson on solving and posing a problem for a young child is a daunting task, it is actually simple if a harmonic cycle is exercised. This harmonic cycle, in fact, embeds within in it a variety of teacher’s responsibilities that can expand our understanding of what a teacher needs to attend to when it comes to planning, teaching, and evaluating a child’s progress. This article will present responsibilities that a teacher has in a harmonic cycle, which is reflected through an interaction between a teacher and a child on problem posing and problem solving.  相似文献   

In previous experiments we have found that co‐operative working around a computer leads to performance gains, but that not all groups benefit equally. Specifically, we have found that mixed gender pairings have shown the least benefit of co‐operative working and we hypothesised that this was due to the nature of the interaction within these groups. The present experiment attempted to identify the specific components of co‐operative discussion that are associated with variations in performance. A Cloze task and a spatial programming task were used to observe gender pair differences in performance and discussion. Programming generated more co‐operation than did the Cloze task, and pairs of boys were especially reluctant to share the Cloze task. Analyses of dialogues indicated more positive socio‐emotional comments during programming than during the Cloze task, and there were also differences in problem‐focused informative statements between tasks. Programming elicited more suggestions of answers and also more negative socio‐emotional comments, while the Cloze task elicited more analysis and evaluation. These analytic comments were particularly frequent in discussions between girls.  相似文献   

我国现代著名的教育家廖世承在担任国立师范学院院长时,带领学院师生开办社会教育,对学院所在地的文化、卫生、生产等事业的发展和民众教育水平的提高,起到了巨大的推动作用.社教工作是国师智力、人力和财力的全方位付出,凸显了国师推广地方文化教育的中心地位,而廖世承的社会教育思想是国师社教工作发展的原动力.  相似文献   


Twelve middle school students' use of computer tools to manage and manipulate Internet-based hypermedia resources was investigated. Tools were proposed to support higher order thinking about hypermedia resources to help students find, frame, and resolve open-ended science problems. Tools alone were insufficient to help students manage hypermedia information for solving open-ended problems. Students more frequently applied lower order tool functions (e.g., information collection) than higher order tool functions (e.g., reasoning). Students typically resolved problems with original solutions, but tools were used infrequently to develop evidence-based arguments justifying new ideas. Computer tools alone may be insufficient to help students manage extensive hypermedia resources. Together with additional support structures, however, tool potential may be realized.  相似文献   

During one school year, data were collected for vocational education students while they worked collaboratively on open-ended mathematics problems. In collaboration with participating teachers, instructional activities were designed with a twofold goal of modelling the process of problem solving and improving collaboration. Instructional activities were based on scaffolding instruction and included modelling problem solving, stimulating reflection, and giving feedback on the process of collaboration. These activities were gradually developed and implemented in collaboration with teachers who participated in the study. The main research question in this study was whether student collaboration while working in small groups creates a learning context where students work on open-ended problems and where instructional activities are aimed at stimulating collaborative problem solving in mathematics.To answer the research question, an experiment was undertaken in two classes in different schools. Two groups of students were videotaped while they tried to solve mathematics problems collaboratively. Observational data were analysed with a schema that was developed as part of this research. Analyses of the data showed that, in both groups, collaboration-oriented patterns increased during the school year. It is argued that the approach of gradual implementation of instructional activities that are designed in cooperation with participating teachers is effective in stimulating collaborative problem solving.  相似文献   

The development of curriculum materials that are also educative for teachers has been proposed as a strategy to support teachers learning to teach inquiry science. In this study, one seventh-grade teacher used five inquiry science units with varying support for teachers over a two-year period. Teacher journals, interviews, and classroom videotape were collected. Analysis focused on engagement in planning and teaching, pedagogical content knowledge, and the match to teacher learning needs. Findings indicate that this teacher’s ideas developed as she interacted with materials and her students. Information about student ideas, task- and idea-specific support, and model teacher language was most helpful. Supports for understanding goals, assessment, and the teacher’s role, particularly during discussions and group work, were most needed.  相似文献   

社会科学领域的问题解决研究及其教学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会科学的教学似乎是一大难题,社会科学领域的问题解决研究(以认知心理学中兴起的专家一新手比较为研究范型),提出了社会科学领域的知识与问题解决的能力的关系的问题,为社会科学教学的改革提供了一条崭新的思路。 一、社会科学问题解决的有关研究概述 任何问题都有初始状态和目标状态,从初始状  相似文献   

对于“一群处于n=3的激发态的氢原子,当它们自发地向低能级跃迁时,最多能辐射出多少条光谱线?”常见的解法是划线,然后从n=2的能级逐一向下划线……,最后数出线的条数即为其辐射光谱线条数,得n=3时最多能辐射3条光谱线。采用划线法虽然直观,但当n值较大时问题变得比较烦琐。而在学习能级跃迁知识的同时学生刚好学了排列组合的数学知识。我们就可采用组合法进行计算。组合的定义是从n个不同的元素中,任取m(m≤n)个元素并成一组,叫做从n个不同元素中取出m个元素的一个组合。而因为从一个能级跃迁到另一个低能级时就会辐射出一条光谱线,即从n个…  相似文献   

论问题解决的内隐观   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
内隐问题解决是当人黄隐认知研究的重要组成部分,而问题解决的内隐加工思想渊源则可追溯到心理学发展的早期。直觉、酝酿和顿语等现象典型地反映了问题解决中内隐加工的特点,以启动效应为基础、不受意识控制、难以用语言明确表达且不受短时记忆容量限制的快速并行加工。直觉和酝酿是内隐问题解决加工过程听外部表现,而顿语则是加工结果的外在体现。以对积累的内部信息和外部线索的无意识激活为基础的启动效应正是内隐问题解决的内  相似文献   

用几何画板做数学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用几何画板这一数学软件,通过对一数学问题的解决,让学生亲身体验解决问题的过程,从做数学中去学习、探究和发现数学规律,感受创新的喜悦。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to offer teacher training and professional development recommendations in mathematics based on the findings of a federally funded 3‐year intervention study that improved the problem solving of middle school students with a focus on students with learning disabilities. Over the 3‐year project, 29 seventh and eighth grade teachers implemented a problem‐solving intervention based on cognitive strategy instruction. Though the intervention was successful in improving students’ problem‐solving performance, several issues related to teaching effectiveness and teacher training came to light. The article will: (1) describe the intervention and its implementation, (2) present the findings of the study, and (3) discuss the issues of effectiveness and possible solutions via teacher education and professional development.  相似文献   

探究性教学注重学生的自主学习、合作学习、开放学习,注重师生间的交互作用。探究性教学可以提高学生的学习兴趣,提高学生对知识的认知度。本文介绍在讲授微积分中值定理的习题课中如何使用探究性教学,使学生加深对该知识的理解并体会线性代数在微积分中的应用。  相似文献   

问题求解一直是人工智能学科的主题之一。本文建立环境C下的限制物无可拓空间用于包括矛盾问题在内的一般问题的表示及求解,并给出了问题求解策略及求解算法,使问题求解更具智能色彩。  相似文献   

Problem Solving:     
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The explanations that participants give themselves (self-explanations) while learning or solving problems have been shown to be positively associated with various performance measures. The major aim of this study was to identify patterns of self-explanation that distinguish between good and poor problem solvers. Thirty-two Grade 9 students were asked to solve 3 mixture problems—1 warm-up problem and 2 test problems—while thinking aloud. The problem-solving process was videotaped, protocols were transcribed, and 5 content categories were identified. Through a sequential analysis, patterns of self-explanation that differentiate between good and poor problem solvers were identified.  相似文献   

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