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王明洲  李稚琳 《教学研究》2006,(6):499-502,505
在教育督导的过程中,教师不是被动地接受而是主动地参与了督导,并且具有督导者的角色身份.教师督导的类型主要有五种:临床督导、同侪督导、自引式督导、探究式督导和非正式督导.  相似文献   

借鉴国外丰富的课堂教学督导经验,探索由学校主动、学校主控、校域层面、局部化地开展课堂教学专项督导评估的实施路径.在督导前期从确立督导意向、筹划督导方案、斟酌督导形式、组合督导力量等方面做好预备工作;在督导过程中注重"临堂督导",即以课堂教学为核心,深入课堂进行教学视导,通过听课、看课、评课等策略,聚焦教师的教和学生的学,既重视教师怎么教、教得怎么样,也重视学生怎么学、学得怎么样;督导后期的评估反馈,通过谈话反馈、树立样板、跟踪改进、校域整改等具体策略,进行校本教学专项督导,以此提升学校工作,并深度反思教学督导与教学研究的比较、校本督导的视野聚焦问题、课堂观察的标准问题和校本督导力量的下沉问题.  相似文献   

教师督导对提高教师教学水平起着重要的作用,在教育竞争日益激烈的今日,法国对教师督导的要求也越来越高。法国中小学教师督导制度得到了全国近一半教师的肯定和认可,有效地促进了法国教师的专业发展。文章从法国中小学教师督导评估的过程出发,对督导前、督导中、督导后三个阶段进行介绍,为我国中小学教师督导的改革和发展提出了开启校长与督学合作评估模式、重视教师督导内容的拓展与更新、注重对教师督导评价结果的公开和奖惩等建议。  相似文献   

促进教师专业化发展的教师督导研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国在教师督导上存在教师督导观念落后、教师督导职能定位模糊、督导人员队伍设置不合理、教师督导主体与内容单一、教师督导的形式有待改进、教师督导法律建设不匹配、教师督导校本机制缺乏等问题.为此,建议采取以学校为本的教师督导,从而可以有针对性地解决实际教育问题,发展教师专业素养,同时也是教师专业发展的有效途径.  相似文献   

基于现代督导理念的国外督导模式,不仅成为监控学校教学工作的有效措施,而且对于提升教师教学技能、促进教师的专业发展具有很大的作用。文章阐述了四种国外现代教师教学督导典型模式的具体内容及具体做法,最后做了简短的综合评析。  相似文献   

教学督导是学校教学质量监控体系中的重要组成部分,教学督导员在开展工作时,应明确自己的定位和性质、职能和作用,正确认识和处理好督导工作与职能部门的关系、督导员与教师的关系、"督"与"导"的关系,以便进一步完善教学督导制度,从而更好地发挥教学督导的作用。  相似文献   

教育督导作为教育管理与评价激励机制,对于教育界的各个层面及教师个人均具有导向作用、激励作用和改进作用。在教育督导的工作开展过程中,应当注重以下几个方面:一是督导双方共同制定督导方案,二是被督单位和个人积极参与督导过程,三是督导双方确认评估结果。对教师的直接督导管理与评价和教师素质的提高、教师积极性的发挥有着密切的联系。目前,对于我国教师的教育督导管理与评价机制尚有待于进一步的完善与深化。  相似文献   

教师督导:教师专业发展的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师督导是指通过对教师实施监督和指导,以促进教师专业发展的活动。在国外教师专业发展的相关研究中,教师督导已经成了一个新兴而热门的话题,然而国内的研究还为之甚少。本文从教师督导的概念、特征着手,对教师督导的发展缘由及内容策略作了具体的介绍,以期对我国教师专业发展有所启发。  相似文献   

理念、方法、效能:高校教学督导队伍专业化建设探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学质量是高校赖以生存的根本,教学督导承担着提升教学质量的重要使命。教学督导要确立关爱师生的基本理念,改变“高高在上”的裁判员角色,与广大师生平等相处,营造积极向上的教学环境。教学督导除常规性方法之外,还应采取重点跟踪督导法、问题跟踪督导法、规划调研督导法。全面真实地获取信息、客观公正地评价信息、准确及时地反馈信息是取得良好督导效能的重要保证。  相似文献   

通过对3 000 多名教师与教育行政人员的问卷调查,发现教育督导评估中存在职能履行不到位,没有把工作重心落到以督促教、以督促学上等问题,从而让被督导学校与教师产生了督导工作扰乱正常教学工作的感觉,并普遍要求启动对督导不力不当行为的问责机制。所以,必须把督导评估工作重心落到以督促教、以督促学上,并杜绝督导工作对学校正常教学工作的不良影响。同时,应适当加强学校教职工对教育督导评估的认知,推进教育督导信息化建设,助力教育督导评估提质增效;强化问责机制,保障教育督导评估职能落在实处。  相似文献   

This article documents the critical friendship of an experienced teacher educator and a doctoral student through our joint exploration of student teaching supervision. By adopting a co/autoethnographic approach, we learned from biographical and contemporaneous critical incidents that informed short- and long-term practices. In particular, we learned about supervision from our experiences as student teachers, mentors, and university supervisors. We learned about supervision through experiences and insights as they occurred and from the relational dynamics provided by our critical friendship. We dissect critical moments that resulted in a series of key understandings. Autobiography informs practice: in sharing our biographies, we developed an understanding and vision for the type of supervision practice we wished to enact. Reflection and discussion inform practice: by journaling and discussing the supervision process, we reconsidered and acted upon practice. Finally, critical friends provide transformative insights into practice: we learned from each other through interaction and critique of past actions, current practices and future actions. Our collaboration was instrumental in providing a vision that defined our individual pedagogies of supervision. Consistent with other scholarship on the learning of student teacher supervision, this article promotes the provision of a support space for both novice and experienced supervisors to deconstruct and improve practice.  相似文献   

his study investigates how trainee teachers perceive their supervising teachers’ supervisory competency. Through a questionnaire that was specifically developed for this study and which contained open-ended questions, student teacher candidates were asked to comment on their supervising teachers’ competency in preparation for supervision, instructional planning and reflection, and collegial supervision and effective mentoring. Data for this study was gathered from 690 student teachers who were in their last year in college pursuing a teaching credential. The results indicated that the student teachers rated their supervising teachers’ competency in supervision as poor to partially competent. Although there is no significant relation found between the gender and fulfillment of supervisory duties, the main significant finding was between supervising teachers’ experience in teaching and completion of the supervisory role. The results showed that the younger or less experienced supervising teachers demonstrated better supervisory skills. Furthermore, our results indicated that although experience is important, it should not be the only criterion for selecting supervising teachers for supervisory duty.  相似文献   

刑事诉讼法明确规定了人民检察院的诉讼监督权,但规定过于原则,大多缺乏可操作性,因此当前的司法实践中检察机关对刑事审判活动的监督主要以刑事抗诉为主,但从实际效果来看,这种抗诉模式的监督对司法活动的影响不大、监督作用不明。应当明确刑事审判监督的目的和界限,完善监督保障机制。  相似文献   

美国教师督导和教师评价关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师督导和教师评价是保证教学质量、促进教师发展的两种有效组织活动,二者之间的关系争论已久。围绕教师督导和教师评价关系的历史渊源,以及如何在二者之间建立一种良性互补的区分性关系,美国学者进行了深入的研究。对这些研究进行介绍和借鉴,对我国的教师督导和评价关系研究有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

从教师专业发展与教师督导的关系出发,可以发现教师督导是教师专业发展有效实施的必要保障,教师专业化发展也为教师督导的长远发展提供可能性。但我国在教师督导上存在一定的问题:教师督导观念落后;职能定位模糊;督导人员队伍设置不合理;教师督导主体与内容单一,其形式有待改进;教师督导法制建设不匹配;教师督导校本机制缺乏。基于此,本研究提出了应建立以学校为本的教师督导,借鉴欧美的同伴指导,加强对教师"学"和"研"的督导。  相似文献   

Inter-professional supervision combines the social processes of supervision and multi-agency working: both complex and often poorly understood processes. This paper discusses the first author’s research of inter-professional supervision, involving an educational psychologist (EP) supervising another professional and complements the recently published guidelines on professional supervision produced by the Division of Educational and Child Psychology (DECP). The research involved 10 semi-structured interviews with six EPs (supervisors) and four other professionals (supervisees) recruited through purposive sampling. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed and coded using thematic analysis. Research findings suggested that inter-professional supervision was viewed positively. However, participants had a patchy experience of the contracting aspects of supervision and some talked of conflicting conceptualisations of supervision placing a strain on the supervisory relationship. Conclusions reflect the need to view supervision as a process enacted within multiple contexts which impact upon supervision in important ways.  相似文献   

Today, many institutions of higher education support students in conducting practice-oriented research. This research refers to a broad array of approaches geared toward practitioners’ practice. The supervision of such research is of crucial importance, but little is known about its nature and characteristics. This study examined what research supervisors and postgraduate, in-service teacher students perceive are key elements of successful action research supervision. Four action research supervisors and eight postgraduate students were interviewed. Data were analysed by using theory and empirical data. Findings reveal 24 key elements of action research supervision, which refer to supervisors’ (1) skills in supporting knowledge development through and about action research and creating a supportive environment for developing knowledge, (2) knowledge and expertise in supervising action research, (3) attitude in the supervision of action research and (4) the motives driving supervisors’ actions in the student-supervisor relationship.  相似文献   

Despite the concerns of scholars in the field of instructional supervision, teacher evaluations continue to emphasize bureaucratic accountability and standardization. This article presents an argument for extending the Joint Committee on Standards' Personnel Evaluation Standards to include standards related to the practice of supervision. The proposed standards call for differentiated procedures, collaborative identification of teachers' professional development goals, multiple sources of data, emphasis on formative evaluation processes, consideration of both teachers' personal development goals and school/program improvement goals, and the formalization of formative evaluation processes to achieve clear and shared understanding of their purpose and goals. These standards would align teacher evaluation with aspects of instructional supervision namely,clarification and shared understanding of the process and purpose of evaluations, interpretation of teaching performance in the context of teachers' classrooms and professional values, and deliberation with teachers about how evaluation evidence depicts and informs their work.Patricia Holland is Associate Professor in Educational Leadership and Cultural Studies at the University of Houston. Her research in the areas of instuctional supervision and teachers’ professional development emphasizes the interpretive nature of practice in these areas.  相似文献   

构建基础教育课程监控机制,我们需要借鉴国际经验。审视国外相关作为,我们发现国外的课程监控机制主要有三种类型:中央行政监控型、地方分权监控型、中央地方并重型。其中,课程监控机制呈现"中央行政监控"特色的国家主要有韩国、马来西亚、新西兰;课程监控机制呈现"地方分权监控"特色的国家主要有美国、德国、印度、澳大利亚;课程监控机制呈现"中央地方并行监控"特色的国家主要有英国、泰国、印度尼西亚。  相似文献   

高职院校要将师德师风建设作为一项常抓不懈的重要工作。针对现阶段高职师德失范的不足等问题,高职教学督导工作要责无旁贷,充分发挥督导工作职能,要从制度制约、学生反馈、督导引导、方法改进、典型激励、舆论宣传等方面,承担起促进师德师风建设的重任。  相似文献   

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