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什么是"学会生存"?——对Learning to be的补充说明   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
一直以来,在中国(大陆)把联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)1972年出版的"富尔报告"Learning to be译为"学会生存".这一译法有其时代背景,虽沿用了30年,但它是与Learning to be的原义偏离的,而且也使得在传播UNESCO的教育思想时发生了种种误会.本文考察了这一译法的来源、成因,通过对UNESCO相关文献的分析,全面地澄清Learning to be译法的问题,建议将其译为"学会成人".同时,也较为完整地梳理了当前与UNESCO有关的诸多教育术语的中文译法的问题.  相似文献   

2009年1月12~13日,50多名来自国际组织、UNESCO机构及其成员国的TVET专家,以及TVET领域的独立研究学者,参加了在波恩召开的"国际TVET专家咨询会议".会议的主要目的是为UNESCO制定TVET战略提供信息支持,这一战略开发进程始于2008年.与会者讨论了TVET在UNESCO任务中的重要性,LINESCO在TVET发展中的优势,及UNESCO对于成员国关于TVET政策制定和资源提供的巨大影响力.是挪威教育与研究部法斯德·哈夫丹先生在会上的主题发言.  相似文献   

UNESCO哈马德国王奖颁奖仪式在巴黎召开2009年1月14日,UNESCO在巴黎总部举办了"UNESCO哈马德国王奖"的颁奖仪式,UNESCO总干事松蒲晃一郎和巴林王国教育部部长、巴林王国的UNESCO国家  相似文献   

2000年<达喀尔行动纲领>公布后.白2002年开始,UNESCO每年都出版一期<全民教育全球监督报告>,作为高层会议的基础,在一些双边组织的资助下,报告由UNESCO总部的一个独立小组完成.  相似文献   

作为世界教育发展的思想领袖,联合国教育科学文化组织(UNESCO)在六十多年的发展历程中,先后经历了"硝烟中的未来"、"探索中的成长"、"曲折中的前行"和"变革中的新生"这四个大的发展阶段.从充满理想和热情,到面对现实和困惑,再到鼓起勇气与信念,UNESXO本身也在不断学习如何成长.在未来的发展道路上,UNESCO还面临着各种各样的挑战,如何把握该组织特有的优势,积极与其他国际组织合作,在国际事务的舞台上发挥自身独有的力量,这些都是UNESCO要实现"破茧成蝶"所必须思考和解决的问题.  相似文献   

我作为联合国教科文组织清华大学继续工程教育教席的主任感到十分荣幸,也深感责任重大.以往清华大学继续教育学院在UNESCO的资助和支持下举办过一些国际合作培训班,取得了良好的效果.现在成立继续工程教育教席,使我们能够在UNESCO的指导和支持下,有组织、有计划地开展工作.UNESCO强调在大学与工业企业之间交流知识和经验,要求教席通过结对、网络和其它联系方式成为一个交流和传播知识的推进器.通过发展和履行对工程师和经理人员的培训计划,组织国际、区域、国家的研讨班,推进大学与企业之间的技术转让和合作,促进中国的继续工程教育发展,并使其他发展中国家受益.  相似文献   

公元2009年夏,法国巴黎. 美丽的塞纳河畔,一场精彩纷呈的全球高等教育的盛会将伴随涌来的塞纳河在这儿停留.回想起10年前,即1998年召开的第一次世界高等教育大会,转眼间已经过去10年了.10年后的今天,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)于2009年7月5-8日在UNESCO总部的巴黎再一次举办世界高等教育大会.  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)成立初期,为解决世界各国普遍面临的文盲泛滥的问题,提出了一个重要的教育理念——"基本教育"。本研究借助于福柯的"话语实践"理论,运用N-Vivo8.0对UNESCO的"基本教育"大会决议文本进行处理,发现"基本教育"具有强烈的、浪漫的自由主义色彩。这使得"基本教育"在面临现实的挑战时,不得不逐步退出了历史舞台,但它在UNESCO播撒下了理想的种子,奠定了UNESCO整个教育思想体系的基调。  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)在引导全球各地教育发展、支持各地教育体系应对当代挑战方面起到引领与示范作用。2022年11月,《技术在教育中的创新应用:UNESCO教育信息化奖获奖项目》出版。该奖为促进世界各地教育数字化发展提供借鉴。文章以UNESCO教育信息化奖为研究对象,阐释其关注重点及实践成效。研究发现,全球各地积极响应UNESCO教育信息化行动,多元主体在教育数字化行动中提供了技术和内容方面的解决方案,更广泛的学习者在此过程中受益。但全球教育数字化行动在教师、技术、学生、语言和资源本地化方面仍面临挑战。UNESCO教育信息化行动和实践可为我国大力推进教育数字化战略行动提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

保障人的基本受教育权利,促进教育公平是UNESCO多年来一贯的追求。本研究借助福柯的话语实践理论,运用N-Vivo 8.0对UNESCO的全民教育政策文本进行处理,发现全民教育一方面延续了UNESCO追求教育公平的努力,另一方面又具有更为强烈的革命气质。这种革命气质促使全民教育与终身教育在信息时代不断走向融合。  相似文献   

"多语世界中的教育"是联合国教科文组织在语言和教育问题上重要的立场文件和国际规约,表达了成员国在这一领域的共同观点,该文件自2003年正式颁布以来成为各成员国在语言和教育领域制定相关政策的重要依据。这份立场文件涉及语言和教育的关键问题,提供了必要的指导纲要和原则,试图厘清语言与教育有关的政策,并就多语世界中的教育提出了三项基础性原则:(1)作为提高教育质量,帮助学习者和教师建立知识和经验的手段和方法,联合国教科文组织支持母语教学;(2)作为促进社会和性别平等的手段,作为语言多样化的关键部分,联合国教科文组织支持双语和多语教育;(3)作为跨文化教育的基本部分,联合国教科文组织支持语言教育,鼓励不同人口之间的理解,保证对基本权利的尊重。  相似文献   

After a brief evocation of the world crisis that higher education is facing, the author proposes several remedies based on international academic co‐operation. One of these is the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme of which he was the first administrator after its inauguration in 1991. While often viewed as a form of North‐South co‐operation, many UNESCO Chairs have also been set up in eastern and central Europe, several of which are described. Funding for UNESCO Chairs comes from a diversity of sources, UNESCO serving as the catalyst and sometimes as the middleman. UNESCO will sometimes also provide seed money. The Programme has proven to be an excellent, cost‐effective form of academic solidarity. Several suggestions for the improvement and expansion of the Programme are given.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This paper examines the compliance of universities in the European Union with the UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher–Education Teaching Personnel, which deals primarily with protection for academic freedom. The paper briefly surveys the European genesis of the modern research university and academic freedom, before evaluating compliance with the UNESCO recommendation on institutional autonomy, academic freedom, university governance and tenure. Following from this, the paper examines the reasons for the generally low level of compliance with the UNESCO Recommendation within the EU states, and considers how such compliance could be improved .  相似文献   

The various academic recognition instruments in use in Europe are presented and described. These include the oldest ones, the Council of Europe Conventions and then the so‐called Prague Convention, the two UNESCO Conventions concerning Europe, particularly the UNESCO European Convention, and most recently, the General Directives of the European Union for recognition with regard to regulated professions. Because Europe has undergone major political and social changes since the first of these conventions was signed, and higher education itself has undergone great diversification, the time has come to seriously consider the establishment of a joint Council of Europe‐UNESCO Convention. Whereas the Council of Europe Conventions con‐centrated on outcomes and the UNESCO European Convention focussed on recognition processes within the framework of a divided Europe, a combined Convention should be oriented toward acceptance for given purposes. It should include the establishment of a code of conduct and involve the participation of subject‐oriented networks and a system of intermediate classification. It should also rely on a combined system of information networks.  相似文献   

Until now, UNESCO Clubs have existed mainly in the secondary schools, but in the future they could also play a significant role in strengthening international cooperation and understanding at university level. These Clubs could be of interest to universities of the European Region in the light of the proposals made by the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation. We give below information on this subject prepared by the Public Liaison Division of the UNESCO Office of Public Information.  相似文献   

概述了联合国教科文组织对教育质量概念的认识过程、以及定义、监测和评估的现状和框架;总结了来自四个优质教育国家提高教育质量可资借鉴的经验;并对联合国教科文组织第47届国际教育大会关于提高教育质量本世纪初面临的挑战与优先行动目标予以介绍。期望以教科文组织的视角,从世界范围内对我们提高教育质量问题的认识有所启发。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the World Bank and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) between the 1960s and the 1980s. It focuses on the Co-operative Program (CP) between the two organizations, which was established in 1964 and lasted officially until 1989. In the context of the Co-operative Program, the Education Financing Division (EFD) was established, a joint unit located in UNESCO, with the purpose of carrying out technical missions to assist governments in the identification and preparation of educational projects and the formulation of funding requests to the World Bank. Drawing on archival research and interviews with former UNESCO and World Bank officials, the paper traces the history of the Co-operative Program, which was characterized by intense power struggles exacerbated by Cold War tensions. During the 25 years of the duration of the Co-operative Program, the World Bank developed into the most influential policy shaper for education in developing countries, while the influence of UNESCO, created in the post-World War II order as the United Nations’ designated organization for education, declined. Using Bourdieu’s concept of fields and DiMaggio and Powell’s concept of isomorphism as analytical lenses, the World Bank’s expansion to a development agency will be explained by its greater autonomy as a field, endowed with more capital based on the rationalization of education and isomorphic processes of professionalization of the “field of power” of educational planning. To the detriment of UNESCO, the World Bank became the powerhouse of a global governance structure that was built with support from the United States government and furthered by the rise of economics.  相似文献   

半个世纪以来,联合国教科文组织发布了一系列重要的、里程碑式的教育文件。从学会生存、学习的四个支柱到共同利益、社会契约等理念的提出,既呈现了联合国教科文组织作为全球教育领导者的全球性思维和全球视野,也体现了其一贯坚持的人文主义传统,并在传承中创新。面对全纳教育危机、学习的贫穷、学习的非认知能力培养以及新冠肺炎疫情加剧的教育危机等,联合国教科文组织在2021年11月发布的《共同重新构想我们的未来:一种新的教育社会契约》报告中提出,要为教育构建一份新的社会契约,通过契约精神维护与践行"教育是一项共同利益"。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes UNESCO as an institutional carrier of civics education information throughout the world. The first section of the paper presents a brief history of civics education in UNESCO, illustrating the central role of UNESCO in civics education development. The second section presents findings from a cross-national analysis of UNESCO's effect on civics education material from 1955 to 1995 in 42 countries. Findings from this analysis indicate that UNESCO significantly influenced the extent to which these countries emphasize global civics content in their educational material. Results also suggest that wealthier countries in the analysis are more likely to emphasize civics content that is global in orientation. In addition, it appears that among these wealthier countries, Western European countries are less likely to emphasize global civics content.  相似文献   

Beginning with general considerations about the vocation and role of UNESCO with regard to the promotion of higher education, the article zeroes in on the specific activities of CEPES, the UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education in Bucharest, Romania. Some of these activities, which are presented in detail, involve the massive introduction of new information technologies and electronic communication links into the universities and the higher education systems of the region, particularly in eastern Europe. These will contribute greatly to the internationalization of education, one of the goals of UNESCO.  相似文献   

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