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Terry and Wagner (1975) have suggested that short-term retention of information about an event is enhanced if the occurrence of the event is surprising. To investigate this idea, we trained two groups of pigeons in a preparatory-releaser procedure in which half the trials started with the presentation of food (the preparatory event). The preparatory food presensation was signaled by an 8-sec white keylight in the signaled, but not in the unsignaled, group. After a retention interval, varying between 2 and 32 sec, the releaser stimulus (CSR), a red keylight, was presented for 8 sec in the absence of any reinforcement. The remaining trials were initiated by the presentation of CSR, and the first peck occurring 8 sec after the onset of CSR was reinforced by food. The preparatory event controlled responding to CSR at the short retention interval, with the level of control declining systematically with increasing retention intervals. On probe test trials, the presentation of the preparatory food event was preceded by a stimulus that had previously been paired (CS+) or unpaired with food (CS?). Discriminative responding to CSr was better following CS? than following CS+ in the unsignaled, but not the signaled, group. These results suggest that the enhanced retention following surprising preparatory events reflects a generalization decrement induced by changing the signaling conditions between training and testing.  相似文献   

To begin an investigation of the cellular processes that underlie long-term memory in the nematodeCaenorhabditis elegans, it is first necessary to determine thatC. elegans is capable of retention over 24 h, and to investigate the factors that may influence the expression of long-term memory. In the present study, the effects of stimuli number, interstimulus interval (ISI), and training procedure on long-term retention of habituation were tested inC. elegans. At a long (60-sec) ISI, distributed training sessions produced long-term habituation retained for 24 h, whereas massed training sessions or training with few stimuli did not. When training was performed at a short (10-sec) ISI, long-term habituation was not detectable with testing at either a 10- or a 60-sec ISI. The long-term habituation observed after distributed training sessions at a 60-sec ISI was consistently expressed when the training procedures were varied. Thus it is clear thatC. elegans can reliably express long-term retention for distributed training sessions at a 60-sec ISI, making the system a candidate for further investigations into the cellular processes supporting memory.  相似文献   

The retention and extinction of a conditioned taste aversion after either short (6-day) or long (60-day) intervals was investigated in preweanling (18-day-old) and adult rats. Taste-only and illness-only control conditions were employed, as were variations in the concentration of the US (holding LiCl amount constant). Results indicated that after the short retention interval, retention of the taste aversion was equivalent for both ages. After the long interval, however, the 18-day-old rats exhibited significantly weaker taste aversion than their adult counterparts— infantile amnesia. Manipulation of US concentration had no effect on the magnitude of the taste aversions for either age or retention interval. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for infantile amnesia and general laws of learning.  相似文献   

Rats exposed for 60 sec to a flashing light stimulus following one-trial fear conditioning showed enhanced retention performance relative to controls not exposed to the flashing light. The results of a second experiment demonstrated a time-dependent gradient of the enhancement effect. In view of additional data indicating that the flashing light is not aversive, these results suggest that the presentation of an exteroceptive stimulus can influence memory processing.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a conditional discrimination in which responding was reinforced either in the presence or in the absence of a vertical line, depending on the color of the key and the chamber’s illumination. When subsequently tested for generalization along the line-orientation dimension, all subjects showed a decremental gradient when the Unes were combined with the color that had signaled reinforcement in the presence of the vertical line. In addition, most subjects showed an incremental gradient when the lines were combined with the color that had signaled no reinforcement in the presence of the vertical line.  相似文献   

The major finding in the present experiment was that line orientation controlled pigeons’ responding after training on a one-key symbolic matching-to-sample task. When the vertical line appeared as the sample, testing along the line dimension produced incremental and decremental generalization gradients, depending on the color of the comparison. Conversely, when the vertical line served as the comparison, incremental and decremental gradients also emerged, but here the type of gradient depended on the color of the sample. Thus, both the color of the sample (comparison) and line orientation exerted control of behavior.  相似文献   

Middle school students (n = 354) were tested for their understanding of the control of variables strategy (CVS) 2.5 years after participating in a study comparing three different interventions for teaching CVS. The key finding was that the pattern of effects observed in the 4th grade continued to be observed in the 6th grade. This was because (a) students who had mastered CVS in the 4th grade were likely to continue to perform at mastery levels in the 6th grade whereas (b) the learning of students who had not mastered CVS in 4th grade was independent of the teaching intervention they had received in the 4th-grade study. These findings demonstrate that a brief intervention of direct instruction in CVS can produce long-lasting learning of the principle of controlling variables.  相似文献   

管理小品就是指运用比喻,隐喻,比拟等手法将抽象的管理理论甚至管理技术以小品的形式生动,形象,具体地表现出来,以达到便于理解,记忆并消化,吸引理论知识和增强学生管理工作能力,适应能力的目的。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the long-term retention of basic mathematical techniques in a first-year calculus course, involving a sample group of engineering students at the University of Pretoria. The study investigates which and how much of the basic mathematical knowledge and rote skills acquired in the first year of study is retained after a further two years of study. A quantitative and qualitative investigations show that, in general, there is a significant decline in performance over a two-year period. There are, however, areas in which students still performed reasonably well after the elapsed period or even showed improvement. The research is of diagnostic value in that it assists course designers in determining what basic mathematical skills and knowledge are retained after a period of two years in their teaching approach to and emphasis of different topics.  相似文献   

Research has found that grades are the most valid instruments for predicting educational success. Why grades have better predictive validity than, for example, standardized tests is not yet fully understood. One possible explanation is that grades reflect not only subject-specific knowledge and skills but also individual differences in other aspects. The purpose was to investigate the relative importance of knowledge and skills and other aspects encapsulated in grades for the predictive validity of compulsory school grades for educational success in upper secondary school. Structural equation modelling was used. Participants were 9th-grade students from 3 birth cohorts, each comprising full populations of approximately 100,000 students. The results showed that the subject-specific factors and an additional common grade factor contributed to the predictive validity. Effects of gender and parents' education were found in the common grade factor, with girls and students with a lower educational background being advantaged.  相似文献   

企业人才测评师培训主要包含人力资源理论、人才测评理论、人才测评系统理论与人才测评系统应用四部分内容女。人力资源理论包含人力资源管理理论、企业组织理论、企业绩效考核体系理论、企业岗位与制度理论;人才测评理论包含心理学理论、人格测定与分析、职业能力分析、职业生涯规划;人才测评系统理论包含信息技术在人才测评过程中的发展与应用与协同与共协理论与测评系统应用分析:人才测评系统应用包含工商管理知识测试与分析、工商管理能力测试与分析与工商管理人才素质综合测试技术评价与分析。  相似文献   

Water-deprived rats served in seven conditioned lick suppression experiments designed to assess the effects on responding to a target CS of a series of unsignaled USs given in the training context following completion of CS training. Such treatment has been hypothesized to increase (inflate) the associative strength of the background cues from training (putatively, the CS’s comparator stimuli), thereby reducing responding to excitatory CSs and increasing the inhibitory potential of inhibitory CSs. Although posttraining extinction (deflation) of the CS’s comparator stimuli usually decreases inhibitory potential and increases excitatory potential of the target CS, posttraining inflation of the comparator stimuli had no effect on either excitatory responding to the target CS or summation test performance indicative of conditioned inhibition. This outcome was consistently obtained across a number of training, inflation, and test conditions selected to maximize sensitivity to any possible effects of comparator inflation. Implications of these null results for the comparator hypothesis of conditionedresponse generationare discussed.  相似文献   

通化市位于吉林省南部,地理环境优越,四季温差明显,冰期时间长,适合滑冰项目的开展,在上个世纪八十年代为吉林省短道速滑队输送大批优秀运动员,并且创造了辉煌的成绩。我们以备战冬奥会为契机对通化市短道速滑后备人才的储备以及运动员的培养进行调查,在调查过程中我们采用,文献资料法,专家访谈法,问卷调查法,数理统计等方法,对通化市大学中学以及小学进行调查,分析通化市现有从事短道速滑运动员的生活学习以及训练状况,为备战2022年北京冬奥会提供人才提供现实的依据。  相似文献   

由于青少年的运动生理特点不宜采用大负荷大强度的运动训练来发展力量素质与速度耐力素质.因此,就影响青少年短距离游泳运动水平提高这一问题进行分析和探讨.  相似文献   

McSweeney and her colleagues (e.g., McSweeney, Hatfield, & Allen, 1990) have demonstrated reliable, large magnitude rate changes in maintained operants within daily sessions under a wide variety of reinforcement schedules. The present paper examined the role of schedule of reinforcement, reinforcement rate, and total amount of food access in determining those within-session rate changes. When median rates across birds were considered, all procedures resulted in a brief period of an increasing rate, followed by a modest rate loss across the major portion of the session. However, not all individuals exhibited that pattern. When the amount of food access per session was limited by lower reinforcement rates, shorter sessions, or shorter reinforcement durations, the magnitude of the withinsession rate change was reduced from that occurring without those constraints. Additionally, under the conditions that produced strong within-session rate changes, the magnitude of the within-session rate loss was correlated with the bird’s body weight. These effects are consistent with what is typically labeledsatiation.  相似文献   

Four groups of rats were given six acquisition trials under continuous reward, continuous delay of reward, partial reward, or partial delay of reward, following which all Ss received continuous delay. It was found that the partial reward and the partial delay of reward groups were significantly more persistent during the shift phase than the continuous reward group. No differences were found over trials between either the two partial groups or between each one and the continuous delay group.  相似文献   

Three conditioned lick suppression experiments with rats were performed to assess the influence, following compound training of two stimuli (A and X) with the same outcome (AX-O trials), of extending training of the blocking association (i.e., A-O) on responding to the target stimulus (X) at test. In Experiment 1, backward blocking was attenuated when the blocking association was extensively trained. Experiment 2 showed that forward blocking was also attenuated by extensive further training of the blocking association following the AX-O trials. Experiment 3 contrasted candidate explanations of the results of Experiments 1 and 2 and demonstrated that these results are consistent with the framework of the extended comparator hypothesis (Denniston, Savastano, & Miller, 2001).  相似文献   

24名初二男生随机分成力量训练组和对照组,经12周低强度力量训练后的超声心动图的每搏量(SV),每分输出量(CO)、心指数(COI)、射血分数(EF%)在负荷状态下与12周前有明显增加,且有统计学意义(P<0.01),同时在同级负荷时与对照组有统计学意义的差异(P<0.05)而左室后壁厚度(PWT)、室间膈未见明显变化。表明短期力量训练可提高少年左室收缩功能,而低强度力和量训练不引起心室壁增厚,提示心肌肥大对训练刺激具有强度依赖性。  相似文献   

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