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苏红 《教育科学》2007,23(5):38-42
在现代学校的制度框架下,教师会经常自主的展现超越学校正式的规章制度所要求的行为,这部分虽然没有纳入到学校的考核和奖励体系中,但同样贯彻着学校教育的基本使命。教师的这种组织公民行为包括关心学生生活、自我发展、环境保护等九个方面的内容。教师组织公民行为的研究对于学校管理,特别是学校人力资源管理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

为全面了解合肥地区中小学教师专业化发展的现状,研究建立健全教师专业化发展的制度保障体系及运行机制,加快教师教育一体化进程,我们对合肥市中小学教师的专业化发展情况展开了一次问卷调查。通过调查与分析,指出合肥地区中小学教师专业化发展存在的一些不容忽视的问题,并以此为例,提出了有效推进区域教师专业化发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This study investigated gender- and age-related differences in academic motivation and classroom behaviour in adolescents. Eight hundred and fifty-five students (415 girls and 440 boys) aged 11–16 (M age = 13.96, SD = 1.47) filled in a questionnaire that examined student academic motivation and teachers completed a questionnaire reporting student classroom behaviour. Interestingly, early adolescent boys’ (11–12 years) self-reported academic motivation was significantly more closely associated with reports of student classroom behaviour completed by teachers. However, a surprising result was the significant drop in girls’ adaptive motivation from early to mid-adolescence (13–14 years) and a significant increase in mid-adolescence (13–14 years). Furthermore, teachers reported a significant increase in negative classroom behaviour in mid-adolescent and late adolescent girls (15–16 years). The need to further understand the association between academic motivation and classroom behaviour at different stages in adolescence, and to design interventions to improve classroom behaviour, is deliberated.  相似文献   

Student motivation may have significant influences on essential academic outcomes. However, students’ motivation may decline as they grow older. This study examined six motivation constructs (self-efficacy, interest, mastery goal orientation, engagement, avoidance coping, and effort withdrawal) of students from 78 schools in Singapore (= 4214) in learning English. Using a large and diverse sample of primary 5 (5th grade) and secondary 3 (9th grade) students, grade and gender differences in these constructs were examined. Applying a MIMIC approach to structural equation modeling, the paths from grade and gender as well as the grade × gender interaction variable were found to be significant. That is, (a) the scores for self-efficacy, interest, mastery goal orientation, and engagement tended to be lower whereas avoidance coping and effort withdrawal tended to be higher for the secondary students, (b) boys tended to have lower scores; and (c) the gap in motivation between primary and secondary tended to be greater for girls. Since motivation may have important influences on subsequent learning outcomes, we need to seriously consider the implications of these grade- and gender-related patterns and pay attention particularly to boys in primary schools and girls in secondary schools.  相似文献   

Gendered stereotypes persist in American classrooms despite efforts to create equitable learning environments. Within this qualitative study, we examined both teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of gender in the classroom and present the data of the continued gender bias among some educators in their own words. The data showed teachers and administrators attributed conflict styles based upon gender and consistently reference boys conflict resolution style as “over quickly” in contrast to girls conflict resolution style. Likewise, participants’ gendered perceptions extended to the kinds of feedback they expected girls and boys to prefer. Additionally, our findings show that participants misunderstood or lacked knowledge of scientifically sound research and participants described changing the curriculum in a single-sex class/school to use stereotypical topics and activities for student engagement. The authors suggest this data should open a discussion between education scholars and practitioners to help align current knowledge about gender and development and implications of stereotypes for classroom practice.  相似文献   

Gender matters in the classroom, but not in the way people may assume; girls are outperforming boys. Identity-Based Motivation (IBM) theory explains why: People prefer to act in ways that feel in-line with important social identities such as gender. If a behavior feels identity-congruent, difficulty is interpreted as meaning that the behavior is important, not impossible, but what feels identity-congruent is context-dependent. IBM implies that boys (and girls) scan the classroom for clues about how to be male (or female); school effort will feel worthwhile if successful engagement with school feels gender-congruent, not otherwise. A between-subjects experimental design tested this prediction, manipulating whether gender and success felt congruent, incongruent, or not linked (control). Students in the success is gender-congruent condition described more school-focused possible identities, rated their likely future academic and occupational success higher, and tried harder on an academic task (this latter effect was significant only for boys).  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的不断推进,我国中小学之学生评价工作越来越受到人们的重视。学生评价是否公平,直接影响到学生接受的教育公平与否。笔者从教育公平的视角,审视了我国中小学学生评价工作中的几个主要问题,即:学生评价目的、学生评价标准、学生评价主体和学生评价的方法。  相似文献   


The authors investigated the effects of a technical drawing course, video games, gender, and type of school on the spatial ability (spatial visualization and orientation) of secondary school students in Barbados. A total of 420 students (269 boys; 151 girls) from nine government schools within Category 3 and Category 4 were sampled. A four-way between-subjects analysis of covariance revealed significant main effects for technical drawing on spatial visualization and orientation and video games on spatial orientation. Significant two- and three-way interactions occurred, but four-way interactions failed to reach significance. Implications are discussed for secondary school teachers and educational stakeholders on improving practice and context through the innovative delivery of spatial content, with consideration of biological and social factors that affect spatial abilities.  相似文献   

In general, studies on gender and mathematics show that the advantage held by boys over girls in mathematics achievement has diminished markedly over the last 40 years. Some researchers even argue that gender differences in mathematics achievement are no longer a relevant issue. However, the results of the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study of 2003 (TIMSS-2003), as well as the participation rates of girls in (advanced) mathematics courses, show that in some countries, such as the Netherlands, gender equity in mathematics is still far from a reality. Research on gender and mathematics is often limited to the relationship between gender differences in attitudes toward mathematics and gender differences in mathematics achievement. In school effectiveness research, theories and empirical evidence emphasize the importance of certain school and class characteristics (e.g., strong educational leadership, safe and orderly learning climate) for achievement and attitudes. However, there is little information available at to whether these factors have the same or a different influence on the achievement of girls and boys. This study used the Dutch data from TIMSS-2003 to explore the relationship between school- and class characteristics and the mathematics achievement and attitudes for both girls and boys in Grade 4 of the primary school. The explorations documented in this paper were guided by a conceptual model of concentric circles and involved multilevel analyses. Interaction effects with gender were assessed for each influencing factor that turned out to have a significant effect. The results of these analyses provide additional insight into the influence that non-school-related and school-related factors have on the mathematics achievement and attitudes of girls and boys.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、数理统计等方法,对襄阳市中小学体育师资队伍现状进行调研。结果发现:襄阳市中小学体育专任教师严重不足、男女比例失衡、兼职体育教师数量超高、年龄结构基本合理、教师学历偏低、职称结构不够合理、继续教育层次低和教学名师少等。提出核审教师编制确保学校体育教师配置、调控男女体育教师比例、加强兼职体育教师管理、提升体育教师学历、改善体育教师职称结构、校地共建中小学体育师资培训基地和加强教研网络平台建设等措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines stability and change during the elementary-to-middle school transition, focusing on adolescents’ experiences of home–school dissonance because of real or perceived differences between home/self and values within the school context. Relationships were hypothesized between exacerbation and amelioration of dissonance, middle school mastery and performance goal practices, and students’ perceptions thereof. The sample consisted of 274 African-American and 284 European-American (49% female) students. Middle school teachers (N = 236) provided data on school academic practices. Multilevel growth curve analysis indicated significant variance among the 10 middle schools regarding change in dissonance. Both mastery-focused middle school practices and students’ perception of middle school classrooms as more performance and less mastery focused than elementary classrooms were significant predictors of change in dissonance. Path-analyses evidence pointed to the mediational role of school belonging on the relationship between perception of classroom mastery goals and dissonance. Path analyses revealed direct and indirect effects of perception of classroom performance goals on dissonance and school belonging. This paper highlights the importance of creating inclusive learning environments that minimize social comparison saliency and validate students for who they are.  相似文献   

学生品德评价关系学校德育的导向和操作,是德育研究的核心部分。做好品德评价工作有利于增强德育工作的针对性和实效性。为把“爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献”公民基本道德规范渗透落实到学校德育工作中去,促进学校德育工作新发展,本文在总结国内学生品德评价有益经验的基础上,提出了中小学生品德评价的原则和内容,并构建了品德评价的指标体系,以提高学生品德评价的信度和效度。  相似文献   

Several high-quality instruments are used for investigations on classroom climate. Out of these, none is valid on all three educational pre-tertiary levels (primary, middle school and high school). This situation limits our understanding about classroom climate along different educational levels. We collected responses on a large Romanian student sample (1003 students, 49.3 % boys), and we investigated the internal validity of the Classroom Climate Questionnaire – Primary (CCQ-P, Aldridge & Galos, 2018) using confirmatory factor analyses and measurement invariance analyses. The original model obtained a good fit and partially maintained structure across the three educational levels. Thus, this study opens the door for the investigation of this questionnaire for the three pre-university levels in other national contexts. This could impact how we look at the transition of students between levels and it could offer new input about the practical actions related to this process.  相似文献   

This study examined how different stakeholders in school (principals, teachers, parents) conceptualize teachers' role breadth, i.e., whether they define given behaviors commonly assumed to be OCBs as in-role or extra-role behaviors. Drawing on a survey of 29 principals, 245 teachers and 345 parents, the results showed that principals and teachers defined more teachers' OCBs in general and toward the school as in-role behaviors than parents did; parents defined more teachers' OCBs toward the student as in-role behaviors than teachers did. A wide variety of possible school interventions is indicated, each with the potential for far broader improvements in school effectiveness.  相似文献   

本文通过对2005年和2010年牡丹江市中小学生的血红蛋白结果进行分析,了解牡丹江市中小学生贫血状况的及其发展趋势,探讨了牡丹江市中小学生近五年的营养与健康状况变化,为今后中小学生的贫血防治工作提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

This study examined gender, socio-economic (SES), and ethnic group differences in academic performance (measured at 14 and 16 years) in a sample of 517 British pupils (mean age = 16.5 years). White pupils outperformed their Black and Pakistani counterparts and high SES pupils consistently outperformed their low SES counterparts. Results from two Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) models showed that controlling for IQ variance minimizes these group differences. The MIMIC models also revealed that Pakistani pupils and girls tend to underperform academically relative to White pupils and boys, respectively, at 14 years, once IQ and SES have been partialed out. These and other, more specific, findings are discussed with reference to predictive test bias, selection and streaming procedures, and implications for educational policy.  相似文献   

Comprehensive sexuality education which includes discussion about gender and power is increasingly seen as an effective way of promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights. Yet all too often the potential of good quality sexuality education is not realised. This study engages with young peoples’ evaluation of a sexuality education programme in Ethiopia. Using data from ethnographic field notes, focus group discussions and interviews with students, teachers and sexual and reproductive health workers in Oromia region, it reveals the existence of gendered practices in sexuality education. Three forms of exclusion were evident: first, exclusion through selection to participate in the programme; second, exclusion of the views of young people through gendered interpretations and practices; third, exclusion of the views of young people through the omission of discussion on topics that are relevant to them, such as love, relationships and sexual intercourse. As a result, the programme’s potential to contribute to questioning gender relations and improving the emotional and sexual health of young people is undermined. The programme reproduces a gender order in school and arguably broader society, which is a source of frustration and alienation for young people.  相似文献   

The present study deals with relations between academic achievement, learned helplessness and psychological adjustment (self-esteem and depression), controlled for gender and age. A preliminary study was conducted to test the direction of the relationship between learned helplessness, assessed by the teacher, and own expectation about academic achievement. The sample consisted of 1580 students with data collected in grades 3 and 4, 6 and 7 and 8 and 9. The relation between these two variables was reciprocal, with the strongest effect between helplessness and expectations. Hypotheses concerning the relations between achievement, helplessness and psychological adjustment were tested by means of a cross-sectional sample consisting of 1575 students in grades 4, 7 and 9. The analyses of structural equation models showed that academic achievement was directly and indirectly related to the pattern of attributions, expectations, helplessness and psychological adjustment. Moreover, helplessness and academic expectations were significantly related to psychological adjustment. The results also clearly found that boys showed more helpless behaviour, as assessed by the teacher, than did girls, while, on the other hand, girls reported more psychological maladjustment. Some practical implications of the findings are reported at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

影响中小学校长培训实效性的主要因素包括制度缺乏硬约束,培训内容陈旧,重理论轻实践,培训模式单调。提高中小学校长培训的实效性,需要做好培训前的需求调研工作,不断丰富和发展培训计划的内容,理论与实践并重,加强师资队伍建设,注重培训过程和训后跟踪管理。  相似文献   

在对贵州中小学教师师德建设问题上,受马斯洛的需要层次理论的启发,主张应积极为他们改善环境和创造条件,满足其基本的需要,充分发挥教师在师德师风建设中的主体性、能动性,师德建设才会更加健康和谐的发展。具体启示为:创造物质条件,关心、满足教师的基本、合理需要;注重落实国家政策,创造条件,满足安全需要;创造良好的人际关系氛围,满足教师社交的需要;理解、信任教师,听取他们的意见和建议,满足尊重的需要;为教师搭建施展才华的平台,满足其成就感和创造欲。  相似文献   

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