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本文梳理了语文教育家洪宗礼先生写作教育的思想框架。分析指出,洪宗礼写作教育的内核是"立人",他主张从探索写作教学的基本序列入手,从阅读教学中寻求支撑,紧紧抓住"引写"这一关键,始终立足教"活"写"活"的理想境界,实现写作教学的根本价值追求。  相似文献   

近来,品读洪宗礼先生的“引写十法”和“三阶十六步”等论述,很受震动,深感洪氏“引写”之法对中学写作教学具有归真返本、务实提效的实践导引价值。要深入感受这一点,我们首先要了解洪氏“引写”的基本特征。  相似文献   

2009年第1期的《人民教育》发表了施久铭的《为什么是洪宗礼?》一文。文章指出,乐意生活在一个纯粹的精神世界里是从事教育的基本品格。著名中学语文教师洪宗礼无论是前20年从事教育实践,还是后30年致力于语文教材编写与中外母语课程教材比较研究,50年的教育生涯,从教学实践到理论研究的跨越,洪宗礼始终在语文教育的世界里乐而往返。能否成为一个“有底气”的教师,  相似文献   

去年年初,凤凰出版传媒集团在北京举办《母语教材研究》出版座谈会。不久前,又在江苏省泰州中学召开"洪宗礼语文教育思想研讨会"。洪宗礼老师从教近半个世纪,在教育教学、教材编写和教育科研三大领域都成就斐然,对教育事业、出版事业奉献甚丰。教育工作者和出版工作者都可以从洪老师的成果和实践中受到深刻的教益,从多方面得到借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

“洪氏语文”是对洪宗礼先生语文教育思想、教学实践与研究、教材建设与研究、母语教育研究以及他的高尚品格、教育情怀的合称.其精神内核是“归真”二字,体现在洪先生语文教育思想的渊源、洪先生一辈子的理念坚守以及“洪氏语文”给予我们的重要启迪等几个方面.洪宗礼先生和他的“洪氏语文”是一笔智慧高卓、活力无限、价值重大的财富,更是一种能够促进语文教育事业健康发展的宝贵资源,必将历久弥新,泽被后人.  相似文献   

洪宗礼老师是我尊敬的老师。1972年至1976年在泰州中学学习时,我就知道洪老师是一位才华横溢、作风严谨、妙趣横生的老师。后来,不断看到他关于教育教学改革的文章,听到他编写教材成功的故事;特别是近十年来,他在语文教学、教材研究方面取得巨大的成就,产生广泛影响,蔚成大家风范,更使我敬意倍增。现在,洪老师的教学经验、研究成果、心路历程汇聚在《洪宗礼文集》之中,有了深入学习、了解洪宗礼语文教育思想的宝贵资料。  相似文献   

当代语文教育专家、著名特级教师洪宗礼提出的语文教育“链”思想,为语文教育研究开辟了新的道路.其中思维训练在这一思想中占有重要地位.该文从敏锐洞察、精设语境、循序渐进、思维留白四个方面出发,以洪先生语文教学中的精彩教学镜头为基底,简单剖析洪老师在课堂教学中对学生进行思维训练的精妙和独到之处.  相似文献   

<正>洪宗礼是跨时代的教育标志。他诞生于那个离我们并不遥远的锐意探索的时代,但他更属于走向未来指引我们前行的开拓创新的时代。洪宗礼卓越的思想、丰硕的成果、巨大的影响和显著的价值都足以让我们对教育应有的时代担当而萌生期待。从观念的树立上来说,今天,我们需要向洪宗礼学习什么?面对这一个具有时代意义的命题,我想起了2008年10月20日在江苏省泰州中学召开的洪宗礼语文教育思想研讨会后的电视访谈,我说:"洪宗礼老师是中  相似文献   

送别金秋,冬意初至。11月13—14日,教育部基础教育课程发展中心、江苏省教育学会、凤凰出版传媒集团共同主办的“洪氏教材30年暨洪宗礼语文教育思想研讨会”在江苏省泰州中学召开。江苏省泰州中学原副校长洪宗礼先生是我国当代语文教育家,著名特级教师,全国普教界首批享受国务院特殊津贴的专家;他是国家基础教育课程教材专家工作委员会委员,全国中学语文教学研究会学术委员会副主任、“江苏省人民教育家培养工程”导师,江苏母语课程教材研究所所长,南京师范大学硕士生导师、兼职教授,并被评为“新中国成立60年课堂教学的开拓者”“新中国成立60年江苏教育最有影响人物”。  相似文献   

《洪氏语文》由高等教育出版社出版了。《洪氏语文》的编辑出版,一方面反映出当前洪宗礼研究的最新成果,对洪宗礼教育思想、教育建树、人格精神进行了更为全面而深入的阐释和探究;另一方面为教育研究者,特别是广大语文教师学习和研究洪宗礼提供了一条便捷、可靠的途径。  相似文献   

高中作文教学虽说又出现了一些新问题,但大多数还是一些久研不决的老问题。陶行知的生活教育理论仍是破解当前高中语文教学难题的最佳选择,在教学中,我们可以引导学生进行生活化作文,启发学生生活化作文的意识,优化生活化作文训练的内容和形式。当然,教师也要深化生活化作文教学研究.进一步推进高中作文教学改革。  相似文献   

Technical writing instruction often operates in isolation from other components of students' communication education, partly as a consequence of assessment practices that lead to a narrow perspective. We argue for altering this isolation by moving writing instruction into a position of increased programmatic perspective, which may be attained through a means of assessment based on educational outcomes. Two models of technical writing instruction, centralized and diffused, are discussed, and we show how outcomes-based assessment provides for the change in perspective we seek.  相似文献   

Technical writing instruction often operates in isolation from other components of students' communication education, partly as a consequence of assessment practices that lead to a narrow perspective. We argue for altering this isolation by moving writing instruction into a position of increased programmatic perspective, which may be attained through a means of assessment based on educational outcomes. Two models of technical writing instruction, centralized and diffused, are discussed, and we show how outcomes-based assessment provides for the change in perspective we seek.  相似文献   


The self-regulated strategy development approach to instruction was used to help 3 middle school students who had learning problems, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and specific language impairment, learn a strategy for planning and writing expository essays. The composition strategy helped students to consider their topic in advance and to use text structure knowledge to develop 5-paragraph essays. Regular education teachers provided instruction to the target students in inclusive classrooms; special education teachers facilitated the writing program. A multiple-probe design across students (R. D. Horner & D. M. Baer, 1978) was used to assess the effects of the strategy. Instruction had a positive effect on the students' approach to writing and overall writing performance. Four weeks following instruction, students' papers remained improved and were still longer and more complete.  相似文献   

Given the Cartesian influence in mainstream American education, writing instruction has come to reflect a dualistic worldview, with the writer understood as an autonomous observer/knower. As such, writing instructors have the potential to convey problematic lessons about the self as entirely separate from the world. This essay delineates a corrective to the Cartesian mindset in mainstream writing instruction: Yagelski’s ontological theory of writing as a way of being-in-the-world. In the spirit of connectedness Yagelski espouses, I consider the ways in which Yagelski’s ontological theory of writing might work in tandem with Rosenblatt’s transactional theory of reading. Together, Yagelski and Rosenblatt allow English educators to reimagine reading and writing as activities with the ethical potential to repair the rifts of a dualistic worldview, and ultimately to reimagine English education as a field that breaks the Cartesian frame.  相似文献   

Links between teachers' pedagogical beliefs and teaching practices were investigated with respect to process writing instruction. Participants included 5 teachers, 44 general education students, and 23 special education students in 2 elementary multi-age inclusion classrooms. Findings suggested that, although the teachers shared similar views on inclusion and were convinced of the uniqueness of their respective instructional approaches, they nuanced their writing instruction to conform to their implicit theories about teaching, learning, and disability. One set of teachers believed that the writing "breakdowns" of students with disabilities required a structural approach-sequenced, individualized, phonics-based instruction targeting individual performance levels. Another set of teachers advocated a relational approach, wherein students with disabilities are "protected" and "empowered" in learning communities characterized by shared activities, student choice, and interpersonal communication.  相似文献   

Recent literature on the use of exemplars in the context of higher education has shown that exemplar-based instruction is implemented in various disciplines; nevertheless, how exemplar-based instruction can be implemented in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) writing classrooms in higher education institutions remains under-explored. In this connection, this article reports on a textbook development project which adopts an exemplar-based instruction approach to be used by university English instructors to prepare students for IELTS writing (academic module). The goal of the textbook is to cultivate students’ understanding of the assessment standards of the two IELTS writing tasks through the design and use of exemplar-based dialogic and reflective activities. In this article, theoretical underpinnings of the use of exemplars, namely tacit knowledge, assessment as learning and dialogic feedback, will first be discussed in detail. Then, an overview of an ongoing project which aims to develop an exemplar-based IELTS writing textbook will be given. The last section of this article suggests practical strategies for ESL writing teachers who are interested in using exemplars to develop students’ understanding of assessment standards.  相似文献   


The process approach to writing instruction is one of the most popular methods for teaching writing. The authors conducted meta-analysis of 29 experimental and quasi-experimental studies conducted with students in Grades 1–12 to examine if process writing instruction improves the quality of students’ writing and motivation to write. For students in general education classes, process writing instruction resulted in a statistically significant, but relatively modest improvement in the overall quality of writing (average weighted effect size [ES] = 0.34). Variation in ES was not related to grade, reliability of the writing quality measure, professional development, genre assessed, or quality of study. The process writing approach neither resulted in a statistically significant improvement in students’ motivation nor enhanced the quality of struggling writers’ compositions.  相似文献   

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