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Research into violence in schools has been growing steadily at an international level, and has shown high degrees of violence at various different levels. Given the seriousness of the problem, finding ways of responding to this issue in schools becomes an imperative for educationists. In this article, we engage with this problem by defending the view that whilst violence might be endemic in schools, there are also real possibilities for working towards different ways of being in relationship in schools. Firstly, we discuss Galtung’s understanding of violence and peace, paying particular attention to his concepts of structural and cultural violence, peacekeeping, peacemaking and peacebuilding. Secondly, we connect Galtung’s notions of peacemaking to Buber’s philosophy of dialogue, in order to make a case for an ‘epistemological shift’ which might enable individuals and communities to achieve ‘peace’. Finally, we direct our argument to the education context and put forward some concrete proposals for peacemaking in schools.  相似文献   

近年来频发的校园暴力事件严重影响着高校的教育和教学,对广大青年学生的身心健康产生了不良影响。传统的思想政治教育对于校园暴力防控显得力不从心。在社会转型过程中,高校预防校园暴力的功能在削弱,传统的学生管理工作需要一个系统的机制来预防校园暴力。学校社会工作以其专业优势,有助于解决当前校园暴力防控的困境。  相似文献   

职业院校学生社团建设与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业院校学生社团组织既有普通高校学生社团的共性,又有职业院校学生社团的特点.但由于多方面的原因,各个院校学生社团的发展很不平衡,而且不同程度地存在管理不规范、发展不稳定、经费和活动场地不足、缺乏整体规划等问题.根据职业教育特点,各职业院校应大力发展专业技能型社团和创业型社团,把社团活动纳入学分制管理,并尝试网络社团活动和跨校社团活动.  相似文献   

This ethnography explores daily life at Milton High School, a US public school with its own specialized Homeland Security program. From ‘military grunts’ serving in distant theaters of war to Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents defending the US borderlands to National Security Administration (NSA) technicians monitoring worldwide cyber communications, Milton’s Homeland Security program trained students for the multiple permutations of the global war on terror. Based on my ethnographic fieldwork conducted at Milton, this article offers an analysis of what I call ‘school securitization’. While growing critical education scholarship importantly investigates the intensification of militarized education evident in the rise of military charter schools and harsh disciplinary regimes, this ethnography documents how other actors like major defense contractors, security companies, and federal agencies contributed to the school’s remaking. Broadening the analytical framework of school militarization to school securitization accounts for the range of actors, institutions, epistemologies, and security-oriented beliefs beyond the military that shape public education for the production of violence.  相似文献   

This article examines how urban principals can proactively respond to neighborhood violence through a community-oriented leadership framework. We analyzed principal interviews to understand the important and multifaceted roles of urban secondary school principals in creating safe and responsive schools that meet the diverse needs of grieving students and families. Findings suggest the importance of tapping into community assets, developing partnerships with community organizations, relying on pre-established routines, and modeling an ethic of care.  相似文献   

北洋政府时期,南京公立学校经费的主要来源是地方政府拨款.而历整个北洋政府时期,政府拨款受财政紧张与挪用影响,始终不能足额到位,严重影响了南京公立学校的发展.制度与社会生态两方面成为北洋政府时期政府对南京公立学校拨款不足的大背景.  相似文献   

高职院校学生管理工作的问题与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校的学生管理工作应立足学校的实际情况,树立以人为本的管理理念,构建科学的学生评价体系,注重培养学生自我教育、自我管理、自我服务的能力,在稳步推进学生管理工作的前提下,逐步探索适合高职发展规律的学生管理思路。  相似文献   

文章结合国外的相关研究,根据心理危机干预的原则、模式、技术等,立足于国内中学校的实际情况,提出一套实用于中学的整合连续的心理危机干预方案,涉及校园暴力事件的学校预警系统、应急处置、及时心理干预,以及事后干预四个阶段,依赖于学校、家庭、社会等多个方面的支持,重点突出“心理干预”的特点。以期能对校园暴力事件进行良好的心理危机干预,预防校园暴力事件的频繁发生,构建和谐校园。  相似文献   

文章从体育运动、文艺活动和军事与社区服务活动3个方面对英国寄宿公学开展的课外活动进行了考察。这些活动是英国公学英才教育的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

家庭暴力打破了家庭生活应有的宁静与和谐,使得昔日作为"避风港"的家沦为"人间地狱"。现代社会防治家庭暴力具有秩序合理化、关注社会弱势群体权益以及和谐等价值意蕴。应当寻求法律规则与道德规则的良性互动,通过综合治理,如有条件有限度的警察权和司法权的介入、民政部门等社会组织的介入等,根除家庭暴力,保障家庭成员间关系和睦友好。  相似文献   

本研究采用自编的《初中生心理健康量表》对私立学校314名初中生的心理健康状况进行抽样调查。结果表明,私立学校初中生在学习习惯、考试焦虑、人际沟通、自制力方面较易产生困扰;初中生心理健康水平存在显著的年级差异;男女生的心理健康水平在考试焦虑、异性交往存在显著差异;私立学校初中生心理健康水平好于公立学校学生。  相似文献   

私立学校初中生心理健康状况调查及其分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对私立学校314名初中生的心理健康状况进行抽样调查,结果表明:(1)私立学校初中生在学习习惯、考试焦虑、人际沟通、自制力方面较易产生困扰;(2)心理健康水平存在显著的年级差异;(3)男女生的心理健康水平不存在显著的差异;(4)私立学校初中生心理健康水平好于公立学校学生。  相似文献   

课程标准是关于课程的基本规范和质量要求,是课程计划中每门学科以纲要形式编写的、有关学科教学内容的指导性文件。2017年教育部启动中职公共基础课程国家标准的修订,将过去一直延用的“教学大纲”改为“课程标准”。从教学大纲到课程标准意味着国家教育意志的意义嬗变,这种意义嬗变主要表现为作用载体从课堂教学转为课程建设,基本视域从关注教学过程转向注重学习结果,目标取向从注重三维目标转向培养学生的学科核心素养。国家教育意志的嬗变需要每个职教人的专业理解与实践,每个职教人应将国家的教育意志融入到每堂课的教学实践中、应用到每位学生的综合素养培育上,实现从教学大纲向课程标准的教学“转身”。  相似文献   

魏冰花 《职教通讯》2019,(18):47-49,54
中等职业学校社团活动对促进学生综合素质的全面提高具有重要意义。结合实践探索,可通过引导学生选择社团活动,充分发展学生个性特长,提高学生综合职业能力;合理设计社团活动,结合专业特点,激发学生对专业技能的学习热情;科学开展社团活动,丰富学生的业余生活,促进学生智能的多元化发展;有效评价社团活动,培养学生健康的心理,树立正确的人生观等方面展开。  相似文献   

Students tend to comprehend little and lose focus of classroom instruction when their teachers fail to use instructional strategies that match students’ learning styles. Differentiated instruction can alleviate or eliminate this disengagement. This article describes a case involving a child having difficulty learning and shows how differentiated instruction was used to help this student learn. The author describes the theories on which differentiated instruction is based and provides practical strategies teachers can use to implement this method of teaching.  相似文献   

Free speech jurisprudence is caught between crediting the First Amendment rights of students when they resemble adults or restricting such rights when students seemingly act as children. In Morse v. Frederick (2007), the Supreme Court ruled against Joseph Frederick and his “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” banner because Frederick's speech seemed valueless as an adult act, as it lacked any discernible political value. In this essay, Neil Dhingra uses Hannah Arendt's thought to argue that schools should not be interpreted as political spaces but as social spaces where educational authorities should exercise forbearance as students such as Frederick learn to exercise their free speech rights. In particular, students will practice their First Amendment rights by exposing and exploring the discrepancy between appearance and reality, through dark forms of humor, and in forming different types of friendship, all of which schools are unlikely to be able to manage or interpret. Recognizing these unruly and quasi‐humorous forms of First Amendment practice helps make sense of Frederick's banner. Dhingra argues that in order to create space for students to develop freely — that is, without being subject to excessive scrutiny or succumbing to the danger of conformity, or both — schools should show a wide but not unlimited tolerance to speech like that of Frederick, which may otherwise be dismissed as childish and valueless “gibberish.”  相似文献   

高校学生干部公信力反映出大学生对学生干部的信赖程度,影响着高校学生工作的顺利开展。但目前出现高校学生干部职责不明确,制度不完善;个别学生干部作风不正;学生干部权利监督和制约机制不够完善等问题,严重影响了高校学生干部公信力的提升。究其原因,主要表现为:干群之间关系不和谐、工作上的诸多矛盾、相关公信力的缺失以及个别干部的思想意识偏差。严格干部选拔,加强干部培训;树立干部典型,加强干部作风建设;开辟多渠道监督;提高管理人员的服务意识;注重干部的心理辅导,关心干部成长是提升学生干部公信力的有效措施。  相似文献   

综观近年来发生的网络舆论暴力事件,尽管大多数网民的出发点是为了弘扬正义、惩奸罚恶,但它对当事人和社会的影响却不可低估,而且网民的表达方式和采取的实际行动是否理性值得探讨,鉴于舆论暴力事件日益增多,本课题旨在通过分析网络舆论暴力现象的特点、表现,运用传播学理论和相关社会学的视角对该现象做根源、理论上的探究.  相似文献   

网络舆论暴力是社会舆论暴力在网络上的延伸。网络舆论暴力的成因在于相关法律规制不健全,网络媒体自身有局限性,网民理性的缺失,网络管理把关的缺位以及政府疏导的不到位。有鉴于此,我国政府须进一步完善规范网络行为的相关立法,加强行业自律,发挥"传媒把关人"的作用,加强网上舆论引导,拓宽信息渠道,提高网民网络素养,净化网络语言环境,从而有效的解决网络舆论暴力问题。  相似文献   

公立学校办学自主权的落实与扩大,关键在于厘清学校与政府之间的关系。厘清学校与政府之间的关系,首先,要科学界分中央与地方的教育行政权力;其次,要调谐好学校与政府之间的关系。  相似文献   

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