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陈小平 《现代情报》2018,38(11):66-71
区块链技术是图书馆在云计算、物联网、大数据、智慧概念后的又一次技术革新。区块链技术在图书馆的应用将改变读者利用图书馆的途径,实现从目前的网络信息服务向价值服务的图书馆智慧服务的变革。图书馆在智慧服务中融合进区块链理念,可以推动优势资源的共建,开拓低成本的资源共享市场。区块链技术去中心化、共识机制、时序稳定、可靠数据关系的4个主要特征,决定了该技术在图书馆智慧服务的可行性。区块链技术在数字货币、金融交易与诚信、人文社科应用领域发展的3个阶段,决定了该技术在图书馆智慧服务的必要性。区块链技术助力图书馆智慧服务在管理体制、机构库建设、知识交易服务模式上的转变,满足读者对馆内设备空间使用与网络学习交流平台的智慧服务需求,是实现图书馆服务以读者阅读需求为中心的捷径。  相似文献   

Indian Healthcare system is a complex and distinguished structure due to variety of factors viz. population size it serves, presence of organized and unorganized services of healthcare, economic disparity and governance structure among others. Extant research emphasizes on the aspects like transparency, trust, disintermediation, non-repudiation, benchmarking of processes and practices, traceability and data integrity among others to stimulate the Indian Healthcare system for an improvised and more effective format. Blockchain Technology is recent innovation that offers many of these aforementioned aspects as a feature to the host systems. However, it is critical to understand and articulate the utility of Blockchain Technology specific to the Indian Healthcare system. Further, it is important to gauge the requirement elicitation of key stakeholders for Blockchain Technology adoption in Indian Healthcare system w.r.t any attribute prioritization/customization or design considerations (Consensus mechanism, type of blockchain, smart contracts etc.). There have been some research works on aspects of Blockchain applications in Indian Healthcare but lack a strong perspective of stakeholder requirements. We use Value-Focused Thinking framework based on discussions with the stakeholders to address the above mentioned research premise. We identify Fundamental Objectives and Strategic Objectives from the stakeholder interactions that contribute to the strategic goal. This is a niche work with a significant analytical contribution from the information systems perspective of Blockchain Technology adoption in the Indian Healthcare ecosystem given the light of premises from realms of human agents, behavioural and applications requirement from a stakeholder viewpoint.  相似文献   

周耀 《现代情报》2019,39(4):94-102
[目的]智慧图书馆建设是一项综合性系统工程,融合了诸多学科和各类先进技术。区块链技术作为当今最具颠覆性的新技术,图书馆必须努力学习掌握,积极构建"区块链+"图书馆应用系统,从而加快推动图书馆智慧化建设。[内容]文章介绍了区块链技术及其核心价值,详细分析了区块链技术在智慧图书馆建设中的应用优势,最后设计了4个基于区块链技术的智慧图书馆应用系统。[方法]采用了文献调研法和比较分析法对区块链技术在图书馆智慧服务中的应用可行性进行了研究,并对新老应用系统进行了比较分析。[成果/结论]区块链技术具有数据稳定、共识机制、去中心化的3大主要特征,能够有效解决传统图书馆在信息收集、存储安全和信息传播等方面的难题,是构建智慧图书馆的一项关键性技术。区块链技术在我国图书馆的实际应用中还存在许多不足,需要我国图书馆界持续不断的学习与改革,以期与其他区块链产业的快速发展相同步。  相似文献   

This study investigates how Big Data Analytics (BDA) can be leveraged to support a city’s transformation into a smart destination. We conduct an in-depth case study of a city-in-transformation and adopt the perspective of technology affordances to uncover the varying opportunities enabled by BDA to facilitate the attainment of smart tourism goals. Our findings unveil three types of BDA affordances and demonstrate how these affordances are actualized in a cascading manner to enable informed decisions and a sustainable development of smart tourism. Implications are presented for future investigation of the affordances of BDA in smart tourism, as well as for policy makers and practitioners who engage in the development of innovative tourism services for the smart citizens.  相似文献   

旅游地生态补偿研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋依依  宋子千  张敏 《资源科学》2013,35(11):2194-2201
作为一种系统化的制度安排,旅游生态补偿的目的在于将旅游资源开发活动产生的外部成本转化为对利益相关者的经济激励,以调和旅游业发展与生态保护之间的矛盾。因此,旅游生态补偿成为旅游地可持续发展理论研究者与实践者关注的焦点。基于国内外理论研究与实践进展,较为系统地梳理与评析了旅游生态补偿的概念内涵、补偿主客体、补偿标准、补偿模式和保障体系等多方面研究内容。进而提出了补偿空间范围及其等级区划、补偿标准及其时空分配、兼顾公平与效率的补偿机制及补偿绩效等旅游生态补偿研究中应进一步关注的问题。  相似文献   

Patent management tasks involve many stakeholders from diverse disciplines and hierarchies as well as from inside and outside the organization. By drawing on the transaction cost and stakeholder theories, Blockchain technology offers new opportunities to rethink the way in which stakeholders are organized and collaborate. Although Blockchain technology receives considerable attention from both the public and academia, the question of how Blockchain technology leverages patent management in particular has so far been neglected, although it holds great promise. Consequently, this is what we choose to be our basic research question. In response to it, we conduct a systematic literature review, following a procedure in three steps. Out of an initial sample of 714 articles, we select 52 as being particularly relevant, and classify them in accordance with the dimensions of the 7D Patent Management Maturity Model. Three main foci regarding the use of Blockchain technology emerge – i.e. for the generation, the enforcement, and the exploitation of patents. This study contributes to scholarship and management by showing that Blockchain technology mitigates environmental and behavioral uncertainty, while stimulating new governance forms and business models by reorganizing or discarding stakeholders.  相似文献   

Given the impact of COVID-19 on socioeconomic conditions, community resilience (the adaptive capability in response to adverse events through possessing or using community resources) has become an increasingly critical agenda in communities. In the context of resilience, a smart tourism city could be a solution for enhancing community resilience. Thus, it is important to identify available community resources to help people cope with adversity, which can contribute to the overriding goal of a smart tourism city. To do this, we aim to provide empirical evidence on the spatial spillover effects of sport industry clusters as community resources on community resilience to advance the building of a resilient smart tourism city. Using spatial econometric modeling with spatial data, we measure the spatial spillover effects of sport industry clusters on community resilience in the United States. The findings reveal the significant spatial spillover effects of sport industry clusters on community resilience within a specific region and across surrounding regions. The findings of this study provide policymakers and practitioners with spatial information on regional sport industry clusters as community resources that are locally bound and specialize in smart tourism and planning to enhance community resilience.  相似文献   

黄文 《软科学》2009,23(12):91-95
以神话和族群为工具,结合民族地区旅游市场的发展现状,讨论民族地区旅游发展的创意形象对产业集群的影响策略,一是进行旅游营销,在数据库、影视制作等维度丰富民族地区旅游产品的创意形象;二是进行项目建设和产业升级,提升创意形象的旅游路线;三是进行旅游培训,了解居民获取旅游者需求的传统知识技能和旅游产品服务的意愿,增加创意形象与产业集群在民族地区旅游发展中的经济社会效益。  相似文献   

"区块链"是一种新兴技术,从本质上来看,区块链相当于分布式账本,与其他技术相比,区块链有着中心化、不可篡改等多种显著优势。目前来看,区块链人才供应紧缺,特别是旅游管理行业大都是以周边行业人才流入作为主要的人才招纳方式,复合型人才匮乏。基于此,本文首先就当前高职旅游管理专业人才培养现状进行了简单分析,而后提出了"区块链"理论下高职旅游管理专业人才培养的几点策略,期望为后续工作人员提供一些参考意见。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether or not online tourism information prompted the international tourists who visited South Korea in 2015 to visit a wide range of tourism destinations, in particular those in non-capital regions, by comparing the tourist site networks of online and offline information seeker groups. It was hypothesized that the data would confirm how well the smart tourism ecosystem has been built and contributed to South Korea's tourism industry by showing that online tourism information leads tourists to visit more geographically diverse sites. Using network analysis with big data, the results showed that the offline information seeker group had geographically wider movement patterns than the online information seekers. In other words, the offline information seeker group showed movements in various directions and frequent visits to non-capital regions as opposed to the online information seeker group, which was highly dependent on the capital region. Thus, this study suggested that current online tourism information about South Korea did not provide appropriate tourism information to fulfill the needs of international tourists. This, consequently, might interrupt the implementation of smart tourism ecosystem efforts. Based on these results, this study had highlighted the importance of delivering both regionally and contextually diverse tourism information via online information sources.  相似文献   

王丽丽  马晓龙 《资源科学》2016,38(9):1653-1662
地质旅游资源是旅游吸引物的重要依托载体,其价值演化研究对于地质公园的发展具有导向意义,同时构成了制定符合特定时期地质旅游资源综合价值充分释放的政策依据。基于黄河石林国家地质公园历年规划文本,通过高频特征词提取,以特征向量中心性和中介度中心性为指标,对其地质旅游资源价值演化进行了评价。结果表明,地质旅游资源价值构成大致以2012年为界限分为两个阶段,即保护与开发兼顾时期和综合开发时期。第一阶段地质公园的特征较为明显,“地貌、公园、保护”三个词出现的频率最高, “保护、自然、公园、景观、旅游、景区”处于主导地位,“公园、保护”拥有最高的影响力度。第二阶段以旅游为主题,“旅游、景区、项目、规划”出现的频率最高,“旅游、景区、发展、规划、建设、服务”处于主导地位,“旅游”的影响力度最大。导致这种演化的直接原因在于经济利益驱动,而具有中国特色的管理体制下政府对地质旅游资源价值的定位是决定其价值取向,从而导致地质旅游资源价值演化的根本原因。研究认为,中国特殊国情下的制度环境与制度安排决定了地质旅游的发展路径,是新制度经济学在国内旅游产业的实践应用,而这种特征正是人地关系相互影响的有效验证。  相似文献   

李菲菲 《情报科学》2021,39(12):87-92
【目的/意义】将人工智能技术应用于图书馆建设,助推传统图书馆转型升级,为图书馆提高服务能力提供 技术支撑。【方法/过程】基于人工智能的技术背景,研究智慧图书馆建设要素、方式和发展逻辑,探寻人工智能与智 慧图书馆深度融合的建设方法,明晰人工智能时代智慧图书馆的未来走向。【结果/结论】在不断提升智慧图书馆服 务层次的前提下,借势人工智能助推智慧图书馆在时代潮流中智能化、智慧化、可持续化发展。【创新/局限】本文的 局限性在于结合实际案例对所涉及的逻辑和方法进行验证较为薄弱,但这也为后续相关研究的展开奠定了坚实的 理论基础。  相似文献   

国外遗产旅游资源管理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓梅  邹统钎  金川 《资源科学》2013,35(12):2334-2343
本文通过对112篇较具代表性的国内外遗产旅游资源管理相关文献进行系统的分析,探讨了国外遗产旅游资源管理研究特点与发展趋势,同时为我国遗产旅游资源管理研究提供了一定的参考与借鉴。国外遗产旅游资源管理的研究总体呈现跨学科、多视角,技术运用、案例多的趋势。除遗产地保护与旅游开发、利益相关者管理等传统研究领域外,还拓展了遗产地旅游资源管理的新技术与新方法、气候变化及环境污染对遗产的影响、遗产管理全球准则本地化困境等新兴研究领域。近年来,学者们对联合国教科文组织(UNESC0)等遗产管理全球准则的合理性及适用性提出了许多质疑,世界遗产提名对旅游业的效果影响也引发学者们的检验。  相似文献   

赵丹丹 《科教文汇》2012,(24):195-196
近年来,随着我国旅游事业的迅猛发展,专业人才的需求明显攀升。由于旅游管理专业操作性强、基层人才需求大等特点使得旅游管理专业本科毕业生就业问题日益突出。本文从高校培养、行业发展两方面分析了影响高校旅游管理专业本科生就业能力的问题及原因,拟提出解决目前我国旅游管理专业本科生"难就业"和"非本行业就业"的局面。  相似文献   

针对目前科技服务数据管理中普遍存在的数据标准多样化、壁垒多,数据交互及时性与安全性难以得到保障等问题,综合考虑安全性、易用性和可扩展性等,在科技服务数据管理中融入区块链即服务(BaaS)架构和思想方法构建数据共享系统结构,基于系统结构和数据分类结构构建数据共享实现机制。基于此机制,根据数据交互流程设计出科技服务数据分类结构,实现对数据整合及其所有权确定;利用智能合约和加密密钥实现对数据的有效检索和共享,并保证数据共享过程中的安全性和隐私性。研究以期为科技服务业的创新发展及其数据管理标准化提供参考。  相似文献   

天水与宝鸡同属关中—天水经济区的两个次级核心城市,两地地域相接,自古社会经济联系紧密,皆富有深厚的历史文化底蕴和富集的人文自然旅游资源.在关中—天水经济区背景下,两地需要消除行政限制,携手西安打通旅游资源市场,合作形成历史文化旅游走廊.通过分析探究天水、宝鸡两地文化旅游资源整合所具有的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战,提出了两地整合旅游产品、旅游市场、服务设施和加强制度建设方面的对策建议,以促进两地旅游产业的共同发展.  相似文献   

社会创业者修辞策略的运用关系到合法性和资源获取,是社会创业的研究前沿。本文认为修辞策略的灵活使用最终取决于社会创业者的混合逻辑和利益相关者的制度逻辑的适配。社会创业者应该通过对修辞资源和表达意图框架进行有技巧的选择和组合来构建自己的修辞策略空间。面对由政府逻辑主导的政府人员,社会创业者适宜采取愿景化修辞,侧重讲述社会企业所能够带来的社会福利愿景;面对由专家逻辑主导的公益创投,适宜采取隐喻性的修辞策略,侧重社会企业运行所具有的商业可持续性;面对由职业逻辑主导的员工,适宜采取基于价值的修辞策略,侧重可持续解决社会问题的可行性;面对由社区逻辑主导的志愿者,适宜采取基于情感的修辞策略,侧重共同解决社会问题的必要性。本文拓展了制度逻辑理论在社会创业领域的应用范畴,丰富了制度逻辑、表达意图框架和修辞的密切关系,对于社会创业者如何讲好故事也具有现实启迪。  相似文献   

Blockchain technology is said to have a high disruptive potential and can do without an intermediary. Numerous contributions deal with its impact on and possibilities for logistics and supply chains. In this article, we use a multiple case analysis to develop an explanatory model for the interaction of actors in an operational supply chain involving blockchain technology. In addition, we show which intermediary tasks the blockchain could replace and what impact this would have on the industry logic. For this purpose, we analyze the status quo in practice based on a multiple case study with real use cases and find answers to our research questions. The findings of the paper include (1) insights into the impact of blockchain technology on the logistics industry, and (2) the implications and research questions related to blockchain technology and the impact of blockchain technology on business models.  相似文献   

邹统钎  江璐虹  郭晓霞 《资源科学》2016,38(6):1003-1012
旅游枢纽的国内外研究经历了“交通枢纽-旅游枢纽基础理论-旅游枢纽”的阶段演变。旅游枢纽的发展源于交通枢纽,以交通枢纽为基础,以人的运输为主,提供旅游配套的信息服务,并整合了一般公共交通等多种交通方式,为游客提供便捷服务。旅游枢纽是旅游客源地与目的地之间的中介与桥梁,旅游目的地主要通过拥有的旅游资源形成吸引物,旅游枢纽则通过流经的客源取得控制力。旅游枢纽的聚散功能是实现对旅游流与地方旅游业控制的关键因素。根据国际旅游枢纽的主要功能与演变进程进行划分,国际旅游枢纽可以分为枢纽主导型和枢纽-目的地并存型。国际旅游枢纽的发展共同遵循四大规律:完善的交通枢纽网络是汇集旅游流的基础;航空枢纽在旅游枢纽中发挥主导作用;借助枢纽功能实现对周边旅游的控制力;目的地与枢纽功能的融合发展。  相似文献   

The blockchain is considered to be the potential driver of the digital economy. The Blockchain technology outweighs the challenges associated with the traditional transaction business governed and regulated by the third trusted party. There is a growth in the interest among the researchers, the industry, and the academia to study and leverage the potential of Blockchain. Blockchain provides a decentralized and distributed public ledger for all the participating parties. Though it seems that blockchain is a viable choice and solution for all the centralized governed and regulated transactions (in digital online space), it has potential challenges that need to be resolved; opportunities to be explored, and applications to be studied. This paper utilizes a systematic literature review to study several research endeavors made in the domain of blockchain. To further research on blockchain adoption, the paper theoretically constructs an integrated framework of the blockchain innovation adoption process in an organization considering organizational and user acceptance perspectives. This would facilitate its widespread adoption, thereby achieving sustained leadership solutions. The paper offers 23 propositions to information systems (IS)/information management (IM) scholars with respect to innovation characteristics, organizational characteristics, environmental characteristics, and user acceptance characteristics. Further, the paper explores several areas of future research and directions that can provide deep insights for overcoming challenges and for the adoption of blockchain technology.  相似文献   

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