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Dear son,孩子:The day that you see me old and I am already not,have patience and try to understand me...哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也不好了,请耐着性子试着了解我……If I get dirty when eating...if I cannot dress...have patience.Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.如果我吃得脏兮兮……如果我不会穿衣服……有耐性一点……你记得我曾花多久时间教会你这些事吗?If,when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times...do not interrupt me...listen to me.如果,和你说话时,我一再重复…  相似文献   

All that I am or ever hope to be,I owe to my angel Mother.I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me.They have clung to me all my life.——Abraham Lincoln无论我现在怎么样,还是今后会怎么样,都应当归功于我天使一般的母亲。我记得母亲的那些祷告,它们一直伴随着我,已经陪伴了我一生。——亚伯拉罕·林肯There never was a woman like her.She was gentle as a dove and brave as a lioness...The memory of my moth-er and her teachings were,after all,the only capital I had to start life wit…  相似文献   

吕雁 《成才之路》2014,(12):44-45
英语中有这样一条谚语:Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I may not remember.Let me try and I'll remember.字面意思就是:“告诉我,我会忘记。展示给我,我可能记不住。让我尝试,我就会明白。”跟汉语的“实践出真知”有异曲同工之妙。实际上,早在多年前就诞生的这条谚语恰恰昭示了当今备受推崇、广为应用的一种新型教学方法——体验式教学法。  相似文献   

英国心理学家Caleb Gattegno曾经说过"Tell me and Iforget;Teach me and I remember;I nvolve me and I learn."(告诉我我会忘了;教我我会记住;让我投入进去我会学到很多。)英语教学最有害的缺点是讲得太多,练得太少,试图以教代学,结果是学生什么也学不到。教师应该利用教学艺术,激发学生的兴趣与爱好,使学生能积极主动地进行创造性学习,在各种训练中练习口语,提高学生的综合交际能力。  相似文献   

猜猜我是谁? 1) You will never find me with anything else; the dead eat and dream of me, but if the living eat me they will die.  相似文献   

Show me the meaning of being lonely 告诉我孤独的意义So many words for the broken heartIt's hard to see in a C rimsOn[深红色的】loveSo hard to breatheWalk with me,and maybeNights of light SO soon becomeWild and free l could feel the sunYour every wish will be doneTheyteIl me【Chorus】Show me the meaning of being lonelylS this the feelina l need to walk with他们说了很多话来安慰这颗破碎的但爱已受伤,我难以明白呼吸这么困难与我阎行,也许光亮的夜晚很快降临狂野并且自由,我能感觉至l太阳你的每一个愿…  相似文献   

1.并列句型〖要点精讲〗用并列连词连接起来的两个或两个以上简单句叫作并列句。连接并列句常用的连接词有:and,but,or,so,however,not only...but also...,neither...nor...,either...or...等。例如:I help her and she helps me.我帮她,她帮我。He is quite old,but he is still in good health.他年纪很大了,但他身体很好。  相似文献   

Warm up or lead in设计一:Let's do播放上册Unit 6 Let's do.内容,师生边说边做。Show me 1 and 2.Show me 3 and 4.Show me 5 and 6.Show me 7 and 8.Show me 9 and 10.Show me 9 and 10.T:Look,ten.This is ten.(教师握紧一只拳头代表10,  相似文献   

一、单词1.remind vt.提醒;使想起Everyday’s sunshine will remind me ofthat merry period belonging to you and me.每日的阳光都会让我想起那段曾经属于你我的欢乐时光。The only way of calming himself is to geton the phone to the office and remind himself  相似文献   

李静 《学周刊C版》2010,(10):45-45
教无趣,必不乐学。想让一堂课产生良好的效果.最主要的是要把学生带到课堂里来。在课堂上我总结了一些小技巧.如“动”“猜”“画”和设置真实情景来调动学生参与教学.并布置反馈型的作业来提高学生的英语能力。正如本杰明·富兰克林所说“Tell me and I forget:show me and I remember:invite me and I learn.”让我们带着学生去记忆、学习。  相似文献   

I liked cat very much. In my old opinion, cat was cute and gentle. One day, my friend asked me to feed the cat for him. So I went to his house in order to take care of his cat. His neighbor was an old woman. When I was doing some cleaning, the old woman asked me if I needed some help. Suddenly, the cat stretched out its sharp claws, and clawed me and bit me with its sharp teeth. WowA It was too abrupt. The old woman got scared. “It goes crazyA” I said and asked her to get out of the room, otherwise she woul...  相似文献   

Wild Soul     
There’s a wild soul inside me waiting to show its self to the world There‘s a wild soul inside me with fire in it’s eyes, and danger in it’s claws. There’s a wild soul in side me with a voice that no one can’t hear and a presence no one can’t feel There’S a wild soul inside me waiting for me to let it run to let it turn into, wind,fire,and rain There’s a wild soul inside me that is coming ou to ignight a fire in us a11 it will spread like a brush fire. My wild soul, Your wild soul, a flame that can not die....  相似文献   

It’s a terrible thing to admit,but I haven’t alwaysliked my brother. In fact,he used to embarrass andeven repel me.He’s never hurt me or been vicioustowards me but,at times.I have hated him and it’sonly since I’ve started to mature that I have learnedto accept him for who he is.Nick is 17 years nowand he is handsome,well dressed and passionateabout football...he also has a mental age of 3,dueto a problem during his birth.  相似文献   

正在英语中,有一句关于人的认知规律的谚语:"Tell me and I’ll forget.Show me and I may not remember.Let me try and I’ll understand."翻译成汉语,这句话的意思就是:"告诉我的事情我会忘记,展示给我看我也不一定能记住,让我试过了我才能明白。"这一规律,要求学习者在学习过程中,不应该被动接受,不应该被"装满",被"填鸭",而应该积极主动地去探索体验,去感知获得。教师只是这一过程的激发启迪者、引导规范者,不是思维代替者、命令下达者。因为学生的大脑不是需要被填满的容器,而是需要被  相似文献   

When I got to where I am living now,I thought that I was going to just get a job and make ends meet.I didn't think that a person like me could get yet another chance of doing things right.But thankfully,I was wrong.I was able to make a family right off the bat.My blood turned their backs on me after I got married.The only person I keep in contact with is my mother.She lives in Ohio and shows little to no interest in seeing me.That's the way it's always been for me... no roots,no real solid ties.But the boy who saved me took me home.And they now call me their own.They have helped me in so many ways,I don't think I will ever be able to pay them back.  相似文献   

Mother's Love     
Mothers are always kind to their children and take good care of them. So does my mother.
My mother is a good mother. She looks after me well. She is strict with me. When I do something wrong, she will angry①. But I know she loves me very much.
Last week, I had a bad headache. I felt very terrible. My mother was worried with ② me and took me to the doctor's at once. After going home, she asked me to take medicine and cooked delicious food with me. She asked me to stay in bed and brought the food to me. At that moment, I felt her deep love and there were tears in my eyes.
My mother is such a strict teacher and nice friend of mine. She is the greatest mother in the world. I love her with my heart!  相似文献   

You Big Fool     
①Hi,John,come and give me a hand! 嗨,约翰,过来帮我一把!  相似文献   

Little TeapotI am a little teapot short and stout,Here’s my handle and here’s my spout.When I see the teacup hear me shout:"Tip me up and pour me out."  相似文献   

Come together,come to me while I sing the ABC.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS and TUVW and XYZ.Now you've hard my ABC.Tell me what you think of me .  相似文献   

A man was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said:"If you kiss me,I'll turninto a beautiful princess."He bent over,picked up the frog and put it in his pocket.The frog spoke up again and said:"If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess,I willtell everyone how smart and brave you are and how you are my hero."The man took the frog out of hispocket,smiled at it,and returned it to his pocket.The frog spoke up again and said,"If you kiss me and turn me back i…  相似文献   

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