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The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is, quite possibly, the most comprehensive and systemic education reform act passed by Congress in the last 40 years. Given only 17 states ever fully complied with NCLB's predecessor, the 1994 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, it is only proper that legislators, policymakers, and researchers are now asking how we, as a nation, are doing implementing the law this time around? The Education Commission of the States (ECS) attempts, in the following article, to answer the question. The article covers information ECS has harvested and some of the insights ECS has gained since first examining state policy enactments related to NCLB. It provides information on the structure of the database, the methodology used to gather and verify the information, major findings of the tracking and reporting activity, specific gains made by category, key issues that merit immediate attention, and finally specific actions for consideration should federal officials and state policymakers be inclined to make changes to the law.  相似文献   


The implications of the transdisciplinary spatial turn are attracting growing interest in a broad range of areas related to education. This paper draws on a methodology for interdisciplinary thinking in order to articulate a new theoretical configuration of place-related identity, and its implications for a research agenda. The new configuration is created through an analysis of place-related identities in narrative theory, texts and literacy processes. The emerging research agenda focuses on the ways children perceive and represent their place-related identities through reading and writing as inspired by and manifested in texts.  相似文献   

在中国现代文学史上,《子夜》是一部在国内外产生过巨大影响的优秀作品,是一部大规模地展示三十年代中国社会全景的长篇小说。它的出现,是党领导下的三十年代左翼文艺运动的丰硕成果,也是新文学运动在第二个十年里的重大收获。它不仅标志着茅盾在思想和创作上的重大转折,也标志着中国现代长篇小说的创作在三十年代基本成熟,并由此将中国现代长篇小说的创作推向了一个崭新的高度。《子夜》初版于一九三  相似文献   

This paper addresses the broad question of whether or not the UK SEN system works from the perspective of the parent and the child, at the moment when a need first becomes apparent. The sparse literature on this topic suggests parental experiences may differ substantially, but there is growing evidence from small‐scale studies that parents are unhappy with the situation and children’s needs are not being met. The findings of a longitudinal participant observation study are presented. It is argued that current conceptualisations of the SEN system are located exclusively or primarily within the educational domain and fail to take into account the full complexity of the system. To access support via the SEN system, a child and his/her parents have to interact within three distinct domains: educational, legal and medical, and in each of which the child occupies a qualitatively different space as “pupil”, “case” and “patient”. There is scope for errors and failings to occur within each domain, at multiple levels, and in the interstices between domains. Furthermore, at all levels, the system has both formal and informal dimensions. We argue that this alternative “whole systems” perspective on the SEN system transcends current conceptualisations and that existing “solutions” proposed to improve the SEN system will not work unless they take into account these complex dynamics.  相似文献   

我每天看书乏了,就总在枸杞树底下徘徊.在细弱的枝条上,蜘蛛结着网,间或有一片树叶儿或苍蝇影子之流的尸体粘在上面.在有太阳或灯火照上去的时候,这小小的网也会反射出细弱的清光来.  相似文献   

William Horsley (1775–1858) was active in London from the late 1790s. A founder member of the Philharmonic Society, Horsley was at the heart of the musical establishment, working as a composer, organist, commentator and teacher. His teaching career spanned over 50 years, during which time he took private pupils, trained choristers and organists and taught at many boarding‐schools for young ladies. In 1809 Miss Ann Black took up residence at 37 Kensington Square, where she opened a boarding‐school and engaged Horsley as music master in 1828. Her school prospectus and surviving correspondence offer an insight into the difficulty of sustaining a viable school business in a competitive market. Horsley’s papers shed light on the business dealings between masters and school proprietors, both depending on income from pupils to sustain them. Through his correspondence and published work we learn more of Horsley’s teaching method and of his working relationships with his pupils.  相似文献   

全省教育系统开展系列活动庆祝中国共产党成立100周年关注度:百年征程波澜壮阔,百年大党风华正茂。为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,甘肃省教育系统按照省委安排,牢牢把握党的盛典、人民的节日主基调,紧紧围绕爱党爱国爱社会主义主题,突出政治性,把握时代性,体现群众性。通过举办座谈会、举办文艺演出、开展党史学习教育、召开理论研讨会等,系统回顾中国共产党团结带领中国人民不懈奋斗的光辉历程,全面展现在党的领导下甘肃教育事业发展的成就,展望党和人民教育事业发展的光明前景,营造团结奋进、开创新局的浓厚社会氛围。  相似文献   


This article pursues the question of what the significance was of the discursive construction of heroism for the National Socialist indoctrination of children in the context of communication processes at school. In particular, it is about ideological-educational intentions pursued in the context of teaching early readers as well as about topical foci and ways of communication. This is analysed by the example of reading primers. Based on the category-guided qualitative topical analysis of a representative body of 113 reading primers, the presentation of heroes as well as the constructs of heroic behaviour is worked out.  相似文献   

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