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国家教育考试突发事件应急处置是维护教育考试安全、公平、公正和秩序的重要保证。当前,我国教育考试突发事件应急处置工作还存在应急预案体系不健全、应急处置效果不佳、应急保障不力等问题,需要从应急预案、组织体系、管理机制等方面进一步加强工作。  相似文献   

编制应急救援预案是工程建设领域安全管理的强制规定,施工现场必须编制各类危险源应急救援预案。作为高校基建工程来说,因其施工条件的特殊性决定了高校基建项目应急救援预案应当与一般工程建设项目有所区别,笔者从自身工作实践出发,就高校基建项目如何编制科学有效的应急救援预案提出个人观点,供同行参考。  相似文献   

高校可以通过合理构建安全生产突发事件应急预案体系,全面识别危险因素,预先制定应急对策,做到有备无患、临危不乱,尽可能地将突发事件的损失及危害降到最低。目前我国高校的安全生产应急管理还比较薄弱,针对高校安全生产突发事件应急预案体系的不足,明确了高校安全生产突发事件应急预案体系的分级和分类,并重点说明了高校安全生产突发事件应急组织机构及职责、应急报告和响应程序,为高校建立和完善安全生产应急预案体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

大学校园应急响应机制建设是国家应急体系现代化的重要管理实践。大学应贯彻落实总体国家安全观,研究建立符合高校特点的安全工作体系;兼顾规范性与可操作性,科学编制大学校园应急响应预案;加强人防、物防、技防建设,持续提升大学校园应急响应能力和水平。  相似文献   

高校突发事件应急预案的核心价值在于积极预防和有序应对.要确保应急预案的制定主体专业、协作,保障高校突发事件应急预案的统一协调,并强化高校突发事件应急预案的动态管理,才能实现高校突发事件应急预案的核心价值,真正起到预防祸患、保障师生安全的作用.  相似文献   

正少年儿童是祖国的未来,家庭的希望,未来社会的建设者和领导者。为进一步加强中小学公共安全教育,培养中小学生的公共安全意识,提高中小学生面临突发安全事件自救自护的应变能力,《义务教育法》《未成年人保护法》《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》及《中小学幼儿园安全管理办法》《教育系统突发公共事件应急预案》、国家教委基础教育司的《国家中小学自我防范安全常识》都有具体的要求。纯净少年儿童的生活环境,提高少  相似文献   

应急预案是幼儿园有效预防和处置各类突发事件的应急基础。一个结构完善的应急预案弘须包括总则、组织机构与职责、预测预警、应急响应、后期处置、应急保障、监督管理、附则、附录九个部分。标准的应急预案编制流程包括成立应急预案编制小组、风险识别与评估、风险的分类分级、成立应急组织并明确其职责、处置措施、应急能力评估、应急预案文本编...  相似文献   

新闻背景:1月8日,国务院发布了《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》。编制总体预案的目的是为了提高政府保障公共安全和处置突发公共事件的能力,最大限度地预防和减少突发公共事件及其造成的损害,保障公众的生命财产安全, 维护国家安全和社会稳定,促进经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

沈洪满 《新高考》2006,(5):27-28
热点材料 2006年1月8日,国务院发布了《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》。总体预案是全国应急预案体系的总纲,是指导预防和处置各类突发公共事件的规范性文件。实施总体预案,建立健全社会预警体系和应急机制,是贯彻落实科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容.是全面履行政府职能、执政为民的重要体现,对于提高预防和处置突发公共事件的能力,预防和减少各类突发公共事件及其造成的损失,保障公众的生命财产安全和维护社会稳定,促进经济社会全面协调可持续发展,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

突发公共事件应急预案评价中关键问题的探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了有效应对近年来频发的各类突发公共事件,国家突发公共事件应急预案体系已经基本建立起来。然而,目前还没有一套切实可操作的预案评价方法去评价现有预案的质量及其在实际突发事件应对中究竟发挥了怎样的作用。通过将预案评价分为事前评价和事后评价两个阶段,综述了国内外预案事前评价的相关研究成果;针对目前国内外对预案实施评价研究甚少的现状,通过参照目前国际上研究成果比较丰富的规划实施评价的相关研究,结合我国突发事件应急预案的特点,着重探讨应急预案评价的几个关键问题,并对预案评价研究提出了一些展望。  相似文献   

The contingency rules theory of persuasion, as alternative to the traditional laws model, assumes that: (1) persuasive behaviors, including compliance‐gaining and responding activities, are governed antecedently by five varieties of self‐evaluative and adaptive behavioral contingency rules; and (2) the context where persuasive communicators interact determines the particular configuration of rules governing their persuasive choices. This research assessed the power of the proposed five‐part rule structure to predict subjects’ responses to messages as functions of the context variables, ego‐involvement, schematic complexity, and affective orientation toward a persuasive issue. Results supported the contingency rules model, in that a significant proportion of the variance in subjects’ behavioral intentions was explained by self‐evaluative and adaptive rules in each context examined in the research. Moreover, the particular mix of rules accounting for intended actions varied sharply as a function of subjects’ levels of ego‐involvement with the persuasive issues, the complexity of their cognitions regarding the issues, and their affective stances toward the issues. The advantages and limitations of the contingency rules theory vis‐a‐vis the laws paradigm are discussed.  相似文献   

理解历史必然性和偶然性及其关系要注意一些限定条件.历史偶然性的概念需要从本体论和认识论的角度进行界定;不同条件下的人类社会,有着不同的发展规律,其中的“必然”与“偶然”的关系也不同;在近似条件下也要注意从规律的不同层次区分必然与概然;历史必然性和偶然性的作用在不同的时段体现不同;人的选择最终决定了历史前进的具体方向.  相似文献   

In a test of safety signal and preparatory response explanations of the preference for signaled vs. unsignaled shock, three groups of rats were exposed to a different light-tone-shock contingency on each of the two sides of a shuttlebox. One contingency (S/P) provided both a safety signal and a warning stimulus, another (NS/NP) provided neither, and a third (S/NP) provided a safety period but no warning stimulus. Rats preferred either the S/P or the S/NP side of the shuttlebox when the alternate side provided neither safety signal nor warning stimulus. When the safety signal was available on both sides, the side without the warning stimulus was preferred. Results are interpreted as supporting the safety signal hypothesis.  相似文献   

应急演练是做好应急准备的重要工作。开展应急演练既可检验高校所制定的应急预案的可行性和应急反应的准备情况,发现应急预案存在的问题,又可以完善高校应急运行工作机制,提高应急反应能力。各高校应有针对性地开展应急演练。  相似文献   

This study examined the provision of supplemental instruction using constant time delay for struggling readers who had fallen behind in developing word‐blending skills. Additionally, the study examined the utility of adding a material reward contingency to the instructional program with a contingency derived from percentile‐shaping procedures. Procedures were compared in a withdrawal design applied across blocks of letters with word blending as the target response. Participants exhibited substantial learning gains when provided constant time delay instruction in phonics skills as compared to baseline demonstrating clear experimental control. Results for the constant time delay plus reward contingency conditions were clearly differentiated from baseline but undifferentiated from the other instructional conditions. The implications of the findings for intervention for struggling readers and future research relevant to more comprehensive reading interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

This contingency management adolescent school program integrated vocational training with academic instruction. The students, who were unserved by public education because of emotional handicaps, were afforded an individual treatment program by the staff of the day program. They demonstrated significant gains in educational skills and exhibited an exceedingly low dropout rate, inasmuch as 95% either continued in the program beyond their first year or reentered public school.  相似文献   

萨特是存在主义哲学家 ,又是作家。他在其大部分作品中较为明确地以艺术的形式表达了自己的存在主义观念。综观这些作品 ,其中有几个观念是得到突出表现的 ,那就是存在的偶然性、人的自由和人的责任。强调偶然性 ,似乎就否定了规律。而萨特之所以强调偶然性是为了突破“决定论”的框框。强调自由 ,并不是说人可以为所欲为 ,因为萨特又十分强调责任 ,自由与责任有一种互相关联的辩证关系  相似文献   

The effects of stimulus-incentive (S:IS) contingency, stimulus-response-incentive (S:R:IS) contingency, and stimulus-no-response-incentive (S:R:IS) contingency on the acquisition and maintenance of an instrumental approach-contact response in the rat were studied. The experiment, concerned mainly with the temporal distribution of responses, showed that (1) the S:IS contingency and the S:R:IS contingency produced the same temporal distribution of responses; (2) the S:R:IS contingency produced higher rates of response than the S:IS contingency; (3) the negative S:R:IS contingency did not completely eradicate already established responses; and (4)post-CS responding occurred on reinforced trials. Consideration of these results indicates that the critical factor determining the higher rates of response under the S:R:IS contingency may be the S:R:IS occasions experienced only in the instrumental procedure.  相似文献   

Learning of a manipulative response was examined in 6-13-month-old well babies and in risk infants who, in the perinatal period, had experienced a range of respiratory interventions (low- and high-risk). 2 contingency conditions (contingent and yoked) were crossed with 2 locations of feedback (local and remote). Both well-baby and low-risk groups reliably discriminated between contingent and noncontingent feedback when it was presented locally, whereas high-risk babies failed to make this distinction in the conditioning phase. Risk status reliably predicted the learning performance. No response acquisition was obtained in the remote feedback condition. In extinction, the well-baby and low-risk groups decreased their responding, but the high-risk group showed an initial response burst. The findings are discussed in the context of risk-related differences in contingency awareness and frustrative nonreward. Overall, the results confirm that the effects of perinatal compromise involving respiratory complications influence infants' processing of contingency information during the first year of life.  相似文献   

18世纪初期的英国。政治环境紧张而复杂,统治者不断通过加强法律机器的严酷性来巩固其统治。这一时期通过的一系列严酷法案中。1723年的《布莱克法案》被认为是英国狩猎法体系中最为严酷的一项法案,也是整个“血腥法典”体系中最为臭名昭著的部分。从《布莱克法案》背景来看,它只是一种应急性措施,具有一定的偶然性;就其实际执行效果而言。由于多方面的原因与其预期目的相差甚远;但如果从18世纪宏观社会转变的视角来看。它则体现着一定的历史必然性。  相似文献   

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