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J.B. Priestley has often been seen as representative of a nostalgic Englishness which rejected the modern world and, in the process, embraced anti-Americanism. However, as this article suggests, Priestley had a more complicated relationship with both America and modernity than has been accepted. Focusing on the 1930s, it shows how Priestley travelled widely in the United States and came to admire the democratic and collective aspects of American culture, whilst also developing a critique of what he saw as the lack of individuality and creativity in other elements of the ‘mass' society, anticipating arguments he would develop after 1945.  相似文献   

On January 15, the United States and China signed a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People's Republic of China Concerning the Imposition of Import Restrictions on Categories of Archeological Material from the Paleolithic Period through the Tang Dynasty and Monumental Sculpture and Wall Art at Least 250 Year Old,  相似文献   


This article examines the significance and ideological character of the landscape preservation movement in England before 1914. In these years, preservationist discourse had considerable resonance across all sections of society. At a time of change, mainstream English culture increasingly valued natural landscapes seen to be ‘relics' of ages past, or associated with historical figures, events and customs. This historicized reading of landscape was bound up with patriotic sentiment, but did not reflect the dominance of any atavistic ideology of rural Englishness. In late Victorian and Edwardian England, the preservationist dispensation ran with the grain of modernity, not against it.  相似文献   

正W·S·默温(1927—2019)是20世纪美国新超现实主义诗派的代表诗人,出生于纽约的他在新泽西州的联合城和宾夕法尼亚州的斯克兰顿长大,母亲早逝,父亲是长老会的牧师。默温5岁起就帮父亲编写赞美歌,16岁时获得一笔奖学金而进入普林斯顿大学就读,大学时代开启诗歌生涯。默温一生笔耕不辍,著作颇丰,是名副其实的多产作家,出版了50多本诗集、译作和散文集,曾获得美国国家图书奖和普利策诗歌奖,2010年被评为美国第17位桂冠诗人。默温的创作广受赞誉,因为他不断追求创作手法的推陈出新。在每个阶段,默温都对同时代的诗人和更年轻一代产生巨大的影响,被誉为  相似文献   

Many Latinas/os in the United States participated in the protests and rallies (i.e., collective action) to support immigrants’ rights that followed Donald Trump’s inauguration as U.S. President in 2017. Following the rejection-identification and rejection-disidentification models, we examined whether perceived personal discrimination, panethnic (i.e., Hispanic or Latina/o) identification, and national (i.e., American) identification were associated with greater likelihood of having engaged in collective action to support immigrants’ rights among a national sample of Latinas/os in the United States (N = 1,501). We found support for the rejection-disidentification model. Perceived personal discrimination was associated with lower national identification. Latinas/os who reported lower national identification, in turn, were more likely to have reported participating in collective action to support immigrants’ rights. We found less support for the rejection-identification model. Perceived personal discrimination was not associated with higher (pan)ethnic identification, although (pan)ethnic identification was positively associated with collective action. We consider the implications of these results for the rejection-identification and rejection-disidentification models and emphasize the importance of attending to U.S. Latinas/os’ multiple identities.  相似文献   


This article presents a new analysis of representations of T. E. Lawrence to explore how the media created celebrity identities in interwar Britain. Examining his appearance in seventeen national newspapers and in newsreels between 1919 and 1935, it shows how earlier press depictions that borrowed from Lowell Thomas’s portrayal of him as the mythical ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ were disrupted by a nascent media-driven celebrity culture which aimed to uncover intimate details of the lives of the so-called ‘real’ people that were believed to exist behind the outward personae of the famous. By the late 1920s, the press’s attention had switched from Lawrence as an imperial adventurer to focus on the intensely private man who lay behind the public image of the ‘Blonde Bedouin’. This shift in emphasis denoted a significant change in the way celebrities were presented by the news media in interwar Britain. Journalists intensified their exposure of celebrities’ private lives to amplify the empathetic connection between the public and the famous at a time when new modes of self-fashioning were configured through expression in private, domestic life. This shift was also informed by growing anxieties regarding how public figures communicated their social authority to the new audiences of the interwar mass media, newspapers and newsreels exposing famous people’s private lives to generate emotional connections with members of the public which would strengthen concepts of social leadership and trust.  相似文献   

The challenge of maintaining a national identity as a subculture in America is most evident in connection with special occasions, like transition rites. Coming of age is such an event. The continuity and transformation of the subculture is at stake. In American cities, as exemplified by Los Angeles, the ethnic neighborhood becomes a New Old Country. Those who welcome change and those who resist change may belong surprisingly to unexpected categories, and the roles of the generations can also be more nuanced than popular stereotypes suggest.  相似文献   

在人类充满冲突和苦难的年代里,E·M·福斯特(1879-1970)对理智、慷慨和个人的善良施加了强烈的影响。他的前半生以小说家而著称,他的小说在说英语的国家赢得了众多的读者。到了晚年,他转而写散文、短篇小说和文学评论,并因此出名。他的文学评论表达了自己对英国的社会态度、政治态度以及道德态度。第一次世界大战之后,他加入布卢姆斯伯里团体①,并成为该团体的  相似文献   

莎士比亚于1609年将他的十四行诗献予的一位神秘人物“W.H.先生”,文学史上最旷日持久的争论之一就是有关W.H.先生的身份问题。多少年来,毫不夸张地说,专家学者们对谁是“W.H.”以及他同大诗人之间的关系撰写了数以百计的书籍、文章和论文。他就是那个为出版了1609年四开本的莎翁诗集的伦敦书商托马斯·索尔普搞到手稿的人吗?一位首先鼓励莎士比亚创作出十四行诗的朋友?他就是那个象某些人所猜测的莎士比亚的男性恋人吗?  相似文献   


Pigeon racing was immensely popular amongst male industrial workers in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This article offers an overview of the history of pigeon racing in this period before moving on to explore the sport's multiple meanings for those who took part. Pigeon racing offered not only the thrills and excitement of racing but also the more sedate and intellectual rewards of breeding and rearing the birds. The pigeon loft was a masculine enclave and a retreat from the pressures of domestic life for some, although for others it was an opportunity to share time with their family. As such, pigeon racing demonstrates the complexities of working-class masculinity. Pigeon keeping was also expensive, time consuming and required space. The article thus concludes by arguing that despite the agency workers were able to exercise over their leisure, they were still restricted by wider material constraints.  相似文献   

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