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康德的伦理学理论论述了意志、自由、幸福、义务等概念,在二十一世纪的"后现代"社会中,它们诠释了人类应如何对自身的行为负责,分辨善、恶,以及怎样在纷杂的群体中寻求幸福.多丽丝·莱辛的小说<简·萨默斯的日记>女主人公简内在的"人性"行为切合了康德的伦理学理论.  相似文献   

Existential approaches to action research   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The existential approach to action research is derived from research that suggests that teachers' actions, intentions, and beliefs are manifestations of their ways of being teachers. A teacher's ‘way of being’ in an educational situation is defined and informed by what was and is for the teacher, and his or her intentions for what could be. It is essentially the way that that person is a teacher – where ‘teacher’ is one of the many ways that that person is and can be. The existential approach to action research extends the way of being perspective by examining three aspects of personhood – situation, existence precedes essence and freedom – and combines them with critical reflection and action. The result is that existential action research happens when people work together to research their own ways of being a teacher to increase their capacity to choose freely, and to act responsibly for themselves and those they care for  相似文献   

This study examines the effects on nursing home nurses of a two-day training program concerned with nurses and their response to the dying patient. Utilizing the Solomon four-group design, the study investigates whether exposure to information on death and dying (a) results in the acquisition of greater knowledge about death and dying, (b) is accompanied by a more positive attitude toward the elderly, and (c) is accompanied by a change in anxiety about death. Based on t tests and one-way analyses of covariance, the results point up the mixed nature of short-term training programs. It was found that there was a significant increase in the nurses' knowledge about death and dying, there was no change in their attitudes toward the elderly, and there was a significant increase among the nurses in the death anxiety experienced. This is not to suggest that training programs of this sort should not be conducted with nursing home staff. On the one hand such programs provide information useful for job performance. On the other hand they create some sensitization to death, which at the very least could give nurses greater insights into the concerns of the patients and perhaps stimulate empathetic responses.  相似文献   

康德的伦理学理论论述了意志、自由、幸福、义务等概念,在二十一世纪的“后现代”社会中,它们诠释了人类应如何对自身的行为负责,分辨善、恶,以及怎样在纷杂的群体中寻求幸福。多丽丝·莱辛的小说《简·萨默斯的日记》女主人公简内在的“人性”行为切合了康德的伦理学理论。  相似文献   

In September 2008, a new Ethics and Religious Culture programme was implemented in Québec’s elementary and secondary schools. One of the main pedagogical challenges of this new course has been the requirement that teachers adopt a professional stance of impartiality. Teachers must refrain from sharing their points of view, so as not to influence students as they develop their own positions. This paper deals with the requirements related to this new professional stance, namely that teachers maintain a critical distance from their own convictions and values, respect the student’s freedom of conscience and religion to avoid any indoctrination, and play the role of a cultural mediator. This new requirement has not gone over without question. For instance, some educators believe that, in the name of authenticity, it is preferable for teachers to freely express their own beliefs, thus ensuring a transparent relationship with students. For others, as teachers are in position of authority in the classroom, it is very important that students feel free to develop their own personal viewpoint on ethical and religious questions without being unduly influenced. This article examines these different issues.  相似文献   

It is claimed, in this paper, that free will and education are compatible. The problem of compatibility arises because education is usually seen as a way of guiding, controlling or determining someone else’s behavior. But how is the educational control of a person who is endowed with a free will possible? This question is discussed with reference to the philosophical debate on the compatibility of free will and determinism. This debate provides various concepts of freedom can enrich the pedagogical discussion of the issue. For instance, freedom might be equated with being the causal source of a person’s actions. Alternatively, we could describe freedom as the capability of a person to act otherwise than he or she actually acts. This paper argues that a third concept of freedom can help to solve the problem of the compatibility of free will and education. According to this concept, the capability to act on reason must be seen as constitutive for freedom.  相似文献   

陈独秀反对封建包办婚姻、积极倡导以感情为基础的自由婚姻 ;他强烈谴责封建礼教强加给中国女子“从一而终”、夫死守节的道德观 ,认为女子也应同男子一样有离婚和另择嫁娶的权利  相似文献   

This study explored the response of 28, second year undergraduate students to an innovative approach to a five-day solo. Periods of solitude are more likely to lead to positive outcomes when they are freely chosen than when they are programmed as part of a course. The extent to which a programmed solo can be ‘freely chosen’ by the individual is traditionally perceived as being constrained by logistic, safety and group needs. This study describes a solo, delivered as a required part of a core academic module, in which these perceived limitations were challenged. It describes an attempt to empower students to make their own choices about the nature of their solo experience and risk management. The study evaluates the extent to which individual students felt that they had freedom of choice; the choices they made and the outcomes of their solos. An intrinsic case study approach was used to explore the choices made by all students before, during and immediately after their solo as well as the more considered responses of 14 students eight months later. The data suggest that the pre-solo mindset was the most important factor in determining positive outcomes for participants and that offering students the opportunity to take responsibility for the structure of their own solo increased the likelihood that this would be achieved.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This qualitative case study examines Korean kindergartners’ literary discussions about racial/cultural diversity during a whole-group read-aloud. Using multiple sources of data, including observations, open-ended interviews, and written materials and children’s artifacts, this study found that (a) the children exhibited a biased attitude toward African characters, and their stereotypical views reflected their allegiance to their social/cultural contexts; (b) literary discussions about race provided the children with valuable opportunities to explore racial diversity, equality, injustice, and freedom; and (c) reading multicultural literature helped the children develop and practice their racial language and literacy skills. Practice or Policy: The findings of the study add several important contributions related to teaching young children multicultural literature. Reading literature should be used to provide a chance to explore real-life problems and critically analyze all of the differences children encounter on a daily basis. Teachers should encourage young children to freely share their views about diverse social issues by creating a space where children feel secure in exchanging different views. In order to create a more supportive literacy surrounding, teachers should understand how profoundly children’s social and cultural environments affect their reading practices.  相似文献   

遗嘱是自然人生前对自己的财产进行处分并于死后发生法律效力的单方民事行为。世界各国继承法都毫无例外地承认公民享有遗嘱自由权,从而遗嘱自由成为了各国继承法的一项重要原则。然而,任何自由都是相对的、有限制的,遗嘱自由作为继承法确立的一项原则和制度,也不是绝对的。本文从“泸州遗赠案”引发的争议入手,分析出学术界之所以对这一案件存在如此大的分歧,就在于我国继承立法缺乏对公序良俗原则的明确性规定。通过比较各国立法例中公序良俗原则对遗嘱自由的限制和我国立法中的公序良俗原则.提出我国应当确立公序良俗原则对遗嘱自由限制的立法建议。  相似文献   

高校德育正在向观念现代化、内容系统化、体系规范化、方法多样化和管理科学化的方向发展。以德育信息载体和集合体形式存在的高校德育资源,内容丰富,形式多样,不仅具有自己的鲜明属性,而且具有自己的特定功能。在新形势下,利用和挖掘巨大的德育资源,充分发挥德育资源的效用,实行科学化管理,使德育工作由虚变实、由软变硬,是社会主义市场经济条件下高校德育工作者面临的新课题。  相似文献   


This study focuses on the evolving ethical claims and empirical evidence being advanced within U.S. media relating to voucher-style programs. As such, the research seeks to better understand how and why these policies proliferate, despite scant evidence recommending them. Our specific media focus reflects the recognition that issues, problems, and solutions are defined and set within ‘ethical’ frameworks through the media, often in efforts to influence the polity. Framed by the concept of ‘neoliberalization’, the analysis notes dominant discourses and activities by both advocates and opponents around the issue. Specifically, the research reveals shifting ethical assertions. Media-based ‘choice for all’ advocacy, and support of generalized parent choice/empowerment via voucher reforms, have become more prominent, while advocacy related to expanding choice for the disadvantaged has receded (though with certain high-profile exceptions). Meanwhile, opponents engage in what sometimes appears as more reactionary, though still active, media participation in seeking to challenge such reforms.  相似文献   


Research with children involving their use of digital and mobile technologies either as a methodological tool or in relation to their learning foregrounds emerging ethical issues and practices. This paper explores some of the ethical and practical challenges we faced in studies involving the recruitment of young children as research participants, and where the integrity of these research collaborations was critical. We propose an ethical framework to foreground these challenges that is shaped by a view of children as social actors and experts on their own lives, information and communication technologies as ubiquitous in children’s lives, and ethics as a situated and multifaceted responsibility. This framework has three aspects: access, authenticity and advocacy. We draw on examples from different research projects and use ethically important moments to illustrate how notions of access, authenticity and advocacy can foreground the ethical challenges in teaching–learning research contexts to better consider and offer children greater agency in research collaborations.  相似文献   

具有一定社会和个人教益并且能够唤起公众关注的死亡构成了死亡事件,在其诸多性质中最重要的性质是可谈论性。死亡事件的教益首先体现在它帮助人们领会死亡以何种极端方式与人们照面;其次,它构成思想史或文化史谈论的永恒话题,充分显示死亡问题取向立意的丰富,苏格拉底之死与王国维之死可以证明这一点;第三,从夏佛事件中认识到死亡事件可能影响人们对某些社会问题的思考与争议,推动法律和伦理等观念形态的变化;最后,通过对陆幼青与他的《死亡日记》的剖析能够看到,死亡事件成为个人表达复杂的临终感受的主观抒情活动,从而影响社会对濒死体验的认知方式,影响大众对死亡的思考方式、谈论方式。  相似文献   

We tested the proposition that mother-child relationships can be sources of support or stress, by comparing patterns of mother-child interactions in a problem-solving task that children completed with their own and with an unfamiliar mother. 4 groups of preschoolers (n = 30 in each group)—identified on the basis of teacher ratings as socially competent, average, aggressive, or anxious—participated. Mothers of competent and average children were highly positive and reciprocal toward their own and unfamiliar children. Mothers of aggressive and anxious children were only positive and reciprocal toward unfamiliar children but generally indiscriminate (aggressive group) or aversive and negatively reciprocal (anxious group) toward their own. Children in all 4 groups tended to be reciprocal toward their own mothers, but only competent and average children were reciprocal toward unfamiliar mothers also. Aggressive and anxious children generally responded to unfamiliar mothers by ignoring or actively rejecting their overtures. Results (1) indicate that the relationship with the primary caregiver may serve as a major source of support or stress in the preschool years; (2) focus attention on the dynamic organization of interactions rather than on the presence or frequency of particular behaviors, indicating that a dynamic of reciprocity enables children and mothers to adapt positively to the ever changing demands of new social situations; (3) point to the need to develop new means of assessing relationships to better understand how they influence development; and (4) highlight the importance of incorporating transactional models in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood dysfunctions rather than accounting for them solely in terms of limited skills in parents or children.  相似文献   

崔莺莺和杜丽娘分别是《西厢记》、《牡丹亭》中的主角,她们都出身于名门宦族,从小就受着严格正统的封建教育,由于她们所处的时代不同,她们追求爱情幸福的方式各异,本文分析,比较了崔莺莺和杜丽娘在反抗礼教、追求自由的过程中所体现出来的不同的时代特征,如果说《西厢记》表达的是封建的婚姻制度如何对幸福的恋人设置障碍并加以迫害,那么《牡丹亭》是写杜丽娘在现实生活中找到爱情根本不可能。  相似文献   

A stratified random sample of 226 U.S. nursing schools was surveyed to determine the extent and nature of current death education training for nursing students. Of the 205 responding schools, 5 percent reported offering a required death and dying course, while an additional 39.5 percent indicated that a death and dying course was available for their students on an elective basis. The authors challenge the current pedagogical approach toward death education in U.S. nursing schools. They propose the need for the development of a model that would formally link a death education course, or courses, with the clinical phase of training. It is hypothesized that such an approach would enhance the nursing students' recognition and management of their feelings regarding death and dying and therefore result in more effective means of relating to terminally ill patients.  相似文献   

Death can be considered a social taboo, a common source of fear and public avoidance. School communities are not immune to this, as the topic of death is constantly avoided. It is vital to understand how we can socially and culturally cultivate a positive regard for death, dying and bereavement in our school communities. Community members need to discuss these difficult issues and use strategies to enhance compassion, connectedness and support. In this literature review we reason that death is specifically not ‘part of life’ in school communities. Due to the dearth of school community-based literature on this issue and the progressive literature residing in palliative care, we aim to coalesce palliative care and school-based research, evaluate it and highlight compassion and partnership as a way forward for school communities. Essentially, our societal attitudes about death and dying have been profoundly altered and our community ownership of these normal life events has largely disappeared. This is demonstrated for example, by palliative care moving from the social grass roots ‘modern hospice movement’ formed in the 1960s and being reintegrated into the mainstream health care system by the end of the 1990s, resulting in an overall medicalised morphing of death, dying and bereavement issues. Therefore, we recommend that further research be conducted in how to develop compassionate schools to inform us how death may be continually made ‘part of life’ in school communities, for the benefit of students, teachers and families alike.  相似文献   

高校教师的学术自由与社会责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张琳 《许昌学院学报》2006,25(4):141-142
高校教师一身二任,既要从事学术研究,又要担任课堂教学工作。学术研究要求独立思考、自由表达,课堂教学则强调履行社会责任。要实现坚持学术自由和履行社会责任的兼顾和统一,高校教师必须做到:深刻理解和把握自由的含义,清醒认识学术研究与课堂教学的不同性质,自觉在两种角色之间自如转换。  相似文献   

Assisting student teachers to understand the ethical nature of their work and developing the moral vocabulary to deal with ethical dilemmas of practice are vital components of initial teacher education. The study explores ethical dilemmas experienced by 100 student teachers in their final year of their teaching degrees while on practicum. The data examined were written reflective statements of each of the 100 students’ ethical dilemmas. The study found that, while some types of ethical dilemmas seem universal, a more situated theory of initial teacher education ethics is required to understand the particular sociocultural factors that inform the nature of teacher practice in context-specific environments. Our study highlights the need for preservice teacher education focusing on student teachers finding their own authentic ethical voice, through the examination of ethical dilemmas via critical thinking and the wider examination of the political, historical and social contexts that led to the dilemma. The dilemmas faced by the students were likely to be, in part, identifiable with fellow student teachers in other countries, but we argue that dilemmas are strongly contextualised. Our study is useful for educators working with student teachers in the practicum environment to instil confidence in student teachers to follow their own moral compass.  相似文献   

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