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交际策略包括口语交际和书面交际两方面。一直以来,关于口语交际策略的研究较多,却忽视了书面交际策略。结合教学实践中学生的写作资料,分析了学生在英语写作中主要运用哪些交际策略及其原因,并从交际策略角度提出促进写作教学的一些建议。  相似文献   

新课程标准下的口语交际教学和写作教学具有统一互补的内在联系,分别承担着对学生口语和书面表达能力的训练。口语交际教学对写作教学中的写作思维、素材、语言、技巧和心理等要素都有着极为重要的综合性辅助训练作用,教师在教学中可渗透和延伸写作教学各要素的训练,包括写作思维能力训练、写作素材广泛积累、写作生活情景创设、口语写作技巧学习、口语写作能力提升等,以实现对写作教学的综合辅助推进。  相似文献   

黎燕 《现代语文》2014,(10):9-10
目前,五年制高职的语文教学内容,一般由阅读鉴赏、书面表达和口语交际三大模块构成。这三大模块相辅相成,为培养高职学生的人文素养及提高语文综合能力服务。其中,口语交际教学取代了原来单纯的听说训练,可提高学生的表达、沟通、交流能力;书面表达教学则包含文学写作与应用写作两方面的内容,在“就业为导向”的职业教育中,应用写作教学对提高学生的综合职业能力有着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

高庆雄 《甘肃教育》2005,(12):36-36
新课程语文教材.很重视学生的口语交际训练.每一单元的综合学习都安排了口语交际训练.并把它和写作训练结合起来。但在教学实践的具体操作中.教师往往对口语交际缺乏足够的重视.对有目的、有计划的口语交际的教学投入较少。较之对写作训练的全力以赴而言.口语交际训练只能算是一点“点缀”而已。我认为这种态度和做法不妥,因为口语表达和书面表达是紧密联系、相辅相成的,没有口语交际能力的提高,就投有真正意义上的语言表达能力的提高。  相似文献   

语文教学的培养目标,无外乎两种能力,即阅读能力和写作能力。阅读能力是吸收,写作能力是释放。就其目的而青,阅读最终是为了释放,也是语文教学的终极目标。而写作又分两个方面,即书面表达和口语表达。从交际的实效性看,口语交际的频率远远高于书面表达,是人与人交流的主要手段。“新课标”将口语表达规定到语文教材中,是对口语表达作用的真正肯定,教育主管部门已经将口语表达列入语文教学的议事日程。那么,农村中学将如何对学生进行口语表达能力的培养呢?笔者多年在农村中学执教,在口语交际能力的培养方面,做了下面的尝试。  相似文献   

蔡燕华 《现代语文》2005,(11):85-86
张志公先生说:"语文教学,读写重要,听说也重要,不能只重视读写,而忽视听说,忽视口语表达,在现代社会口语交际空前重要."新教材的编排已经体现了这点,它把阅读、写作和口语交际分编,要求独立上口语交际课,注重培养学生的说话能力.长期以来由于片面追求升学率,语文教学重书面表达而轻口头表述的境况将因此而得到有效改观.  相似文献   

赵加胜 《学语文》2006,(4):56-56
要提高学生的口语交际能力需要长期而大量的训练,可目前中学阶段专门的口语训练课时少,给学生的锻炼机会更是少得可怜。因此,我们要拓展口语交际训练的途径,把训练渗透到语文教学的各个环节中,写作和口语交际都是用语言进行表达和交流的。只不过前者是书面的,后者是口头的。既然两者关系密切,我们在教学中就应该有意识地把口语交际训练渗透到作文教学中。根据本人和他人的经验,我在作文教学中进行了相关尝试。  相似文献   

口语交际,是人们一生中使用得最多的表达手段和交流方式。在未来,随着生活节奏、工作节奏的加快,通讯工具的发展,口语交际在人们生活和生产中的运用将更加广泛和频繁。人们的书面表达也大多以口语交际为基础,甚至可以说,一个人可以不会书面表达,但不能不会口语交际。但是,因为受应试教育的影响,语文教学往往过分注重书面表达的训练,忽视口语交际的训练。这种教学安排是不利于学  相似文献   

中职生面临着择业和就业,在职场中,英语书面表达同口语交际一样重要。因此,指导学生写好英语作文,是中职英语教学的重点。作者结合自身实践体会重点谈谈中职英语写作教学中的六大弊端,提出可行的三大策略,以期指导中职生写好英语作文,提高英语综合能力。  相似文献   

<正>小学语文新课标对培养学生的口语交际能力提出了明确的要求,即口语交际能力,教师应培养学生倾听、表达和应对的能力,使学生具有文明和谐地进行人际交流的素养,并从三个阶段相应达到的目标作了具体的要求。由此可见,培养学生的口语交际能力不仅是语文教学的重要任务之一,也是时代发展的需要。所以,在素质教育不断深入的今天,作为教师,更要提高认识,摒弃重书面写作,轻口语表达的观念,切实加强对学生口语交际能  相似文献   

2012版语文义务教育课程标准认为:语文是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性课程,应使学生学会运用语言文字进行交流沟通。口语作为语言交际的最重要的工具,重在培养学生倾听、表达和应对的能力,使学生具有人际交流的基本素养。同时,口语交际中的听说与读写之间存在着迁移、同步、互补、协调的关系。小学语文高年级口语交际的教材教学要为学生语言表达运用及其语文素养的提升发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

英语写作能力是高中学生应具备的听、说、读、写四种基本能力之一,也是高考重点考查的项目之一。听说属于口头交际,读写是书面交际;听读是获取信息、学习他人的语言输入过程,说和写是运用语言表达思想的手段、是语言输出。  相似文献   

文章以交际策略的理论研究为指导,通过对21名中国学生使用交际策略情况的调查,探讨了交际策略的使用情况。调查结果表明,学习者在口头表达和书面叙述中不同程度地依赖这些策略以克服语言障碍。这进一步证明了学习者使用交际策略的能力应被视为他们整个交际能力的一个不可或缺的组成部分。在教学过程中教师不应忽略对学生的交际策略能力的培养。  相似文献   

One of the core competencies in the new IFT Education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to "communicate technical information to a non-technical audience."
The Education Division of IFT sponsors an annual writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. JFSE is pleased to publish this year's winning entry submitted by Chee Syen Ong from the University of Guelph.  相似文献   

网络聊天语篇的语体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络聊天(Internet Relay Chat)是网民在网络上借助聊天软件,主要通过文字媒介进行交流的人际传播活动,是一种多人参与的,基于纯文本的,实时的交流方式。因而,它既是一种交际事件,也是一种语篇类型。它既具有口语语篇的实时互动性,又具有书面语体的单向异步性,属于“互动性的书面语篇”。这种新兴语篇类型拥有独特的语境特点,更具有鲜明的语体特征,它模糊了口语和书面语的界线,实现了口语语体和书面语语体的高度结合。  相似文献   

语用学中的合作原则与礼貌原则并非只在口语交际中适用,同样也适用于书面交流。英语商务信函的语言特征与合作原则中的数量准则、质量准则、关联准则、方式准则及礼貌原则中的策略准则、慷慨准则、赞誉准则、谦逊准则、赞同准则、同情准则的要求是一致的。在商务信函交往中,我们需要运用语用原则的策略来共同指导各类商务信函的写作。传递肯定、中性信息时采用直接表达法;传递否定信息时采用间接表达法,缓冲开头—解释拒绝原因—提供建议和可行性计划—积极结尾;写劝服信时采用引起对方的注意—激起对方的兴趣—增强对方的欲望—对方采取行动的方法。  相似文献   

One of the core competencies in the new IFT Education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to "communicate technical information to a non-technical audience."
Earlier this year, the Education Division of IFT sponsored a writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. JFSE is pleased to publish the winning entry submitted by Marie-Claire Hurteau from the Univ. of Guelph.  相似文献   

Communication skills are a significant contributor to an individual's success in the workplace. Unfortunately, students often have trouble expressing their ideas in written form and the poor quality of students’ written work often impedes the learning process. This pilot study investigates the use of online writing studios within a quality improvement methods course and the impact of this intervention on students’ writing competency and perceptions about the writing process. The impact of this approach on student performance is evaluated within and across semesters using comparative statistical analyses. Results show that students who participated in online writing studios performed better (i.e., at least one rubric level higher) on their final written assignments for the course compared to students who did not, and that this approach is associated with improved students’ perceptions about the writing process. This research suggests that the use of online writing studios within a content‐specific course can incrementally improve students’ writing competency over the course of one semester, and can positively affect the learning of written communication skills and change students’ perceptions about various aspects of the writing process.  相似文献   

Argumentation, and the production of scientific arguments are critical elements of inquiry that are necessary for helping students become scientifically literate through engaging them in constructing and critiquing ideas. This case study employed a mixed methods research design to examine the development in 5th grade students’ practices of oral and written argumentation from one unit to another over 16 weeks utilizing the science writing heuristic approach. Data sources included five rounds of whole-class discussion focused on group presentations of arguments that occurred over eleven class periods; students’ group writings; interviews with six target students and the teacher; and the researcher’s field notes. The results revealed five salient trends in students’ development of oral and written argumentative practices over time: (1) Students came to use more critique components as they participated in more rounds of whole-class discussion focused on group presentations of arguments; (2) by challenging each other’s arguments, students came to focus on the coherence of the argument and the quality of evidence; (3) students came to use evidence to defend, support, and reject arguments; (4) the quality of students’ writing continuously improved over time; and (5) students connected oral argument skills to written argument skills as they had opportunities to revise their writing after debating and developed awareness of the usefulness of critique from peers. Given the development in oral argumentative practices and the quality of written arguments over time, this study indicates that students’ development of oral and written argumentative practices is positively related to each other. This study suggests that argumentative practices should be framed through both a social and epistemic understanding of argument-utilizing talk and writing as vehicles to create norms of these complex practices.  相似文献   

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