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中学生英语读写请看下面三个例句:例1.I drove to Zhuhai for the airshow last week. Is that you had a few days off?(NMET'99) A.why B.when C.what D.where例2. she couldn't understand was fewer and fewer stu-dents showed interest in her lessons. (2000年上海高考)A.What;why B.That;what C.What;because D.Why;that例3.That's why I now look so old.这就是为什么我现在看起来这么老的原因。(SEFCI) 以上三个句子中,都含有表语从句,用于解释原因。前两个例句答案均选A。…  相似文献   

1 .You’re just in tinle for the mateh一_too early_ too late. A .neither,nor B .both,and C .either,or D .not only,but also2 .You’11 do better in English _you work harder. A .or B.than C.if D.before3 .There are 50 many radios in the shoP.1 ean’t deeide_. A .to buy whar B .to buy whieh C .what to buy D .whieh to buy4 .1 have two brothers,but_ of them lives with me. A .all B.I)oth C .neither D.few5 .Sinee you are_trouble, why not ask_helP? A .in,for B.in,to C .with,for D.with,to6 .The…  相似文献   

1.——Would you like a bit more rice?——, I'm quite full. A.Sorry B.No C.No,thanks D.Excuse me 2.——I enjoyed myself very much at your party.——. A.I'm glad to hear that B.Not good at all C.Please don't say so D.Of course, you did 3.——Why not go and ask the teacher for  相似文献   

AFchoolSriendgfEnolishⅠ.单项选择1.——Why not turn to your uncle for help?——____.A.That I1m too busy B.I1m terribly sorryC.That1s a good idea D.It doesn1t work at all2.——There1s coffee and tea;you can have____.——Thanks.A.one B.either C.each D.it3.——I don1t think George really cares for TV plays.——Right,____he still watches the program.A.and B.but C.or D.so4.Hiking is____great fun.You will get close to____nature and takeexercise at the same time.A.a,the B.a,/C./,the D./,/…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.选择填空 1. They think it"s exciting to trek ____ the jungle. Do you agree? A. past B. across C. over D. through 2. ——Why not ____ to Guilin for holidays? ——Good idea! A. consider going B. to considering going C. consider to go D. considering going  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. The young woman has so many dresses that she doesn’t know _____ every morning. A. what to wear B. how to wear C. what to put on D. how to put on 2. If I _____ you, I would go and see the doctor at once. A. am B. was C. were D. are 3. — All of my friends have said they will come. — _____ they do not come? A. Even if B. What if C. How if D. Why if 4. After a day’s long walk, I was_____ to walk any further. A. t…  相似文献   

历年中考英语试卷都有对特殊疑问句的考查,笔者将 2003-2004 年全国部分地区中考英语对特殊疑问句的考查作如下归纳,供同学们学习时参考。1.— do you go to Hong Kong? —Sorry,Ive never been there. A .How long B .How often C .How far D .How soon (2004年天津市) 2.—I wont go with you to the muntains next week. — ? A .Why not B .How C .Why don't D .For what (2004年武汉市) 3.—Its a nice car. have you been in it? —Just from here to Shanghai. A .How far B .What C .How much D .Which (2004年十堰市)…  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(共54分) Ⅰ.单项填空。(共18分) 1. I want to know if it ____ or not the day after tomorrow. A. rain B. rains C. raining D. will rain 2. Lucy had heard a lot ____ Beijing. Some things were as she thought. A. of B. about C. to D. for 3. ——Must I finish the homework before ten o!clock? ——No. You ____ finish it before eleven. A. mustn!t B. needn!t C. can!t D. can 4. ——When people are in danger, what do they cry out? ——____ A. Help! Help! B. Save me! C. Come on! Come on! D. …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 1. ——Where do you want me to put ____ flowers? ——It has to be in ____ big vase. Well, please settle them in that one over there. A. the; a B. the; / C. /; a D. the; the 2. ——Go now? ——It$s too late; tomorrow will be a ____ time for you to visit them. A. good B. better C. best D. more 3. ——Could you tell me what he said just now? ——Sorry, I ____ what was going on outside. A. had thought B. was thinking C. thought D. think 4. —…  相似文献   

一、in time/in the meanwhile(1)The manager wants to see changes in the company,and I am sure he will____.(2013年陕西卷)A.in particular B.in turn C.in charge D.in time(2)It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner.____,I’ll set the table.(2013年浙江卷)A.As a resul B.On thewhole C.In the meanwhile D.As a matter offact解析:(1)D;(2)C。in time及时(early or soon enough to do sth).迟早(sooner or later);in the meanwhile与此同时,用法同at the same time。另外,与time搭配常见短语还有:at a time表示次数,译作"一次";at one time  相似文献   

1._she said at the meeting may be trUe. A .What B.Tlle faet that C.Whieh D.How 2一Did Mr. Smith treat you well?一Yes,hewas kind he tl℃ated mel议ea衍end. A .50 B.very C.too D.as 3一1 rang you at about ten,but there Was noanswer.一Oh,that was Probably_1 was out. A .that B.when C.why D.what 4._,I’11 ehange my mind. A .What you’11 say B.Will you say what C .Say what you will D.What will you say 5 .Why don’t you bring_to his attentionthat you are too busy to do it? A .this B.that C…  相似文献   

本栏目将把2006年各地高考试卷做一盘点,并加以解释和点评。本期聚焦2006广东高考卷。(1-20听力题)省略。单项选择21.—Andrew won't like it,you know.—__?I don't care what Andrew thinks! A.So what B.So where C. So why D.So how 22.—Must he come to sign this paper himself?—Yes,he__. A.need B.must C.may D.will 23.I thought she was famous,but none of my friends have__heard of her.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空 1. Do you have any difficulty ____ these flowers? I相似文献   

六、下列各句的划线部分 A,B,C,D 中有一个错误,指出这个错误并改正,分别写在句后的括号和空格里。1.(A)Even though Henry(B)has learned Japanese for three yearsbefore he came to Japan,it was still difficult(C)for him to express(D)himself in Japanese.( )__2.Tom stood up,turned towards me,and(A)speaking (B)so softly(C)that I couldn't hear (D)what he was saying.( )__3.When others (A) were laughing over my joke,she sat there,(B)  相似文献   

Ⅰ.语法复习 . 从 A 、B、C、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.I think it’s going to be a big problem .I wonder we can do about it. A .if B.so C.what D .that 2.—I m issed the film last night. —Oh,what a pity.I wish you another chance. A .had had B.would have C.will have D.would have had 3. it rain tom orrow,the crops would be saved. A .W ill B.Can C.Could D .Should 4.—Is your friend com ing to the party tonight? — . A .I’m afraid she didn’t B.I’m afraid not C.I’m not afraid D .I’m afraid she doesn’t 5.—Are you still thinking about ...  相似文献   

第一卷(选择题)第二部分:英语知识运用(共三节)第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.I owe to you that I am still.A.this;living B.that;aliveC.what;alive D.it;alive22.I still remember the days we spenttogether when we were young.A.that B.whenC.in that D.in which23.Whether ways will be found to stoppollution or not is just worries thepublic.A.why B.which C.that D.what24.—You’ve agreed to go.So aren’t yougetting ready?—But I that you would have mesta…  相似文献   

1.—Could I have your newspaper for a moment?—No,you______.A.cant B.couldnt C.shouldnt D.oughtnt to2.What a fine day____we go boating in the park?A.Must B.Will C.Shall D.Should3.Someone is coming.Who______it be?A.may B.must C.can D.should4.Victoria_______out on such a dark night.A.dares not go B.dares not to goC.doesnt dare to go D.dare not to go5.The panda in Taiwan must be ill,_______it?A.isnt B.cant C.may not D.mustnt6.Emma must have finished the novel by now,______she?A.didnt …  相似文献   

I.单项选择1. John plays football, if not better than, David.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as2.a teacher,so he must decide what to do and what not to do.A. Being B. As C. He is D. Because3. He demanded that the books to the school library at once.A. return B. should returnC. be returned D. would be returned  相似文献   

情态动词 1. Before liberation he ____ work day and night for the landlord. A. must B. had to C. could D. might 2. Don8t you have a friend who ____ lend you some money? A. might B. must C. shall D. has to 3. You ____ ask her to go there with you; I8m sure she won8t refuse you. A. must B. need C. shall D. could 4. ——Must I be a good swimmer to be a diver? ——____. A. No, you needn8t B. Yes, you needn8t C. No, you don8t D. No, you mustn8t 5. The American ____ speak Chinese, but he __…  相似文献   

听力部分(略)I.单项填空1.——Oh,no!it’s ten to six.—— __.That clock is an hour fast.You won't miss the 6 o’clocktrain.A.Hurry up B.Take careC.Don’t make a joke D.Take it easy2.——Mum.why do you always make me eat an apple every day?  相似文献   

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