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Working memory in a bottlenosed dolphin was tested in both indirect and direct auditory delayed-discrimination tasks in which a correct spatial response was conditional upon the nature of a preceding sound. In the indirect task, either one of two possible sounds was briefly presented. After a prescribed delay, the dolphin was cued to go either to a left-hand or right-hand paddle pair. Responses to the outer paddle of a pair were rewarded following sound A, and responses to the inner paddle of a pair were rewarded after sound B. In the direct delayed-discrimination task, only one paddle pair was used in each session. In both tasks, the delay interval between the discriminative sound stimulus and the opportunity for a spatial response was progressively increased over sessions until the animal failed to meet a specified performance criterion or self-terminated a session. Delay limits of about 30 and 60 sec were obtained in the indirect and direct tasks, respectively. The increase in delay limit in the latter task was attributable to the use of an overt mediational response during the longer delays. In both cases, however, the obtained delay limits fell considerably short of the 2- to 3-min limits obtained in auditory delayed-matching studies using the same test sounds and the same subject. The task differences indicate that working memory functions cannot depend upon memory of the predelay stimulus alone, but must be determined in part by additional processes.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to perform two independent zero-delay conditional discriminations involving the same differential outcomes (i.e., food vs. a feeder light) and were then tested by replacing the samples from one of the tasks with those from the other. Differential responding to the two samples was required in Phase 1, in Phase 2, in neither phase, or in both phases. Half the pigeons in each group were then tested with associations that were either consistent with the presumed outcome expectancies established during Phases 1 and 2 (positive transfer condition) or inconsistent with those expectancies (negative transfer condition). The magnitude of the transfer effect was largest in the group that could use differential sample responding as a cue to mediate transfer, but significant transfer effects were also found in the groups that could use only outcome expectancies. Thus, differential sample responding contributes to, but does not account for, the differential-outcomes effect.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were trained in a delayed conditional discrimination in which color and line cues jointly indicated trial outcome. These were either combined in advance of a retention interval (RI) or separately presented before and after the RI. The former procedure resulted in less forgetting over the RI, the difference increasing with longer RIs. In a second study, the line cue was presented redundantly before and after the RI, and then selectively omitted from either temporal location during probe tests. In general, the results indicated that the birds relied upon the line as a cue to a greater extent when it was compounded with the color in advance of the RI than when it was presented after the RI. The data support an interpretation based on anticipatory processing in working memory, which leads to better retention than retrospective remembering.  相似文献   

Coding strategies developed in the acquisition of delayed conditional discriminations can be assessed by independently manipulating sample and comparison memory load. Two stimulus dimensions that can affect memory load were examined: Number of stimuli in the sample and comparison sets (two vs. four) was manipulated between groups in a 2×2 design, and discriminability of sample and comparison stimuli (hues vs. lines) was manipulated between counterbalancing subgroups and within subjects. The results indicated large effects of sample discriminability but not of comparison discriminability, evidence for retrospective coding. There was also a significant effect of number of stimuli in the comparison set (although only with hard-to-discriminate samples) but not of number of stimuli in the sample set, evidence for prospective coding. These findings suggest evidence for retrospective coding with easy-to-discriminate samples, independently of number of stimuli in the comparison set, and evidence for prospective coding with hard-to-discriminate samples.  相似文献   

In multiple fixed interval (FI) schedules, rats are trained to discriminate different FIs that are signaled by different stimuli. After extensive training, the different stimuli often acquire control over performance, observed by an earlier increase in responding for stimuli that signal shorter FIs, as compared with stimuli that signal longer FIs. The order in which the different FIs are trained, either intermixed across cycles or in blocks of several cycles, may seem irrelevant given that average performance at asymptote may be similar. In this study, rats were trained in two procedures with multiple FIs presented intermixed within sessions or in blocks of one interval per session. Similar performance was observed at asymptote, but an inspection of early cycles in each session revealed that different stimuli acquired control over performance only when trained intermixed within each session. Although the stimuli reliably signaled the upcoming FI, when trained in successive blocks of 60 cycles, rats rapidly adjusted performance early in the sessions on the basis of the temporal aspects of the task, and not on the basis of the stimulus presented in the current cycle. These results are discussed in terms of overshadowing of the stimuli by temporal cues and in terms of conditions under which a stimulus acquires control over performance.  相似文献   

Pigeons’ delayed matching performance on Trial n was examined as a function of whether the correct and incorrect comparison stimuli from Trial n?1 were maintained in the same role on Trial n (positive transitions), were reversed in role on Trial n (negative transitions), or were absent on Trial n (neutral transitions). Relative to neutral transitions, positive transitions did not significantly facilitate performance. Negative transitions, however, produced significant proactive interference on Trial n, and the magnitude of proactive interference was greater when the Trial n retention interval was 1 sec than when it was 0 sec. As the intertriai interval increased from 2 to 10 sec, the amount of interference dissipated. The results suggest that a prior delayed matching trial can serve as a significant source of forgetting but not a significant source of facilitation on an immediately following delayed matching trial.  相似文献   

Spence (1952) postulated that under some conditions, responding in simple discriminations is controlled by compounds or patterns consisting of the nominal discriminative cue, plus its spatial position. Stimulus control by such compounds was said to develop when no single cue or element was systematically reinforced more than any other. This analysis has been applied to good effect in understanding some peculiar accuracy results obtained from pigeons performing Simon discrimination tasks. This article describes how Spence's cue-position analysis provides a better account of pigeons' performance in this task than do nominal cue-only and configurational views of the functional discriminative stimuli. Adding a value transfer assumption improves the ability of the cue-position hypothesis to account for the accuracy data.  相似文献   

Four experiments assessed the role of reinforcement expectancies in the trial spacing effect obtained in delayed matching-to-sample by pigeons. In Experiment 1, a differential outcome (DO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 1.0 for correct comparison responses following one sample stimulus and a probability of 0.2 for correct comparison responses following the other sample stimulus. The nondifferential outcome (NDO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 0.6 for correct responses to either stimulus. While matching accuracy was higher for the DO group than for the NDO group, both groups showed an equivalent decline in accuracy as the intertriai interval (ITI) duration was decreased. However, within the DO group, ITI duration affected performance on low-probability-of-reinforcement trials but not on high-probability-of-reinforcement trials. In Experiment 2, delay interval (DI) duration was 5, 10, or 15 sec and accuracy was higher for the DO group than for the NDO group at all DI durations. In addition, accuracy decreased similarly on high- and low-probability-of-reinforcement trials for the DO group as DI was increased. In Experiment 3, all birds were studied under DO conditions and ITI duration was manipulated along with DI duration. At the short DI duration, decreasing ITI duration had a detrimental effect on low-probability-of-reinforcement trials but no effect on high-probability-of-reinforcement trials. At the long DI duration, decreasing ITI duration had detrimental effects on both types of trials. In Experiment 4, unsignaled ITI reinforcers disrupted accuracy when the DI was long and when the ITI was short. The applicability of scalar expectancy theory to these data is discussed.  相似文献   

When pigeons are trained on a discrete-trial simultaneous discrimination, some of the value associated with the positive stimulus appears to transfer to the negative stimulus (Zentall & Sherburne, 1994). Pigeons preferred a negative stimulus that had been discriminated from an always-positive stimulus (S+) over a negative stimulus that had been discriminated from a sometimes-positive stimulus (S±). A very different finding (suggestive of transitivity of preference or contrast) was reported by Belke (1992). On concurrent probe tests of stimuli associated with equal variable interval (VI) schedules but originally trained in alternative concurrent pairs (one with a richer schedule, the other with a poorer schedule—VI 20 sec vs. VI 40 sec and VI 40 sec vs. VI 80 sec), the stimulus originally paired with the poorer schedule was preferred. But Belke’s results may have been obtained because the pigeons had been trained to peck the VI 40 sec paired with the poorer schedule and they had been trained not to peck the VI 40 sec paired with the richer schedule. In the present experiment, we avoided this bias by training pigeons on two concurrent schedules in which the tested stimuli both had been associated with the poorer schedule of the pair [A(VI 20 sec) vs. B(VI 80 sec) and C(VI 40 sec) vs. D(VI 80 sec)]. Evidence for value transfer was demonstrated when on probe trials pigeons preferred B over D.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the acquisition and transfer of Pavlovian feature-positive discriminations (XA+, A?) in rat subjects. To identify the nature of the associations formed in those discriminations, the form of the conditioned responses (CRs) was examined. If the feature,X, and common element, A, cues started and ended together onXA compoud trials, associations betweenX and the food unconditioned stimulus (US) were acquired. If the onsets and/or terminations ofX preceded those of A,X acquired the ability to set the occasion for responding to A, that is, A evoked CRs only onXA compound trials. The acquisition of occasion setting was favored when (1) the onset of X preceded that of A, (2) the interval betweenX and A and/or the US was relatively long, and (3) the termination ofX occurred prior to the onset of A. The occasion-setting power ofX was fairly specific to A:X did not modulate responding evoked by another cue that had been first trained and then extinguished or by a cue that had been paired with the US only a few times. However,X did enhance responding to a cue that had been a common element in another, identical feature-positive discrimination. That transfer was somewhat greater if theX and A terminated together than ifX terminated prior to the onset of A. Implications for theories of stimulus control in Pavlovian conditioning are discussed.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained with one eye covered on each of two types of visual discriminations. They then were tested for interocular transfer with the previously covered eye. Transfer was shown by every pigeon trained on a simultaneous discrimination, while lack of transfer was shown by thesesame pigeons when trained on a spatial conditional (successive) discrimination. As opposed to the pigeon, animals with a larger proportion of ipsilateral (uncrossed) retinal fibers (e.g., cats) do show transfer of both discrimination problems. This difference in the decussation of the optic pathways may be a critical variable in interocular transfer in vertebrates. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate that interocular transfer in the pigeon depends upon the experimental paradigm.  相似文献   

Modes of responding in simultaneous and successive discrimination problems were investigated using a bidirectional transfer procedure. Rats receiving training on a simultaneous discrimination problem were transferred to successive discriminations. Rats trained on a successive problem were transferred to simultaneous problems. The transfer problems were either compatible or incompatible with the response mode present during training. The results suggest that a single response mode may underlie the solution of both simultaneous and successive discrimination problem.  相似文献   

《辞源》释“怨刺”辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《汉书·礼乐志》所言《诗经》"怨利之诗",此"刺"字非个语"讽刺"之意,当依《毛传》《瞻印》释为"责"。验证《诗经》"怨刺"一类诗.其内容绝没有嘲讽朝政之意,而只是黄其想咎,欧其改过,重振朝纲;检索先秦两汉文献中所允之"刺"字,皆没有含"嘲讽"意味的义项;考查"讽刺"一词的由来及其意义演变,个语"讽刺"之意是"刺"字的后起义项,大约始于唐宋间。  相似文献   

意象往往是诗人在诗歌创作中寻找的具有象征意味的形象 ;诗以曲为美 ,那么 ,意象就显得举足轻重。本文作者以自己的创作实践以意象为主题现身说法 ,意象之于诗歌的作用就一目了然  相似文献   

Three experiments with rat subjects examined the development of simultaneous and serial feature-positive discriminations in appetitive conditioning. In Experiment 1, reinforced presentations of a simultaneous light-tone compound were intermixed with nonreinforced presentations of either the light or the tone. The compound stimulus acquired conditioned behaviors of a form characteristic of the predictive feature alone; the element common to reinforced and nonreinforced trials did not evoke conditioned behavior. In Experiment 2, reinforced presentations of a serial light-trace-tone compound were intermixed with nonreinforced tone-alone presentations. The light feature stimulus acquired conditioned behaviors characteristic of visual CSs. The tone stimulus, common to reinforced and nonreinforced trials, evoked conditioned behaviors characteristic of auditory CSs, but only when preceded by the light. In Experiment 3, variations in the interval between the light and tone on reinforced trials had little effect on responding to the light CS but substantially altered the pattern of responding to the tone CS. These results suggested that simultaneous and serial feature-positive discriminations may be solved differently. Performance in simultaneous feature-positive discriminations may be determined solely by associations between the feature stimulus and the reinforcer, but performance in serial discriminations may also involve the acquisition of a conditional cue function to the feature.  相似文献   

The performances of adult and aged macaque monkeys were compared on several tasks requiring acquisition and retention of concurrent object discriminations. Cross-sectional and longitudinal comparisons between 11-year-old and over-20-year-old animals were conducted on the acquisition of several 16-problem concurrent tasks, and after 2 weeks, retention by the different age groups was also evaluated. Although the retention tests indicated no age-related impairment, acquisition tests showed that aged animals made reliably more errors-to-criterion than did adult animals. The relative contributions of intersession and intrasession improvement and preference phenomena were considered and contrasted to some previously reported age-specific outcomes. Although the present results affirmed the contention that old animals were selectively impaired on intersession task requirements, some earlier interpretations of preference effects were questioned. Old animals did not show a potentiation of specific object preferences; rather, they tended to be nonsystematic in maintaining their selection of initially preferred objects. Concurrent discrimination was indicated to be a behavioral measure that is, under appropriate circumstances, selectively sensitive to aging and may offer an appropriate comparative model of information-processing characteristics.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to delineate the minimal conditions for extinction of Pavlovian modulation in humans. Previous experiments at our lab showed that, after X ? A+/A?C acquisition training, X?C trials did not extinguish differential X ? A+/A?C responding, while X ? A?C trials did. Additionally, X ? A?C extinction training seemed only to extinguish differential X ? A+/A?C responding, while leaving differential responding on a concurrently trained Y ? B+/B?C discrimination intact. It thus seemed that the X ? A+/A?C discrimination can only be extinguished by X ? A?C extinction trials. (Rescorla, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 12, 16?C24, 1986), on the other hand, found that the minimal conditions for extinction were broader in pigeons: Namely, he found that an acquired X ? A+/A?C discrimination could be extinguished by presenting the original feature X in combination with a different target (B) that was minimally trained as an exciter. We thus wanted to examine whether this was also the case in humans. We found that nonreinforced X ? B?C presentations did not abolish discriminative X ? A/A responding when target B was a nonreinforced stimulus. Nonreinforced X ? B?C trials did extinguish the X ? A+/A?C discrimination when target B had previously been trained as a target for modulation (X ? B+/B?C or Y ? B+/B?C training) or as a reinforced exciter (B+). Our results thusf parallel and extend those in nonhuman animals (Rescorla, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 12, 16?C24, 1986).  相似文献   

The effects of the intertrial interval (ITI) on learning and performance in Pavlovian appetitive serial feature positive (SFP) discriminations were examined in three experiments with rats. With longer ITIs, acquisition was more rapid, and there was less transfer of the feature’s behavioral control to a separately trained target cue, suggesting that longer ITIs encouraged the use of an occasion setting strategy. Behavior was also affected by discrimination-specific ITIs. Rats were trained with two SFP discriminations. The overall ITI was held constant, but the intervals between trials of one discrimination were varied by intermixing different numbers of trials from the other discrimination. Learning was more rapid when the intervals between trials of a single discrimination were longer. A sequential analyses showed that performance on a trial was impaired when it was preceded by a trial that included the same target cue but with the opposite trial outcome. The results are discussed in the frameworks of proactive interference effects and deletion-comparator processes (Cooper, Aronson, Balsam, & Gibbon, 1990.)  相似文献   

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