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胡适是近现代著名学者,曾任<竞业旬报>和<新青年>等报刊的编辑,并创办过<努力>周报和<独立评论>.作为一个自由主义者,胡适新闻思想中最重要的概念之一即为"自由",而自由的前提是"容忍".本文试从形而上的角度来分析这两个概念的原理.  相似文献   

胡适一生学识渊博,在众多领域都颇有建树。胡适在几十年的报刊生涯中,形成了自己特有的报刊理念。其中,"独立"是胡适报刊理念的一个核心,它包括三个方面:身份、言论独立;精神独立;经济独立。  相似文献   

严燕群 《新闻世界》2013,(4):193-194
1922年5月7日于北京创刊面世的《努力周报》,可以视为胡适及其志同道合的朋友联手打造的政治言论舞台。而胡适的自由主义思想又是支撑着他创办报刊、谈论政治,以求得“再造中国”的改良道路的内在根源。本文主要回顾一下《努力周报》创办的过程,从而探讨一下胡适的自由主义思想。  相似文献   

胡适(1891~1962),安徽绩溪人,我国现代著名学者.他一生的成就主要不在新闻事业,但他主办过多种报刊,如<竞业旬报>、<新青年>、<每周评论>、((努力周报>、<独立评论>和<自由中国>等.作为一位将报刊视为实验主义和自由主义"试验田"的思想启蒙者,胡适对新闻事业有着独到的理解.本文主要从三个方面对他的新闻思想进行论述.  相似文献   

赵星 《新闻传播》2011,(3):27-28
本文以胡适一生的办报实践为线索,梳理了胡适主创以及参与创办的报刊,关注于不同时期,胡适在争取言论自由方面做出的努力,试图对其一生在新闻传播方面的思想和行动有所认识.  相似文献   

尹文化 《兰台世界》2006,(16):49-51
《独立评论》是以胡适先生为代表的自由知识分子精英群体用来研究中国当前的问题而创办的一份政论时评周刊。对于这份刊物,为世人所熟悉的却只有胡适先生“,而对其台下人物则是至今仍鲜为世人所知的黎昔非先生”。  相似文献   

吴静 《新闻爱好者》2005,7(11):36-37
胡适是近现代中国最有影响力的思想家和学之一,他在人学科上的成就和对现代中国思想启蒙的贡献都受到学的关注。其实,除了从事学术研究和思想启蒙活动以外,胡适也曾长期参与新闻出版工作,并对当时和后世产生了一定的影响。其中,创办《独立评论》正是胡适具有代表性的新闻出版工作之一。  相似文献   

尹文化 《兰台世界》2006,(8X):49-51
《独立评论》是以胡适先生为代表的自由知识分子精英群体用来研究中国当前的问题而创办的一份政论时评周刊。对于这份刊物,为世人所熟悉的却只有胡适先生,“而对其台下人物则是至今仍鲜为世人所知的黎昔非先生”。  相似文献   

胡适(1891年~1962年),现在多数资料这样简介:“原名胡洪骍、嗣糜,后改名适,字适之,安徽绩溪人;史学家,文学家,哲学家;以倡导‘五四’文学革命闻名于世;历任北京大学教授、中华民国驻美大使、北京大学校长等职”,但未提及他对新闻事业的贡献。诚然,胡适一生的成就,主要不在新闻事业,但他在创办报刊、新闻出版方面的贡献,不可忽略。  相似文献   

胡适从1917年回国二十年不谈政治,到1922年与同仁创办论政的《努力周报》,再到《努力周报》的停刊,这是胡适五四后利用报刊媒介集中议论政治的新时期。  相似文献   

作为中国现代的著名学者,钱穆可谓是自学成才的典范。在自学苦读的生涯中,钱穆形成了自己独特的阅读观,具体表现为以古为主、中西兼通的阅读对象;虚心会疑、博通精思的阅读方法;有益于身、有用于世的阅读动机。钱穆的阅读观也为当今读者如何阅读、树立正确的阅读观提供了思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

丁麟年,清末进士,官至知府,辛亥革命的洪流结束了他的仕途。民国时期,他的命运与山东省图书馆联系在一起,他在山东省图书馆长达八年,是除王献唐外执掌山东省图书馆最长的馆长。他精通小学,长于考订金石,是著名的收藏家。本文就所搜集到的资料,对其家族、其人、执掌山东省图书馆的情况、所存著述进行初步研究与考证。  相似文献   

余艳 《图书与情报》2011,(5):142-144,146,145
在中国现代文学史上,沈从文是一位独特的人物,他从读书、管书、写书、教书成为伟大的文学家、史学家,留给人们许多的思索,文章介绍了他不平凡的经历及利用图书馆自学、任职图书馆的历程,指出阅读改变人生,奋斗博出精彩的深刻哲理。  相似文献   

钱大昕在版本学方面有精深的造诣。在考察版本时,他既考察版本形式,又考察文献内容。他强调善本的重要,要求人们用善本来比勘通行本,以取得正确的认识。在重视善本的同时,他又反对抱残守缺,反对仅据一本就妄下定论。钱大昕是考据学家,他研究版本的目的是为了考证文献记载的错误,他注意以版本助考证,取得了很大成就。但由于有些善本未曾寓目,也使他的个别考证的精确性受到影响。  相似文献   

Even by modern standards, the success of Huey Long's rhetoric in the 1920s and 1930s is remarkable. When Long was assassinated in September of 1935, he was a potential candidate for the presidency and one of the most powerful members of the U.S. Senate. He was also widely perceived as being a demagogue. Long's training as a radio speaker began in the 1920s during his stormy political career. Most city newspapers were against him, but Long had a friend who owned a powerful radio station (KWKH) in Shreveport, Louisiana. Long got free time on KWKH to take his case to the people. Long often talked for several hours at a time, sometimes by remote control from his hotel room while lounging in his pajamas. In the final nine months of his life, from January to September of 1935, Long received free time on national networks for eight major broadcasts. This paper makes a fantasy theme analysis of these broadcasts, and examines whether or not Long was a demagogue and what influences he has had on subsequent political communication.  相似文献   

* Fictitious names have been used to protect these individuals.
was pre-lingually deaf, from three generations of deaf people. Today she is outgoing and successful in her job, and a ready communicator with everyone, deaf and hearing alike. Her communicating idioms, with both groups, are rich. She benefited from the twin forces in her childhood of family (all her family were highly attuned to the non-verbal idioms of communication) and one grandmother (who was hearning, and who provided what came to be seen as teh key intervening role at that time in Joan's development of a second language, the idiom of spoken English). Her own intellectual drive was the final component in a combination of motivating influences which led her to respond to both the financial and social necessities to gain verbal codes, leading to an ability to read and to understand what she read. She remains totally deaf and she knows that her speaking voice is not understood by strangers. Frank * * Fictitious names have been used to protect these individuals.
is a regular reader of newspapers, at least, that's what you would think if you saw him regularly. He does know certain words (or rather parts of words) and he constructs a story from his understanding of whatever catches his eye. At his job, which he does with skill, he is confident and earns the trust of colleagues and superiors. He is, however, illiterate. He knows that if he is seen to be ‘reading’ he will sustain the image he has created that he can read: he acts like a literate person. He is confident and competent in what he knows, which is enough for the regular and recurring nature of the tasks he is asked to perform in his job. He is knowledgeable and defensive about that knowledge but as a accepted at work, but any change or new demand, print-based, would sweep away his precarious confidence and, probably along with that, his job.

In this feature, guest writer Kondwani Wella presents an overview of his PhD – a study which investigated the information experience of serodiscordant couples with HIV and AIDS in Malawi. In particular, for this article, he considers the information behaviour of people who need HIV‐ and AIDS‐specific information and the role of the librarian in helping to deliver what is needed to support engagement in relevant learning. H.S.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):235-243

After setting in proper perspective the nature and extent of the influence of the Reverend Solomon Stoddard, the author attempts to show that in major degree Stoddard's influence depended upon his theories and practice of persuasion. To accomplish his persuasive goal of promoting increased religious devotion—under control of the Church, Stoddard applied an integrated pattern of persuasion: he evoked the aid of civil authorities, urged New Englanders to reform, swept the people into the churches by changes in admission policies, exerted greater control over individuals and churches by means of reforms of liturgy and church organization, and—most important to students of speech—practiced and taught to other ministers his techniques for inducing conversion.  相似文献   


Although most people know William Cullen Bryant as one of America's great nineteenth‐century poets, not many think of him as a leading editor of a New York newspaper. And few indeed realize that he was one of the leading public speakers of his time.  相似文献   

喻友信是20世纪中国著名的图书馆学家。但由于他1949年以后行迹不明,导致中国图书馆史研究者对喻友信的生平事迹了解得很不充分。着眼于此,该文首先考察了喻友信的中英文姓名、字号、籍贯与出生年份等情况,然后回顾了他在文华图专与哥伦比亚大学图书馆学院的求学经历,接着介绍了他在上海东吴大学法学院图书馆十六年如一日的工作生涯,最后介绍了他在图书馆学研究领域取得的丰硕成果。  相似文献   

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