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Interactive development of subject matter in the mathematics classroom   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There are considerable differences among mathematics teachers with regard to the quatlity of their way of developing mathematical knowledge in the classroom. Such differences are analysed. To develop mathematical meaning requires both a consistent presentation of the mathematical symbols and of the referential meaning of these symbols with respect to the given task. On the basis of this conception we assume that the quality of teaching will differ according to how teachers cope with the relation between these two sides of meaning. From a sample of 26 teachers, an expert teacher and a non-expert teacher were selected by means of classroom observation with scales of instructional quality variables. For each of these two teachers, two lessons introducing probability (sixth grade) are analysed. For this purpose, teacher and student contributions are coded. For the expert teacher, graphic visualizations of the development of mathematical concepts across time show soft transitions between the different aspects of mathematical meaning. These transitions are made possible by a consistent explication of the relation between formal symbols and the given mathematical task. In the case of the other teacher, explication of the relationship between the object side and the symbol side of mathematical meaning is much rarer, and there are sudden switches from one aspect of meaning to another. Further differences concern the handling of student contributions.We gratefully acknowledge the help of Wolfgang Barz, Regina Dietrich and Claudia Krüger with recording, transcribing or coding lessons. For their comments on draft versions of the paper the authors thank Deborah Ball, Jere Brophy, Willibald Dörfler, Alexander Gruza and two anonymous reviewers.  相似文献   

An earlier research project, the Concepts in Secondary Mathematics and Science (Mathematics) project, identified both a hierarchy of levels of understanding in different areas of secondary mathematics, and a number of particular errors which were made by significant proportions of the children tested. Preliminary consideration of these errors and the strategies which appear to have given rise to them suggests that the use of informal naive methods which are limited in their applicability is widespread even at fourth-year level. The suggestion is made that there may be two systems of mathematics coexisting in the secondary school classroom: the formal taught system, and a system of child-methods which are based upon a counting, adding-on or building-up approach, and by which children attempt to solve mathematical problems within a human-sense framework. The difficulties which some children appear to experience in mathematics is suggested to be due in part to these children's non-initiation into the formal taught system. The implication of such a view for teaching and research are indicated.  相似文献   

In many Universities, mathematics examinations use a timed, closed-book format. The paper discusses what areas of ability are being assessed in these examinations, and to what extent the procedure might foster possible educational objectives. We describe a list of ten qualities by which a mathematics question can be graded in order to see what skills are needed for its solution, and some examples are discussed, as well as the background system in which the procedures are set.Part II of the paper (to follow) will discuss the results obtained from a study which applied this procedure to a large sample of questions set in examinations in ten British Universities.  相似文献   

The question of education in India cannot be properly discussed without referring to its socio-linguistic context. This paper provides background information on the linguistic profile of India. The term minorities in the Indian context is defined, and the protection offered to linguistic minorities in the Indian Constitution is examined. A discussion of language policy in Indian education follows in which the recommendations of the different education commissions are analysed. The important issues covered include: the number of languages that are taught, the medium of instruction, and the educational policies regarding speakers of minority languages. The article also discusses different language movements and their impact on Indian education.
Zusammenfassung Die Frage der Bildung in Indien kann ohne einen Bezug zum sozial-linguistischen Kontext nicht hinreichend diskutiert werden. Dieser Artikel liefert Hintergrundinformationen zum linguistischen Profil Indiens. Der Begriff Minderheiten wird im Zusammenhang mit Indien definiert und der den Sprachminderheiten in der indischen Verfassung zugestandene Schutz untersucht. Anschließend wird die Sprachpolitik im indischen Bildungssystem angesprochen und die Empfehlungen unterschiedlicher Bildungskommissionen werden analysiert. Die wesentlichen abgehandelten Themen beinhalten folgende Bereiche: die Anzahl der unterrichteten Sprachen, die Unterrichtssprache und die Bildungspolitik hinsichtlich der Sprachminderheiten. Der Artikel befaßt sich außerdem mit unterschiedlichen Sprachbewegungen und ihrem Einfluß auf die indische Bildung.

Resumen La cuestión de educación en la India no podrá discutirse adecuadamente sin hacer referencia a su contexto sociolingüístico. Este trabajo provee informaciones de fondo sobre el perfil lingüistico de la India. Define el término de minorias en el contexto indio y examina la protección que la Constitución de la India ofrece a las minorías lingüísticas. A ello se agrega una discusión de la política lingüística en la educación india, en la que se analizan las recomendaciones de las diferentes comisiones de educación. Fntre otras cosas, los puntos tratados son: el número de lenguas que se enseñan, el medio de instrucción, y las políticas de educación referentes a las personas que hablan lenguuas minoritarias. El artículo también trata los diferentes movimientos lingüísticos y sus impactos en la educación en la India.

Résumé On ne peut vraiment débattre la question de l'éducation en Inde sans la replacer dans son contexts socio-linguistique. Cet article fournit une information de base sur le profil linguistique de l'Inde. Il y définit le terme de minorités dans le contexte de ce pays et étudie la protection que la Constitution indienne assure aux minorités linguistiques. Il s'ensuit un exposé de la politique linguistique dans l'enseignement de ce pays, incluant une analyse des recommandations des différentes commissions pédagogiques. Les points essentiels traités portent sur le nombre de langues enseignées, la langue d'enseignement et les politiques pédagogiques touchant les locuteurs de langues minoritaires. L'article analyse enfin les différents mouvements linguistiques et leur influence sur l'éducation en Inde.

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The purpose of this exploratory study was to use a teaching as problem solving perspective to examine the components of metacognition underlying the instructional practice of seven experienced and seven beginning teachers of secondary school mathematics. A metacognitive framework was developed to examine the thoughts of teachers before, during and after lesson enactments. Data were obtained through observations, lesson plans, videotapes, and audiotapes of structured interviews during the course of one semester. Data analysis suggests that the metacognition of teachers plays a well-defined role in classroom practice. These findings provide useful insights for researchers and teacher educators in their preservice and inservice mathematics programs.  相似文献   

First an impression will be given of the way Freudenthal worked on mathematics education during the period after WW II, until the early seventies. The sequence of events of that time form the leading principle of that period when important didactic concepts were being developed. In the following section the chronological order is set aside in an attempt to show how Freudenthal approached research, both in education and into mathematics education. In the next two sections two core themes are dealt with in detail: learning mathematics and developing mathematics education. Earlier didactic concepts are completed and further developed into key notions of a science of mathematics instruction.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with possible differences in interaction patterns between teachers and certain groups of students: high and low achievers, and boys and girls. Detailed and comprehensive records of all verbal teacher-student interactions, both public and private, were obtained through videotaping a grade 6 class in three different settings: mathematics, language and science. While there was much consistency in the way the teacher monitored in this study interacted with the different groups, some important differences occurred in the quality and quantity of his interactions with students perceived as best and weakest, and with boys and girls in mathematics classes.  相似文献   

The Cultural Grid suggests a structure for interpreting a person's behavior in the context of culturally learned expectations. When two persons' expectations are similar, but their behaviors are dissimilar, cross cultural misunderstanding is likely to result. When their expectations are dissimilar, the result is likely to be a personal misunderstanding even though their behaviors are similar. This article introduces a framework for differentiating personal and cultural differences in the interview which is essential for appropriate multicultural counseling. The alternatives are to allow apparent and obvious cultural differences to mask underlying personal differences or to incorrectly assume that two persons who appear culturally similar are having a personal disagreement.  相似文献   

We studied a group of fourth grade students identified by their classroom teachers as having above average ability in mathematics who were participating in pull-out enrichment sessions. We sought to test, using observational and microgenetic methods, hypotheses regarding students' measurement strategies that have been generated post hoc by other research teams. These above-average mathematics students did not show initial difficulties with turn commands previously reported in mixed populations. They created strategies to accurately determine the correct direction of turn and to estimate the amount of turn. They did follow a similar developmental order as students in previous work: They synthesized and integrated two schemes, turn as body movement and turn as number. Analyses extending this work revealed a process of psychological curtailment in which students gradually replace full rotations of their bodies with smaller rotations of an arm, hand, or finger.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This case study of a midwestern school districts reform effort explored the treatment fidelity of the Science: Parents, Activities, and Literature (Science PALs) project. Data were collected from the perspectives of three stakeholders: students, school district, and parents. Students and school district supervisors perceptions indicated that teachers were implementing predicted curricular and instructional features promoted by the Science PALs project. Students perceptions of their current teachers classroom performance did not parallel the supervisors perceptions of the teachers implementation. Parents perceptions and comments indicated a high level of satisfaction with the implemented features. Collectively, the three perspectives suggest that the Science PALs project was successful in changing the classroom practices of K–6 teachers involved in the professional development. The results of this study appear to support the findings of other recent studies that indicate the need for extended professional development and support to fully implement changes in elementary school science instruction.  相似文献   

The mainstream of Comparative Education may be criticized from two directions: Firstly, for what we may call its overwhelming case and country-study tradition, which tends to neglect theoretical and integrative approaches of what should be the focus of attention: defining, conceptualizing and questioning human education and its respective institutions and processes — the school, family education, adult education, etc. — as the raison d'être of educational science, of which Comparative Education is an integral part. Secondly, for largely ignoring education in non-Western countries, either by sheer ommission of non-Western perspectives, experiences and studies or by the widespread tendency to separate non-Western realities into special branches such as thnicity and education, educational problems of the Third World or multi-cultural education. The world systems approach to Comparative Education proposed here tries to remedy these shortcomings in that it offers, firstly, a radically generalized theoretical perspective, because it aims at a theory of the modern school as it emerges from a global and comprehensive concept of comparison. Secondly, it presumes that non-European countries are not the outside world to our or their European or Western experiences, but instead that they form an integral part of what in short is to be termed the modem world. Hence non-Western societies have to be integrated into a truly comprehensive framework of comparative education, the object of which is to describe, analyse and understand the world-wide existence of structurally similar yet socially differentiated and ideologically distinct nation-state controlled education systems.
Zusammenfassung Die Hauptrichtung der Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft kann zwei Ansatzpunkte zur Kritik geben. Erstens vernachlässigt ihre überwiegende Tradition der Fallstudien und Länderstudien theoretische und integrative Ansätze dessen, was eigentlich ihr Schwerpunkt sein sollte: die Definition, Konzeptualisierung und Hinterfragung menschlicher Erziehung und ihrer entsprechenden Institutionen und Prozesse wie Familienerziehung, Erwachsenenbildung usw. als die grundlegende Aufgabe aller Erziehungswissenschaft, deren integraler Bestandteil die Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft ist. Der zweite Ansatzpunkt der Kritik ist die weitgehende Nichtbeachtung von Erziehung und Bildung in nicht-westlichen Ländern, entweder aufgrund eines völligen Fehlens nicht-westlicher Perspektiven, Erfahrungen oder Studien oder aufgrund der weitverbreiteten Tendenz, nicht-westliche Erscheinungen in spezielle Untergebiete abzuspalten wie Ethnopädagogik, Bildungsprobleme der Dritten Welt oder multikulturelle Bildung. Der hier vorgeschlagene WeltsystemAnsatz der Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft versucht, diese Unzulänglichkeiten zu überwinden. Hierzu wird, erstens, eine radikal verallgemeinerte theoretische Perspektive angeboten, die auf eine Theorie der modernen Schule abzielt, so wie sie sich aus einem weltweiten und umfassenden Vergleich heraus ergibt. Zweitens wird davon ausgegangen, daß außereuropäische Länder nicht eine Außenwelt für unsere oder deren europäische oder westliche Erfahrungen darstellen, sondern daß sie stattdessen integraler Bestandteil dessen sind, was man abgekürzt die moderne Welt nennen kann. Deshalb müssen nicht-westliche Geselleschaften in einen wirklich umfassenden Rahmen der Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft mit einbezogen werden mit dem Ziel, die weltweit verbreitete Existenz strukturell ähnlicher, sozial und ideologisch jedoch unterschiedlicher, staatlich kontrollierter Bildungssysteme zu beschreiben, zu analysieren und zu verstehen.

Résumé Le courant majeur de l'éducation comparée peut être critiqué de deux points de vue. Premièrement, pour ce qu'on peut appeler sa tradition excessive d'études nationales ou d'études de cas, qui tend à négliger les approches théoriques et intégrantes de ce qui devrait être son centre d'intérêt, c'est-à-dire définir, conceptualiser et remettre en question l'éducation humaine, ses institutions et processus respectifs (l'école, l'éducation familiale, l'éducation des adultes, etc.) comme la raison d'être des sciences de l'éducation, dont l'éducation comparée fait partie intégrante. Deuxièmement, on peut le critiquer parce qu'il ignore en grande partie l'éducation dans les pays non occidentaux, soit en omettant purement les perspectives, les expériences et les études non occidentales, soit par la tendance répandue qui consiste à diviser les réalités non occidentales en sections spéciales comme l'ethnicité et l'éducation, les problèmes d'éducation du Tiers Monde, ou l'éducation multiculturelle. L'approche mondiale de systèmes de l'éducation comparée proposée ici tente de remédier à ces carences en offrant, premièrement, une perspective théorique fondamentalement généralisée, parce qu'elle vise à une théorie de l'école moderne tout en émergeant d'un concept de comparaison global, complet et général. Deuxièmement, elle présume que les pays non européens ne constituent pas le monde extérieur à nos expériences européennes ou occidentales ou aux leurs, mais plutôt qu'ils font partie intégrante de ce qu'on peut appeler en résumé le monde moderne. Donc, les sociétés non occidentales doivent être intégrées dans un cadre vraiment général d'éducation comparée, dont l'objet est de décrire, analyser et comprendre l'existence de par le monde de systèmes éducatifs d'Etat structuralement similaires, mais socialement diversifiés et idéologiquement distincts.

The study examined the preferred and actual homework styles of 272 seventh graders (134 males and 138 females) who were characterized by (1) three levels of selfperceived homework achievement, (2) three levels of academic achievement, and (3) three levels of homework achievement. Consistencies and differences in the distinguishing components were found within and between the different types of achievement. Although different patterns of distinguishing components emerged between preferred and actual homework styles, there were remarkable consistencies between them that distinguished the achievement levels. In general, high achievers were more self, parent, and teachermotivated and persistent, organized their homework in some order, preferred or did homework in a bright home environment and by themselves, and did better with specific instructions, when compared with low achievers. However, neither preferred nor actual perceptual preferences distinguished the levels of achievement. In both preferred and actual situations, students in the high homework achievement group were more parent-motivated than those in the low homework achievement group, demonstrating the importance of parental involvement in the home learning environment.  相似文献   

The article starts with some basic considerations of crucial trends such as the expansion of new technologies and media, demographic changes, economic crises, changes in the relation between the sexes and the emergence of multicultural societies.The following two sections deal with the global dimensions in socio-economic change and the tension between universality and diversity in education. They also consider the relation between schools and their competitors in the area of nonformal education, such as youth movements, sports clubs, etc.Following this, some essential expectations in relation to the changing role of schools from governmental institutions to service agencies are analyzed; other aspects treated include the demands on participation at the grassroots level, knowledge transmission with regard to practical utilization, the growing interest in vocational education and the wide-spread divergencies in moral standards within societies.The conclusion to the article concentrates on the postulate that schools must define their existence and legitimacy by finding an equilibrium between adjustment (in terms of modernization) and conservation (in terms of maintaining continuity).
Zusammenfassung Im ersten Teil des Artikels stellt der Verfasser grundlegende Betrachtungen an über wichtige Entwicklungsströmungen wie z.B. über die Ausweitung neuer Technologien und Medien, demographische Veränderungen, Wirtschaftskrisen, Wandlungen in den Beziehungen zwischen den Geschlechtern und die Entstehung multikultureller Gesellschaften.Die beiden nächsten Abschnitte handeln von den globalen Dimensionen des sozioökonomischen Wandels sowie von der Spannung zwischen der Universalisierung und der Diversifizierung des Erziehungswesens. Ferner werden die Beziehungen zwischen den Schulen und den mit ihnen konkurrierenden Einrichtungen im Bereich der nicht-formalen Erziehung wie z.B. Jugendbewegungen, Sportvereinen usw. erörtert.Darüber hinaus werden wesentliche Erwartungen analysiert in Hinblick auf die sich ändernde Rolle der Schulen von Regierungseinrichtungen zu Dienstleistungsagenturen. Die Forderung nach Beteiligung auf der Basisebene sowie die Vermittlung von praxis-orientierten Kenntnissen, das wachsende Interesse an beruflicher Bildung und die weitverbreiteten Divergenzen moralischer Richtlinien innerhalb verschiedener Gesellschaften, werden im Hauptteil des Aufsatzes besprochen.Der Artikel schließt mit dem Postulat, daß Schulen zu einer Definition ihrer Existenz und ihrer Legitimität gelangen müssen, indem sie das Gleichgewicht herstellen zwischen Anpassung (im Sinne von Modernisation) einerseits und Erhaltung (im Sinne von Kontinuität) andererseits.

Résumé Cet article présente tout d'abord quelques considérations fondamentales sur les tendances cruciales telles l'expansion des nouvelles technologies et des media, l'évolution démographique, les crises économiques, les changements qui apparaissent dans les rapports entre les deux sexes, l'émergence de sociétés multiculturelles.Les deux parties qui suivent traitent les dimensions globales du changement socioéconomique et examinent les tensions entre l'universalité et la diversité de l'éducation. Elles examinent également la relation entre les écoles et leurs concurrents dans le domaine de l'éducation non-formelle, tels les mouvements de jeunes, les associations sportives, etc.Ensuite l'auteur analyse quelques-unes des exigences essentielles relatives au rôle variable des écoles comme institutions gouvernementales se mouvant en organismes de service; les autres aspects traités incluent les demandes de participation au niveau de la base, le transfert des connaissances en ce qui concerne l'utilisation pratique, l'intérêt sans cesse croissant pour l'enseignement professionnel et les normes de plus en plus divergentes concernant les valeurs morales au sein des sociétés.La conclusion de cet article met un accent sur le postulat selon lequel les écoles doivent définir leur existence et leur légitimité en trouvant un équilibre entre adaptation (en termes de modernisation) et conservation (en termes de maintien de la continuité).

Constructivism is one of the central philosophies of research in the psychology of mathematics education. However, there is a danger in the ambiguous and at times uncritical references to it. This paper critically reviews the constructivism of Piaget and Glasersfeld, and attempts to distinguish some of the the psychological, educational and epistemological consequences of their theories, including their implications for the philosophy of mathematics. Finally, the notion of cognizing subject and its relation to the social context is examined critically.  相似文献   

This article reports an exploratory study which set out to examine how 14-year-old pupils perceive good and bad learning experiences in school. In particular, it describes the significant features in learning experiences which were associated with mathematics. Eighty-four pupils were asked, in semi-structured interviews, to tell stories about times when they had felt particularly good or particularly bad when learning. A story consisted of a critical event actually experienced by the pupil and what the pupil had felt at the time. The structure of the interview used and the means by which the qualitative data were analysed are discussed, as well as the main findings of the research.  相似文献   

The approaches to studying of mathematics and computer-science students were compared in the context of two courses in mathematics: one was a conventional, lecture-based course, and the second was a course that had been developed as a multimedia variant of the Personalised System of Instruction (or Keller Plan). The students were asked to complete the Approaches to Studying Inventory with regard to both of the courses. On the latter course students obtained higher scores on meaning orientation. This is consistent with the idea that appropriate interventions can bring about qualitative improvements in approaches to studying. The effect was only obtained in mathematics students using a between-subjects comparison that was vulnerable to sampling bias. However, the effect was significant in computer-science students, regardless of the nature of the comparison.  相似文献   

Kubli  Fritz 《Science & Education》2001,10(1-2):145-148
Historical elements can improve scienceteaching if they are suitably introduced into theclassroom. Galileo's jumping-hill experiment can betaken as an example. The following considerations showthat the reproduced experiment can stimulate ananimated discussion in the classroom, even if itsprecise historic circumstances are not mentioned. Onthe other hand, the historical dimension brings somecolour into the lesson, which increases attention.  相似文献   

Through our work in mathematics and science education we have observed that students react similarly to a wide variety of conceptually unrelated situations. Our work suggests that many responses which the literature describes as alternative conceptions could be interpreted as evolving from common, intuitive rules. This paper describes and discusses one such rule, manifested when two systems are equal with respect to a certain quantity A but differ in another quantity B. We found that in such situations, students often argue that Same amount of A implies same amount of B. Our claim is that such responses are specific instances of the intuitive rule Same A—same B. This approach explains common sources for students'; conceptions and has strong predictive power.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The cure of many diseases is unknown to the physicians of Hellas, because they disregard the whole, which ought to be studied also, for the part can never be well unless the whole is well. (Plato, in his dialogue Charmides).The links between mind and body — the psyche and the some — have long been recognised. Current research has focussed on their interaction and interdependence.This gives rise to the need for counsellors and physicians to study the compartmentalised and separate services that they provide. If they believe in the concept of the treatment of the whole person — holistic medicine — it behoves them to examine their own interactions and interdependence.The Author examines these issues and looks at the need for a change in attitude among professionals and a change in the curriculum of medical schools and counsellor training which could result in fundamental changes in Health Service provision.  相似文献   

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