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In the past decade, extensive research on gender and learning styles has produced a multitude of findings: gender differences in learning styles are small on average, but across studies quite different results are observed. In the present study, this heterogeneity is the central focus of our attention. Two possible interpretations concerning the educational context and the concept of gender identity are investigated: the teacher and the subject he or she teaches. Besides the variable gender as a dichotomous variable, the variable gender identity is included to reflect the theoretical standpoint of the social construction of gender differences. Using multivariate techniques on a data set of 432 adult secondary students, the observed relations between gender, gender identity and learning styles are described. Gender identity turns out to explain more variance in the use of learning styles compared to gender. Furthermore, it is shown that gender (identity) differences in learning styles do not vary across teachers and, with one exception, they do not vary across subjects.  相似文献   

网络学习认同感结构初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程学习者对网络学习的认同感是影响网络远程学习顺利开展的重要因素.本研究首先对网络学习认同感的概念进行界定,在这一基础上提出了网络学习认同感的结构构想.通过编制网络学习认同感量表.使用探索性因素分析的方法对这一结构构想进行验证.因素分析表明,网络学习认同感的结构包括情感、行为和认知三个因子,与网络学习认同感的结构构想基本一致.  相似文献   

先秦经典是优秀中华传统文化的源头,我国古代教育史就是一部先秦经典的阅读与阐释史,因此,先秦经典学习是青少年文化认同培养的重要内容和途径.从认识论角度,应以现代认知心理学的学习条件为理论基础,让青少年的经典学习在惊异中发生;从方法论基础,应从经典学习的历时性特征出发,创造性地将学习者引入共时性的对话场域,从而达成一定的集体共识和意义建构.经典学习中惊异的发生处,便是青少年与经典对话可能的开始处.  相似文献   

Many South-African learners, bringing their particular cultural identity to the higher education environment, find it challenging to achieve the academic literacy required for successful mastery of their studies. Though they want to realize academic success, a cultural chasm may exist between their cultural roots and their academic identity.

This article explores a model of academic language support that acknowledges cultural identity to facilitate access to academic scientific content and language. An action research project was conducted to test this model and discover whether incorporating indigenous knowledge in LEA 111 (English for Academic Advancement in Science and Health Sciences) would facilitate mastery of academic scientific content as well as language skills.  相似文献   

杨芳 《高教论坛》2008,(1):116-118
本文在自主学习理论和建构主义学习理论的基础上,结合基于计算机网络的英语自主学习模式的特点与教学经验的反思,探讨了大学英语教师在这一新型教学模式中应当充当的角色。  相似文献   

In May 1991, a quasi-experimental research study was launched to investigate Singapore K2 children's learning of national identity and the effect of parental involvement in the learning process. A specially designed and pilot-tested 43-item questionnaire was used to interview a sample of 329 K2 children randomly selected from the participating education centres and kindergartens. A 4-week intervention (five 20-min lessons plus one home-based exercise each week) was implemented after the pre-test had taken place in early July 91. The same sample of children was interviewed again in mid August, after the celebration of National Day on 9 Aug 91. The post-test scores showed there was an increase of the awareness as well as fondness of Singapore as their nation among the children in the study. The research design and findings of data analyses are presented and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

随着全球化的发展,英语成为各国在政治、经济、文化交流中的重要甚至是必不可少的工具,因而英语学习热多年经久不衰,中国也不例外。在中国这样一个迅速发展的大国,学习英语的重要性一直被强调,特别是在大中小学生的教学中。然而,对英语以及相应外来文化的过度重视已经造成了国民对中国传统文化的忽视,在英语学习热中逐渐失去了自己的文化身份。相关人员已经认识到这个问题,并试图呼吁通过采取减少英语在中高考等考试中的比重,而相应增加汉语比重的做法来唤起人们对本族文化的重视。但是,这种做法真的能达到保护本民族文化的目的吗?该文试图从这一近期热门话题出发,探讨外语学习中民族文化身份迷失原因以及如何采取措施重新构建我们的文化身份,并借此增强人们在学习外语的同时构建本族文化身份的意识。  相似文献   

This article draws on a longitudinal study of four Chinese students’ English learning experiences during their college years and explores the ways in which EFL learning has influenced their sense of national identity. The study captures the changes they have experienced in constructing identities over a prolonged period in the context of mainland China where strong sense of national identity has been historically promoted and where there is currently unprecedentedly close interaction between local cultures and western cultures. Drawing on interviews and diary studies as the primary data source, this study identifies a three‐stage development in the national identities of the college students that proceeds from initial admiration of English‐speaking cultures, to antagonism towards alien things, before then reaching a stage of conciliation between the national and the global. The findings suggest that China’s deeply‐rooted culture of collectivism and altruism plays a role in shaping English learners’ national identity and that the learners also demonstrate considerable agency in constructing national identities at different stages of English learning.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the social factors influencing the learning of two cohorts of school students and their experience of compulsory secondary education in a city in southern England—the secondary schooling phase of a 12‐year, longitudinal ethnographic study that also tracked the same children’s experiences through primary schooling. We embed our report of secondary school findings within the theoretical models and understandings generated by the Identity and Learning Programme as a whole.

The paper addresses three key issues. First, we trace how social influences on learning broaden as young people develop through adolescence, and illustrate why viewing learning as social activity is so important. Second, we discuss evolving processes of social differentiation in relation to gender and social class. We draw particular attention to the dangers of over‐simplified models of social reproduction. Finally, we review an analysis of strategic action and identities, contrasting the differentiated experience of young people attending independent and selective schools compared with those attending non‐selective comprehensive schools.

Overall, this analysis seeks to complement studies of differentiated educational outcomes by suggesting possible social processes that could help to account for them. The Identity and Learning Programme, both in its secondary phase and as a whole, shows clearly how individual agency enables young people to cope with their circumstances. However, in so doing, they both reproduce elements of constraint/opportunity and construct others anew. This has significant implications for policy and practice.  相似文献   

社区教育发展目标在于构建获得广泛支持的社区学习系统,学习资源建设其中的关键要素,具有重要的建设价值.社区教育发展需要有多内容、多层次、多形式、规范化的学习资源,当前社区教育学习资源建设成效显著,但问题也很明显,缺乏理论指导、统筹组织和经费保障.应从多个方面加强社区教育的学习资源建设.  相似文献   


The decline in the proportion of rural students at major universities has caused widespread social concern. Special enrollment programs in recent years have increased the proportion somewhat. However, the situation at elite universities in China’s transition period is different than before. There are few studies addressing the learning experiences of rural students in the new period. This study uses qualitative methods to research 32 case studies of rural undergraduates at four elite universities in Shanghai. Based on Bourdieu’s concepts of capital, field, and habitus, this study finds a mismatch between the habitus of respondents and that of elite universities, which leads to an awkward initial school experience. In accordance with the operating logic of the academic field, they are able to achieve an increase in cultural capital by virtue of their own efforts. This complex class experience also has a far-reaching impact on identity through the individual’s response to their own emotions. This conflicted identity is expressed as feeling like either a “country bumpkin” in the big city or a “city person” from the country.  相似文献   

工作场所学习和工作身份认同并非是成人的专利,对于职业院校学生来说,这种学习也是至关重要的.目前研究主要从这种学习方式本身出发对其重要性以及特点作了分析,其它方面的研究还没有顾及.从工作场所学习与工作身份认同的辨证关系出发,尝试分析了工作场所学习和工作身份认同发展的限制条件,并通过对相应的应对策略分析,为职业院校学生的工作场所学习策略以及工作身份的发展提供借鉴,同时也为职业院校的实习教学提供一些启示.  相似文献   

This article investigates the development of agency in science among low-income urban youth aged 10 to 14 as they participated in a voluntary year-round program on green energy technologies conducted at a local community club in a midwestern city. Focusing on how youth engaged a summer unit on understanding and modeling the relationship between energy use and the health of the urban environment, we use ethnographic data to discuss how the youth asserted themselves as community science experts in ways that took up and broke down the contradictory roles of being a producer and a critic of science/education. Our findings suggest that youth actively appropriate project activities and tools in order to challenge the types of roles and student voice traditionally available to students in the classroom.  相似文献   

在合作学习的课堂上,教师是合作氛围的创造者、是合作学习的示范者和指导者。  相似文献   

关于高等学校定位的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
营销定位理论对高校定位具有重要的意义。高校定位的内容包括学校类别、层次、特色、水平、服务面向等五个方面。高校定位是市场、政府、学校三者不断博弈的结果,但定位的主体只能是高校自己。科学的定位必须坚持正确的原则、选择恰当的方法、采取合适的策略。  相似文献   

与一些研究以中国大学中的本国少数民族为研究对象不同,本研究以一位在中国高校求学之留学生教育经历作为个案,关注的重点是来自不同国家和文化背景的在华留学生与中国人、中国社会及中国文化交际时面临的困难.研究发现,汉语言能力是影响在华留学生参与成功度的关键因素之一,但要分析留学生社会融合与语言学习的限制因素,则需要将案例放在更广阔的社会、文化、体制情境下去考察.  相似文献   

为探究虚拟学习社区文化认同的影响因素,文章在文献分析、专家咨询及对虚拟学习社区部分学习者进行访谈的基础上,构建了虚拟学习社区文化认同影响因素假设模型。同时,文章对参加山东省教师教育网研修平台的部分教师和曲阜师范大学参加"学习科学与技术"虚拟学习社区的本科生进行了问卷调查。结果显示:个人因素中的性别、年龄和学历对虚拟学习社区的文化认同无显著影响,个人因素中自我效能感及环境因素中的知名度、规模、有用性、易用性、趣味性、安全性、社区管理、成员互动、知识共享和奖罚评价制度等因素对虚拟学习社区的文化认同有显著影响。最后,文章根据调查结果修正虚拟学习社区文化认同影响因素假设模型,并就提高虚拟社区文化认同问题提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

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