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当我再次谴责大胡子没有中国男人的温柔细心后,他终于忍不住把我从客厅扔进卧室,然后无情地把门反锁上并恶狠狠地威胁,要是我失去了中国女人的贤良淑德,他就让我活活饿死在房间里。听了这么恶毒的威胁后,我除了四处寻求逃生之法外别无它法。这已经不是一两次了,每次看到“Larger than life”(大胡子的口头禅)的足球赛,一场抢夺电视的战争就不可避免地爆发。我相信,大多数女人都有和我一样的经历,和足球吃醋!何况,大胡子还是个标准的英国球迷。  相似文献   

体谅 买了西瓜回家,我气喘吁吁地抱着瓜,老尹轻轻松松走在旁边. 我说:"你看人家都看着我们,一个女人抱着那么重的东西,一个男人却空手走在旁边,多难看!"  相似文献   

我曾经看过一个报道:有百分之四十六的上海男人,希望娶一个有钱的女人,更有百分之七十三的上海男人,愿意做家庭主夫.这是针对适婚年龄的男性上班族所做的调查.  相似文献   

http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1234163311我曾经看过一个报道:有46%的上海男人,希望娶个有钱的女人,更有73%的上海男人,愿意做家庭主夫。这是针对适婚年龄的男性上班族所做的调查。  相似文献   

想一想:侧脸还是正脸? 毕加索的这张名画《梦》(局部)中,一个女人正在熟睡之中,然而,她朝着我们的面孔,让人很难分辨究竟是一张正脸,还是一张侧脸。为什么这张画会给人一种既是侧脸又是正脸的错觉呢?  相似文献   

蒋光宇 《下一代》2013,(9):14-14
李玉刚是著名的青年表演艺术家、中国歌剧舞剧院国家一级演员、全国青联委员。他在舞台上游刃有余地穿梭于男人和女人之间,将中国民族艺术、传统戏曲、歌剧辅以时尚的包装,被海外媒体誉为"国宝级艺术家"。2006年,他获央视《星光大道》年度季军。2007年,他在北京的《凡花无界》演唱会反响空前。2009年,他在悉尼歌剧院的《盛世霓裳》演唱会举世瞩目,并获得悉尼市政府颁发的"南十字星"文化金奖。2010年,他的《镜花水月》演唱会在全球巡演,盛况空前。2012年,他在中央电  相似文献   

有的书,往往越写越厚,越读越薄。《上海堡垒》就是这么一本书。科幻式的战争灾难降临,主人公阴错阳差地陷于硝烟弥漫的纷乱纠葛之中。整个地球都面临着威胁,人类的明天只是谁也看不分明的蒙一片。如此庞大的主题  相似文献   

从摇摇晃晃的独立行走开始,孩子动作技能与活动能力的发展便进入了一个快速发展期。年轻的爸爸妈妈们要让孩子多活动,多玩耍,多锻炼,这是让宝宝获得身体健康、动作敏捷的一条重要途径。希望宝宝能通过游戏——  相似文献   

记忆中,小时候的我们常常昂首挺胸地说"如果我是大人的话,我就会……"。而现在,这句熟悉得不能再熟悉的话却一下子躲到了身后,成为了永恒的过去。时间推搡着青春向前踯躅而行,然而我却感觉越长大越迷茫。尼来说,我们改变得太快,以  相似文献   

12月了,这个时候,北方的雪应该下得很大了,而南方虽然还没有下雪,可也总是湿漉漉的,很讨人厌。小童最不喜欢这种湿漉漉的天气,不方便出去,待在家里也没什么意思。不过,小童有办法摆脱这种烦恼,比如静下心来认真读书、练练字等。  相似文献   

This study explores the development of professional identity as a teacher of nature of science (NOS). Our research question was ‘How can a teacher develop a professional identity as an elementary teacher of NOS?' Through a researcher log, videotaped lessons, and collection of student work, we were able to track efforts in teaching NOS as part of regular classroom practice. A team of four researchers interpreted the data through the Beijaard et al. professional identity framework and found that it was not as simple and straightforward to teach NOS as we predicted. Development of professional identity as a teacher of NOS was influenced by contextual factors such as students, administration, and time, as well as personal struggles that were fraught with emotion. Development took place through an interpretation and reinterpretation of self through external factors and others' perceptions, as well as the influence of sub-identities.  相似文献   

新时期高校图书馆对学生读者的导向作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以新时期高校图书馆作为研究平台,以学生读者作为研究对象,以工作实践和较普遍的现象作为研究内容,以导向措施作为切入点,论述了现代图书馆“以人为本”“服务至上”的图书馆工作理念,探索了图书馆和学生读者互动发展的思路。  相似文献   

作为方法的教育学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教育学作为一门学科蕴含三层旨趣,即作为课程的教育学、作为理论的教育学与作为方法的教育学。目前作为课程的教育学已基本成熟,作为理论的教育学也处在发展中,但作为方法的教育学才刚刚萌芽。教育学只有在“课程”与“理论”之外,在学科方法以及方法论的基础上发展出独特的学科视界与理解方式,才能称之为完备的学术性学科。文章认为,成熟的教育学不仅意味着一门课程、一种理论,而且代表着一种方法、一种思维方式。  相似文献   

《孟子》中的“其”字总共出现571次,其中,用作代词的频率最高,为534次。用作语气词为32次。用作连词为5次。其中用作代词的情况最为复杂,包括用作人称代词、用作指示代词、用作兼语、用作作为造句成分的主谓结构的主语、用在数词前,表示“其中之……”或用在表示顺序的词前,表示顺序.“其”用作语气词,我们可以将它分为“语气副词”和“语气助词”。“其”字用作连词,有时表示假设关系,有时表示选择关系。  相似文献   

The article contributes to the theory of action research by focusing upon kinds of action an individual may undertake in relation to their research endeavour. The article explores action as illusion, as occurring at different speeds according to context, as ‘cure’, as repair to maintain a system, as system improvement, as border skirmishes, as deconstruction and as stealth action. Each of these kinds of action has implications for the action researcher seeking to bring about change. The article explores the ways in which the action researcher can challenge the status quo and bring about creative, educative, democratic frameworks for living in society.  相似文献   

李渔把“以心为乐”作为他养生的美学观,这既是李渔人生观的一种表现,又是他修心养性的方法。“以心为乐”的养生美学观中,包含着中国文化中许多传统的哲学思想,李渔既延承着前人的思想,又融会贯通,将自己的生活经验掺和其中,因此形成了他独特的养生方法。  相似文献   

This article explores primary school teachers' conceptions of caring within teaching and discusses the relevance of an ethic of care for teaching. Thirty-two Swiss and English primary school teachers participated in this exploratory study. The methodology included semi-structured interviews as well as image-based approaches employing photographs and drawings. Caring within teaching can be understood in a range of ways: caring as commitment, caring as relatedness, caring as physical care, caring as expressing affection, such as giving a cuddle, caring as parenting and caring as mothering. The author suggests that these definitions of caring within teaching can be placed along a continuum. Caring understood as mothering at one end of this continuum is distinctly associated with traditional Western notions of femininities whereas caring as commitment is non-gender-specific. Caring as relatedness can be linked with the concept of ethic of care, which has been conceptualised as a moral perspective more often held by women. The findings of this study challenge this view, as an ethic of care understood as responsibility for and relatedness to their pupils emerged amongst men as well as women.  相似文献   

罗常培先生在《唐五代西北方音》中分析汉藏对音材料时说,喻母三等的“往”本该读Ф,但在阿弥陀经中却象微母字一样读‘bwan,那是“误作”。而在今天的西安、渭南、富平等将微母与喻母分读的方言区,本该’Ф的“往”却象微母字一样读作了v声母。由此我们推测,大概早在唐五代时期,“往”在西北地区就:行了唇音声母的读法;陕北延川等地的“齐、净、栈、寨、歌谣”这些形容词或名词性词语,均有动词用法。并且,这些动词用法亦见于古代典籍。  相似文献   

This paper presents a two phase investigation of how Israeli students (grades 3 to 12) understand the concept of periodicity. Qualitative study, including classroom observations, as well as interviews with students and with teachers, was performed as a first phase. Quantitative study, including a survey of 895 eleventh grade students, was performed as a second phase. Students' errors in relating to non-periodic phenomena and to non-periodic function as periodic, as well as their period preferment, were revealed in both phases and were classified. The evidence supports the claim that students understand periodicity as a process. The students' errors and preferences are discussed with reference to two frameworks: (1) the understanding of periodicity as a process, (2) the Gestalt theory.  相似文献   

Understanding learning disabilities (LDs) as constructed through multiple cultural practices including discourse, this paper focuses on a Latino middle school student with a LD named Elijah. This study documents both the discourses and practices used to position Elijah as a mathematics learner, as well as his use of similar discourses as he constructs a complex set of self-understandings as a mathematics learner. Elijah is positioned by discourses that prioritise speed as an indicator of mathematical ability, as well as discourses that construct students with LD as having both intelligence and differences such as processing speed. An analysis of interview and observational data suggests that Elijah constructed a unique set of self-understandings as a mathematics learner. Like his sixth-grade special education teacher, Elijah seems to differentiate between knowledge and the performance of knowledge in school. He created a unique identity as both ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ in mathematics, rejecting the binary found in many mathematics classrooms. These findings suggest that multiple discourses circulate in schools about ability and disability in mathematics.  相似文献   

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